"So, you have already arranged everything that should be arranged. Even Nobuhiko Uchiha participated in the hostile forces of this Chunin exam."

Listening to Chiba's narration ahead, Kakashi, Asma, Kurenai Yuhi and Maitekai were silent for a while before responding in Kakashi's voice.

In just one hour, Chiba told them all the layout of the village, especially the part about Nobuhiko Uchiha.

Although none of them asked about Nobuhiko Uchiha, Chiba still focused on giving them Nobuhiko Uchiha's arrangements in this regard.

And the arrangement is also very simple. At that time, as long as Nobuhiko Uchiha takes the lead, Chiba will put down all the arrangements in progress and face this old enemy, which is also an existence that no one in the village can match except him. .

However, although this arrangement is quite simple, it is also the only and most effective method at this stage.

King against king.

For an existence like Uchiha Nobuhiko who is already beyond the common sense of the ninja world, only a character like Chiba who only appears once in a thousand years can match, and only Chiba can seduce Uchiha Nobuhiko.

After all, from the battle of the Kyuubi Rebellion, even though they didn't see it with their own eyes, they have investigated the traces of the battle, such as Kakashi, who also came into contact with some information about Nobuhiko Uchiha , the so-called "second Uchiha Madara" Uchiha Nobuhiko's strength is commensurate with what he claims.

At least, in the current ninja world, no matter who it is, even if the number of troops is piled up, it may have little effect.

This is beyond the era, beyond the attempt, and broke the existence of all power comparison systems between ninja and ninja.

His existence, for any ninja, may be the word "invincible".

Just like Uchiha Madara alone back then, even when every ninja village was assigned a tailed beast, he could still force all ninja villages to bow their heads.

Even, after receiving the tailed beast, the reason why those Dainin villages did not turn their faces and deny people was the existence and coercion of Uchiha Madara.

If such a character appears now, then naturally, Uchiha Madara's feat can be reproduced, and even worse.

Because, if Uchiha Nobuhiko comes to such a hand, I am afraid that even Konoha will bow his head.

Otherwise, how could the ninja world have been so peaceful in the past ten years, and how could the major ninja villages not dare to touch Muye Village, which was already weak to a certain extent, in the absence of Chiba.

This is the deterrent power of Uchiha Nobuhiko.

The village, on the other hand, made perfect use of his deterrent power to gain a chance to regain its vitality.

Regardless of whether his deterrence is beneficial to Muye Village or not, his strength is there after all, and the hostile relationship with Muye Village is also there.

After all, they still have to face this Uchiha Nobuhiko.

And the current Chunin exam is an opportunity for them to face Nobuhiko Uchiha. Although I don’t know why this Nobuhiko Uchiha is so obsessed with Konoha Village, he showed up twice to attack Konoha, but the matter is right in front of us, it’s useless to think too much , since standing on the opposite side of them, then, how to deal with it, or how to deal with it.

In the face of Uchiha Nobuhiko, Chiba is actually the one who can fight in the village. At that time, he was able to repel Nobuhiko Uchiha despite the great difference in strength. Although it cannot be said that he successfully defeated Nobuhiko Uchiha, what is certain is that Chiba will be able to deal with Uchiha more than ten years later. Nobuhiko's.

This point is not their imagining or blind guessing, but what they really felt.

From that time in the training.

Although Chiba pretended to be in a certain degree of hard fighting or serious fighting, but judging from the way he was breathing evenly without taking a breath, he could be said to be more comfortable than he was when facing the four of him.

Chiba's fighting power has also far surpassed the common sense of this era.

Non-consciousness can only be dealt with by non-consciousness.

Otherwise, no matter how many people go to deal with Nobuhiko Uchiha, the whole army may only be wiped out.

The four believe that the common judgment of the five great ninja villages, that Uchiha Nobuhiko is a super S-rank wanted ninja, and that the reaction of the five great ninja villages who dare not act rashly because they want to deal with him is enough to explain Uchiha Nobuhiko's terrible.

It can only be Chiba.

It could only be Chiba.

Moreover, only when Chiba fights Nobuhiko Uchiha can the battle continue.

There is nothing wrong with that.

There is no choice either.

As for other arrangements, including the relationship between the secret sentry and the hidden refuge that they discovered before, as long as their disciples are suitable and can be mastered in a short period of time, Chiba has given a lot of blind patience. In fact, they couldn't think of a better arrangement for these arrangements.

Although what they spit out now are interrogative sentences, in their hearts, they have actually approved it.

They have nothing to say.

Although Chiba's arrangement can't be said to be seamless, no, in the current situation, even if all the famous think tanks in the entire ninja world are resurrected, it is impossible to arrange a seamless strategy.

Chiba has already achieved perfection that ordinary people can't even imagine.

If something really happened that eventually caused Konoha to suffer huge losses, or even lose the battle, it was definitely not Chiba's problem, but that Konoha's ninjas couldn't help them.

Apart from this sentence, in fact, they couldn't say anything else.

"Any questions?"

In this regard, Qianye looked at the dishes that were gradually dissipating heat, raised his eyes, and asked again.

While raising her eyes, Qianye didn't deliberately observe their micro-expressions, didn't judge whether they were at ease or not, but simply worried about whether the dishes would taste bad after they were cold.

Or in other words, will there be any problems with eating.

"I'm going to heat up the dishes. It's time to eat."

In this regard, although he did not deliberately observe Chiba's actions, but at this moment, Yuhihong stood up in a timely manner, took two dishes and walked to the kitchen. After a while, there was a sound in the kitchen. The sound of burning flames.

Apparently, there was another fire.

"It's time to eat."

And hearing this voice, the three of them looked at each other, then a smile appeared on the corners of their mouths, shrugged at Qianye, and said.

Now that Chiba's arrangement is already perfect, there is no need for them to overdo it.

Although Qianye didn't arrange their roles in these plans, they were very clear about their roles.

Chiba is not without arrangements.

Rather, no arrangement is required.

Their role is to mix in the crowd, to be the instructors of ordinary ninja competitors, and then, at the critical moment, to exert their greatest light and heat, and try their best to lead the situation to the best advantage for Konoha situation.

They are standing in the most ordinary and ordinary position, stabilizing the situation and leading the situation to a favorable existence.

It has emergency ingredients in it.

And putting them in this position, without specifying any tasks, not giving unimportant safety tasks, and not giving important unsafe tasks, is not because Chiba does not need them to do these, nor is it deliberate Protect them and keep them in a relatively safe situation.

Instead, Qianye believed in them the most, so he didn't arrange any tasks.

Because Qianye knew that they would definitely guide things to the right side, even if there was no task.

"Then I'll get some hot food too."

Regarding the three people's words and the smile on the corner of the mouth, Qianye's mouth also outlined a smile.

It's just that this smile is a kind of shrugging and helpless smile, as if the things they asked just now are unnecessary and troublesome things.

However, in his eyes, there was only a familiar feeling of warmth and relief.


It is still the most convenient to cooperate with them, they can always understand me in the most critical place.

It was also at this time that such a thought popped up in Qianye's heart.

To be honest, the same as the four of them thought, the reason why he did not assign any tasks to them when he arranged it was to keep them in a state of no tasks. What really happened, when something happened suddenly, they would become A surprise soldier.

Although Nobuhiko Uchiha may pay attention to Kakashi, Nobuhiko Uchiha will definitely not focus on marking the remaining three. At that time, there may be a miracle to turn the situation around.

In other words, it is the key move that lays the foundation for victory.

And they are also the most important move to defeat Nobuhiko Uchiha, at least, the biggest bargaining chip to defeat Nobuhiko Uchiha.

This is also Chiba's new tactical idea, an attempt to deal with Uchiha Nobuhiko's tactical idea.

In the past, his tactical arrangements were basically tight-fitting, and every detail needed to be refined every time. The framework was almost locked to death. As long as the opponent entered the urn, he was almost invincible.

However, this also has a disadvantage, that is, it is too conservative, and it is only undefeated that is good for invincibility, but undefeated does not mean victory.

But now, what Chiba needs is not undefeated, but victory. ,

Moreover, after so many years of fighting openly and secretly, Uchiha Nobuhiko may have already figured out his tactical thinking. If he continues to follow this thinking, I am afraid that the word "invincible" may be greatly reduced.

Even, the word undefeated does not exist at all.

Chiba already has a considerable understanding of Uchiha Nobuhiko's evolution in this regard.

Therefore, he must seek innovation and change.

According to the past, Kakashi, his most trusted people, should be the first to know his layout.

It is also the existence that bears the heaviest task.

However, this is the past, and it is very likely that Nobuhiko Uchiha will see through it, and it may even directly cause Nobuhiko Uchiha to get rid of these people first.

Chiba doesn't doubt that Nobuhiko Uchiha knows who he trusts most.

But now, if new changes are required, then he must put aside his feelings and completely believe in the four people in front of him and other ordinary ninjas who can do these things in terms of strength. With their own judgment, they can accurately grasp the context of the overall situation and guide everything to the direction they want to see.


In the past, Qianye always held everyone in the palm of his hand, and he was guiding every move, leading these people to the position he wanted, to do what he wanted them to do, to put it bluntly, he was A complete control freak, holding everyone in the palm of his hand and manipulating everything, whether it's people's hearts or anything else. As long as the goal can be achieved, ignore his personal emotions as much as possible and only seek the best result.

Of course, the best result also includes the personal safety of the person being manipulated.

And the benefits of doing this are undoubtedly obvious. As long as his strategy is correct, then the strategy will definitely be successful once the strategy is implemented. No, it may be exaggerated to say that it must be successful, but the success rate is undoubtedly the highest.

But now, Qianye is handing over the right to choose the direction in the strategy to those most trusted people, allowing them to act freely, returning or even handing over the initiative to them, and starting to cooperate with their actions from a certain angle, so as to Seek to achieve the effect of "surprise soldiers".

In doing so, although in a sense, he entrusted his own destiny to others, making the implementation of the entire strategy uncontrollable, which greatly weakened the visible success rate.

However, it has greatly increased the opponent's uncontrollability and surprise in this matter.

If we say that the former Chiba was asking himself not to make mistakes, then the current Chiba is to let his opponents start making mistakes.

In essence, the strategies of these two behaviors guarantee the success rate.

Moreover, the feasibility is very high.

It can be regarded as the change that Qianye made after learning from the pain.

And now, the reactions of the four were undoubtedly what he wanted to see the most.

Perhaps, this is the tacit understanding.

Even though they haven't been in contact for more than ten years, and they haven't even had a deep relationship before, they can still communicate with each other in some aspects.

To be honest, besides being happy, Chiba at this time is more at ease.

Facing Nobuhiko Uchiha, the real person who completely defeated him, it would be impossible for Chiba to have no shadow in his heart.

He faces any strong man, even if Uchiha Madara, no, even if Rokudo Madara comes personally, he has full confidence.

Only this Uchiha Nobuhiko, he is always uncertain.

Seeing the appearance of the four of them now, that potential strange tacit understanding, Qianye really gained a lot of confidence.

And the next dinner, although it was already very late, but after a long absence, everyone talked and laughed, there was regret and sadness of missing old friends, there was also joy of reunion, and the warmth that we may not be parted for a long time in the future , However, there is only no uncertainty about the future, and the apprehension and cowardice about the imminent disaster.

Almost every minute exudes this kind of comforting tranquility and warmth.

And after a long, long time, everyone got up to say goodbye.

When I left, there was no confusion or worry.

Yes, it's just a reverie about the infinite bright future.



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