Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2623 Finally

"Finally, I looked over without any precaution."

The black tyrannical lightning kept shrinking in the chest, as if gradually becoming weak, and slowly dissipated in the hole in the chest. With a kind of stiffness, the man in the blood moon silver robe slowly straightened up, and his mouth seemed to be relieved murmured.

In fact, from just now, the blood moon silver robe man, no, it should be said that Nobuhiko Uchiha is not sure whether he can control Haneda Ichiyo in front of him.

After all, this Haneda Ichiba should be the existence of Konoha who is now involved in the Chunin exam, most likely Taki Chiba.

Whether it is combat power, wisdom, or character, they are the closest to Taki Chiba.

Even though he acted like he didn't know that he was Taki Chiba at all, as if he was an existence somewhat similar to Taki Chiba.

However, it is precisely because of this, because he only shows an existence that seems somewhat similar to Taki Chiba, so it is more likely to be Taki Chiba.

For Taki Chiba, who is accustomed to human psychology, this kind of paradoxical feeling makes it easier for people to make wrong judgments.

Even Taki Chiba deliberately made Haneda Ichiyo look exactly like her boyhood, and the purpose, apart from confusing, probably also had a layer of scaring in it.

After all, in his hundreds of thousands of years of memory, the young Taki Chiba was the only one who made him lose the battle.

It was even the first existence to take power away from him.

Haneda Ichiba and Taki Chiba's youthful appearance are exactly the same. While it is confusing, it can also make him be affected by this appearance, and pay too much attention to this Haneda Yiye.

However, the man he is today is no longer the man he was in the past. In the past ten years, he has sorted out his memories of countless lifetimes. For him, although these memories are old, But when he really recalled and sorted it out, everything seemed like yesterday. After learning from the pain, he also discovered many things that he had never discovered before.

Every time he was reborn, he used to pay too much attention to the memory of power, but the memory other than power was basically piled up in the corner of his brain. This time, he found a lot of things that he hadn't found. thing.

Coupled with the impact of Taki Chiba on him this time, things that he didn't care about or thought he was not good at before, but slowly began to be handy.

Then, he suddenly discovered that being deprived of part of the supreme power by Taki Chiba did not seem to be a bad thing.

It weakens him though, and also creates an equal enemy.

However, this is quite beneficial to himself. Whether it is his own weakening or an equal enemy, he began to break through himself continuously, breaking through the shackles he set for himself, and also understood many of his weaknesses. And make up for these weaknesses into strengths.

It can be said that since he got the eyes of Hirohiko Uchiha, the awakening of the Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan and his own stagnation that eventually evolved into Samsarayan, because that failure was at a speed that he himself could not believe progressing.


It's evolution!

Moreover, now he feels an unprecedented strength, and also understands the reason why Taki Chiba's small body dared to face himself and even defeat him.

This is a very refreshing and strange feeling of omnipotence.

As if, never fail.

Even if you don't win, you will never feel like you will lose.

Here, I have to say that this Taki Chiba is really a very terrifying outsider, whether it is his own tenacity or the personality charm of the people around him, it is beyond his imagination.

Even, looking back at that time now, he has a kind of how could there be such a terrifying outsider?


Even now, he feels that the words "failure" and "giving up" have never been in Taki Chiba's mind. Looking at the night of Nine Tails, I am afraid that there is no outsider, regardless of the mental and physical blows Taki Chiba received. No matter how powerful an outsider can bear, even if he can survive, this outsider is probably just a walking dead.

That night, what Taki Chiba lost was not only the death of all the loved ones he cared about, but also the frustration that he could not protect himself, and that no one could protect him. According to the urine nature of outsiders, this time is not Desperate, either some kind of unrequited love wants to unify the ninja world, or they want to revive these dead people in a whimsical way.

However, this Taki Chiba is different. From the beginning to the end, he never fell down, let alone stood up in failure. This outsider named Taki Chiba himself does not believe in failure, or, He has never failed, he has always stood there, letting the wind and rain blow. Never bent a knee.

No matter what.

Moreover, after obtaining the supreme power, this Taki Chiba's behavior made him feel more and more terrifying. To be honest, for a while, he was very anxious .

But, I don't know what to worry about,

That is to say, just the existence of Taki Chiba made him, who had evolved to a certain degree at that time, feel restless.

After the night of the Kyuubi, Taki Chiba's behavior was almost calm, and his layout became more and more refined and unpredictable. Even with his intelligence acquisition ability of Uchiha Nobuhiko, he would often lose his trail.

And his actions all show one thing, this most special and most terrifying outsider, still has not given up his purpose, or in other words, what kind of Taki Chiba was before the night of the nine tails, apart from strength In addition to being stronger and more threatening, Taki Chiba is still the same after the night of the nine tails.

There was no sign of failure at all.

Even more calm and calm than before the failure, just like the failure of the Nine Tails Rebellion, Taki Chiba has mastered the secret of victory, and Taki Chiba has also evolved.

He still might not be his enemy.

And, unconsciously, Taki Chiba seems to have mastered the entire Konoha, and the entire Konoha has become his most solid backing.

That is something that many outsiders wanted to do, but failed to do!

This Taki Chiba did it unconsciously.

That kind of terrible evolution ability, and this kind of personality charm, to be honest, Uchiha Nobuhiko, who had not yet evolved at that time, really had a feeling of lingering fear and panic about the future.

But now, in fact, he still has a little respect for Taki Chiba.

Such an outsider, besides being the most special one among the outsiders he has seen, is also the most admirable one among all the people he has seen personally.

His memories range from the chaotic Warring States to the present, and he has seen countless heroes, but he has never looked at anyone except the legendary Sage of the Six Paths.

And this Taki Chiba is the first one.

Perhaps, this is the so-called respect for the opponent.

No matter how their final ending is not to die, at this time, he, Uchiha Nobuhiko at this time, still admires Taki Chiba.

"Then, let me see if you are Taki Chiba himself."

However, admiration is nothing more than an affirmation of the opponent. They are immortal enemies after all, whether it is personal hatred, or his existence that seems to have been reborn countless times and Taki Chiba's alien. The identity of the author, the two of them can only be enemies, never friends.

And the ninja's enemies, after all, have no benevolence and morality.

The so-called admiration is nothing more than the winner's last sympathy for the loser.

What should be done now is to confirm the identity of Haneda Yiye, so that Haneda Yiye will not become the backhand of Taki Chiba's final comeback.

And when the murmured words were uttered, a ray of golden flame floated out from under the dark hood of the blood moon silver-robed man, and after drawing a golden trace in the air that seemed to be there and seemed to be illusory, lightly It penetrated into the mouth and nose of Haneda Ichiyo who was already sluggish.


And as the golden flame left the body, the blood moon silver-cloaked man also seemed to be discouraged, and the whole person fell down at a strange angle, and fell to the ground in a mess, as if he was worn out and thrown away at will General tools.



And just a few minutes ago, at the front line of Konoha's main battle line, the pinch of inconspicuous fire smoke in the sky was slowly dissipated amidst the sound of crushed rocks falling. open.

"Teacher Fujiki!"

Afterwards, the children seemed to have just reacted to the horrified and anxious shouts that were almost crying.

But behind the shattered earth wall, the three teenagers and girls huddled together, and the appearance of screaming in horror was slowly revealed.


And at this moment, the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground suddenly sounded in front of them, causing the three of them to shrug their shoulders in fright, and almost exclaimed again.

With thick black smoke, a middle-aged ninja who was scorched all over his body and kept holding his ninja sword high and about to cut it off stared at him, and fell heavily to the ground, but he seemed to be silent.

Teacher Fujiki!

After staring blankly at the charred corpse, the three teenagers woke up like a dream, and immediately looked in front of the corpse.

"Hongyan's detonating talisman is still circulating."

However, before their eyes settled down, behind them suddenly sounded a voice that seemed indifferent but seemed to contain countless emotions.


Then, the next second, there was a voice that made the three of them jump up excitedly, turn around and look back.

Teacher Fujiki!


This is……

Afterwards, there was a burst of surprise in their hearts, because at this moment, in their eyes, they could clearly reflect an adult ninja who was sitting on the ground, and the whole person seemed to be a little stunned. It's their teacher Fujiki.

Then, after the surprise, it was a kind of astonishment.

And the reason is that in front of their teacher Fujiki, there is a silver-moon man in black robe standing. Under the black hat that has fallen off, there is a handsome face, and the white hair is dancing slightly, and the naked one is naked. The bright red left eye that came out made them instinctively palpitate.

However, at this time, everyone's eyes were not on the eyes of the man in the silver moon black robe, but on his left hand. The sleeve robe had been blown away by the explosion, and his forearm was covered with scorched black marks.

What they focused on, however, was not the tragic scorched blackness on the top, but the shedding of the scorched black marks that were variable to the naked eye, and the healing power of the new skin instantly covering the muscle tissue.

The man in the black robe of Yinyue healed the injury on his arm almost within a few seconds, and he didn't even seem to have healed.

"Why are there still children here?"

And at this time, the eyes of the man in the silver moon black robe seemed to be on them too. Under those bright red eyes, the three boys and girls immediately huddled together, feeling as if they had been seen through inside and out. But born.

It's definitely not a good feeling.

Even when they were swept by that eye, a huge sense of oppression almost made them collapse.

Invisibly, another huge black figure seemed to appear behind them, staring at them from top to bottom with that bright red eye.

This feeling already made them stiff and unable to move.

"I...we, just returned to the village mission."

However, at this time, although they were stiff and unable to move, what they said trembled unconsciously.

"Is it... is it bad luck?"

And hearing this sound, although there was no expression on his face, the man in the black robe of Yinyue who gave off a stern feeling seemed to soften.

In an instant, everyone felt their shoulders loosen.

"Get out of here and go to the rear, where you can play a role. Here you are just dying in vain."

Then, the man in the silver moon black robe spoke again.

And after these words, it was unbelievable that they took a step towards the rear at the same time, and even their Fujiki teacher who was lying on the ground stood up.

However, compared to their step, their teacher Fujiki's step was somewhat hesitant.


But at this moment, a violent explosion suddenly sounded from a high place beside them, but it was the tail of the giant black-armored snake that slammed onto the high wall again. The stone rustled and fell.


But at this time, everyone felt their shoulders relax again, and only heard a click of tongue in dissatisfaction. The man in the black robe of Yinyue turned slightly, and his eyes fell on the big black-armored snake.

What's strange is that after the eyes moved away, the body of the roaring black-armored snake almost trembled suddenly, and then the snake's face showed obvious horror, and then with this kind of panic, the huge The snake head started to look around in a panic, as if it felt some terrible threat.

Even looking at the way he shrank his neck, there was almost a feeling that he was going to drop and leave in the next second.

"I won't thank you!"

However, at this moment, it seemed that he was stimulated by something, and it seemed that something could finally be suppressed.

Just when everyone's eyes were attracted by the giant snake, Fujiki Shigeru suddenly shouted.

Facing the man in the silver moon black robe, he almost roared!

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