Hirohiko Uchiha...Sharingan...Kaleidoscopic Sharingan...

Nobuhiko Uchiha... Mask Man...

Childbirth... Seal... Nine-Tails Chakra... Nine-Tails...

Following Chiba's final sound, Nara Shikamaru, Yamanaka Ino, and Akimichi Choji were already dumbfounded.

Already shocked and speechless by the complexity behind the scenes of the Nine-Tails Rebellion.

"This should be the whole process of the Nine-Tails Rebellion as I know it."

To this, Chiba said.

He has clearly informed the three of them, and even Uchiha Nobuhiko's more detailed information about the cause and effect of the Nine-Tails Rebellion.

Of course, Chiba naturally concealed the fact that Nobuhiko Uchiha was a reborn.

He can't always say that he is a time traveler, so Uchiha Nobuhiko, who is a reborn person, will be so tit-for-tat.

There are some things that cannot be said.

"You said... there is another masked man?"

And at this time, Nara Shikamaru seemed to have finally reacted and said.

Obviously, at this time, Nara Shikamaru's attention has been attracted by the masked man compared to that Uchiha Nobuhiko.


In this regard, Chiba nodded, what he said just now was very clear, and Nara Shikamaru heard it very clearly, so there is no need to deny anything at this time.

He has said all he can say.

Now, it depends on how Nara Shikamaru and the others understand this matter, or how to deal with it.

And this is what Chiba is really worried about now.

Actually... there is a mastermind behind the scenes?

And at this time, I heard Chiba's affirmative answer again, Nara Shikamaru, no! It should be said that not only Shikamaru Nara, but also Choji Akimichi and Ino Yamanaka were shocked.

To be honest, when they heard Nobuhiko Uchiha, they already felt so terrified that they couldn't sleep.

And now, there are actually two black hands behind the Nine-Tails Rebellion, and even the masked man can fight against four generations of Hokage. They really can't imagine how critical the Nine-Tails Rebellion was at that time.

What's even more frightening is that the masked man has not been caught or killed yet. If these two people once again cooperate to set off a bloodbath, the current Muye Village may not be able to hold on.

First of all, in terms of combat power, those who can face the two of them head-on. In the Kyuubi Rebellion, there were the Third Hokage, the Fourth Hokage, and the original Taki Chiba, that is, the man in front of him.

But now, the only ones who can face the two of them are the current three-generation Hokage and the current Taki Chiba. Moreover, the three-generation Hokage is already over seventy years old. According to the curve of ninja strength and age, the current three-generation Hokage's strength should be It is already the lowest point of his ninja career, and even, it is only possible to go down, it is impossible to go up again, no, it should be said, it is already the strength of the third Hokage that can not go down.

Back then, when the three of them faced the two, the Fourth Hokage was killed in battle. Not only were they killed in battle, but the village suffered heavy losses as well.

Now, there are only two people left. Even if Taki Chiba can fight Uchiha Nobuhiko now, the masked man can’t be as old as the third Hokage, right? , and may not be as strong as before.

If the two of them come back again, then the village will inevitably fall into that kind of crisis again, and it may be even more terrifying and unfavorable than before.

"So, is there any information about the masked man?"

And thinking of this, Nara Shikamaru took a deep breath, raised his head, looked at Chiba, and asked deeply.

At the same time, the eyes of Ino Yamanaka and Choji Akimichi also fell on Chiba.

Although they might not be as smart as Nara Shikamaru, they already possessed the qualities of a ninja after all, and they knew very well the weight of what the man in front of him said just now.

In addition to this period of time, I did check a lot of information, especially after seeing the number of people lost in the Nine-Tails Rebellion, even Naruto Uzumaki should understand that if there is another such attack, how big is Konoha Village? disadvantage.

How much could be lost.

It's just that they haven't lost their minds after all. Although they are at an absolute disadvantage, it doesn't mean that they will definitely lose, and it's not time to give up.

Besides, this matter is related to the village, and they have no way out at all. At this time, they should not panic.

Instead, calm down.

And, actively looking for a breakthrough.

Besides, didn't Shikamaru in front of him ask the most critical question?


As for Nara Shikamaru's question, Chiba's eyes brightened.

Obviously, these three children are quite calm, especially under the leadership of Nara Shikamaru, and now, Nara Shikamaru's problem is also to the point.

Now that you know who the potential enemy is, as a ninja, you naturally give priority to the intelligence of this ninja, and as long as you have information, no matter how strong you are, there are certain ways to deal with it.

Even if he cannot be eliminated, he can defeat his plan from various angles and preserve the entire Konoha.

Last time, their plan did not succeed. This time, although it was more disadvantaged, it did not mean that they would succeed.

Obviously, whether it is Shikamaru Nara, Ino Yamanaka and Choji Akimichi, their awareness is quite good.

It also has to be said that Konoha's education system is really doing very well. It not only teaches experience and strength, but also teaches the students the spirit of not giving up in the face of crisis.

Because of this, Konoha always gives people an unbeatable feeling.

Even, every ninja village that has been strong until now, or has existed as a ninja village until now, almost has such a spirit of not giving up that has been passed down, and it has been deeply engraved into the blood of future generations of ninjas. Among them, if other ninjas from Dainin Village encounter the current situation of Konoha, they will probably make the same choice as Nara Shikamaru asking this question.

Of course, whether it can hit the nail on the head or not depends on that person's ability.

In the face of a life-and-death crisis, the real Ninja Village will not choose to compromise. Even Sand Yin, who was in the third Ninja World War at the beginning, made plans to perish in the internal defense after all the living forces were wiped out. .

In the past ten years, Chiba has still heard the news about Sha Yin's side. It is said that there is still a detonating talisman buried in the underground of Sand Yin's side, which is used to die together.

It's just an alliance with Konoha, Shayin's economy has improved, and his vitality is recovering well, and these detonating symbols are being removed one after another.

Of course, it's gossip, and I don't know if it's true or not.

But what is certain is that if it really comes to the critical moment of life and death, no Da Nin village will be cowardly.

I'm afraid this is why, when the first generation of Hokage and Uchiha Madara were still there, Konoha did not choose to destroy the other four major ninja villages, but instead sent tailed beasts to maintain balance.

This is also the situation that Chiba couldn't understand when he read the original work.

At that time, the first generation of Hokage and Uchiha Madara were both present. For other ninja villages, they were already natural disaster-level characters. Moreover, at that time, the first generation of Hokage had already captured most of the tail beasts. Konoha's strength can be said to be completely crushed. Overwhelm other ninja villages.

Even Sand Yin, who was the most powerful at that time, could hardly hold a candle to him.

Even, there is a situation where Uchiha Madara alone overwhelms all ninja villages. The nightmare of Uchiha Madara alone has not slowed down the current Yanyin Village, resulting in a majestic Dainin Village, making it all Xiaonin Village Such a small method cannot get on the table.

Konoha at that time should be fully capable of unifying the ninja world.

And Qianye believes that Senshou Zhujian is not a really kind guy who is so soft-hearted. Since he can come up with the concept of one country, one village, or in other words, he can integrate all the families into one village, then it is inevitable and even important to unify. sex leader.

And from the fact that he was able to gradually gain an advantage in the family battle with the Uchiha clan led by Uchiha Madara, we can also see his outstanding leadership skills.

Moreover, even if the first generation of Hokage was soft-hearted and could not think of destroying the other four villages, Uchiha Madara should have this thought.

At that time, there was such a big gap, Chiba didn't believe that Uchiha Madara didn't want to dominate the ninja world.

Although Uchiha Madara is a bit biased behind, Chiba believes that Uchiha Madara during the Konoha Village period is definitely a leader with insight and long-term vision that is not inferior to the first generation of Hokage. Moreover, he is also a senior leader. As a strategist, it can be seen from his series of layouts for the entire ninja world later that Uchiha Madara has the vision to manipulate the entire ninja world.

Now that he has this vision, and has an extraordinary long-term vision, he is also the head of the clan, and he is also a radical faction, unifying the ninja world, Uchiha Madara must have thought about it.

Otherwise, I wouldn't go to other ninja villages specifically to make all ninja villages surrender.

It must have been mentioned with the first Hokage, but the first Hokage disagreed and persuaded him.

The reason for persuading Uchiha Madara, inferred from the information known to Chiba now, should be the desperate and endless situation in Da Ninja Village when it is facing a life-and-death crisis.

At that time, Konoha possessed huge power, and the other four major ninja villages must be in an alliance state, and it is different from the current iron alliance. If it is really unstoppable, Konoha's victory may be certain, but, that unification In the battle, there must be rivers of blood. Not only will it harm the ninja group, but ordinary people will suffer from indiscriminate disasters, and the population of the entire ninja world may drop by a huge number.

Moreover, national power is also involved behind it, and it is possible to return to the Warring States Period.

Therefore, the first Hokage suppressed Uchiha Madara's ideas and chose Tail Beast to maintain balance and reduce wars.

At that time, Uchiha Madara probably also considered the ordinary people of Konoha, so he didn't insist.

After all, the Uchiha clan is a very complicated family.

On the one hand, they can be ruthless and kill relatives at will. On the other hand, they can also love anyone deeply, even the entire villagers of Muye Village, and they can sacrifice everything, including themselves, for this.

Chiba believes that Uchiha Madara at that time probably put the villagers of Konoha Village as the highest priority.

Even, he may have the same idea as the first generation of Hokage, the village and the villagers are the first, and they are all his family.

It's just that the Senju Clan and the Uchiha Clan show different forms of love for their families.

Moreover, Daren Village also knows very well that there is no such thing as compromise. For them who often oppress Xiaoren Village, if they really compromise and become someone else's vassal, then there will be terrible consequences.

It's not like the joy of dying.

"who is he?"

As for Chiba's affirmative answer, Nara Shikamaru took a deep breath, looked at Ino Yamanaka, then at Choji Akimichi, and asked while the two looked at each other.

His tone was heavier than before.

"I don't know his name yet, but what is certain is that he has a close relationship with the Xiao organization."

In this regard, Qianye did not hide too much, and picked out some information that they could know and reported it.


Hearing this, the three of them were startled.

Obviously, they still have no way to get in touch with this dark organization full of S-level wanted criminals.


To this, Chiba said.


Hearing this, Nara Shikamaru spoke again with a touch of eagerness.

"There is still some information, but you can't know it."

In response, Chiba smiled and shook his head.

Upon hearing this sentence, the three of them looked at each other, with an inexplicable paleness flashing across their faces.

"Then, if..."

Then, Nara Shikamaru took another deep breath and spoke.

"Don't worry, if the two of them join forces again, we have corresponding countermeasures. During this time, the village is not ignoring these two threats. In fact, the entire ninja world can't tolerate these two threats. Sometimes, if they act against Konoha, the other ninja villages may not stand by and watch, if Konoha is destroyed, there will be another Konoha."

To this, Chiba smiled and said. Interrupted Nara Shikamaru's questioning, but between the words, it seemed to be very clear what Nara Shikamaru wanted to ask.

Next, there is no need to let them know too much.

The part of Uchiha Nobuhiko just mentioned should be able to make them feel confident.

At least, no sleepless nights.

At the same time, such a thought flashed across Qianye's mind.

In the narration just now, he has roughly integrated Nobuhiko Uchiha's abilities, fighting methods, and points of attention when fighting. With Nara Shikamaru around, they can preview some escape routes without worrying about it.

And with this information, they can also feel at ease.

As for the masked man, that is, Obito, it's better not to let them know too much here, and not let them worry too much about this matter.

It is most appropriate to end at this time and send a consolation.

"Then, one last question."

And at this time, after a little thought, Nara Shikamaru seemed to understand something, raised his head and said.


In this regard, Chiba did not refuse.

"Why...why are you telling us this?"

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