Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2631 God's Authority

"Oh...forget that you don't have the concept of gods, let's just put it this way, there is only one person who can accomplish what gods can do back then, and that is the Immortal of the Six Paths."

Seeing the dazed look of the two, Uchiha Nobuhiko seemed to have thought of something and added something.

Six Paths... Immortal?

Sage of Six Paths!

But upon hearing this sentence, the two woke up like a dream, but an uncontrollable look of shock appeared on their faces.

"Sage of the Six Paths... is real? Isn't it a legend?"

Then, almost subconsciously, Markey said in a daze.

So, can it be confirmed now, is the Sage of the Six Paths real?

And Yao Shidou had a sullen face. Apart from the shock at the beginning, he had calmed down now. Not only did he calm down, but he even felt a slight sense of joy in his heart.

The kind of joy that seems to be the success of the experiment, or the discovery of some new secret.

Compared with Maji, who was born in the Great Ninja Village, and who is different from combatants like Maji, Pharmacist Dou, who puts more emphasis on experimental knowledge, is obviously very willing to believe that the Immortal of the Six Paths exists.

In other words, the pharmacist had vaguely realized that the existence of the Immortals of the Six Paths was real.

As for Maji, he can’t be blamed for not believing in the existence of Sage of the Six Paths. After all, the change of generations of ninjas is usually accompanied by blood and darkness, and the cycle is extremely short. Perhaps thousands of years ago, or even a hundred years ago, everyone still believed The existence of the Immortals of the Six Paths, but under the baptism of frequent wars, this kind of legend that has been passed down by word of mouth and has no written records is easily broken, because there is no clear evidence, coupled with the chaotic situation, Few people will pay attention to such a legend that already seems illusory.

Besides, what good would such a legend do to their hidden sand village?

It's been a long, long time.

Ninjas don't believe in any gods and Buddhas.

All they believe in is their own chakra and the sharp blade in their hands.


As for Machi's words, Uchiha Nobuhiko sighed for a long time. Although he had expected that Machi, who was born in Dainin Village, would react like this, but when he really heard these words, he Still a little upset.

He has been reincarnated for so many lives. From the time when some people preached the doctrine of the Ninja religion of the Sage of the Six Paths, to now it is only a legend of the Sage of the Six Paths. What he sees is a world that runs counter to the concept of the Sage of the Six Paths.

To be honest, he was disappointed in this world.

It was also from the time when the Sage of the Six Paths became a legend, or in other words, since no one was preaching the teachings of the Sage of the Six Paths, the world entered an era full of meaningless killings known as the "Warring States Period". From the beginning of this era until the end of this era, ninjas have become a group of people who don't know how to think, don't know how to make progress, only know how to kill constantly under the killing rules they made themselves, and become some kind of beast with a certain amount of intelligence group.

Finally, there was an existence with a little bit of thinking ability to set everything right, but it was only a flash in the pan. In the end, the ninja era was nothing more than a single small group of wild beasts killing each other, and a large group of wild beasts killing each other. progress.

Looking at it from a position higher than anyone else, the world that Uchiha Nobuhiko sees is a stupid and ignorant world.

A world without hope.

Perhaps, this is why this world invites outsiders to invade.

Because this world is already hopeless, and the hopeless virus has spawned a world-destroying virus. Almost everyone outsiders knows everything. They know the context of this world, they know the composition of this world's power, and It also has the power to destroy the world and even surpass the world's cognition. It is almost destined to stand on the highest point like myself and look down on the existence of the world.

If he hadn't curbed these incentives to destroy the world in time, I'm afraid the world would have been destroyed by now.

And even if he tried his best to contain it, still in this kind of stupidity, an outsider like Taki Chiba was born who had already stood at the same height as him.

Moreover, the process of Taki Chiba becoming stronger is a process of constantly using the hatred between villages to slowly gain advantages for him.

Even, as the most important and powerful Konoha Village in the entire ninja world, he is still doing his best to help this outsider who will destroy the world, and as a virus clearer, he has been maliciously attacked by the entire ninja world.

Although he didn't care about these things, it looked...how ridiculous!

And this also added to his dislike for this ninja world.

Or rather, the loathing of these stupid and ignorant beasts.

Perhaps, this is why, he doesn't care about the life and death of these ninjas.

He could never "like" these beasts.

"What... did he do?"

And at this time, Yakushi ignored Uchiha Nobuhiko's mocking sneer and asked.

For him, during the period of following Orochimaru, he and Orochimaru have preliminarily deduced that the Six Paths Immortal may exist in the research on Qianshou Cell and other related researches.

Even the odds are quite high.

But in the case of the first glimpse, the inferences they made still felt extremely terrifying.

The ultimate terror of a colossal force capable of shaping the world.

If their conjectures are true, and their conjectures about the power of the Sages of the Six Paths are true, then they may be like ants, or even worse than ants.

Even Oshemaru-sama, who is already standing at the top of this ninja world, is probably not as good as an ant.

And now, if Taki Chiba did what the Sage of the Six Paths did...

To be honest, from here onwards, Yao Shidou couldn't even imagine the part.

"He created a living body."

And at this time, looking at Ma Ji, whose face was slightly unhappy, and looking at Yaoshidou, whose face was obviously a little pale, as if he had thought of something, he opened his mouth and said.

"Creating life forms? Cloning?"

And almost instantly, the moment he heard these words, Markey said in surprise.

To create a living body, what kind of thing can a sage of the Six Paths do?

Will it be a clone soon?

The implication of Markey's words is quite disdainful.

Maji, who is cooperating with Orochimaru, also has a certain understanding of Orochimaru's research. At least, he knows that Orochimaru has a cloning technology that can replicate humans through gene replication, which is a means of manufacturing living organisms.

To be honest, what kind of god's authority is this? Could it be that Orochimaru has also become a god?

Obviously, Nobuhiko Uchiha's words seemed a bit alarmist to Machi's ears.

"Oh, I made a mistake in expressing it. It should be that life was created."

Upon hearing this sentence, Uchiha Nobuhiko raised his hand slightly, smiled apologetically, and said so.


And hearing this life, Yao Shidou almost screamed, his face turned pale.

This Taki Chiba, when...


The question is not here, but, to create life... Is this possible?

And his heart, at this moment, was already in complete chaos.

Obviously, he knew the difference between making life and creating life.

Manufacturing life forms is, in the final analysis, cloning technology, or growth and cultivation technology, and no matter what kind of technology it is, it can only be carried out after a blueprint. create.

And creating life, that is another concept, it is from scratch, does not need any blueprint, and the creator can arbitrarily modify the various characteristics of life, even what blood succession limit, can be created.

Even, the creators can create terrifying adaptants such as intercolumn cells. If the creator has a deep understanding of intercolumn cells, he can even directly create a fairy body.

If the creation of life forms is science and technology, then the creation of life is a miracle!

These are two concepts!

Two completely different concepts.

"It seems that someone has already understood the difference between making a living body and creating life."

Nobuhiko Uchiha seemed quite satisfied with Yakushido's exclamation. After slightly nodding his head, he spoke again.

"Tailed beasts, do you know? Back then, the tailed beasts were individual beings created by the Sages of the Six Paths."

And when he saw Maki who was looking at Yakushidou in surprise, and was a bit confused as to why Yakushidou was so excited, Nobuhiko Uchiha couldn't help but sighed again, and added.

"Tail beast!"

And this sentence soon aroused Maki's exclamation. I saw him staring at Nobuhiko Uchiha with his eyes wide open. Under the undisguised shock and horror, he blurted out a sentence: "The tailed beast was created. from?"

The tailed beast...was also created?

Taki Chiba, can now create... tailed beasts?

And at this moment, Yao Shidou was startled again when he heard this, his whole face was already unsightly stiff.

Even, both of them felt like they couldn't turn their heads. In these few short sentences, the amount of information was too explosive.

First of all, the Sage of the Six Paths, and then the creation of life that can be done by the Sage of the Six Paths, and the living Taki Chiba, and even the tailed beast can create.


This is really too far-fetched.

This is no longer something beyond common sense, but moving the myths and legends to reality!

At this moment, they couldn't react anymore.

Even, they have no way to think about what impact such Taki Chiba will have on their current situation, and whether they should still go against Taki Chiba.

In other words, they are afraid to think about it, they are already afraid to think about it, and they are instinctively avoiding these questions.

And their subconscious minds are quite clear, such Taki Chiba, and such Uchiha Nobuhiko, in fact, they seem to have no other choice but to lie flat, and they don't need to think.

Because thinking is useless.

And then, there was a long silence.

The two of them were already unable to think, and Nobuhiko Uchiha seemed to know that what he said at this time would have no effect, so he simply didn't speak, waiting for them to slowly digest.

"What do you mean, I couldn't judge Taki Chiba's body just now..."

However, what finally did not disappoint Uchiha Nobuhiko was that the two of them quickly recovered their basic rationality, and after trying their best to manage their expressions, they asked with difficulty.

"Yes, you are right. Taki Chiba created an identical self, inheriting 100% of his power, or 100% of the power he showed in front of others. How much difference is there between the specific and the main body? Don't know yet."

In this regard, Nobuhiko Uchiha nodded in satisfaction, and said.

100% inherited...

Two, Taki Chiba?

And at this moment, the two people who heard this couldn't help swallowing, one Taki Chiba is already so scary, two Taki Chiba, and 100% two Taki Chiba, to be honest, they are already I don't know what to think.

As for Nobuhiko Uchiha, the reason why he didn't make a move so quickly is that Taki Chiba created a Taki Chiba, and he can only deal with a Taki Chiba with confidence. Under the circumstances, that is, in the situation where the exact location of the two Taki Chibas cannot be accurately grasped, in order to avoid being attacked by the two Taki Chibas and besieged by the two Taki Chibas at a disadvantage, he cannot act rashly.

Moreover, the two Taki Chiba are each other's backhand and trump card. In a sense, unless he kills one first and then the other, Taki Chiba is invincible.

"Is there only one?"

In this regard, Markey asked almost unconsciously.


Hearing this, Uchiha Nobuhiko nodded and said.

There is only one at most. He has been chasing and killing outsiders for so many lives, and he also has a certain understanding of outsiders. No matter how scary outsiders are, they must follow certain rules. In other words, in this world, they are also limited.

Taki Chiba, it is impossible to create infinite life.

At least, it is impossible to create 100% of your own life again.

It is even impossible to create other life forms.

After all, this is the authority of the gods, and it cannot be abused. Even the Sage of the Six Paths, the creation of life is just to use the division of the ten tails, so as not to violate the taboo in this area too much.

Although he was not born in the era of the Sage of the Six Paths, and even the era of his own birth is quite far away from the Sage of the Six Paths, Nobuhiko Uchiha is, after all, a very ancient person compared to the present.

When he was born, he could still collect some records about the Sage of the Six Paths, and he was sure that the Sage of the Six Paths could create life, but he never abused it. According to his believers who recorded these, it was because they could not break the balance.

There is potential balance in this world.

It is a taboo that cannot be touched.

And this taboo, even outsiders, cannot touch it.

Therefore, he was sure that Taki Chiba had only created himself.

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