Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2590 impatience

"How many nights did you stay up?"

Watching the two leave with his shadow clone, Qianye slowly put down the scroll, fearing that all of them would be thrown into the iron bucket that he didn't know when he got it, and raised his fingers, "Boom" With a sound, the fire flashed, and all the scrolls burned suddenly, and the flames were quickly reduced to ashes.

While watching all the stalls turned into ashes, Chiba turned her head, looked at Haruno Sakura, whose eyes were slightly closed, as if she was in a doze, and said.

"It can only be one night!"

Regarding this, Haruno Sakura slightly opened her eyes, squinted at Chiba, and said weakly.

The reason why she was in such a poor state of mind was not because the man in front of her gave her the three medical scrolls.

That night, when she went back, she couldn't wait to open it and want to take a look, but she didn't expect that she would be kicked out as soon as she opened the first scroll.

When she opened the scroll, the seemingly small scroll turned into the largest scroll in the white mist.

When I opened it, I found that the inside was densely packed with small characters, and the content of a scroll was probably the amount of study in years.

In fact, Haruno Sakura watched it all night, and was even more convinced of this.

The above things not only have a lot of content, but also involve a very wide range of things, both basic and profound. Basically, at first glance, she was a little dizzy.

But, fortunately, this scroll is obviously a step-by-step one. It seems to have a lot of content, including basic, advanced and advanced, but in fact, if you read it from the beginning, it is still very easy to get started. At least, she has mastered a lot now. basic medical knowledge.

It can also be seen that the person who wrote this scroll has a thorough understanding of medical knowledge. Although Haruno Sakura does not have much understanding of the village's medical care, she can still see from this scroll that she can write She is so in-depth and simple, even a beginner like her can get started at once and learn so much knowledge in a short period of time. In terms of medical treatment, she is definitely the top medical ninja in the village.

In other words, the man in front of him is also at the top of Konoha in terms of medical ninjutsu, even number one.

And because it is very easy to understand, she was fascinated by it without knowing it, and for the first time, she felt the charm of a certain theoretical subject for the first time. In the past two days, she almost forgot to sleep and eat, and even almost Forgot about today's special training.

"Looking at the depth of your eye sockets and dark circles, as well as the look in your eyes, you probably stayed up for two nights, and you didn't sleep well last night. Did you almost forget to come to the special training today?"

However, for Haruno Sakura's words, Qianye was quite disapproving, and ruthlessly exposed her lies.

It seems that he has really developed a strong interest in medical ninjutsu.

It's just that this interest is due to Haruno Sakura's personal reasons, because she is really attracted by medical treatment.

Or, some kind of force majeure was already doomed from the very beginning.

But at this time, such a thought flashed through Qianye's mind.

Haruno Sakura has always been a girl who pays great attention to her appearance, no, it should be said that all girls pay attention to her appearance, and Haruno Sakura is also a very beautiful girl, and after joining the seventh class, she Her sweetheart sees her almost every day, and she pays more attention to her appearance all the time.

However, today, under the circumstances that her sweetheart will definitely see, she still stays up late and looks slovenly. It is obvious that Haruno Sakura stayed up late because of the medical scroll she gave her last time.

Undoubtedly, Haruno Sakura's enthusiasm for medical knowledge has surpassed Uchiha Sasuke.

Of course, this should be due to the scrolls left by Tsunade. I have to say that I was the same at the beginning. threshold.

However, Tsunade's scroll of medical knowledge lowered these thresholds more or less. It can be said that only a top medical ninja like Tsunade can write it.

This is not only the height, the height of the medical level, but also decades of clinical experience, and only medical ninjas with both can write such textbooks.

Even the current Chiba can't write it.

He also possesses a fairly high level of medical knowledge, and his medical ninjutsu is no worse than Tsunade's. However, his experience in saving people is quite limited after all. If he really wants to write about it, he is far inferior to Tsunade's.

This is also one of the reasons why he did not write the textbook himself, but directly handed over the scroll that Tsunade gave him back then to Haruno Sakura.

As for other reasons, one is that I don’t have the time to write an introduction to medical knowledge. After all, medical treatment requires a lot of theoretical knowledge. Even if it is an introduction, the amount of knowledge is quite a lot. Time, not enough.

In other words, what he wrote himself was not as good as Tsunade's, and he didn't have the time.

Secondly, it can be regarded as paving the way for Haruno Sakura to learn from Tsunade, which can somewhat shorten the distance between Haruno Sakura and Tsunade.

If Haruno Sakura insists on learning medical ninjutsu from him, he can also use these scrolls to change Haruno Sakura's mind, which was actually written by Tsunade.

It can be regarded as a feat.

"Why look at my eye sockets, I forgot that you can read minds."

But at this time, Haruno Sakura was a little disapproving of Chiba's words.

Is this already a meme?

And hearing Haruno Sakura's words, the corner of Chiba's mouth couldn't help twitching again.

"I can't read minds."

Then, subconsciously, Chiba struggled a bit.

"Who will believe it?"

After that, he was stared at by Sakura Haruno.

Not to mention believing it or not, Haruno Sakura didn't even think about the possibility that Chiba couldn't read minds.

"I really……"

In this regard, Qianye is going to struggle to the death, he really doesn't know how to read minds.

If there are any bad rumors because of this, it is very likely that there will be some unknown changes in the current situation of confronting Nobuhiko Uchiha.

This is something Chiba doesn't want to see.

At this moment, Qianye was actually a little wanting to cry.

"What is my arrangement?"

However, next, he has no way to explain this mind-reading technique after all. Haruno Sakura has no subconscious doubts about whether he can read minds at all. Mind-reading skills are already his own talent.

The kind of indisputable self-contained.

Moreover, at this time, Haruno Sakura seems to be reluctant to continue with Chiba on this issue, and has already started to change the subject.

Using Chiba will inevitably change the topic.

"Read the book, and bring those medical scrolls with you in the future."

Regarding this, Chiba said rather helplessly.


Hearing this, Haruno Sakura frowned, she seemed to be more energetic, and asked.

There was some dissatisfaction in his tone.

"Because this is medical ninjutsu, the only way you can keep up with the two of them at the fastest speed."

In this regard, Qianye didn't talk too much nonsense, and said straightforwardly.

Chiba is not unaware of Haruno Sakura's dissatisfaction. Obviously, this little girl is quite looking forward to fighting side by side with her two teammates. Now that they are driving, it is impossible to keep up with them head-on.

And she also has the talent of medical ninjutsu, medical ninjutsu is the most suitable for her at this stage. In the previous exam, Chiba also tested some other talent questions in the exam dedicated to Haruno Sakura, although the answer was very good. Xueba, but Haruno Sakura's other aptitudes are mediocre, at least not as good as his medical talent.

Considering that in the future she will meet a master with the strongest comprehensive strength of the contemporary Five Kages with medical ninjutsu, it is undoubtedly very beneficial to lay a good foundation for medical ninjutsu now.

And when she gets the basics, Chiba will also consider teaching her some ninjutsu and body skills.

However, the most suitable for her now is medical ninjutsu.

This is not negotiable.

No matter how dissatisfied, you can only study hard.


In this regard, Haruno Sakura seems to want to refute.

"Believe me, medical ninjutsu is what your team needs most now. Moreover, as a medical ninja, it can also stimulate the protective overall vision of the two of them. Your presence will not only save their lives, but also make them feel better." They're more well-rounded. And, medical ninjutsu isn't just for the rear."

However, she didn't say her rebuttal words, Qianye interrupted her words.

Although it is said that medical ninjutsu is mainly about curing diseases and saving people, the lethality of medical ninjutsu is actually quite large. It can save people and kill people.

See the battle between Tsunade and Yakushidou for details.

At this time, what Haruno Sakura cares about is naturally the matter of "needing protection". Her goal is to fight side by side with her two teammates, instead of hiding behind and relying on their protection.

In her opinion, learning medical ninjutsu means protecting people.

However, excellent medical ninjas are actually capable of self-protection.

It's just that they never use chakra easily because of a series of reasons such as saving people and preparing to save people, and they don't usually study and exercise less.

And because of the small number of people, it naturally gives people a feeling of protection.

But in fact, just a medical ninja who has mastered the Chakra scalpel is extremely lethal.

The Chakra scalpel is sharper than some famous weapons, especially for the damage to the human body. Basically, with a light stroke, the skin will be ripped apart, and the bones will be pierced.

Of course, this is not to say that all medical ninjas who have mastered the Chakra knife can kill the enemy, it also depends on the strength, which is the same as the ninjas who fight.

The weak will naturally be killed.

Of course, the medical ninja's attack is also relatively monotonous, and it may be somewhat weak against the killing ninja.

Even so, medical ninjas are still capable of self-protection.

It's not just a protected state.

Moreover, there is still a way to the top of the medical ninja, and that is the most invincible and domineering way in the entire ninja world after mastering the Yin Seal and Baihao Technique.

Cooperating with powerful Taijutsu or Ninjutsu is simply invincible.

Of course, the opponents are not some figures beyond the common sense of today's ninja world.

Chiba's words were not really fooling around.

"Oh, is it so?"

Haruno Sakura expressed doubts about this.

"So, are you sure you believe me?"

Hearing this, Qianye said helplessly.

These things, at this stage, after all, can't talk too much with Haruno Sakura, after all, the status of Haruno Sakura's heroine is too special.

"I have no idea."

In this regard, Haruno Sakura also said quite honestly.

To be honest, she definitely recognized Chiba's strength, but the medical ninjutsu that this person in front of her asked her to learn was after all very different from what she wanted.

She didn't want to be... It should be said, she didn't want to be a protected person anymore.

To stand with her teammates, and even protect her teammates, in her consciousness, she can only stand in front.

Haruno Sakura didn't like the feeling of looking at their backs.

"Why, do you think you can't protect them by standing behind them? Is what they need really just a boost in battle?"

But at this time, Chiba, who had been looking at Haruno Sakura's expression, suddenly laughed, but didn't care about Haruno Sakura's straightforward answer.


And upon hearing this sentence, Haruno Sakura almost subconsciously said, "Only by standing beside them can we fight side by side, and only then can we have the qualification to protect them". talk.

However, just as the words were out of her mouth, she suddenly froze.

If the man in front of me gave me a medical scroll for the first time and wanted to learn medical ninjutsu by himself, it was at that time that I just suddenly saw hope, so I learned it impulsively. In any case, it is always good to learn something , maybe it is really possible to stop looking at the backs of the two of them.

Then, Haruno Sakura suddenly realized it.


It seems to be on the edge of a dead end.

The reason why she is a bit reluctant to learn medical ninjutsu now is because of the positioning of medical ninjutsu and the learning cycle. From the medical textbook, she has already seen that medical ninjutsu will not allow her to learn in the short term. Her strength has changed qualitatively, and she still needs a long study before she can truly enter the battlefield.

That's why she started to reject it.

Because medical ninjutsu couldn't calm down the impatience in her heart.

But at this time, she suddenly remembered the appearance of the two of them covered in bruises after the battle against Bai during the wave country mission.

Could it be that her purpose is to stand by the two of them and fight side by side?

So what if they were seriously injured?

Can't I just watch them die?

At that time, will it be better than now?


Definitely no.

"I know, I will learn, study hard. But, what you said is not wrong, the medical ninja must also stay behind."

After trying to understand this point, Haruno Sakura said solemnly after a pause.

"Trust me, I'll help you find the teacher who will set you on that path."

To this, Chiba nodded and said.


Hearing this, Haruno Sakura no longer hesitated and agreed.

"But before that, you have to teach me one thing."

However, at the end, she made another condition.


Regarding this, Qianye frowned slightly, quite puzzled.

He should have made it very clear. Coupled with the special nature of medical ninjutsu, Haruno Sakura has no time to learn other things.

"How to shrink that scroll, I... can't bring it out."

Hearing this, Haruno Sakura spoke with some helplessness.

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