If you want to capture Uchiha Nobuhiko's spiritual seed, the remaining celestial chakra will almost be exhausted no matter how you save it or how you control it perfectly.

Putting his hand on the forehead of the dead Fourth Kazekage, the senjutsu chakra poured into this body that had begun to cool down continuously. "Ichiba Haneda" who closed his eyes, that is, Chiba's consciousness, at this time In his mind, there was a dim silence, and in front of his eyes, there seemed to be a huge brain. It seemed that he was floating in front of the brains of the four generations of Kazekage.

For him who created the Spiritual Seed, he naturally knew how to eliminate the Spiritual Seed.

There are two ways to eliminate the spiritual seeds. One is the sealing method, which is to seal the spiritual seeds with sealing techniques. The spiritual seeds that have not hatched are actually quite fragile and weak. It is basically equivalent to the level of a chick that has not yet hatched, that is to say, basically all the sealing techniques that can seal Chakra can seal it.

But this method is quite difficult.

For those who don't have the supreme power, or the extreme degraded version of the supreme power, it is basically impossible to do it, even if they know the sealing technique.

To seal the Spiritual Seed, you must first find the Spiritual Seed, and the Spiritual Seed must be implanted into a complete soul. Generally, people without supreme power cannot perceive the Spiritual Seed. At least it is the extreme of the degraded version that requires supreme power. For example, if the pupil power of the Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan is developed to a certain extent, you can see certain abnormalities, such as the strangeness circulating in the chakra, and for example Said to be Nao's eyes, she was able to enter her sealed space at a glance back then, and I'm afraid she could also see the abnormality of the spiritual seed, which is a degraded version of the supreme power even though it is a kaleidoscope sharingan Extreme, but with a special ability, it can touch certain things that cannot be seen by conventional methods.

Another example is another degraded version of supreme power, the immortal body. Generally speaking, the immortal body has the ability to perceive. As for whether it can be developed, it depends on the individual. For example, after Qianye got the immortal body , In terms of perception, he actually did a pretty poor job. If it wasn't for the reincarnation eye, he might lose face in terms of perception.

In other words, Qianye's abilities and talents in space and perception are quite bad.

And the immortal body, especially the mature immortal body, can perceive the abnormality of the spiritual seed.

Like the perception ability shown by the second generation of Hokage, he can easily perceive the battlefield of the Fourth Ninja World War thousands of miles away. His perception is so powerful that it can be seen just by looking at this hand.

Under this kind of perception, it is inevitable to be able to sense the existence of the spiritual seed.

Of course, a mature immortal body like the first generation of Hokage, no matter whether it has developed perception ability or not, can also passively notice the abnormality of the person who has been planted with the spiritual seed.

It may be because the birth of the Spiritual Seed has a certain yin and yang escape technique, whether it is a fairy body or a sharingan, you can see some of it.

As for Baiyan who is good at observation, Chiba can't say for sure, but as a degraded version of the supreme power, it can also be seen, but Chiba has never seen the extreme of Baiyan in the original book, so it cannot be concluded.

And as long as it can be seen or sensed, it is very simple to deal with the spiritual seed, and maybe a seal of evil can solve all problems.

Although the spiritualized seed is a fragment of the soul, it is almost impossible to touch it except for the supreme power, but the soul seed has a shell, which is the existence that blocks the rejection between the soul and the soul. This layer of shell is actually a chakra entity, which is actually sealed by the sealing technique. As long as the sealing technique seals the shell, the sealing technique seals the shell, and the chain network of soul fragments is formed in the shell. It can completely suppress the spiritual seed.

And then take out a kind of operation through sealing, you can take out the spiritual seed.

As for the operation of removing the seal, it requires a certain level of sealing skills training, but for Chiba, this is not a big problem for you, and even the major ninja villages have sealing skills that can perform this kind of operation Experts, and among the sealing ninjas in the major ninja villages, the proportion of beings who can perform this kind of operation is not low.

Strictly speaking, the most difficult thing to take out the spiritual seed is to perceive the existence of the spiritual seed, the other is quite simple.

The second method is aimed at the shell of the spiritual seed. Although that shell is created by the technique of yin and yang escape, it is quite different from other applications of the technique of yin and yang escape. Fragile, direct impact with Chakra will shatter that layer of shell, and if the shell is broken, the soul fragments inside and the complete soul will conflict due to the rejection of the soul.

There are only two endings left, one is that the soul fragments are completely expelled, and the other is that the complete soul is crushed into powder.

According to the experiments done by Chiba, when this method smashes the shell, it will cause damage to the practitioner's body, which is basically a very rough method.

However, this method does not require the exact location of perception. After knowing that the magician has been planted with spiritual seeds, as long as a large area is attacked with a large amount of chakra, there is a high chance that a blind cat will encounter a dead one. of rats.

Besides, planting spiritual seeds secretly requires certain physical contact. As long as the practitioner recalls the places touched, it is entirely possible to eliminate them one by one according to the method of elimination.

After all, in daily life, there is actually quite little physical contact, especially the ninja group, they will try to avoid too much physical contact, because of Chakra, physical contact is also a high-risk behavior, unless it is very A relationship of trust, otherwise ninjas pay great attention to physical contact and will consciously avoid it.

When fighting, let alone, physical contact is almost strictly prohibited, except when necessary.

Even some reckless physical contact will be defined as aggressive behavior.

So, it's fairly ruled out.

Of course, because the Spiritual Seed has not been announced at all, only Uchiha Nobuhiko and Chiba know about it, and no one knows about it.

As for the current Chiba, as a developer and creator with supreme power, it is not difficult to find the location of Uchiha Nobuhiko's spiritual seed, and even if he does not use the supreme power, he can guess Uchiha Nobuhiko Where was the spiritual seed planted.

Such an important figure as the Fourth Kazekage is not only the core of the Konoha Honkai plan, but also a powerful spiritual puppet after use. Nobuhiko Uchiha must have planted the seeds of spiritualization in all parts. The position of the brain that is easy to control everything. This position is the most convenient place to control the entire body after the spiritual seed hatches, and it is also the place that can best ensure that all his memories can be remembered by the soul seed after the death of Sidai Kazekage .

Yes, that's right, according to the location of the planting, the control strength of the spiritual seed after hatching is different.

Like Haneda Yiye at this time, the place where Chiba was planted was the brain, which is the place where it can be completely controlled.

As for how Uchiha Nobuhiko was able to touch certain implantation positions such as Sidai Kazekage's forehead and back of the head, Chiba did not know. With Hasinhiko's ability, even with the violent means of illusion, he can still implant the spiritual seed in the mind of Sidai Kazekage without anyone noticing.

For example, when we met for the first time, there was an illusion deterrent directly, and then the spiritual seed was implanted in the head of the Fourth Hokage in the illusion, and then the illusion was unlocked, so that the Fourth Hokage thought that he was just deterrent , and did not make any small moves.

There are several ways for Chiba to think about it.

Uchiha Nobuhiko also naturally has means.

And now, in the brain in front of Qianye, there is that spiritualization.

The spiritual seed of Nobuhiko Uchiha.

And now that the spiritual seed has been found, the next step is very simple. You only need to turn this incarnation of the celestial chakra into a seal, completely block the brain of the fourth Kazekage, and then seal it.

It's just that if the spiritual incarnation of this fairy chakra is used, then, in another hour, his slug fairy clone will definitely be released.

Moreover, the four purple flame array over there cannot be destroyed before it is released.

After all, Chiba is still regretting that he developed the Spiritual Seed, even though it is not yet certain whether Uchiha Nobuhiko learned it secretly from him, or learned it because of his own influence.

Although the spiritual seed has brought him a lot of convenience, especially in some special intelligence collection, it can be said that it is not disadvantageous.

However, this also allowed Uchiha Nobuhiko to obtain a bigger weapon. Compared with his own restraint, he only tampered with the souls of some unknown little people, Uchiha Nobuhiko was much more unscrupulous.

Characters like the Fourth Kazekage are also direct hands and feet, and those bloody silver-robed people, all of them have good strengths, and they can even use Uchiha Nobuhiko's pupil technique, I am afraid they are some existences with special physiques , although I don't know where Uchiha Nobuhiko collected so many existences with unique physiques, but what is certain is that Uchiha Nobuhiko is really omnipotent in this regard.

Not to mention ethics and morality, it has caused great trouble to him now.

He even lost a slug fairy avatar that had been cultivated for more than ten years.

You know, compared to Uchiha Nobuhiko's unscrupulousness, Chiba is well aware of the dangers of unpredictable factors, and he is always constrained by it, even creating a slug fairy clone must be cultivated and contained in many ways to avoid bad things. Condition.

Like Nobuhiko Uchiha, who unscrupulously created spirit puppets and made his own substitutes, Chiba not only did not create any spirit puppets, those unknown little people only started to really control them after they died. Destroy it at the fastest speed, avoid causing any butterfly effect, and let your plan fall short.

It can be said that Qianye himself has no way to use this spiritual seed, but it is used to the extreme by the enemy.

If Uchiha Nobuhiko really evolved the spirit puppet technique through the spiritual seed he learned, then he really gave the enemy a big killer.

And if the slug fairy art avatar came into contact with, he might really have to take out the things at the bottom of the box.

In other words, Nobuhiko Uchiha's plan may be successful now.

"Heh... I didn't expect that he would be forced to fight so soon. To be honest, this battle originally planned to wait until the decisive battle two or three years later. Now, I'm afraid it's time to expose everything in advance. It's the hole card. Keep it up, this wave can't hold it anymore. It seems that the plan for the next two or three years will have to be changed."

And at this time, "Ichiyo Haneda", who slowly opened his eyes, sighed softly, murmured to himself, and spat it out slowly.

Sure enough, facing him, did I lose again?

At the same time, a voice sounded in the conscious heart of Chiba in his heart.

It was already obvious that this time, he lost again.

Although the next battle will depend on the battle between the two of them, Chiba is still very confident in the outcome of this battle.

However, in the tactical comparison, he has already lost.

Uchiha Nobuhiko's ferocity and swiftness belonged to planning before moving, and his passive defense, just like the night of the nine tails, was completely disintegrated by Uchiha Nobuhiko. Uchiha Nobuhiko's goal will soon be achieved .

In the end, he still lost.

Perhaps, this reborn person is really the natural nemesis of outsiders. Even though he should be considered special among outsiders, his attribute is an outsider after all, and he was completely suppressed and restrained by the reborn person bred in this world. up.

"Forget it, let's take it one step at a time. After all, in my fight with him, I am born at a disadvantage!"

And at this time, "Haneda Ichiyo" slowly stood up and spoke lightly.

It's just that at this time, he was already holding a jet-black ball similar to a jade-like jade that was dissatisfied with runes, but it was from the fourth Hokage's forehead when his hand left the fourth Hokage's hand. pulled out.


At this time, the moment he spoke, a crack climbed up the ball.

"Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka!"

Then, two, three... countless cracks instantly filled the ball.


Finally, with a bang, the ball burst open, mixed with a touch of golden flame, and shattered into the air.

Uchiha Nobuhiko's spiritual seed, pull it out!


However, at this moment, "Haneda Ichiyo" suddenly changed his face, looked down suddenly, and his eyes suddenly widened.



But in his heart, there was a touch of consternation.

The sound of rustling sand rubbing against his feet sounded

And in the corner of his eyes, at some point, a strange pattern appeared in Sidai Kazekage's gloomy eyes.

Kaleidoscope Sharingan pattern.


It is the pattern of the eternal kaleidoscope!

Nobuhiko Uchiha's Eternal Kaleidoscope's Sharingan pattern!

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