Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2606 One after another

"So, is it just an ordinary audience today?"

In the new embassy for the envoy of Caoyin Village, He Yin and Haneda Kazuyo stopped at the threshold, looked at Haneda Kazuyo who was two steps ahead of him and stood still, and said in his mouth.

"Of course, I don't have so much time to take care of his affairs."

Regarding this, Haneda Ichiyo basically rolled his eyes, then turned around and said angrily.

"I'm afraid you can't help but intervene when the time comes."

Hearing this, He Yin smiled, and didn't seem to care much about Haneda Ichiyo's words.

"This time... absolutely not."

At this time, Haneda Kazuyo also smiled, but her tone was quite firm.

Obviously, my memory is manipulated.

In the entire ninja world, there are only two people who can unconsciously modify memory, or simply modify memory.

Either that guy Taki Chiba, or Uchiha Nobuhiko.

And I only come into contact with Taki Chiba, and it is impossible for Uchiha Nobuhiko to tamper with or change my memory under the nose of Taki Chiba.

Now the only possibility is this guy Taki Chiba.

It is unclear which parts he modified and why.

It's not entirely clear that he is innocent.

Nobuhiko Uchiha has been involved in this Chunin exam, and although I can't be alone, I can still watch the changes.

Before Taki Chiba's purpose is determined, he can be a grasshopper.

At this time, Haneda Ichiyo was thinking so.

Now that he has confirmed that there is a problem with his memory, Haneda Kazuyo does not intend to rush forward.

Moreover, since only Taki Chiba is suspected of modifying his own memory, he must also have some defenses that he did not have when dealing with Taki Chiba.

He didn't want his memory to be tampered with by others, and he would end up serving as cannon fodder to sacrifice himself for others without knowing why.

"After the Chunin exam is over, you should leave."

But at this time, Heyin didn't worry too much about this issue, or, in fact, she had expected Haneda Kazuyo to say this a long time ago, and she didn't care, but at this time, she was more concerned about this.

The fate of Haneda Yiye.

To be honest, she knew that Kazuyo Haneda would leave a long time ago, and even, on the first day Kazuyo Haneda arrived in the village, she knew that this boy was going to leave after all.

No matter how important he is in Caoyin Village, what important position he is in charge of, and how much confidential information about Caoyin Village, he will leave eventually.

It's just a matter of time.

Of course, she also believed that Haneda Ichiyo would not just leave the information like this. Apart from not leaking it, she would also leave Caoyin Village with a series of defense mechanisms in case the information leaked.

In a sense, the young man in front of him not only looks very similar to Qianye, but also has a very similar personality.

Therefore, when she said this sentence, she was so peaceful.

At the beginning, there was no objection to handing over such an important position to the young man in front of him.

As the absolute high-ranking officer of Caoyin Village, Heyin is not so naive as a benefactor, Qianye will assign important positions to anyone who comes to him.

Now, she wants to know how long the boy in front of her can stay.


And hearing this life, Haneda Kazuyo also pulled out of his own thoughts, looked at Haneda Heyin, hesitated a little, and nodded.

At the beginning, Taki Chiba told himself that after the end of the Zhongnin exam, he could wander freely in the ninja world.

If he wants to go to Konoha, he can also write a letter to recommend it.

If you want to be a free ninja, just roam freely.

Of course, it is also possible to stand on the opposite side of Taki Chiba, just think about the consequences.

However, Haneda Kazuyo did not want to stand against his teacher.

He has also made a decision. After this Zhongnin exam, he will leave Caoyin Village. How to live, it should be wandering for a while. During the time in Caoyin Village, he has come into contact with countless information. The whole ninja world is still quite curious.

At least, he was still very curious about the places he hadn't seen with his own eyes.

In the end, when his teacher becomes Hokage, he may choose to help the teacher, or settle in Caoyin Village. At that time, Long Yan and Xing Nai will probably grow up, so he has to match up.

Everything, he has already decided.

However, now that he really said it, he still didn't know what to say about leaving Caoyin Village.

"Really...do you have any plans?"

In this regard, He Yin was very calm and said peacefully.

"Let's wander first, and then, consider that the Konoha Gang will help the guy who will become Hokage in the future, or settle in Caoyin Village. At that time, Konoha and Kusanagi should have a very good relationship, and they should not become Hokage wherever they go. opposite."

Hearing this, Haneda Ichiyo was very frank, and didn't mean to hide anything, and said straightforwardly.

Speak out your plans.

"It's really a choice you will make. For so many years, it's difficult for you to be bound in Caoyin Village."

Obviously, He Yin knew the young man in front of him quite well. From the words, it was obvious that He Yin knew that Haneda Yiye would definitely be going to wander for a while.

"No, I'm having a good time."

Regarding this, Haneda Kazuyo smiled and said.

"At least, I have made a group of partners who can trust their backs."

At the end, he added another sentence.

And then, He Yin also smiled, and after that, he didn't say anything more.

For them, there are some things that don't need to be explained clearly one by one. When it comes to this, they have already understood.

Haneda Ichiyo will always be the most reliable partner of Caoyin Village. He may not become a ninja of Caoyin Village, but he can rely on him for life and death.

And Haneda Harmony will not bind Haneda Yiye, and will always trust Haneda Yiye, and will not worry about the core information of so much grass hidden village that he knows. They are behind him.

"Then, I have to go to work, hurry up. The Chunin exam will start soon."

Then, after a moment of silence, Heyin waved his hand, indicating that Haneda Kazuyo could go.

Firstly, she has to do something, and secondly, it's almost time, so don't be hypocritical with the two of you here.

After all, although the two villages have formed an alliance and the covenant has been made, many things still need to be operated by both parties. It does not mean that everything will run naturally after the agreement is made, especially in terms of economics and commerce.

There are many things that Heyin needs to negotiate with Konoha. Just for commercial assistance and exchanges, there are transportation, manpower, regulations, etc., which need to be resolved. It can be said that Heyin should be her busiest during this period.

Fortunately, both Konoha and they both wanted to make quick progress, and they did a good job in terms of concessions and concessions, so everything moved forward very quickly.

But, even so, she still didn't have the time to watch the experiment and relax for such an important event.

Even the next negotiation is very important.


Regarding this, Haneda Kazuyo did not say much. After nodding his head, he responded and headed towards the location of the final test.

The time is really almost up, and if it is later, there may be no seats.

Seeing Haneda Ichiyo leave, Heyin also turned around and closed the door without any pause, and went directly to the study.

There, there are still some materials that will be used today that have not been sorted out.


"Hinata, let's go, Shino still has to participate in the experiment!"

And at this time, on the other side, Inuzuka looked at the girl who was waiting downstairs in Naruto Uzumaki, looked at the sun, and couldn't help but speak.

I always feel that Zhi Nao, who is going to the testing ground alone now, is so pitiful.

At the same time, such a thought flashed through his mind.

Originally, the two of them were going to Zhi Nai's house to go with Zhi Nai. Although they were not qualified for the final test, at least they had to cheer up their partners. Besides, Zhi Nai always liked to pretend to be a With a mysterious appearance, he either didn't say a word, or used some difficult sentence patterns, and he couldn't say it even when he was nervous or afraid, but he was also a sensitive guy, in short, he was a very troublesome guy.

They were by his side, which could be regarded as giving him some peace of mind.

However, I didn't expect that just halfway through the walk, Hinata thought of his sweetheart. Although he didn't know what important things to tell his sweetheart, but seeing Hinata's anxious look, Inuzuka Ya also couldn't help it in the previous ten minutes. It's hard to say anything.

But, now, if not reminded, the trials may finally begin.


And when I heard this sentence, I also realized that the time was almost the same, and understood that at this point, Naruto might have gone to the test site. go.

And the reason why she left her partner Yume Shino and came to Uzumaki Naruto's door was actually to explain that she had reconciled with Neji brother now, and wanted to ask Naruto not to care.

However, now it seems that there is no way.

At that time, she can only stay in the auditorium, and there is no chance to explain to Naruto again, I just hope nothing goes wrong.

Seeing Hinata Hinata turn around and leave, Inuzuka Kiba hurriedly followed.


"What's wrong, Lee?"

At the same time, in the Konoha Hospital, Maitekai, who had already walked to the door of the ward smugly, saw that his disciple hadn't followed, couldn't help turning his head back, and said with a little strangeness.

At this moment, the seriously injured disciple he was most optimistic about was able to stand up. The severely injured hands and feet were still wrapped in bandages, but the injuries in other parts had already healed completely.

His complexion is also quite rosy.

One look and you can see that there is absolutely no danger of life.

Of course, Maitekai knew that his disciple looked fine, but in fact his body was still far away from being fully recovered.

According to Chiba's diagnosis, some external injuries and some internal injuries have been healed.

However, due to the impact of Hachimon Dunjia's powerful chakra leakage and the inward squeezing force of Gaara's attack, some bone fragments have entered the blood vessels, which requires extremely delicate surgery to remove, which Surgery, Chiba can't do it, you have to be an expert.

Therefore, his disciple now only looks good and is out of danger, and he is still far away from a full recovery.

Moreover, he has already decided that he intends to use up all his vacation this year to find Master Tsunade.

Wait until after the Chunin exam is over.

But now, Xiao Li doesn't know his exact situation, only knows that he still needs to recuperate, and now his disciple's abnormal condition, Maitekai is still a little worried.

I'm afraid that Xiao Li heard about his situation from somewhere.

Even though, Chiba didn't tell the third person.

"Ms. Kai, is that Chiba-sensei really the strongest in Konoha? Can't even the teacher defeat him?"

And at this time, after hesitating for a while, Rock Li opened his mouth and said.

In the words, there is a slight sense of loss.


As for this question, Matt Kay answered quite simply.

It turned out to be entangled with this!

At the same time, a thought of relief flashed across his mind.

It's still... the first time I saw Teacher Kai recognize someone so quickly.

At this time, Xiao Li was also a little surprised.

My own teacher has never admitted so frankly that he is inferior to others.

So, that is to say...Ning Ci, Tian Tian, ​​​​and others are specially trained under the hands of people who even Teacher Kai is ashamed of?

Neji, how strong will it be?

Naruto, Sasuke, how strong are they?

They are geniuses in the first place, they are so powerful in the first place, and now they are separated by such a big distance, will they...

Never able to catch up with them?

Then, the next second, his heart began to lose.

Yes, at this moment, the reason why he suddenly stopped, and the reason why he asked that question, is that he realized that his opponents were trained under the strongest person in Konoha, and he missed such an opportunity. Special training.

Such a great opportunity was missed.

How powerful the opponents will become.

And he, who was already lagging behind, how far he would lag behind had already made him anxious.


However, his anxiety didn't last long, and was interrupted by Maitekai's hearty laughter.

"Xiao Li, don't think too much, no matter how much they improve, you can catch up!"

Then, there was such a passionate sound.

"Youth always has regrets! However, regrets are not eternal regrets, you can always catch up with them!"

At the end, Matkay added.

"Teacher Kai..."

Seeing the teacher who gave a thumbs up again and showed his white teeth, Rock Li was slightly taken aback.

"Because, Qianye's foundation is also Bamen Dunjia, and you already have the fastest start."

But at this time, Maitekai suddenly lowered his fingers, suppressed his smile, and said seriously.

"Eight Gates... Dunjia!"

Hearing this sentence, Locke Li froze on the spot, and then, the next second, his eyes widened little by little, and the original loss and anxiety had been replaced by a sparkling excitement.


That Chiba teacher also learned Bamen Dunjia!

At this moment, his heart was replaced by a kind of excitement, and the previous haze of missing special training was instantly swept away.

"Let's go! The exam is about to begin! Let's see how much your opponents have improved!"

At this time, the teacher's urging words sounded.


But this time, he hurriedly followed, and his response...was full of excitement.

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