
The sound of the bamboo pipe gently beating against a hard object slowly spread out under the bright sky.


Afterwards, the siren of water vapor explosion sounded abruptly in this remote corner of the Japanese-style cabin, startling the breeze and rustling the flowers.

Then, the first rays of sunlight in the morning slowly rose from the eastern horizon, illuminating the Japanese-style log cabin and everything around it.

And soon, the explosion of water vapor was quickly stopped, and amidst the sound of cups and plates coming from the cabin, the explosion suddenly dissipated.

Then, there was the sound of boiling water rolling into the teacup.

After that, there was a satisfied sound of sipping tea.


In the kitchen of the Japanese-style log cabin, there was the sound of a teacup being put down.

"Tap! Tap! Tap!"

Then, there was a sound of footsteps and creaks, and the door of the Japanese-style cabin was slowly pushed open. Chiba, who was dressed in ordinary clothes, slowly sat down on the corridor, looking up at the ray of sunshine in the east .

His face was calm and lazy.

"One day just passed... Is it only a few hours before the final test begins?"

And looking at the morning sun, Qianye really murmured to himself.

Maybe this month has been too relaxing for himself. As the final test is approaching, that is, a few hours before the Chunin test event in the original book, Chiba still doesn't feel a little nervous.


It should be the most basic sense of tension.

It felt like he was still too relaxed, as if nothing was going to happen next.

I need to cheer up quickly.


It should be said, don't be so lazy.

For this, Qianye is obviously also conscious, and at this moment, she is constantly reminding herself in her heart.

"It seems that during this period of time, you are really getting more and more useless."

But at this time, behind him, two black shadows suddenly flashed, two figures in silver-moon black robes, and the moment they appeared, one of them spoke slightly teasingly. came.

"Well, it seems a bit too useless. I didn't expect it. I made a mistake. I didn't expect that once I relaxed, I would fall into such a situation."

In this regard, Qianye also expressed helplessness, but he did not look back.

This voice, this familiar feeling, is undoubtedly No. 14 and No. 15, and of course No. 15 is speaking.

After all, this kind of yin and yang tone is only number 15.

Kakashi couldn't even speak like that.

Of course, Kakashi wasn't so eccentric before.

"Yo! Didn't you always count as being exhaustive? Why did you make a mistake now, and it was still in such a trivial matter."

In this regard, the yin and yang strangeness on the 15th has deepened a little.

Who are you kidding!

We've been together for so many years, and I still don't know what you're doing.

Even if you capsize in the gutter over a trivial matter, you can use this capsize to make something out of it.

Even, it is very possible that the current state is caused by this guy.

The purpose is to confuse Uchiha Nobuhiko.

And in his heart, No. 15 also knows the man in front of him quite well.

"Okay, today we are not here to talk about these, today is the day of the final test you said, we should have told you earlier, but it seems that you are very concerned about training children, so I didn't bother you, today It should be necessary to tell you."

In this regard, No. 14 habitually interrupted the unnutritive conversation that the two might have next.

"Is there anything important?"

Hearing that, Chiba didn't have much entanglement with No. 15. Hearing what No. 14 said, he opened his mouth and said.

Between the words, there is a meaning that seems unnecessary to listen to.

"What do you mean? You are still disgusted by us being your secret agent in Muye Village? Why? I don't think you are useless, you are too arrogant!"

In this regard, No. 15 immediately expressed strong dissatisfaction.

"Okay, we can't hide our performance from him. Indeed, it doesn't matter."

Hearing this, No. 14 instinctively stopped a bickering that No. 15 would be embarrassed by.

"If there is really something important, you won't come to me until this time. I believe you have the strength not to be discovered."

In this regard, Chiba said so.

"However, the reason why we didn't come to you about the dark thread is that it's nothing important. The real reason is that it's interesting to see that you care so much about the children. I want to see it." Just look at what you looked like when you became a teacher."

However, after Qianye finished speaking confidently, in the abrupt No. 14 words, there was a knife named interest and teasing.

"Children are hope."

In this regard, Qianye smiled slightly, and didn't seem to care.

"Oh? As expected of being from Muye Village, he speaks so brightly."

Hearing this, No. 14 responded with a yin and yang strangeness that was several ranks higher than No. 15.

"Haha! Isn't it?"

But now, it is obvious that Qianye is still quite happy, and his mood is quite relaxed. Regarding the yin and yang strangeness that is a few ranks higher, Qianye suddenly laughed and said.

"Hmph! The executioner's hope?"

In this regard, No. 15 expressed considerable disdain.

However, No. 14 did not speak, but stood behind Qianye's right, and seemed to raise his head slightly, looking at the dawn in the east.

"The executioner?"

Hearing this, the smile at the corner of Chiba's mouth also slowly disappeared, and she followed No. 14's gaze, but saw that the east was already bright, and a semicircle had already risen slowly on the eastern horizon.

"Isn't it?"

Regarding this, No. 15 spoke again.

"Of course, we're just one of the executioners."

At the end, he seemed to think of something and added something.

However, although what he said this time was similar to sarcastic words, there was no yin and yang in his tone, only a kind of naturalness.

"Oh, it's incredible, in the dark world, it's amazing to have such self-knowledge."

As for this sentence, this time, Qianye became angry.

"Oh? It seems that what you said is quite interesting."

In this regard, No. 14 spoke.

"It doesn't mean anything else. We can't take what we take for granted in this world and add a moral high point that violates its rules. Perhaps, these children will have blood on their hands like us, and become full-fledged Executioners, there will even be a lot of blood of innocent civilians under their hands. But, is it wrong, are these children? They just want to protect their hometown, relatives, friends and partners in a village. To protect these, They must be covered with blood, because in this world, only when they are stained with the blood of others can they protect those they want to protect."

Hearing this, Qianye smiled, and said casually.

But this time, neither the 14th nor the 15th spoke again.

As ninjas of the dark world, they are especially aware of the rules of this world, or the dark side of the rules of the ninja world.

Compared with those ninjas who flaunt the bright world, they may be more sensitive to this aspect.

At the same time, he also deeply loathes all kinds of high-sounding massacres in the bright world.

For example, Ninja War.

These bright world ninjas advertise themselves as noble and bright, and look down on their dark world ninjas, and even regard them as enemies, and their behavior is actually the same as they are described by these bright world ninjas as extremely evil Like a ninja in the dark world of human beings, every step and every hand is full of blood.

Even more than that.

The evil they have done is much more terrifying than these dark ninjas. The casualties in the Ninja War, the casualties caused by each battle, especially the casualties of civilians, are beyond the reach of dark ninjas.

To be honest, No. 14 and No. 15 have a kind of disdain and contempt for ninjas in the bright world.

At least, their dark world ninjas are real villains. They never bother to whitewash what they say and do. They do what they do, and the wicked are the wicked.

And these ninjas in the bright world speak great words and do more evil than them. They are full of hypocrisy. To say they are hypocrites is an insult to the word hypocrite.

These so-called hopes mentioned now are nothing more than more executioners.

Out of distaste for the hypocrisy of ninjas on the bright side, numbers 14 and 15 almost instinctively sarcasm.

However, now that Chiba said it, they also think it makes sense.

The ninja world, no, since the Warring States period, there have been constant disputes, and people died because of fighting every minute and every second. In the current ninja era, there are only a few less, and fighting and killing have always existed.

The entire ninja world is already in a vicious cycle, basically in a state where if you don’t kill yourself, you will be killed. Every ninja village wants to pre-empt strikes. No, strictly speaking, it’s not pre-emptive strikes, but every ninja village wants Preventing myself from becoming the first being preempted.

Therefore, conspiracy and conspiracy, murder and robbery continue.

And these children just adapted to this environment, or in other words, were shaped by this environment.

The remarks of these executioners are actually meaningless.

It is not the child who is wrong, nor is it the ninjas of the dark world or the ninjas of the bright world.

Rather, this world!

"There is nothing specific to say. There are several undercurrents in the village, but they should all be in your intelligence network. During this time, Nobuhiko Uchiha did not have any traces. It seems that your intelligence network has not caught them. Speaking of the calm before the storm, your plan will eventually have an unforeseen situation, a variable that may change the entire situation at any time. Unfortunately, we have not found the information to solve this variable."

In this regard, No. 14 opened the mouth and made a brief announcement.

"I know, thank you, hard work. Next, from now on, you should leave Konoha as soon as possible. This place is no longer a safe place. I can handle it by myself. You don't have to throw your life here in vain."

Hearing this, Qianye nodded, although his face was still lazy, but his tone was full of seriousness.

"We don't need you to tell us. We don't want to be buried with you. It's one thing to help you. It's another thing to lose your life."

Regarding this, No. 15, as always, was not pretentious, and said quite simply.


And number 14's answer was quite straightforward.

"Wait a moment."

But just when the two were about to leave in an instant, Qianye suddenly spoke and stopped them.

"What's wrong?"

Regarding this, No. 14 said relatively peacefully.

"What do you think of Muye Village now?"

And hearing this sentence, Qianye paused, seemed to think for a while, and asked.

"The hypocrisy of the bright world is not much different from other ninja villages."

Regarding this, No. 15 said almost without thinking.

"I agree with No. 15 on this point. However, compared to other ninja villages, the civilians living here should be the happiest. At least they are the happiest of all ninja villages, and they can be regarded as hypocritical. A village with warmth. But, I still look forward to your era, your era in Konoha Village, maybe, we will consider coming here to retire after retirement. When you become Hokage."

It is said that it is rare that No. 14 agrees with No. 15, and in the second half of the sentence, how much is the affirmation of Konoha Village, and the absolute affirmation of Chiba.

But this time, after saying this sentence, the two of them were quite straightforward, and they disappeared in place in a flash.

But he didn't care about whether Chiba had anything to ask, and left Muye Village directly.

"The two cunning guys have never forgotten to bet on both sides. Although they can be trusted, the feeling that one end is on Li Xiao and the other is on me, I really don't know how to evaluate them."

But at this time, realizing that the two had left, Qianye shook her head and smiled wryly.

These two guys, although their mouths are very good, and they are hypocritical, but in fact, they are already paving the way for their future.

On the one hand, he scolded Konoha, and on the other hand, he gave himself a way out in Konoha.

After all, although the dawn organization is stable, it is an organization of the dark world after all. No matter how well hidden its strength is, it is not an opponent of Ninja Village after all.

At least, not the opponent of Da Nin Village.

For the Great Ninja Village where a large number of ninjas and civilians are concentrated, and there is a big country behind it, any organization or Xiaonin Village is powerless.

And if Da Nin Village was offended after Daybreak, the two of them could also take refuge in Konoha.

This behavior seems to be double-faced, but it is also helpless.

It can also be regarded as a way of survival in the dark world.


It is an essential survival skill.

These two guys kept saying that they couldn't let me go, but now it seems that they are at most half and half.

And thinking of this, Qianye also slowly got up, took one last look at the rising sun, which had mostly risen, turned around, and walked towards the house.

Then, in the kitchen of this Japanese-style cabin, there were sounds of tables and chairs moving and chains and locks.

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