Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2649 very famous


"Xue Nai?"

After there were many more people in front of them, Xue Nai and Hirohiko who were the leaders took a closer look, they were both slightly taken aback, and blurted out.


"Naru... Naruto?"

At the same time, Uzumaki Naruto and Hinata Hinata also spoke at almost the same time.

"Sasuke Uchiha."

"Hinata... Neji."

Following these two sounds, the two geniuses also noticed each other, and a greeting sounded with a clear smell of gunpowder.


And at this moment, Haruno Sakura looked at the two groups of people, and a thought came to her mind.

At this moment, standing in front of her were Ningji Hyuga, Hinata Hinata, and a girl she didn't know, but it seemed that it wasn't the one they were going to, it was the one that Uchiha Hirohiko just said. It is said that although they are not relatives, they are better than the existence of relatives.

It seems that the movement should have failed.

"It seems that we have failed."

And just when Haruno Sakura thought of this, Hirohiko and Yukina in front said this almost at the same time.

Obviously, they all moved to each other's side, this time the move failed.

At least, they did not achieve the results they wanted.

"This time, how many people have you been imprisoned in?"

And at this time, almost at the same time, Yukina and Hirohiko looked back at the same time, and looked at the younger generation of Konoha who had a close relationship with them behind them.

Obviously, the younger generations of Konoha they met who had a close relationship with them were not the only ones who were imprisoned here.

Looking at the teams brought by each other, there is no doubt that there should be many young generations of Konoha who have been imprisoned in this space.

Not just what they encountered.

And this kind of situation is something they absolutely don't want to see. Since Uchiha Nobuhiko can open this space, and the younger generation present are all locked in by Uchiha Nobuhiko.

Undoubtedly, they are all bargaining chips against Chiba.

Although they don't know exactly how Nobuhiko Uchiha will deal with Chiba, and what kind of predicament Chiba is facing at this time, but they know that since Nobuhiko Uchiha threw it in, they must fight for Chiba's sake. throw them out.

After all, the most obvious truth, even without considering any complicated uses, these younger generations can also become Uchiha Nobuhiko's bargaining chip to threaten Chiba. No matter what, it is Uchiha Nobuhiko's last hole card when he is at an absolute disadvantage .

Or the means of expanding the advantage in the advantage.

In any case, these children should not be here, but outside.

As for whether they live or die in the outside world, it depends on their good fortune. After all, they are now the soul bodies of the dead bodies. Even if they leave this space, they will probably return to the world of the dead.

As soul bodies, they know very well that it is impossible for them to return to the world of the living.

Although they were very reluctant to part with Qianye, they had already thought about it after being here for more than ten years.

Now, what they want to do is to help Chiba as much as possible, to reduce the constraints of these younger generations on him, so that he can fully free up his hands to deal with Uchiha Nobuhiko.

They don't want to see Chiba here.

However, the current situation does not seem to be optimistic. If there are a large number of young generations imprisoned, then, considering the movement rules of this space, they may not be able to save all the young generations imprisoned.

And if the number of younger generations in this space exceeds a certain limit, it can completely threaten Chiba.

Maybe one or two, Chiba gritted his teeth and gave up.

But three or four are completely different.

No matter what age, no matter what village. Young people are always the most precious resource, bar none.

Even, a seed genius is worth ten Jonin in exchange.

There is no other reason.

Because, no matter how powerful a ninja is, it starts with a young ninja, and every young ninja is a potential stock. No one knows whether the current crane tail will lead the way in the future.

At the beginning, Chiba was also inconspicuous in the ninja school, and she was even more inconspicuous than the last one.

Who knows, he was out of control after that, became the object of fear of many ninjas, and became an idol worshiped by many people.

Of course, Chiba's fortune is relatively early.

In the ninja world of all dynasties, there are also people who bloomed with terrible fighting power in middle age, and every ninja village will have them.

Even in Konoha Village, there were rumors that a middle-aged ninja was besieged by the Seven Ninja Swordsmen and killed several of them.

When they were still alive, they had planned to investigate, but after the war started, it was nothing.

And now, the younger generation in front of them is undoubtedly the biggest bargaining chip.

They should be given away anyway.

Best of all, none left.

Even if you can't send them all out, you should try your best to reduce the number of young people locked in this space.

And to do this, what they have to do, the first thing is to ask the quantity clearly.

"how many people?"

Upon hearing this sentence, everyone's attention was attracted by the two who turned their heads, and at the same time interrupted their plan to ask each other about their situation, they responded in a rather dazed manner.

How many people, they really haven't counted.

In other words, even they didn't know how many people were locked in.

After all, the situation at the time was quite chaotic.

"Yes, when you think about it carefully, it's quite important."

To this response, Hirohiko and Xue Nai spoke with a little eagerness.

"have no idea."

However, in the next second, the five people who reacted shook their heads together and blurted out a sentence.

This sentence is the most truthful, they don't know how many people were imprisoned in, and even, if it wasn't because they met each other, they didn't know that each other was also imprisoned in this space.

Furthermore, what they saw may not be the truth. What they saw at the time was only in the practice field, and because of the panic caused by being ejected suddenly, they didn't pay much attention to everything around them.

What they saw was only the surrounding area, and they couldn't say how many people were affected.

This time... it's terrible.

But at this time, hearing the words of the five people, Hirohiko and Xue Nai looked at each other, and at the same time, such a thought flashed in their hearts.

Regarding the words of the five people, the two did not have any doubts. They could tell that these children were not lying.

No need to lie about this one either.

Moreover, they don't know how many people have been imprisoned in total, which is reasonable.

Since Uchiha Nobuhiko was able to lock these people in, it shows to a large extent that this space is likely to be some kind of time and space ability of Uchiha Nobuhiko. The extremely powerful time and space ability can even be compared with the world of bliss, That is, the world after death grabs people's heads.

And since it is Uchiha Nobuhiko's time and space ability, then he must know that the two of them are also here, and also know that according to the relationship of this space, they will meet sooner or later.

After meeting, the two of them will definitely destroy his plan.

Nobuhiko Uchiha definitely knows this.

It is also because of knowing this that it is impossible for Nobuhiko Uchiha to have no protective measures.

And this protective measure is to let them know how many people have been locked in.

As long as no one knew how many people were imprisoned, there was no way for them to completely sabotage his plan.

In this case, for Uchiha Nobuhiko, it is the method with the highest success rate.

Even if the two of them were able to take away the younger generation that was imprisoned here, they would not be able to take away the younger generation that had nothing to do with them because of the movement rules of this space.

And as long as there are enough younger generations who have nothing to do with them, no matter what they do, it will be useless.

After all, if they want to take the younger generation out, they must find these younger generations, and as long as these younger generations have nothing to do with them in terms of blood relationship and social relationship, then they have no way to find these people.

If you can't find it, then naturally you can never take it out.

"You two little guys, don't you think everything is too simple. If you find someone, can you take him out?"

And at this moment, when Xue Nai and Hirohiko fell into distress because of the words of the five people, a gleam of light slowly lit up among the crowd.

One foot stepped out of the dark mist and landed in the middle of the two, and it also landed in the middle of the two groups.

At the same time, as the foot stepped down, a slightly old female voice sounded softly.


And at this moment, before the faint outline appeared in the eyes of the five people, Hirohiko and Xue Nai opened their mouths overjoyed.


Is that the person?

And the next moment, looking at the shimmering silhouette completely exposed in front of them, and the old woman in her sixties in the shimmering silhouette, a thought flashed through the hearts of the five of them.

"Ningji Hyuga, Hinata Hinata, Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Sakura, and Uzumaki Naruto... Have you all been caught in this class? If I'm not wrong, there is at least Nara Shikamaru , Yamanaka Ino, Akimichi Choji, Inuzuka Kiba, and Yume Shino.”

But just when such a thought flashed in their minds, the old woman in her sixties glanced at them and said a word that shocked them so much that they couldn't speak.

This old lady, know us?

Not only did you know us, but also other people in our contemporaries?

But at this time, apart from being too shocked to speak, such a thought flashed through their minds.


The sixty-something old lady in front of her probably didn't know them, nor should she.

First of all, the soul bodies here should have been imprisoned a long time ago. At least, the earliest soul bodies they encountered were also more than ten years ago, that is, Hirohiko Uchiha and Yukina Hyuga here.

And even Hirohiko and Xue Nai didn't recognize them at first, let alone who they were, but they got to know each other based on the chat later.

This old woman in her 60s recognized them at a glance, no matter how you say it, something is wrong!

Could it be that this old woman in her sixties was from the same age as them?

However, if they were in the same era, how could they become the closest existence in this space in terms of communication with Xue Nai and Hirohiko?

Obviously, this old woman should be seeing them for the first time.

And the first time I saw them, how could I know them.

You know, in the age of this old woman, her father may not have been born.

"Don't be too surprised, most of the soul bodies here may know you."

In response to this, the granny in her sixties smiled slightly, and under this smile, a kind feeling was born deep in the hearts of the five people. Although the granny in front of her was a soul body, she was smiling. When I woke up, it was so gentle and warm, as if being looked at lovingly by my grandmother.

It made them settle down for no reason, and the original shock and speechlessness seemed to have become a kind of stability.

"Know all of them?"

But hearing this sentence, Xue Nai and Hirohiko looked at each other. To be honest, they were also quite surprised that the Seiko mother-in-law in front of them knew Xiao Sasuke and Xiao Neji.

Logically speaking, Grandma Shengzi absolutely doesn’t know them. You must know that when they came to this space and met Grandma Shengzi for the first time, Grandma Shengzi had been here for dozens of hundreds of years. During this period, the mother-in-law of Shengzi has long forgotten to count the days. In fact, it may be more than a hundred years.

As an existence that came to this space earlier than myself, it is impossible to know the identities of these children.

Not to mention the instant recognition.

"Yes, a few of them are quite famous people."

Regarding this, Grandma Seiko smiled again, stretched out her old hand, gently touched the heads of Uchiha Sasuke and Hinata Neiji at the front, and said.

Facing the old hand of Grandma Seiko, Uchiha Sasuke and Hinata Neji were stunned, as if they had no intention of avoiding it at all, and just let her press it on top of their heads.

so warm.

But in the next second, such a thought appeared in the hearts of the two of them for the first time.



are we famous

What does she mean, we're famous here?

How can it be?

Here are all characters from a long time ago!

How is it possible to know us.

And, a lot of people here know us?

What the hell is going on here?

However, in the next second, this thought was overwhelmed by a series of questions.


As soon as these words came out, even Xue Nai and Hirohiko were a little taken aback.

"Oh, I haven't told you two little guys yet, um... Let me think about it, how should I tell you."

Hearing what Hirohiko and Xue Nai said, the old lady seemed to think of something, and said this sentence in her mouth.

Afterwards, he frowned slightly and began to think, as if organizing his words.

"First of all, let's start with self-introduction. My full name is actually Seiko Uchiha."

Then, after a short while, it seemed that the prophecy had been organized, and under the gazes of everyone, she spoke like this.

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