Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2570 determination


Regarding Haruno Sakura's words that completely exceeded her expectations, Chiba's eyes half-closed, and she denied it expressionlessly.

"Then how do you know what I'm thinking?"

As for Chiba's answer, Haruno Sakura said confidently.

From just now to now, this Taki Chiba has undoubtedly said everything he thinks, whether it is the love book (female), or feels lost because he can't keep up with Naruto and Sasuke, all of them hit the nail on the head and hit the nail on the head.

Isn't this mind reading?

Indeed, she has gradually felt that the distance between herself and Naruto and Sasuke is getting farther and farther.

It's not that the hearts of friends are getting farther and farther, or that the distance is simply getting farther and farther.

Haruno Sakura believes that the feelings they have accumulated during so many tasks have not changed.

However, during this period of time, especially after the start of the Chunin exam, she felt that the distance between herself and her teammates was getting farther and farther.

It was as if, she could only watch from a distance behind them, but she couldn't get close to them no matter what.

To be honest, Haruno Sakura was quite distressed and lonely during this time.

It's just that she buried it in the deepest and deepest place.

And she thinks that no one can see it, not even her own parents and teachers.

Now, Haruno Sakura is even more certain about the other party's mind-reading ability after being stabbed straight to the point.


In this regard, Chiba said so.

Between the words and the tone, it is full of sincerity.

He really guessed.

However, it is guessed from the knowledge of Haruno Sakura in the original book.

Although the observation is not long, but compared to Tian Tian, ​​Haruno Sakura is the heroine after all, and the original book has a lot of ink, and the description of character strength is quite detailed. And the Haruno Sakura in this world has no special changes from the Haruno Sakura in the original book, whether in terms of personality or other aspects.

Of course, the different attitudes towards Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto are exactly the same.

It seems to be exactly the same as in the original book.

And now it is the Zhongnin exam. At this time, Haruno Sakura in the original book has already felt the gap between Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto and the gap brought about by the gap.

Perhaps, in the cognition of the two boys, Sakura is the person they want to protect, so they will naturally ignore her strength, so they can't realize that the relationship between the three of them has actually undergone subtle changes.

And this kind of change, the first to start, is actually Haruno Sakura's psychology.

It was she who felt the difference between them.

This is also the difference between an ordinary person and the proud child of heaven. Maybe Haruno Sakura didn't think of this level now, but she should have vaguely felt that Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto are different from her.

In fact, no matter what Kishimoto’s original design of Haruno Sakura is, whether Haruno Sakura was initially set as a phantom ninja, the current original Haruno Sakura, or the Haruno Sakura in the world of Naruto, is a ordinary people.

Compared with those brilliant geniuses, Haruno Sakura is undoubtedly much more ordinary and weaker.

It is precisely because of this that Haruno Sakura's status is very embarrassing. Under the brilliance of Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto, the two chosen people, it seems so vase and useless.

To be honest, Chiba in her previous life was not very interested in Haruno Sakura at first.

Like the majority of young readers, I feel that Haruno Sakura, the heroine, is a bit useless, and even basically a disservice.

Moreover, because of the differential treatment of Sasuke and the hero Uzumaki Naruto who resonated with many people, she is very serious in the majority of readers who especially resonate with Uzumaki Naruto, which is basically equivalent to blindly asking for a vase that will never explode. disliked role.

However, after growing older, Chiba gradually began to like this role. Although it was indeed unpleasant at the beginning, but in the face of setbacks and tribulations, the indifference of his sweetheart, and the aura of the leading actor Now, this girl has always adhered to her heart, and she is also strong enough to carry everything. Her perseverance and heart are no worse than the two chosen sons. The woman bows to the domineering aura attached to the protagonist's halo under the jeans, she still does not change her original intention, always loves Sasuke Uchiha deeply, and finally wins the beauty.

To be honest, Chiba, who has a more thorough understanding of the work as she grows older, is actually more inclined to this heroine known as "Brother Sakura" than the up-and-coming heroine Hinata Hinata.

Even Chiba felt that Haruno Sakura was a little stronger in the later stage than the "King Kai" who almost made the finale, Maite Kai.

After all, they really hit the finale with one punch.

Without that punch, there might not have been an ending.

And now that the Chosen One has begun to show his talents, ordinary people like Haruno Sakura begin to feel that it is normal that they are not in the same world.

Don't even think about it, you can know it.

How does Haruno Sakura feel now.

"Do not believe."

As for Chiba's somewhat helpless answer, Haruno Sakura did not believe it.


She hid it so deeply, even her parents didn't know, how could Taki Chiba in front of her guess it.

It's not that Haruno Sakura is boasting. Even the intelligence department may not be able to handle this kind of thing so accurately.

Absolutely impossible.

There is no answer other than the ability to read minds.

Haruno Sakura has no way to accept any answer other than mind reading.


It is absolutely impossible to have other answers!

"Your jumbo tonkotsu ramen, old fashioned."

And at this time, just as Chiba was facing Haruno Sakura's strong denial, with almost no room for change, he didn't know how to speak, Uncle Yile very appropriately filled a bowl full of char siew, which was obviously even bigger than usual The extra-large tonkotsu ramen that was half a circle larger and smaller was placed in front of him, temporarily interrupting the conversation between the two.

"Slow use."

After putting down the ramen, Uncle Yile turned around and returned to the back kitchen.

Unexpectedly, Chiba also began to teach students like Kushina.

Time flies so fast!

I don't know if Jiu Xinnai will feel very relieved watching from the sky.

But after returning to the back kitchen, Uncle Yile couldn't help but wiped his eyes, already filled with infinite emotion in his heart.

"so much?"

And at this time, on the other side, Haruno Sakura looked at the extra-large tonkotsu ramen that obviously subverted her understanding of ramen or Yile ramen and the amount of char siew, and her mouth grew.

"Want to eat? I can share some with you."

In response, Chiba pushed the huge tonkotsu ramen that looked like a small basin towards Haruno Sakura.

"No, I still won't eat."

Looking at the heat, Haruno Sakura shook her head almost instinctively.

"Not eating well will only make you weaker and weaker."

Regarding this, Chiba didn't force it; after throwing away such a fluffy sentence, she pulled the extra-large tonkotsu ramen and ate it.

Afterwards, she seemed to have no intention of talking to Haruno Sakura, and kept eating ramen.

To be honest, I haven’t seen this taste for a long time. Uncle Ichile is worthy of being called Otsutsuki Ichiraku by readers. The taste of ramen has not changed at all in the past ten years.

Even after tasting the taste, the scene when he ate noodles with Kushina, Hirohiko and Yukina for the first time came to his mind.

At that time, they were so clumsy, clumsily trying to get closer to each other as soon as possible by grabbing food, but in the end they were beaten by Teacher Jiu Xinnai.

Speaking of which, it doesn't matter if you don't grab food at that time.

They both wanted to be close to each other, and they would be as close as ever after all.

"Weaker and weaker?"

However, Chiba's seemingly unintentional words narrated the pain point of Haruno Sakura's forehead, almost subconsciously, Haruno Sakura said.

"Yeah, what is the most basic power of a ninja?"

Regarding this, Qianye didn't raise her head, and said quite casually, as if to say another ordinary thing.


As for Haruno Sakura, who is a top student, she answered this question almost reflexively, but she might be facing the unpredictable ninja in front of her, subconsciously feeling that this person might say something more essential than a textbook Discourse, so a question mark is added after it.

"So, what is the essence of Chakra?"

Regarding this, Chiba spoke quite casually.

"A perfect harmony of physical energy and mental energy?"

Hearing this, Haruno Sakura was stunned again, subconsciously opened the mouth and said, and then added a question mark behind it because she thought that Taki Chiba could speak amazingly.

"Where does the body's energy come from?"

In this regard, Qianye added a piece of char siu, slightly deflected his gaze, and said.

"Supplement for body nutrition?"

Hearing this, Haruno Sakura said subconsciously again, and at the same time, habitually added a question mark.

Then, Chiba stopped talking.


And after a while, Haruno Sakura suddenly screamed, as if she suddenly understood something, and said immediately: "You can't go on a diet! If you want to become stronger, you can't go on a diet!"

"Then do you still eat?"

Hearing this, Qianye stopped eating noodles, turned her head, and said.

"Give me an extra-large tonkotsu ramen, don't make the old rules, he will pay for it!"

In this regard, Haruno Sakura directly expressed her wishes with actions.

Compared to being thinner and looking better, it is undoubtedly the sense of gap that makes her more uncomfortable now. What she desires more is to be able to stand behind the two of them, or even stand side by side, instead of just watching from a distance like now.

Besides, if you just wait and see from a distance, how can you get Sasuke's heart and heart?

On this point, Haruno Sakura hardly hesitated at all.

Scary even sober.

Of course, the money must have been paid by Taki Chiba next to her. This extra-large tonkotsu ramen seems to cost a lot of money. As a ninja and a girl, she has more uses for less money, so she can't spend money here.

What if it was too heavy for her to bear?

"Hi yo."

As for Haruno Sakura's words, Uncle Yile didn't give Chiba any chance to speak at all, and directly finalized the order.

Haruno Sakura in the original novel, did she react so quickly?

At this time, Chiba was quite surprised by Haruno Sakura asking him to pay the bill.

Of course, what surprised him wasn't the matter of asking him to pay the bill, but Haruno Sakura's reaction speed, which made the decision to eat noodles almost instantly. The subtext meant that she would not go on a diet in the future.

You know, regarding the matter of dieting just now, in terms of actions, Haruno Sakura is still quite persistent.

Here, Chiba naturally does not think that Haruno Sakura is a person who is easy to swing left and right, and she will not change her mind after saying a few words casually.

Chiba doesn't intend to underestimate the girl in front of her obsession with Uchiha Sasuke, nor will she underestimate how much this girl will do for her obsession.

Dieting here becomes getting stronger.

It could only be Haruno Sakura's own decision.

Even, this girl may have made up her mind.

"Why medical ninjutsu?"

At this time, Haruno Sakura picked up the three scrolls in front of her and asked.

Obviously, it's time to get straight to the point.

"Because it's appropriate."

To this, Chiba said succinctly.

As for the topic, since he gave Haruno Sakura the scroll of basic medical treatment, he has already thought about his argument.


Hearing this, Haruno Sakura was slightly taken aback.

"You already feel it, whether it is Uchiha Sasuke or Uzumaki Naruto, they are not ordinary people."

To this, Chiba said.

not ordinary people...

And hearing this sound, Haruno Sakura didn't make a sound, her heart sank suddenly.

Of course, she knew about this matter and could feel it.

Whether it is Sasuke or Naruto, although their growth in strength is different, Sasuke is undoubtedly a genius, and although Naruto is a little clumsy, Haruno Sakura can see clearly that Naruto has gradually been able to compete with Sasuke. standing in one place.

In the face of the mission of the Kingdom of Waves, the cooperation of the two is also good.

When facing Bai, the bloody battle between the two is worth mentioning.

All illustrate one thing.

They are the same kind of people.

Sasuke is a genius, then, so is Naruto.

It's just that one is obvious and the other is not.


Then, thinking of this, Haruno Sakura nodded and said affirmatively.

"Then, you are very clear that you are just an ordinary person in many places, and there is nothing outstanding except for your better theoretical grades."

At this time, Qianye's words were even more straightforward.


However, this time, facing Chiba's seemingly hurtful words, Haruno Sakura responded quickly, not only quickly, but also firmly.

She is also very clear about this.

It is precisely because she is clear that she feels powerless, and that sense of distance is so obvious.

It's not that she has that sense of distance because her current strength can't catch up.


It is impossible to catch up, so there is that sense of distance.

"Then, you have no other choice but medical ninjutsu."

And at this time, words that sounded like a final word sounded in front of her.

But seeing the smile on the corner of Qianye's mouth, he said with certainty.

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