Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2568 discovery

"Hi'er... I'm full."

On the bustling commercial street, amidst the rush of people, Choji Akimichi touched his slightly enlarged stomach and burped in satisfaction.

"It's rare to hear Dingji say that he is full."

In this regard, Ino Yamanaka, who was walking beside him, glanced at Choji Akimichi next to him strangely, and couldn't help but said.

"It's not like you haven't seen what Teacher Asma is crying while clutching her wallet."

Hearing this, Nara Shikamaru said it as a matter of course from the side.

I don't even look at how many barbecues Choji ate today!

"Shikamaru, tomorrow's make-up class, are you going?"

And at this time, Akimichi Choji asked.

"Go ahead, Teacher Asma has invited you to eat barbecue for 20 people."

In this regard, Nara Shikamaru is somewhat disapproving.

He is very clear that the reason why his teacher suddenly proposed to have a dinner together today is basically to announce that tomorrow will start during the dinner. In addition to the normal special training by Teacher Asma, it will be held every four days. Chiba gave them special training.

Moreover, it can be seen that my teacher attaches great importance to this matter, otherwise he would not have fully agreed to any of Ding Ci's requests during the meeting, and would have emptied his wallet.

And this was obviously done to get them to agree to special training.

It can be considered well-intentioned.

Moreover, they had no reason to refuse this matter. He also saw the strength of that Taki Chiba. Just looking at his battle, he analyzed the various battle stages of this Taki Chiba all night. Tactical intent.

But after this analysis, he found that although he could roughly understand Taki Chiba's tactical intentions, he also knew that each of Taki Chiba's ninjutsu was very cleverly chosen, which could not only solve the immediate attack, but also bury the Fushou or backhand, if you take it apart and look at it, all the actions of this Taki Chiba in that duel are almost interlocking, which makes people feel that he predicted this battle from the very beginning. all directions.

However, as a tactical ninja, Nara Shikamaru knows that this is not to say that he has anticipated all the details of this battle from the beginning, but that this Taki Chiba, with his unparalleled observation and combat response, Shengsheng led this battle to a situation that was absolutely beneficial to him.

To be honest, there is no way for him to do this now anyway.

This requires a lot of experience and the accumulation of a lot of tactical battles to be able to do it.

Not only does it require extremely high tactical attainments, but it also requires personal strength, observation and experience. Even experienced tactical ninjas, I am afraid that no one can do it.

At this time, Nara Shikamaru also understands why his teacher can't forget this Taki Chiba, this Taki Chiba is indeed too special.

It can even be said that for a tactical ninja like him, the entire ninja world may not be able to come up with a second one.

Generally speaking, choosing the path of tactical ninja requires innate talent, and talent is very important. Talent accounts for a very large proportion of the path of tactical ninja. Of course, with Talent is not enough, you still need to learn systematically, what is more difficult is that even if you have talent, you still have to learn systematically, it depends on the adaptability at the time, you can't think too much, and you can't think about nothing, and often Take one step and see three steps.

And here, one step and three steps must be taken in the ever-changing battle, which is quite scary.

Nara Shikamaru thought it was impossible.

Moreover, in this battle, Nara Shikamaru still didn't understand how this Taki Chiba connected these things together.

However, even if he didn't understand, he still learned a lot and was inspired a lot.

In fact, deep down in his heart, Nara Shikamaru still hopes to learn under this Taki Chiba.

Although I am a little sorry for my teacher for saying this, Nara Shikamaru believes that starting tomorrow, they will come into contact with a new world.

This world will be much wider than what my teacher gave me.

"I heard that other classes will also receive special training from that Taki Chiba. Why don't we disrupt the class and conduct special training, so that we can also train the tacit understanding between teams?"

And hearing Nara Shikamaru's words, Akimichi Choji and Yamanaka Ino did not object. At this time, Yamanaka Ino said rather regretfully.


And hearing this sentence, Akimichi Choji and Nara Shikamaru looked at Ino Yamanaka in surprise almost at the same time.

"In this way... it is possible to be assigned to a group with Sasuke, and the distance can be shortened. I can't let Sakura always occupy the position closest to Sasuke. That wide forehead is really useless, even if you are so close Get Sasuke done. Well... but also, if Sasuke was so easy to handle, I wouldn't like him."

Afterwards, Yamanaka Ino's words came again, but, in the end, he was almost talking to himself.

Why... I have a feeling that I knew she would say that?

And hearing the words, Akimichi Choji and Nara Shikamaru almost looked at each other in blank dismay, and at the same time, the same thought flashed in their hearts tacitly.

"However, I didn't expect that Mr. Asma really didn't brag at all. I even felt that he was a lot more humble when describing this Taki Chiba. This person is obviously super strong, and the entire ninja world There is no opponent for him, right? Why isn’t such a person Hokage? Now, Shikamaru, tell me, why isn’t he our Hokage.”

At the same time, Yamanaka Ino's thoughts seemed to go to the other side, and he said something that made the two of them look sideways.

"Oh, yes."

In this regard, Akimichi Choji nodded and said.

Afterwards, even Nara Shikamaru nodded, agreeing, and had no objection.

To be honest, as the tacit understanding got better and better over the years, Nara Shikamaru could no longer deny that the two guys began to often say what they thought.

Indeed, this thing is a bit strange.

According to what my teacher said and the information they collected, the current Hokage should not be the third Hokage, but this Taki Chiba.

This time they can be regarded as really seeing the power of Taki Chiba, and from his fighting process, it can be seen that his tactical attainments are very powerful, and from Nara Shikamaru's point of view, from his tactical Judging from his attainments, he must not be bad at grand strategy.

And according to the follow-up news from his teacher, that is, today's news, this Taki Chiba had already served as an assistant to Hokage when he was a teenager.

There is no doubt that at that time, he should have been trained as a successor.

And according to my teacher, there should be only two successors at that time, one is Taki Chiba and the other is Mr. Kakashi, and Mr. Kakashi does not have this kind of treatment. Obviously, the fifth generation of Hokage The only candidate is Taki Chiba.

Moreover, at that time, Taki Chiba was already a very mature successor.

Moreover, Taki Chiba also has a very high popularity in the village.

Then, after the night of the Nine Tails, the Fourth Hokage died in battle, it should be Taki Chiba who took the throne, and the Third Hokage should not continue to serve as Hokage.

After all, Taki Chiba at that time was the heir of Hokage, and it was not a secret among the ninja community. In terms of popularity, from the unilateral narrative of his teacher, Taki Chiba was simply praised as a god, and he also had Not inferior to the fourth generation of Hokage's combat exploits, it is almost another hand that turned the tide of the battle. Even if he is a little younger, it does not prevent him from becoming a Hokage. ,

Judging from all the information Nara Shikamaru has now, Taki Chiba is definitely able to hold back, and can hold back the situation after the Nine-Tails Rebellion at that time.

However, this Taki Chiba not only did not inherit the position of Hokage, but also disappeared, no, he completely disappeared in the ninja world for more than ten years, which is too unreasonable.

Nara Shikamaru has never experienced the Nine-Tails Rebellion, but he is not an idiot, not only is he not an idiot, but he is also quite smart. After the Nine-Tails Rebellion, there must be a mess, and it is even a major event that shakes the foundation of the village. Naruto was able to stabilize the situation. At that time, the third ninja world war was not over yet, and the whole body could be moved by a single move. A big change like the Nine Tails Rebellion must be a big change in the whole ninja world .

The war is the most changing situation, and the village at that time must have been pushed to the edge of the cliff.

Although the third Hokage can also support it, the third Hokage is old after all, and there must be some hidden worries or hidden diseases, and it is even very likely that they are sick from overwork like the first and second Hokage, on the verge of death from overwork, otherwise It will not give way to the Fourth Hokage in advance, or even give way during wartime.

And this is also very clear. At that time, it should not be the retired third Hokage who took over the position of Hokage, but Taki Chiba.

Even if he doesn't take the position of Hokage, he shouldn't disappear for more than ten years.

This is abnormal, very abnormal.

This is almost putting Konoha in a crisis, a crisis of great magnitude, a crisis that will shake the foundation if one is not careful.

"However, do you think that this Taki Chiba has to disappear for so long? Otherwise, I can't figure out why he didn't inherit the position of Hokage."

At this time, Choji Akimichi and Ino Yamanaka said again what Nara Shikamaru wanted to say, or thought of. At the same time, after saying this sentence, the eyes of the two also fell on Nara Shikamaru.

Obviously, the curious babies threw him the question again.

"I really don't know about that."

However, Nara Shikamaru was really stumped this time, and he didn't understand why the village arranged it like this.

Under the circumstances at that time, since this Taki Chiba had made a record similar to that of the Fourth Hokage, he should have the same deterrent effect on the ninja world as the Fourth Hokage.

At that time, he should be on the stage, even if he is not a Hokage, he should stand in front of the stage, intimidating and stabilizing the situation around him.

How could something turn into a dead person and disappear into the ninja world?

The village at that time should not have made such a decision.

Absolutely not.

Originally, the Nine Tails Rebellion had suffered heavy losses. The fourth generation of Hokage died in battle again, and then, the fifth generation of the default Hokage died in battle?

What is this for?

Do you think the village is not chaotic enough?

Or is it that the hostile village has no guts to mess with you?

The kind that kills and cripples you?

This is clearly illogical.

It can even be said that as soon as the news of Taki Chiba's death came out, the whole Konoha really fell into an absolute disadvantage, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it was a mermaid.

At that time, my father and the third Hokage should have known that it was absolutely impossible to make such a decision!

This is hardly an anomaly.

It's simply impossible!

"Tell me, would it be... Actually, the matter of the Nine-Tails Rebellion was not resolved at all, and this Taki Chiba was going to solve it. And in the process of solving it, Taki Chiba cannot appear?"

In this regard, Yamanaka Ino frowned and said suddenly.

The Nine Tails Rebellion is not resolved?

Can't Taki Chiba appear?

Upon hearing this, Nara Shikamaru and Akimichi Choji were taken aback at the same time.

"Then what's the matter, Taki Chiba must die?"

Then, Akimichi asked subconsciously.

"Wait a moment!"

But at this time, Nara Shikamaru suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and reached out to stop Yamanaka Ino who was about to reply subconsciously.

The Nine-Tails Rebellion...the unresolved Nine-Tails Rebellion.

Taki Chiba cannot appear...Taki Chiba must die...

And during this restraint, he chewed again carefully.

"It's the mastermind behind the scenes!"

Then, he said it with certainty.

"The mastermind behind the scenes?"

Regarding this, Choji Akimichi and Ino Yamanaka blinked and said in a daze.

"Since Kyuubi was sealed in Konoha, there has never been a case of Kyuubi's rampage, and according to the fact that when the Kyuubi Rebellion broke out, the village hardly evacuated, the village should be I didn't expect it. Then, there is only one reason why Nine-Tails would go berserk, and that is that there is a black hand behind the scenes! Although the Nine-Tails Rebellion has subsided, the black hands behind the scenes have not been executed!"

Hearing what the two said, Nara Shikamaru spoke again.

"It can only be because of this reason, because Taki Chiba was required to die because the mastermind behind the scenes was careless, and why it was Taki Chiba and not others, because this person can only be dealt with by Taki Chiba, and everyone else Can't handle it!"

At the end, he suddenly remembered something, and said excitedly.

Only Taki Chiba can deal with it?

And hearing this, Akimichi Choji and Yamanaka Ino completely stayed on the spot.

"What a terrible person is that?"

Then, almost subconsciously, the two of them yelled out.

"I don't know! But, we can check again. I can get access to information about the Nine-Tails Rebellion, although it is not a normal way."

In this regard, Nara Shikamaru also seemed to be full of interest, and said energetically after throwing away his usual fear of trouble.

And hearing Nara Shikamaru's words, Akimichi Choji and Yamanaka Ino looked at each other with some surprise.


Afterwards, the two of them responded immediately with arrogance.

The three immediately started again.

At this moment, they already felt that they had discovered an extremely secret thing.

How could you not check it out!

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