Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2640 confirmation


Hearing the sudden two voices of "Aunt Xue Nai", the mysterious girl was slightly taken aback, but she recovered from the time-consciousness just now, suddenly raised her head, and looked at the two members of the Hinata clan in front of her. Boys and girls.

Indeed, one name is engraved on the Bird in a Cage.

Another name, not engraved with Caged Bird.

Separation and clan.

brother and sister...

However, although she was stunned by the two "Aunt Xue Nai", she still thought quickly, or almost subconsciously, and at the same time, the white pupils in the white eyes slowly emerged. , the meridian bulge extends from the corner of the eye to the temple, but the white eyes have been opened, and in the boy's brain, he can clearly see the seal on the optic nerve that belongs to the bird in the cage, and the girl obviously does not have it. Any traces of caged birds.

And if the division system of the Hyuga clan has not changed, then the boy in front of him should be the division family, and this young girl should be the clan division.

"Really, more than ten years have passed, and the baby at the time has grown up. I don't know the time here. Yumiko's appearance is also blurred to me. I didn't recognize the child who is so similar to her. Are you... ...Ningji, right?"

Then, in the next second, after this stupefaction, everything about the mysterious girl, including her aura, eyes, facial expressions, and even the curvature of her mouth, softened in one glance, and even the tone of this sentence was It's so soft that people can feel a kind of warmth just by listening to it.

It's like the love, or tenderness, that the elders have for the younger generation.

Undoubtedly, this mysterious girl has a strong logical thinking ability, and can connect everything together almost instantly.

From her point of view, the two people in front of her are undoubtedly members of the Hyuga clan, and they are completely different from her, or they are fundamentally different, so their ages are not like hers. In this way, it should be the real age, that is to say, the two teenagers and girls who seem to be about the same age as her in front of her are genuine teenagers and girls.

And from what they said about the night of the Nine Tails to the present, the two should have been in infancy at the beginning, and the oldest could only be in infancy.

At the same time, judging from the reaction of the two of them just now, and the girl's inadvertent admiration for the boy, the two are either brother and sister, or they have a good relationship like brother and sister.

Moreover, it can be seen that the boy seems to be a little guilty towards the girl, and the girl is also a little guilty towards the boy. The relationship between the two should be quite complicated.

So, she rolled her eyes.

For the Hyuga clan, the complex relationship between people is not a very unusual thing, and it is even quite normal. The most obvious one is the relationship between the clan and the clan under the clan system.

As for what this boy and girl showed, although they value each other very much, there should be a gap because of mutual apologies for certain things. Of course, the gap has begun to be eliminated.

The relationship is good, but there is a estrangement. At the beginning, even the good relationship cannot be resolved. Finally, because of some kind of opportunity, the relationship overcomes the estrangement, and the relationship between each other begins to make up and heal.

This situation is a very common relationship between Hyuga's main family and branch families.

And it is commonly found in branch families that are closely related to the main family, as well as the main families that have close blood ties with the branch family, such as brothers, between brothers and sisters, next-generation cousins, cousins, cousins, cousins Or siblings, sisters, cousins, cousins ​​of the next generation, cousins, cousins.

In other words, the two are at least one of these relationships. Judging from the appearance of the two, the boy should be the elder, and the girl should be the youngest, so they are cousins ​​or cousins. Of course, they may also be brothers and sisters.

However, the chances of being a biological brother and sister are very small, because if they are biological brothers and sisters, both of them belong to the Hyuga clan, then it should be that the elder brother was not engraved as the bird in the cage, and the younger sister was engraved as the bird in the cage. Instead of the current sister not engraved, brother engraved.

Obviously, the two are cousins ​​or cousins.

According to the timeline, although time has flowed through her fingers for more than ten years, the Hyuga clan should still have not changed dynasties, that is to say, the twin brothers are still in power.

And the younger brother should be by the side as a branch to protect the elder brother.

Then, it is very clear that the boy is the heir of the younger brother, and the girl is the heir of the elder brother.

Because of this relationship, there is a gap between the two, the gap between the clan and the family.

And the twin elder brother who is currently in power, that is, the girl's father, should be Hinata Hyuzu, who is the assistant and protection of the branch family, that is, the boy's father, should be Hinata Hinata.

And she knows about the son who is on a daily basis.

It could only be, Neji.

Hinata Ningji.

That, the little nephew she loved so much back then.

Moreover, she finally remembered now that the boy in front of her was almost 70% similar to his mother.

You can't go wrong!

"Aunt Xue Nai...it's really you!"

And hearing these words, Hinata Neiji was finally convinced of the gentleness on the face of the mysterious girl in front of her that didn't match her age.


Absolutely nothing wrong!

The girl in front of him, a mysterious girl who is seven points similar to Hinata Yuruowu, is his Aunt Xue Nai.

The strongest Hinata that their Chiba-sensei said died trying to save him, Yukina!

Hyuga Yukina!


However, in the next second, his pupils shrank suddenly, his body froze, and amidst a slight sound, a hand gently pressed down on his head and stroked it gently.

But that soft face was already close in front of my eyes.


So fast!

And at this time, Hinata Hinata, who was on the side, also widened her eyes, looking at the mysterious girl in front of her as if she was an elder, giving her brother Neji, who seemed to be much taller than the mysterious boy, a pampering pat on the head. The contrast between the height of the two and the height of the two is seriously unbalanced, and the heart is already filled with horror.

At that moment just now, she almost lost her mind for a moment, but she didn't see the mysterious girl's movements.

When she saw it, it was the scene in front of her eyes.

"I didn't expect you to grow so big!"

But at this time, a soft, soft sound sounded.

Is...is this the feeling?

A long, long time ago, it seemed... felt it.

But at this time, Ningji Hinata, compared to being shocked, felt a kind of confusion in his heart, vaguely, as if it was a very familiar feeling, since a long, long time ago, he seemed to have not yet formed a complete thinking of storing memories The feeling he had felt when he was young, now emerged in his heart.

From the softness and warmth overhead.

"So, are you the daughter of brother Hizuru? Your father should be Hinata Hizuru."

But at this time, the mysterious girl had already turned her gaze away, and landed on Hinata Hinata who was beside her with wide-eyed eyes.

"I'm really too. I've been too busy asking you questions, and I've ignored your appearance. I've always wanted a niece who looks like me. Now, a nephew, a niece, my wish has come true!"

At the same time, the hand that was withdrawn from the top of Neiji Hinata's head was already gently pressing on Hinata Hinata's head, followed by this sentence full of joy from the heart.

Even Ningji Hinata and Yukina Hinata can hear the sincere joy. The mysterious girl in front of her really loves them very, very much.

Even though, this mysterious girl may not have seen them a few times at all.

Even, according to Hinata Hinata, this mysterious girl should have never been in contact with her.

So... so beautiful!

However, at this time, compared to the sincere love that fills my ears, it may be the girl's first reaction. For the squinting smile in front of her, it is full of soft and warm beautiful face. , seems to be seven points similar to himself, especially when he laughs. However, compared to myself, she looks much, much better.

At this moment, Hinata Hinata's cheeks seemed to be hot and slightly reddened, as if subconsciously she was about to bow her head shyly and look away.

It was completely the reaction of seeing an elder who was too beautiful.

She... She must have been everyone's focus before.

The most beautiful girl in the class.

The kind that makes boys lose their way.

Afterwards, amid the uncontrollable bowing of her head slightly shyly, Hinata Hinata couldn't help but have such a thought in her heart.

Afterwards, there was a feeling that he didn't dare to look at the mysterious girl in front of him again.

"Ah, sorry."

Seeing Hinata Hinata blushing and bowing her head, the mysterious girl seemed to realize that her actions seemed a bit abrupt, and immediately withdrew her hand that was stroking the soft hair, and stepped back slightly.

In an instant, the two raised their heads almost at the same time, and looked at the place where the mysterious girl was, with stunned expressions appearing on their faces.

Well... so fast!

But this time, even Ningji Hinata couldn't help exclaiming in his heart, and even the feeling of confusion disappeared instantly.

At this moment, Wei Wei stepped back, but the mysterious girl had already returned to her original position, and the two unexpectedly missed the process of the mysterious girl's retreat at the same time.

Although none of them have turned on the white eyes, but the blood succession limit is powerful, especially the blood succession limit of the pupil technique, even if it is not turned on, their dynamic vision is quite strong compared to ordinary people.

The mysterious girl's instantaneous speed at this time can be said to be terrifyingly fast.

"I'm Yukina, Hyuga Yukina."

But at this time, the mysterious girl smiled slightly at the astonishment of the two, but she didn't seem to care about their expressions, but took a breath slightly, and spoke quite seriously.

I admitted it exactly, she is Hyuga Yukina.

"I'm sorry, Aunt Xue Nai, but... you should be dead, why are you here..."

And hearing this sentence, this clear and obvious admission, Hinata Ningji's eyes suddenly cleared up, and he opened his mouth subconsciously.

However, this opening is just a sentence of doubt.

In the current situation, if it is really my aunt Xue Nai, then everything is wrong.

According to my teacher Chiba, Aunt Xue Nai in front of me should have died.

First of all, my own Chiba teacher will not lie to them. Teacher Qianye is not the kind of person who will fool people with life and death, not to mention that Aunt Xue Nai in front of him is still the benefactor who saved his life with her life. My own teacher Qianye is definitely not that kind of person.

Secondly, he also went to confirm it. He clearly found his aunt's name on the hero's memorial tablet, and next to him was another teammate that Mr. Chiba said, Nobuhiko Uchiha.

Undoubtedly, Aunt Xue Nai was already sacrificed.

On the memorial tablet, the names of dead heroes are engraved. The village will never play games. It can be said that the name on the memorial tablet is a sacred thing that cannot be desecrated to some extent.

And although he also found the name of his surviving teacher Qianye on the above, but there must be deep considerations in the village, and his teacher Qianye died, it must be engraved on the memorial tablet .

Everything he did far surpassed the word hero.

So, in other words, this Aunt Xue Nai in front of her should not exist.

The warmth that touched them just now cannot be given by the dead, and if it is a soul, how can it touch them?

All this makes no sense!

It shouldn't be!

"Wait a moment!"

However, before he could complete his question, he was interrupted by Xue Nai in front of him. The girl raised her hand, and suddenly the breath of the superior swept over. Ningji and Hinata Hinata shivered at the same time, silent for a while, subconsciously straightened several times, confining their lips.

But he didn't say anything.

"Before that, there are a few questions I want to ask you."

Regarding this, Xue Nai, who suddenly turned into a serious expression, seemed to be shrugging a bit, her cheeks flushed a little, she paused for a while, and then continued.

"You say."

Hearing this, the two of them almost all responded with respectful words, although because of that tweak, the authority of the superior was greatly reduced.

"Chiba, is Chiba okay? Is he in the village now? He's not injured, is he? He's still alive and well?"

At this time, after receiving affirmative answers from the two, a series of questions spit out from her mouth.

At this time, the girl has no half power, she is full of care and worry beyond words.

"Teacher Chiba is fine, he is now the agent of Hokage. Taking over the village is a certainty."

Regarding this, the two of them didn't have time to think about it, and said directly.

"Really... Hokage Agent, you should be living a good life. You didn't go crazy, you didn't give up on yourself, and you didn't hurt yourself... Really, it's great to live well!"

But at this time, upon hearing this, the girl with reddish cheeks muttered to herself, and finally said several words like "that's great" and "rest assured", but it seemed completely Caught in his own mind and world, he ignored the two of them.

Fortunately, this process didn't last long, and she quickly realized it.

However, after reacting, in the eyes of the two of them, his aunt's cheeks seemed to be even more red, and he faltered a few times, but he didn't ask the next question in a daze.

"Aunt Xue Nai..."

It wasn't until the two of them couldn't bear it any longer and took the initiative to ask, that she seemed to grit her teeth and be cruel, and asked loudly with her eyes closed.

"He...is he married? Has...had any children? Have you lived...lived...happy life!"

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