Three generations of Hokage... Is this child's thinking surface so wide? And in an instant, I thought of the third generation of Hokage-sama.

Nara Shikahisa was surprised. What Chiba asked was indeed very important. The Third Hokage had made some moves in the past few days.

However, this action, in Nara Shikahisa's opinion, is not enough to make Sand Hidden Village hesitate and give up this great opportunity to defeat Konoha's front line.

However, since Chiba asked, Nara Shikahisa still truthfully said: "According to the instructions of the third Hokage, in the past three days, firstly, a message was sent to the front line to separate 2 teams to rush to the village, and the front line was arranged to retreat. At the same time, the village is divided into two groups, one light and one dark, to deliver antidote prescriptions, as well as 200 antidote rushes made during this period of time. Clearly follow the route when we carried out the task. The front line, the dark one is to cross some more dangerous areas, take shortcuts, and rush to the front line."

"How much time will it take, if it goes well." Qianye's eyes flashed when he heard this, but he frowned greatly in his heart.

This measure...

"If all goes well, the team in the dark place can complete the task within five days. As for Akari, it will take about seven days." Nara Shikahisa said.

After hearing Nara Shikahisa's words, Chiba fell into thinking again.

With this kind of measure, since the highly praised military advisor Ebizo in the original work is sitting on the opposite side, knowing that Konoha's front line has retreated so much, it is impossible not to know that Konoha's antidote has not arrived yet, and it is a good time to attack Konoha.

Up to now, it is impossible for Sand Yin to care whether it will trigger a war, or even now it is a time of war, and the war between Sand Yin and Konoha is inevitable. The only thing to think about now is whether to take the initiative and strike first, or to wait and see the changes and strike later.

For those who are strong, in this case, it is advisable to strike later. Avoid rushing into the trap of the weak side.

Under such circumstances, the weak should take the initiative to seize the opportunity, use the opportunity to expand the results, attack the strong from all sides, and then use various ingenious strategies to gradually smooth the gap with the strong and overcome the strong enemy.

After all, if the strength is not enough, then win with wisdom. This is the most reasonable thing for human beings to fight and even war.

It was also what Chiba learned from the first novel she came into contact with. And this novel was also regarded as the "Four Great Masterpieces" in the previous life, named Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

Although there are many artistic exaggerations in it, some war strategies have their reasons and benefits.

Looking at the evaluation of Ebizo in the original work, "the type that makes the opponent fall into chaos through well-thought-out strategies, has shown extraordinary ingenuity in the past battles." It can be seen from this that Hai Laozang is a person who likes to confuse the opponent and strike a fatal blow.

That is to say, he is a formidable person who is good at making surprise plans, and his plans are meticulous, and he is not someone who can be easily fooled.

If Konoha and Sand Yin fight, there is no doubt that Konoha is on the strong side and Sand Yin is on the weak side.

And in this matter, Sand Yin also has the condition to seize the opportunity, that is, the poison that Chiyo concocted, and even this poison can cause chaos to Konoha.

From Sand Hidden, from Ebizo's point of view, it is a good time to create chaos on Konoha's front line before the antidote arrives, and it should be something Ebizo will do.

Even, the purpose of their interception of Zhuludie's "antidote delivery mission" is to gain time to implement this plan.

But now, in Ebizo, in Sayin's opinion, the retreat of Konoha's front line by tens of kilometers should be to shorten the distance and equip the front line with antidote earlier. In other words, it would take quite some time for the antidote to be delivered to the front line of Konoha, even so long that the front line needs to be retreated tens of kilometers before Konoha can feel at ease. For them, this is really a good opportunity.

But why? They didn't move at all, as if they were waiting for Konoha to get the antidote, feeling like they were fighting to the death with dignity?

Qianye frowned slowly, it was too suspicious.

Of course, Chiba didn't think that the weaker Shayin Village would fight Konoha uprightly. This is something that idiots would do.

In terms of the strength of the village, no single village will be Konoha's opponent, including Yun Yin! There is no doubt about it.

However, the war is not a matter of two ninja villages, but a matter of five ninja villages. That is, the five-party battle, the variables in it will take a long time to calculate for you by a computer.

Regardless of the strength of Konoha's complete victory over Sand Hidden Village, and in terms of the overall situation of the war, even if Sa Hidden was lucky enough to defeat Konoha Village, he would be seriously injured. At that time, the other three Ninja Villages who were eyeing him would just sit idly by. ? Give up this chance to eliminate Sand Yin and Konoha?

Of course it is impossible. By that time, the other three ninja villages will definitely attack actively.

Not to mention, among the other three ninja villages, there is Yunyin Village, the land of thunder known for its military capabilities!

If Sand Yin really attacked Konoha head-on, then it would be worse than a fool. This is completely giving away his own village.

Then the evaluation of Ebizo in the original work is in vain.

Qianye took a slight breath and said, "Our front line has retreated dozens of kilometers, what about the movement of the other party's Sha Yin Village?"

Chiba knew of Muye Village's detection methods, and the movement of the enemy ninja army could not be known immediately, so it is a miracle that Muye Village survived World War I and World War II.

"There is no response at all." Nara Shikahisa said.

"Uncle Lu Jiu, the enemy doesn't move at all, what do you think?" Chiba asked.

"This situation cannot be called abnormal. From the perspective of Yinsha Village, we have retreated so wantonly, and the dozens of miles of land we have vacated are likely to have set up many traps, and it is possible to do nothing." Shikahisa Nara said.

"Hmm." Chiba rubbed her chin, thinking again.

What Nara Shikahisa said is not wrong. This is a battle between ninjas, or a battle between ninjas with fantasy power, and it is fundamentally different from the war in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

The ninja's trap may also cause great damage, and it is even possible to reverse the situation.

If it is Ebizo's thoughtful character, it is possible to consider the problem of traps...

But, is he really going to miss out on a trap problem?

Chiba's heart swayed from side to side, but the feeling of "there is a deceit here, Ebizo will never miss this opportunity" is getting stronger and stronger.

However, the behavior of Hidden Sand Village is also in line with "common sense" and "Ebizo's style". It is very possible that Hidden Sand Village has given up this poisonous surprise attack.

wrong! This is not right!

Definitely, there must be flaws!

Here I have to understand the situation!

Thinking about it, Qianye suddenly raised his head and said, "Uncle Lu Jiu, do you have a map? The one that indicates the military situation... Uh, can you show it to me?"

As soon as Chiba's words fell, Shikahisa Nara was also taken aback.

Forget about this, now that Chiba has no specific impression and understanding of the situation on the front line, it is really not easy to make a correct judgment!

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