Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2676 spread out

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

The tremor of the wind blade hitting the ground continued to extend from the soles of the feet to all parts of the body, and the tense muscles tightened again and again because of the tremors again and again, until the dust and smoke aroused by the wind blade slowly covered the chest , The countless wind blade attacks stopped.



"Am I... dead?"

Then, after the tremor on the ground stopped for a while, everyone in Konoha Village and everyone outside Konoha widened their eyes in astonishment, and then, almost uniformly, they lowered their heads and touched their bodies , after confirming that they did not lack any missing legs, they subconsciously glanced around, but they didn't see anything when the smoke and dust filled the air, so they could only speak in a daze.

However, it is clear that they are not dead.

Even, almost all the wind blades, such dense wind blades, didn't even touch their clothes corners, let alone being injured, they didn't even feel the wind blades rubbing against their bodies, it seemed that all the wind blades Avoid them as if on purpose.

At this moment, although they couldn't see anything in the invisible smoke and dust, they could feel the softness around their feet when they were stunned. , a little soft.

And based on their experience, this kind of softness is obviously the feeling after the ground has been plowed. In other words, they are all right now, but the ground around them has been plowed once, and it was completely wiped out by the wind blade just now. The plow at the bottom became grains of dust.

At this moment, apart from opening their mouths in a daze, a feeling of fear began to surge in their hearts, so that gradually, they unconsciously gulped again with a gurgling sound.

"Yes... controlled... the wind! This is, controlled the wind! Not only can he control the earth, he... he can also control the wind!"

And at this time, several similar exclamations suddenly sounded from inside and outside the village.

Control... the wind!

Then, in the next second, these three words slowly appeared in everyone's hearts with a sense of shock.

Afterwards, in everyone's minds, the image of the time when the ground was cracked but no one was hurt flashed through.


This is, control the wind and not hurt us!

Afterwards, everyone stared at each other, their eyes suddenly brightened, and they suddenly understood why the current situation was happening, and what happened just now.

And with this light of understanding, in their eyes that were either enlightened or collapsed, suddenly there was an incomparable brilliance called hope and hope.

At this moment, they understood that they had not only underestimated this man named Taki Chiba!

The horror of this man, they may not even have seen the tip of the iceberg, the despair just now when Uchiha Nobuhiko showed the first Hokage's means, now looks so ironic.

What about the wooden escape?

So what if you have the power of the original Hokage?

What about the combination of Uchiha Madara and the original Hokage?

The man in front of them stands above them, or in other words, the man they can rely on is the man who can control the earth and the wind!

Isn't it more terrifying than the writing sharing eyes of the Uchiha clan and the power of wooden escape of the first Hokage?

Uchiha Nobuhiko's power of Sharingan and Mutun are indeed terrifying powers, even Nobuhiko Uchiha may have developed them to the limit, but, after all, these are the powers that have been handed down for a long time in the ninja world, but , Control the earth and the wind, such a power, have you heard of it?

Even, the act of controlling the wind just now completely defeated the power of Mu Dun!

It can be seen from here that this man named Taki Chiba at least has the existence that can fight against Uchiha and Senshou no power.

Just this method of controlling the earth and the flow of wind is enough to rival Uchiha Nobuhiko.

At that time, many people asserted that as long as Taki Chiba was still alive and able to live to adulthood, then he would become an existence unimaginable in the entire ninja world.

But now, I'm afraid it's not just the entire ninja world, even the existence beyond the ninja world, no, it should be said that this Taki Chiba is an existence that has surpassed the imagination of the existence beyond the ninja world.

Yes, maybe the power shown by Taki Chiba now is something that even Nobuhiko Uchiha can't imagine.

Control the land?

Control the wind?

This Taki Chiba has shown a scenery that has never been seen in the entire ninja world. Even if the first Hokage is resurrected and Uchiha Madara returns, I am afraid that this reaction is unbelievable at this time.

Moreover, since he has been able to control the earth and the wind, what about the others?

What about the power of lightning?

What about the power of fire?

What about the power of the waterfall?

According to the characteristics shown by this Taki Chiba, since the power of the earth and the power of the wind have been mastered, it can be clearly seen that this control of the earth is undoubtedly the complete control of the earth escape technique, so that the earth escape technique can follow Acting according to one's own will, one can even designate the target to attack and avoid. At the same time, the power of controlling the flow of wind is the same, that is, to completely control the wind escape, so that the wind escape can also act according to one's own wishes and designate the target to attack and avoidable targets.

Then, the fire escape technique, the thunder escape technique and the water escape technique, didn't Taki Chiba have control?

Even, like the earth escape technique, the water escape technique is also Taki Chiba's best escape technique. Since the earth escape technique has been completely mastered, there is no reason not to fully master the water escape technique.

And this wind escape technique has hardly been seen used by Taki Chiba, but at this time, it is completely controlled, and there is no reason not to fully control the water escape technique, and the wind escape technique, which is not good at escape techniques, is also Once you have mastered it completely, there is no reason why you should not master the skills of Fire Escape and Thunder Escape.

In other words, Taki Chiba in front of him now has fully mastered, or can control the five major escape techniques.

And according to the biggest advantage when the five escapisms are complete, coupled with the complete control of this incredible form of expression, all the surrounding natural environment is actually in the hands of Taki Chiba, that is to say, even in the face of Uchiha With an existence like Nobuhiko, Taki Chiba is invincible.

The earth, wind, lightning, flames, water waterfalls... All the magic that ninjas can control, such as earth, wind, water, fire and thunder, are all under the control of Taki Chiba.

Now, these show up just to target and avoid targets, but what about another use?

Designating the target and avoiding the target are all because Taki Chiba can manipulate these elements, which is beyond the scope of ninjutsu. It can be said that it has crossed the essence of ninjutsu chakra and directly intervened in natural elements.

This is already an ultimate, even beyond the ultimate escape technique.

Then, can it be said that all the escape techniques released by the enemy can also be controlled by his power to control escape techniques?

If this can be done, then basically most of the lethal ninjutsu are already ineffective against this Taki Chiba.

It can even be said that attacks that can cause earth, fire, wind, thunder, and water are ineffective against Taki Chiba, and they will even be used by Taki Chiba to counterattack himself.

The attacks that cause earth, fire, wind, thunder, and water are almost the most important attack methods of ninjas except for the blood succession limit and some forbidden and secret techniques. Most of the offensive ninjutsu are basically escape techniques, and the rest A part of ninjutsu basically has auxiliary functions rather than direct attack functions.

In other words, if Taki Chiba can control the attacks of earth, fire, wind, water and mines made by others, then he is almost immune to most offensive ninjutsu. It can almost be said that he is immune to most offensive ninjutsu. .

Even if Nobuhiko Uchiha has some powerful offensive ninjutsu, he can't use it on Taki Chiba. This can be regarded as passively limiting Nobuhiko Uchiha's strength.

In a sense, from this point of view alone, Taki Chiba is enough to fight Uchiha Nobuhiko.

Before, they were really ridiculous!

"what is that!"

And at this moment, amidst the ecstasy of surviving and the short-sighted shame of underestimating Taki Chiba's strength, someone suddenly exclaimed again.


Then, in this exclamation, in the eyes of everyone subconsciously raised their heads, a huge wooden foot slowly retreated from the huge column of smoke and dust that was originally black from the city wall in front. The posture stepped out.


Afterwards, under the shocking eyes of everyone, this wooden ankle with jet-black flames stepped heavily on the hole that hadn't been completely repaired on the original city wall of Muye Village. The cracking sound followed, and the hundreds of meters of Konoha city wall were cracked like a spider web under this step, and most of them collapsed in an instant while the broken stones were peeling off, and in the smoke and dust suddenly spewed out from the gap, With wisps of smoke, the black flames scattered due to trampling fell on the surrounding ground, but they were burning instantly, as if they would never be extinguished.


And at this moment, before everyone could exclaim in surprise, a huge hole suddenly opened above the huge column of smoke and dust rising from the black city wall, and amidst the sound of the chirping air being heated, a ball-shaped The burning fireball retreated from the smoke column following the retreating wooden steps.


Then, there were two huge holes, which were opened in the direction of the extreme upper right and the extreme right of the flame-shaped ball respectively. Above the head, there is a sphere of elements coiled by lightning snakes, and a sphere formed by tangled water dragons.


And when the three elemental spheres burst out of the smoke, a chunky wooden head and back burning with black flames suddenly leaned back from the smoke column, and the smoke column was almost cascading outwards. scattered.

All of a sudden, there was a feeling of enlightenment in front of everyone's eyes. The head and back collided to disperse the smoke and dust, and the sight suddenly widened.

And at this moment, in the eyes of everyone, there was also a reflection of the sphere of fire at the extreme bottom and right of the sphere, which was like a miniature mountain rolling into a ball exuding a khaki-yellow luster like powder, and that sphere. The bottom left of the water polo made of tangled water dragons looks like a round ball exuding misty clouds.


At the same time, just as the few quick-reacting people in the crowd were about to exclaim, a giant sword burning with pitch-black flames pierced through the scattered smoke from top to bottom, hanging over the above the squat head.


And at this moment, a strong wind suddenly rose, and the strong wind burst out from under the blade of the burning black flame, and the remaining smoke and dust were also blown away by the strong wind at this moment.

"That! What is that!"

"Are you...are you kidding me!"

"Hey, hey... this is no joke!"

And at this moment, everyone's eyes widened again, and their expressions of shock almost twisted at this moment.

At this moment, a strong wind blows towards their faces, their hair stretches back instantly, and the smoke and dust particles rolled up around their feet are flying backwards, but they seem to have not noticed it at all, and they just look at it almost instinctively. forward.

The place where the smoke and dust were the thickest.

But at this moment, in their eyes, a pair of short and fat wooden figures raised their hands above their heads, and Heshi closed the huge sword that was burning with black flames, or in other words, it was completely made of black flames. It is a picture of empty hand into sword.


And at this time, as their eyes moved along the pitch-black giant sword, there was a loud noise of flapping wings in mid-air, and a giant wearing a tengu mask and armor burning with pitch-black flames also came into their eyes .

In an instant, the complexion that was originally distorted by fear was immediately stained with a layer of paleness.

Perhaps it was human beings' instinctive fear of huge things, but at this time their facial expressions were more distorted than when they were desperate just now, and they showed more fear.

But at this moment, in front of them, it can be said that it is extremely close, but in the midair, the giant with the dog mask burning with black flames fell into the air, and the short and fat man The short and fat wooden man rising up into the sky like a flame is leaning up slightly to block the black giant sword slashing with his empty hand like a white blade. The wooden dragon on the shoulder has already rushed out, biting tightly At the neck of the giant in the dog mask that day, the two showed a stalemate.

And compared to the size of the two giants, coupled with the distance they are now, there is indeed a sense of fear unique to facing hugeness, which is almost human instinct.

Just like the meteorite just now, to some extent, that fear and despair is partly due to the huge size of the meteorite. It's just that the meteorite was still far away from them at that time.

Now, this kind of near-zero-distance contact, even if it is just watching, there is a huge sense of oppression on the shoulders.

Which... is Nobuhiko Uchiha?

But at this time, apart from the instinctive fear, such a thought could not help appearing in their hearts.

The giant in the tengu mask and this chunky wooden man, who...

He is the one who protects them!

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