Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2566 please accept


That's why I was asked to accept this scroll. Is that what it meant?

This sealing technique may not be choking the lifeline of our Hyuga Clan, but giving us a chance for the Hyuga Clan.

However, different usages can produce such completely different results.

Sure enough, Master Chiba is special.

Looking at Ningji Hyuga with wide eyes in front of him, Hyuga Hyuzu slowly settled down in his heart. From his nephew's seriousness, he saw that hatred subside, and he solved it very well.

Today, he put down his dignity twice, and asked twice in the most humble way, the way that is most incompatible with Patriarch Hyuga, and the way that may suffer considerable consequences. Undoubtedly, he has gained the biggest reward of the entire Hyuga clan at this stage. Good fruit.

To be honest, there are some things that he occasionally thinks of, and every time he thinks of them, he always feels regretful, and almost always sighs.

For example, Hinata Ningji was engraved with a bird in a cage too quickly.

Yes, in fact, Hinata Hyuzu has always regretted it very much. He never thought that the gap would be so big.

There is such a big gap in talent between my own daughter and my brother's son.

There is no comparison at all.

It's not that he is not optimistic about his daughter, but that his daughter is not suitable for the current Hyuga clan and the current era.

She couldn't support the entire Hyuga clan.

But his younger brother's son has shown a talent since he was a child that sometimes even he can't help trembling from the bottom of his heart.

Since then, he has sighed more than once that this is the qualification that the heir of the Hyuga clan should have.

However, the bird in the cage had already been engraved at that time, so he could only sigh helplessly.

And it was also at that time that that incident happened. From then on, the brothers were separated, and they were no longer as close as before. In the end, when his younger brother was about to die in his place, the knot between the two of them was untied.

He also knew very well why his younger brother, who had always been close, would act like that, and even directly had the intention to kill.

To be honest, at that time, he couldn't stand it.

Even his own daughter, after seeing the gap with the boy in front of him, his heart was full of guilt.

The Hyuga family should be inherited by the boy in front of him.

It was precisely because of this talent gap that his younger brother lost his mind at that moment.

Think who wouldn't?

Forget it myself, just because of a few seconds, one has become the main family, and the other can only be separated.

However, this extends to his own children. If his children are just ordinary ninjas who do nothing, that's all. However, they are unborn geniuses.

Originally, the entire Hinata should be inherited by him.

Now he can only protect an heir who is far inferior to him and looks very likely to be a mediocre heir.

At this time, even Hinata Hinata himself will have the killing intent.

In fact, Hyuga Hyuzu understands his younger brother here, but, after all, he is Hinata's clan, and there are some rules that cannot be messed up.

If a branch family really killed or injured the main family, then wouldn't the whole Hinata be messed up?

Besides, even if it's a worthless daughter, it's still her own daughter! How could I watch her being attacked?


It should be said, how could he remain indifferent when his daughter was attacked in front of him?

How could he not be angry?

So, out of breath, he immediately used the bird in the cage.

Maybe at this time, it has already had an impact on Neci's psychology, bad influence. Let him have an aversion to caged birds.

It was also because of his aversion to caged birds that he felt that the death of his biological father was caused by his own persecution.

Therefore, there was an indelible hatred.

Be it, a kind of preconception.

However, Hinata Hyuzu also knows that this is his own fault, and it is his fault.

Of course, it doesn't mean that he shouldn't have stopped it at the time, but that he shouldn't use the extreme method of caged bird, which has a subordinate nature, to stop it.

At that time, he could have used more gentle means to stop them. In this way, there was still room for each other to step down.

And that time, I still had a point of negligence.

That was his daughter's mood. Undoubtedly, at that time, it had a negative impact on her, making her more and more inferior and shrinking in the future, and sometimes he couldn't stand it.

In the end, she could only pretend to be indifferent, and handed it over to Xi Hihong, hoping that under the cultivation of the village, she could regain her confidence and herself.

Of course, from now on, it is still very successful.

In fact, her daughter's aptitude is not that bad, it's just that she is a little far behind Ning Ci.

It wasn't that she was short, but that Ning Ci beside her was too tall.

That's why she looks too mediocre.

Another point, Hinata Hyuzu also has to admit that the reason why she handed it over to Yuhihong is because of her second daughter's talent for outstanding performance. Although there is a distance from Ningji, it can be regarded as the second choice and can support Hinata up.

It's not that he's ruthless, though.

Rather, the Patriarch has been doing this for so many years, and he has long been used to abandoning personal relationships, and regards Hinata's future as his first consideration and priority.

Otherwise, at the beginning, he would not have compromised with the clan, and he did not insist on his idea of ​​double clan, and engraved the bird in the cage on Ningci, who was only 3 years old.

Sow the seeds of the present.

Originally, this kind of thing, this kind of enmity, basically had no way to solve it.

Even if Hyuga Neji apologized on his own knees and the letter he left just in case, he could solve Neji.

However, now the ills of thousands of years have surfaced, and have affected the entire family, rising to the village and even the international level.

Although this time, thanks to Hinata's hard work and hard work for so many years, the village has given enough face, and basically has no plans to deal with it.

However, once is fine, what if there are two or three times in the future?

If the drawbacks of the family division system are not eliminated, won't there be a second and third Ningci?

Moreover, the contradiction of the general division system has already inspired an internal rebellion.

Didn’t Uncle Shinsuke start the rebellion because of the sect system?

Moreover, Uncle Shinsuke launched the rebellion when he was still in the clan and his position was still very stable.

What does this mean? Uncle Shinsuke did not start the rebellion for himself.

That is to say, the disadvantages of this system, even the dominant family can't stand it anymore.

For the sake of the prosperity of the Hyuga clan, this is not a matter of passing by. Hyuga Hyuzu does not expect that in the future, he will produce a talented person who will lead the Hyuga clan to reform the old abuses and create a more reasonable, more vital and sustainable society. system.

Moreover, even if such a person appeared, if he had been ill for a long time at that time, how much blood would it take to set things right?

At that time, will the Hyuga Clan be devastated and withdraw from the stage of history even if the chaos is rectified?

He can't take this risk!

To be honest, after this incident broke out, the first thing he considered was not Neji's problem, but the disadvantages of the whole system. He was influenced by Uncle Shinsuke and his father's education since he was a child. In fact, the foot has long seen the drawbacks of this system.

Even, once very passionately determined to change all this.

However, for thousands of years, although there is no obvious faction within the Hyuga clan, they can work together to fight disasters together, but there are still old-fashioned sects, and because of the clan division system In terms of relations, the power of the conservative faction is unprecedentedly strong, and there is basically no reformist faction.

Although these old-fashioned sects also followed the order of the Patriarch, but when it comes to reform, the Patriarch has no way to implement it and can only compromise.

And the reason why he got stuck on this issue was not the old school's point of view, but the specific implementation. The reason why he couldn't convince the old school was that he couldn't solve the problem of the caged bird.

Apart from the caged bird, is there any other way to ensure that the branch family will be 100% loyal to the clan and maintain internal stability and prosperity?

Is there anything more effective than a caged bird?

After all, the Hyuga clan relies entirely on the bird in the cage to maintain a high degree of unity and can guarantee the prohibition. As long as the Patriarch is capable and able to support it, Hyuga will not have any problems. There will be no such thing as internal fighting and external problems.

As long as Konoha is here, so will the Hyuga Clan.

Although the bird in the cage is really controversial, it is the foundation that maintains the current Hyuga clan.

Otherwise, it would not be said that Chiba had grasped the lifeline of the Hyuga clan.

But the bird in the cage has no solution. Once it is engraved, there is no room for change.

In fact, in the history of Hyuga, there have also been cases in which the ability of the branch family is stronger than that of the main family. If this branch family is allowed to inherit, the situation of the Hyuga clan will be better, and it is not once or twice.

While the bird in the cage ensures the prosperity of the Hyuga clan, it also does not give the Hyuga clan any leeway.

Of course, this is not to say that the bird in the cage killed the Hyuga clan and turned the Hyuga clan into a repressed and oppressive clan, but that it is not suitable for this era.

The invention of the caged bird can be traced back to the earliest period, which should be in the Warring States period. The Hyuga clan at the time was actually somewhat similar to the current Hyuga clan. At that time, the Hyuga clan was strictly neutral and did not participate in any struggles, but , The so-called innocence of a man is full of crimes, coupled with the situation in the Warring States Period that it was impossible to be alone, the powerful blood of the Hyuga clan was also coveted by countless people, and there were several robberies almost every day. Although, Hyuga The strength of the family can be completely defended under the condition of maintaining neutrality, but the so-called two fists are hard to beat with four hands. Facing more and more coveted and inexhaustible coveted people, the Patriarch at that time took out the caged bird , promulgated the sect division system with an iron fist, which stopped those who coveted it.

Of course, even so, the Hyuga clan has been harassed to this day.

Perhaps, in that era, the bird in the cage was to protect the Hyuga clan, and no one complained. The situation at that time was also a helpless move. Everyone understood, and the clan was able to stand in the right team every time, and finally gave the Hyuga clan a big victory. Konoha's status and living and working in peace and contentment are naturally beyond reproach.

However, it is different now. This is a relatively peaceful era, and the village protects the clan in all aspects. It is no longer the extreme environment it was in the past. If such extreme methods are used, it will inevitably cause some resentment.

Moreover, this kind of extreme method can have miraculous effects in extraordinary times, but in situations other than extraordinary times, it is easy to produce various negative effects because of its extremeness.

And because of the incomprehensible nature of a caged bird, this system will become very absolute. Even if the family wants to change, sometimes they will be powerless.

However, it is different now, with the sealing technique given by Hokage in the future, everything can be changed.

Even if it is engraved as the bird in the cage, if there is a wiser branch, the bird in the cage can be sealed with a sealing technique, and become the main family, and can inherit the Hyuga clan.

And, if you encounter any injustice, you can seal the bird in the cage first, and talk as an equal, which can reduce many unnecessary hatreds and make it more humane.

With this leeway.

The bird in a cage is the perfect system in the true sense. First, it can maximize cohesion, and second, it can also use the sealing technique as a reward to continuously give freedom to loyal people in exchange for the coercion that is different from the bird in a cage. Be loyal and achieve real stability.

This can be said to be the brightest path for the future of the Hyuga clan at this stage.

And this road begins with Ningji Hyuga, the branch family, taking over the Hyuga clan!

This is, the biggest reform he Hyuga Hyuga gave to the Hyuga Clan!

It is also the biggest step to realize the ideals of the deceased relatives and friends, and the greatest contribution he can make as the Hinata Patriarch.

"Nizu... my lord, you are..."

And at this time, Neiji Hinata seemed to have finally recovered from a series of overturning his previous thoughts, looked at the scroll that was pushed over, and asked rather at a loss.

"This is a sealing technique that can seal a bird in a cage."

In this regard, Hyuga Hizu explained.

"The bird in the cage can be... sealed?"

And hearing this sentence, Ningji Hyuga once again felt that his common sense had been subverted.

The kind that completely subverts.

Can a bird in a cage be sealed?

"Yes, it was not possible before, but Konoha gave birth to a genius of the sealing technique and created this sealing technique."

To this, Hinata Hyuzu answered truthfully.

"who is it?"

Hearing this sentence, Hinata Neji asked almost subconsciously.

"Taki Chiba."

Hearing this, Hyuga Hyuzu's answer was also concise and crisp.

To be honest, Hyuga Nichizu is very excited now, and he is even more urgent to want Hyuga Neji to accept the position of heir, so that his reform can begin!

As for Neiji Hinata's current shock, it's actually a bit irrelevant.

Taki... Chiba?

Hearing this sentence, Ningji Hyuga was slightly taken aback, and then, it seemed that something suddenly became clear.

That's why he was able to force the Hyuga clan to bow their heads!

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