Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2683 Steep Change

At that time, he used the substitute technique, replacing the main body with the wooden dungeon clone.

Simple ninjutsu, at the most critical moment, has the effect of surpassing S-level ninjutsu.

However, his cooperation with Jiraiya...

When did he become so familiar with Zilai!

The lacquer-like ball is getting bigger and bigger in the pushed wooden palm, and the completely dark color is also becoming more and more obvious in the sight of the eyes of reincarnation, even, the one that is rushing straight towards Susano The trajectory of the chest and abdomen is also clearly discernible.

However, Nobuhiko Uchiha didn't seem to care that his current Susanoo had been bitten by the wooden dragon and couldn't move.

In his mind, the time when the white mist covered his eyes appeared again, the blue chakra coat scattered by the wind, no doubt, at that time, the black-robed Chiba replaced the main body with the wooden dungeon clone After all, this eight-door model of Taki Chiba cannot be used on the physical clone, and even the slug fairy magic clone cannot be used.

Obviously, this Mutun avatar has already been prepared, and the Muyinization of basic ninjutsu such as Sanshenjutsu, no doubt, Taki Chiba must have completed it.

And at that time, his attention was more or less attracted by the white mist, so he didn't discover it in time, and everything just happened in an instant, and if he didn't notice it immediately, he would easily fall into trouble .

This is a very simple line of sight or attention-attracting method, causing some sudden situations to attract the opponent's attention, or in other words, making it impossible for the opponent to notice something that should have been noticed immediately.

Moreover, the white mist, obviously, apart from attracting his attention for a moment, it also well concealed the four wooden dragons and this round ball similar to the Daoist Jade.

This move seems to be very simple and idiomatic, but being idiomatic does not mean it is useless, nor does it mean that it is easy to be seen through. On the contrary, because it is very effective, it is idiomatic.

Undoubtedly, the white mist has fulfilled its task perfectly.

Offensive and defensive...reversed!


Although it looks similar, it should not be seeking jade.

However, it should be the same as the black city wall just now. It is a combination of five chakra properties in a similar way to the seeking jade, to achieve an incomplete state of seeking the jade that lacks the yin and yang escape chakra.

It shouldn't be a problem to crush my Susanoo.

But at this time, regarding the misstep just now, the inevitable blow was destroyed by a small psychic dispelling white mist and substitute technique, but Uchiha Nobuhiko was not too anxious, although there was a trace of irritability in his heart, However, he was still very calm.

At least, he can now accurately judge the nature of the lacquered ball in front of him.

After all, it is impossible for the Taoist jade to be so big. As a perfect form, the Taoist jade cannot be enlarged. When it is generated, it is originally produced by the condensed fusion of the changes in the nature of Chakra. Chakra must also be condensed into a specific size to be successful. This is the perfect stable structure.

But the current size is undoubtedly not the size that the Taoist Jade should be.

However, from the sight of the eyes of reincarnation, he can still feel very strong chakra, or in other words, the perfect chakra ratio should be the result of five nature changes mixed with immortal chakra by the method of seeking Tao jade .

Although it is not a Taoist jade, this ball should also possess the power beyond the limit of blood succession and the elimination of blood stains, and even have some characteristics.

As for the celestial chakra + five types of chakra property changes, it has actually touched a little bit of the category of seeking jade, at least it also has the characteristics of annihilation and expansion.

In other words, if touched by this sphere, his Susanoo will first be annihilated from the point of contact, that is to say, even the flame of Kagutu will turn into nothingness, after that, this The ink-like ball will start to expand, with annihilation effect to annihilate him and Susano together.

"Oh... after all..."

But thinking of this, Uchiha Nobuhiko sighed softly in his heart.


Then, a strong wind blew up, and Susanoko, who was bitten by a thick wooden dragon on the neck, right leg, left waist, right leg, and left rib, suddenly flapped the wings on the back of this giant burning with pitch-black flames. The four-armed weapons were suddenly withdrawn in conjunction with the fan wings.

"Ka Ka Ka Ka!"

Then, at this moment, when the gust of wind whizzed away, the five wooden dragons shattered instantly. In an instant, he escaped from the grip of the wooden man's wooden dragon and headed upwards.


And in that instant, the wooden dragon was completely shattered, pulled by the power of Susanoko's flapping wings, and the palm that propelled out from the white mist was filled with lacquer-like round wood grains. The hand suddenly pressed down.


Then, in the white mist that had already begun to dissipate, a huge hole suddenly opened, the wooden figure staggered forward, and the figure of the wooden dragon's finally cracked wood fragments flying randomly appeared in front of everyone's eyes instantly.


But at this moment, Zilai over there also widened his eyes, couldn't hold back an exclamation, and blurted out.

this giant...

Is it so powerful?

This is Susano at the Uchiha Madara level back then, and the power of the first generation of Mujinjutsu can't compete!

But at this time, his heart was even more shocked than what he showed.

To be honest, when the four wooden dragons bit Susano just now, seeing that the flames did not burn the wooden dragon immediately, and it seemed that the wooden dragon could last for a long time, he was heartbroken. It is let go.

That's right, he was also worried that the wooden dragon technique couldn't control Susano, or in other words, when the previous wooden dragon seemed to control Susano, he didn't feel that the wooden dragon I'm still a little worried that the technique can control the Susanoo.

And when the four wooden dragons, plus the previous one, made a total of five, he was relieved. Anyway, with five wooden dragons and a wooden figure, the original Hokage could suppress Uchiha Madara with only one wooden figure. Susanoo almost.

No matter how strong Uchiha Nobuhiko is, how stronger he is than Uchiha Madara, and no matter how Chiba's Mudun is not as strong as the first Hokage, five wooden dragons and a wooden man, plus the blackness that is the most threatening to the wooden dragon and wooden man, are similar Amaterasu's flame didn't destroy the wooden dragon's technique, so he did it in the end. The wooden man's blow was successful.

And now, it appears he was wrong.

The biggest threat to the wooden dragon and the wooden man is not the black flame, but Nasunoko itself.

its own power.

The flutter of wings just now undoubtedly shows that Susano's power is far above the wooden dragon and the wooden man, and the wooden dragon is not able to control Susano, but Uchiha Nobuhiko let them I think Susano can almost break free.

Regardless of whether it was intentional or not, the current situation is very bad.

"Run! What are you looking at!"

Then, in the next second, Jiraiya's eyes suddenly left Susano, who was going straight to the sky, and looked down.

The tail of the retreating Konoha villagers who stopped suddenly because of the sudden change.

At this moment, there are still about a hundred people. It seems that because of their keen senses, they sensed the situation over there, and they stopped and looked back at the battlefield.

And it seemed that these people stopped because they saw Susano out of the wooden man's control, whether it was shock or fear.

Ji Laiye, whose mood had changed drastically at this moment, couldn't help feeling a little furious.

At this time, they still have the mind to watch the excitement. In the current situation, even if Chiba dies in battle, they can't stop running away, they can't stop retreating.

Muye Village can be destroyed, but as long as there are Muye people, as long as the will of fire is still there, then Muye Village can survive.

Besides, Chiba has already made all the preparations for this battle. All the things for the new village should have been transported a long distance by now, and after a while, they should be able to reach a safe place.

Don't run fast at this time, it's a waste of time, if Chiba sacrifices, it's a waste of his sacrifice!

Do you use magic?

And after this roar, since these Konoha villagers can perceive the situation behind them on the way to escape, they are naturally not weak. Moreover, the tail of the team at this time is basically the people who have broken the rear, and their strength and experience are definitely not weak. After hearing this sound, they retreated one after another, and the speed of reaction still satisfied Ji Laiye.

However, at this time, Jiraiya did not pay too much attention to this, but looked at Susano, who was heading straight into the sky, and such a thought crossed his mind.


just useless...

However, with just one glance, he dismissed the thought in his mind.

Xianju, as his trump card, is indeed a great move against ninjas who are within the common sense level of the ninja world, but for this kind of existence beyond common sense, Jiraiya still has self-knowledge, even from the flow of natural energy. , These two people are using natural energy, that is to say, at least they are both starting from the fairy art, and it is a fully mature fairy art. His immature is almost half-baked in front of them. The level is simply not on the table.


Why does such a character appear.

On them, it seems that all the rules are meant to be broken.

Whether it is the rules of power that are customary in this ninja world, or the various boundary rules of ninja power!

Regarding this, Jiraiya could only grit his teeth and press his lips together, deeply feeling his own powerlessness.

At the same time, I also deeply felt the specialness of the two.

It is as special as if it is not a resident of this world.


But at this moment, the staggering wooden man fell to the ground, stirring up countless pieces of wood and dust, and at the same time, the lacquer-like ball also hit the ground in front of it.


And amidst a strange sound, after the ball touched the ground, the ground it touched sank instantly, as if it was evaporated instantly.

At the same time, in this depression, there is still a large forest.

Moreover, the moment the ball touched the ground, it began to expand rapidly, and with the expansion, the color of the lacquer ink became lighter and weaker. After swallowing half of the wooden man's body, it had already melted. Made a texture and color that feels like a black film.



"I will die!"

But at this time, under the film, there were a lot of untouched pond fish finally woke up from their dazed state, screaming and fled in embarrassment.

It was the coalition forces of Yin Yin and Sha Yin, who finally woke up after about one-fifth of the personnel were instantly annihilated due to the expansion of the ball.

In the air of the now-disappeared 200-meter-long forest, which is now a flat pit, in addition to the atoms of the evaporated trees, there are about one-fifth of their hands.

Just being affected for a while, they suffered heavy losses!

This is……

God's power?

But at this moment, while fleeing in panic and panic, such a thought flashed through their hearts.

The power of God, the power of God, perhaps many people have said it.

However, those who have actually encountered it are basically no one.

And at this time, they finally knew what the power of God is, and they also understood, and experienced personally, the horror that their ancestors felt from the first Hokage and Uchiha Madara.


Nothing wrong with annihilation and inflation.

And there is still a certain range, but there is no problem in eliminating Susanoo and me.

And at this time, among the gemstones of Susanoo's tengu mask, whose stature has been raised a lot, Nobuhiko Uchiha lowered his head slightly, and after glancing at the ants scurrying away below, a certain thought flashed in his heart.

Of course, he has no mercy for those ants.

Even after disappearing so much, he still thanked Taki Chiba for the technique that surpassed the limit of blood succession and the elimination of blood stains.

The wooden man should be useless too!

At this time, Uchiha Nobuhiko's heart was still calm.


Then, while his thoughts were spinning, he groaned, and then, the vision of the reincarnation eye suddenly turned upward.

In an instant, a figure wrapped in a blue chakra coat and almost floating in the air came into view.

It was Chiba in black robe!

Day Tiger?

And almost subconsciously, such a thought turned in his mind.

At the same time, Susano's right rear arm has been raised, and the eight-foot mirror is placed between the two of them.


However, at this moment, his complexion suddenly changed, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

It's not a day tiger!

It's even scarier!

Then, in the next moment, such a shocking thought flashed through his heart.

At this moment, in his eyes, the blue chakra coat suddenly dissipated.


I can't care less!

And at this moment, the lines of the eyes of reincarnation suddenly spread, and when the power of the pupils collapsed, there was a crackling sound, and there seemed to be some cracking sound on his forehead. Zhong's figure also suddenly changed into a posture of sinking and clenching fists.


At the same time, on the top of his head, above the eight-foot mirror, countless huge fists smashed down!


"What's wrong, Naruto!"

At the same moment, in the prison of time, Uzumaki Naruto, who was standing beside Hinata Hinata, rolled his eyes and fell to the ground with a puff.

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