Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2662 Distrust

"Just be brave, but it has nothing to do with me."

Regarding the expected words, although he said that he did not want the man in front of him to do this, but since he had already made a decision, there was no need for the man in black, let alone any reason to stop him.

"So, what you meant just now is that number 15 can be trusted?"

And at this time, suddenly, the back of the white robe with flame patterns turned the topic back.


Apparently, the man in black robe didn't expect that the figure with the flame pattern in the white robe would suddenly change the topic to this, he was slightly taken aback, and then blurted out this sentence.

"Number 15, you can trust me, what you said is not ambitious."

Regarding this, the figure in the white robe with the flame pattern said so, but in his words, he was quite patient.

"You have made your own judgment, and you still have to say it... How about it, you slug fairy avatar, are you going to release it?"

Hearing that, after the man in black expressed some disdain, he turned the conversation to the other side. He looked at the sealing pyramid next to him, which was about two people tall.

"no need."

Regarding this, the back of the white robe with the flame pattern said bluntly without even looking at the sealing pyramid over there.

It seems that he doesn't care at all about that slug fairy clone.

"Oh? After all, he killed a spirit puppet, or the spirit puppet of the Fourth Kazekage, and his role has already been achieved, right?"

Hearing this, the man in black said with great interest.


In this regard, the back of the white robe with flame patterns did not deny it, and even said it quite simply.

It sounds like they don't care about the fate of a slug fairy avatar at all.

"So, this is a dark move you arranged, no, it should be considered a bright move, right? It was just for Uchiha Nobuhiko to pull it out?"

Hearing this, the man in black seemed to have a feeling, so he said.

However, this time, in her tone, there was only a sense of serious discussion. Obviously, she was already asking this question seriously.


To this, the figure with the flame pattern in the white robe nodded and answered simply.

"Deliberately let Uchiha Nobuhiko pull out a slug fairy clone, so that he feels that he is on the right path. Are you saying that you want to use two of you to make a layout?"

Hearing this, the man in black said so, but turned the topic to the previous question about Nobuhiko Uchiha.

There was also a bit of ridicule in the words.

"Cough! Well, the farce of the Chunin exam is almost over here, there is no need to go any further. Now it is no better than the Fourth Ninja World War. As my base camp for the next three years, I don't want Uchiha Nobuhiko to destroy too much. It’s almost enough, give him a clone, let him get some results, let him be able to convince the crowd, it’s my step back, and if he retreats, it’s a step back, wouldn’t that be a brighter future?”

In this regard, the back of the white robe with flame patterns coughed lightly, and said so.

"Then, you destroyed one of his spirit puppets with the slug magic avatar, and it's also a very useful spirit puppets of Kage-level. Wouldn't it make Uchiha Nobuhiko not to give up?"

Hearing this, it seems that he is quite dissatisfied with the explanation of the back figure with the flame pattern in the white robe, so the man in black robe said.

In the words, although the interrogative sentences are not very intense, there is a strong sense of dissatisfaction hidden inside.

The implication is that there is a bit of "do you want to continue to fool me" in it.

"Don't worry about it. If I pull out my chess pieces too easily, without sacrificing anything, and it seems to be going too smoothly, he won't believe that he can compete with me now, or that I haven't grown up yet. To the extent that he can't control it, in this case, it can make him feel at ease and wait obediently for three years."

In this regard, the back of the white robe with flame patterns said so.

"However, looking at the current situation, he seems to have boosted his morale because he removed your chess piece this time."

Hearing this, the man in black still said something was wrong, are you still fooling me?

"Well...that's something I don't want to see."

In this regard, the back of the white robe with flame patterns confessed frankly.

"So, what then? What you don't want to see has happened, how do you plan to solve it?"

Hearing this, the black-robed man asked.

This time, the words were relaxed a lot, as if the words from the back of the white robe with flame pattern made her a little satisfied.

However, in this sentence, there is a bit of spying.

It can be seen that the man in black robe has a little bit of distrust towards the back of the white robe with flame patterns in front of him, and even seems to have some dissatisfaction and resistance to the back of the white robe with flame patterns.

"It seems that you don't trust me anymore."

And at this moment, the figure with the flame pattern in the white robe also quickly noticed this, and said so.

"Yes, if you went to the rescue just now, I would not have doubts about you, and I also admit that I am very optimistic about you, but although I have the transcendent power similar to eternal life, it does not mean that this It is the real eternal life, and I am still alive now, even if it is very similar to get rid of the reborn Uchiha Nobuhiko, the natural enemy of our outsiders, but it does not mean that I will sacrifice my life for it. My existence After all, Nobuhiko Uchiha doesn’t know that I can live a good life. I took this muddy water and made up my mind, but I didn’t go to the muddy water for death, nor did I make up my mind for it. This era is in trouble.

I can also wait until after the Fourth Ninja World War, or even after the final battle. At that time, the resistance to us will be much smaller, and at that time, Nobuhiko Uchiha should also be forced to reincarnate because of your demise.

And I just need to destroy Uchiha Nobuhiko without fully exerting his power.

So, don't challenge my bottom line for you, I'm not here to be a pawn, I'm here to be your partner. "

Regarding this, the man in black admitted quite frankly that she was beginning to distrust the back of the white robe with flame patterns in front of her.

Even, she originally didn't know how to ask these questions, but after seeing your performance, I just want to ask clearly, and if I don't ask clearly, I will quit.

To be honest, when I met the back of the white robe with flame patterns in front of me, it was after I got to know the black robe Qianye, and I also got to know him after wandering for a year. Because of the relationship between the black robe Qianye, she was very optimistic The guy with the flame pattern in the white robe, so I promised him to cooperate with him, and on the basis of hiding the knowledge of Chiba from the black robe, he would provide Chiba with secret help in dealing with Nobuhiko Uchiha.

For this reason, she stayed with No. 15 by the side of Heipao Qianye and became his support.

As for No. 15, she still trusts her quite a bit. After all, she was the one who saved No. 15 after he became a fertility machine. Really someone to trust.

Now, judging from the performance of this white-robed guy, it is very possible that there is an absolute difference between him and the black-robed Qianye.

At least, the trustworthy character displayed by the black-robed Qianye is nothing but a weapon to confuse people in this white-robed guy.

Although they are one source and one soul, they are somewhat similar to her. They are independent. Although they have the same memory and inherited the same personality, it does not mean that the two of them are the same .

It is even very possible that they have inherited the two sides of the original outsider Taki Chiba, one is the good side, that is the black robe Chiba, the warm black robe Chiba who has light-like emotions and is considerate of others .

And this guy in the white robe is the evil side, ruthless, cold, hypocritical, and very good at acting.

Maybe, everything in the previous relationship was played by this white-robed guy.

Yes, that's right. Just now, the black-robed man was willing to see the back of the white-robed flame-patterned figure not to rescue him, out of emotional distress.

But now, the back of the white robe with the flame pattern falters and fumbles, and hides his head and tail. Therefore, the words that sound full of loopholes remind her of the other side of not going to rescue the third Hokage.

At the beginning, she thought about it from a positive side, that is, the back of the white robe with flame patterns in front of her, in order to force herself to be ruthless, in order to deal with the next three years, although she did not go to rescue, but in essence, this white robe The back of the flame pattern is still essentially the same as the black robe Chiba.

Moreover, getting along with each other on weekdays makes it easy for her to think this way.

But what if it wasn't?

If the back of the white-robed flame pattern has no idea about the third Hokage, but simply feels that there is no need to rescue the three generations of Hokage in terms of strategy and tactics, and even has to sacrifice the third generation of Hokage, so that the will of the world will feel that history is normal, and thus go away subtly. Influence Uchiha Nobuhiko. In this way, Nobuhiko Uchiha can exit the field faster and avoid causing more damage than the original.

And next, this guy in white robe will be able to take over a relatively intact Konoha.

Of course, it won't be Hokage directly, it should be shirked, and then find Tsunade to succeed, so as to avoid another wave of unpredictability.

But, in reality, he is in charge.

After all, with his reputation and the affirmation of the ninja community, Tsunade, the successor, probably has a lot of trust in him, and there is no doubt about him.

He can definitely directly control the policy direction of the Fifth Hokage Tsunade. At that time, it is no different from him directly in power.

If you think about it this way, then it is almost certain that the white-robed guy in front of you no longer has feelings. similarity.

Then, based on the black robe Qianye's trust in him, it can basically be said that it is unnecessary.

And such a person, even the third generation of Hokage can sacrifice indifferently, can she, a midway joiner, be better than a pawn?

For the people in black robes, this is the time to be vigilant.

After all, for her, after being stabbed in the back in her previous life, she was particularly sensitive to this trust relationship.

Especially after experiencing the cruel baptism of this ninja world, even if she still has a good impression of the white-robed guy in front of her, it doesn't prevent her from doubting it.

After all, in this ninja world, there are many things about stabbing and using each other.

What's more, in front of this white-robed guy who may be completely unscrupulous in order to kill Uchiha Nobuhiko?

She doesn't want to be treated like a pawn.

Even in such a world, she wants to survive.

Being alive, after all, is still a lot of fun.

"If you were not my partner, I wouldn't tell you these things."

In this regard, regarding the direct suspicion of the man in black, the figure with the flame pattern in the white robe was not surprised, and just said lightly.

"Then tell me."

Hearing this, the man in black said that he was not so easily fooled.

"The current situation, in your opinion, may be that Uchiha Nobuhiko's morale has been boosted, but, in my opinion, their coalition forces are already at the end of their battle, and they are only acting together because of Uchiha Nobuhiko's coercion. Oh, and Adding a self-consolation that Konoha will be invincible after I become Hokage. Of course, this self-consolation is still very powerful, for the high-level of their coalition forces."

Regarding this, the figure with the flame pattern in the white robe sighed, as if feeling a little helpless, and said.

"What do you mean, the high-level people believe in this sentence and will do anything for it, but for the ninjas below, this is after all a matter of the future. Compared to facing this kind of existence that can control the earth now, they I'm more inclined to do it when I have to... Is this, survival instinct?"

Hearing this, the man in black quickly understood this sentence.

"That's right, this is the human heart, and I asked Uchiha Nobuhiko to solve a chess piece, just to give him psychological comfort when the authorities faced their coalition's disadvantages, and then let him retreat smoothly."

In this regard, the back of the white robe with flame patterns said so.

"How do you feel, I can't trust you more and more. It's hard to guarantee that you didn't understand my psychology and tell me on purpose."

Hearing this, the man in black suddenly took half a step back, as if he was afraid of the back of the white robe with flame patterns in front of him, or the white robe with flame patterns in front of him was like a scourge.

"Uh... Then if you say that, I can't say anything."

In this regard, the back of the white robe with flame patterns seemed to chuckle slightly, and said so.

There was a sense of relief in the words.

Although the black-robed man said so, the back of the white-robed flame pattern, or the white-robed Chiba, knew that the black-robed man had no doubts.

"Are you still chatting here? Aren't you going to save the Third Hokage? The coalition forces of Otogakure and Sagage are coming back again? At this time, shouldn't we rush to support?"

And at this moment, behind Qianye in the white robe, a figure suddenly flashed, and then this voice full of doubts rang out.

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