Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2688 Situation


On the opposite side of the tallest building in Muye Village, a puff of smoke suddenly exploded and dissipated quickly, revealing Chiba's figure in a white robe inside.

"Then, I'll send the Third Hokage off for the last time."

After the white mist dissipated, the white-robed Chiba pursed her lips, glanced at the direction of the original city wall of Muye Village, which had collapsed in a large area, and said heavily.


In this regard, the white-robed Chiba body in front of him nodded slightly, and glanced at the roof of the tallest building where there was no Four Purple Flame Formation, which is where the third Hokage and Orochimaru fought, and Where the Third Hokage is now, there is a bit of sadness in his eyes.


Hearing this, the avatar of Qianye in white robe nodded slightly, and after something was hidden in his eyes, he disappeared in place.


Watching Baipao Qianye's clone leave, Baipao Qianye sighed softly.

"At this time, why are you sighing?"

Regarding this, No. 15 on the side spoke strangely.

The implication is: You didn't save people just now, but now they are gone, why are you sighing? Didn't you ask for it?

"I just feel like I'm a little lost."

Hearing this, for this teammate who has been with him for a long time, Baipao Qianye said with a bit of regret.

"What's the meaning?"

But now, No. 15 couldn't understand the sentimental words, tilted his head, and asked.

"Okay, what's your plan next? In the current situation, Nobuhiko Uchiha and your other Chakra have disappeared, so they should die together."

Regarding this, No. 14 on the other side didn't let them continue the chat, but just said so.

"Really... Then, on the 14th and 15th, do you still remember the Japanese-style log cabin I lived in?"

Hearing this, Qianye in the white robe also nodded as if waking up from a dream, and asked.


In this regard, the two spoke almost subconsciously.

"Well, there is an entrance to a secret room in the kitchen of the Japanese-style log cabin. I would like to ask you to protect that secret room. There is also a clone of my slug fairy art inside. I hope you can help me deal with it so that it does not let Anyone discovers everything in the Chamber of Secrets."

Hearing this, Qianye in the white robe nodded again, and said so.

"The chamber of secrets...?"

In this regard, No. 14 and No. 15 seemed to frown and think about it.


Hearing the murmurs of the two, Baipao Qianye nodded affirmatively and said so.


And the two of them didn't think about it for long, they nodded straightforwardly and said.

Then, in a flash, he disappeared in place.

At this time, the enemy had already fled in a hurry, and the biggest threat Uchiha Nobuhiko was also killed.

It almost drove us away.

But at this moment, such a clear thought flashed through the hearts of the two of them.

From now on, the identity of my teammates and partners will be quite different. They will be the shadows who control a great ninja village, or even the strongest ninja village in the ninja world. After all, they are people from the dark world, and now the dust has settled.

Some things can't let them know.

At this time, use an excuse like a secret room to distract them, everyone looks good on the face.

And the two of them are quite considerate of this white-robed Chiba.


He is already going to become the overlord of one side, Konoha's Hokage!

And on the way, whether it's on the 14th or the 15th, it feels a little unbelievable.

Only at this moment did they truly realize that the identity of the guy who was spending their boring days on the boat with them had completely changed from them.

So, does it mean that No. 14 and I already have a huge backer?

After realizing this matter, No. 15's thoughts turned a corner, and suddenly he became particularly at ease.

Although he doesn't have a good impression of Daren Village, and even has hatred, if it's not because he really can't compete with Daren Village, otherwise, he will definitely set off a storm of revenge.

And now, his friend has become Konoha's Hokage, it seems that he seems to have the capital for revenge.

It's not that he wants to ask his friend, that is, Chiba, to use Konoha's power to destroy other Dai Ninja villages.

Instead, he can borrow strength from his friends, and then deal with these big ninja villages by himself.

At least, the current Konoha is under siege, if he proposes to deal with other Dairen villages, he will work for Konoha village or cooperate.

Even if it is my friend, there is no reason to refuse.

Although Konoha treats the cooperation relationship mildly and has a mild attitude towards disputes, she has never been a gentle ninja village.

In terms of ferocity, this ninja village can stand for hundreds of thousands of years, and it is still the number one in the ninja world. I am afraid that this ferocity is also one of the best.

Other ninja villages seem fierce, but most of them are harsh and cruel to their own people.

However, Konoha has always been lenient inwardly, but when facing principled issues and aggressive times, she is extremely vicious.

Except after the Nine-Tails Rebellion, there was really no other way, and they were forced to compromise on the matter of war.

Yes, at this moment on the 15th, the fire of revenge that was forced to extinguish in my heart because of hopelessness slowly began to ignite again.

Can't figure it out?

What does he not understand?

As an outsider, and with so much time, Uchiha Nobuhiko's first hunt failed to kill him, and his power development was already very mature.

In terms of strength, there should be nothing he can't understand.

And according to the memories of outsiders I obtained, outsiders basically know everything about this world, or in other words, the historical trend of this world, even if the memory is vague, as long as they know the general direction, then there is no problem. What a problem.

Generally speaking, according to my memory, although there are differences on the whole, in terms of the ending, the three generations of Hokage died in battle, and Konoha Village is generally intact. The offensive was terrible, and in the end, Konoha only lost a few people and the city wall collapsed.

This is no big difference.

Basically nothing has changed.

There is no place that is incomprehensible.

At this time, this series of thoughts flashed across No. 14's mind.

Compared with No. 15's idea, No. 14's idea is obviously based on the premise of an outsider. At this time, Taki Chiba, as an outsider, should have nothing to understand.

From the standpoint of protection, Konoha has been preserved intact, but only lost a split body. Although it may not be possible to split again, there is nothing to be confused about.

From Taki Chiba's point of view, it's just another confirmation of the current situation, and there's nothing suspicious about it. These differences are different from the process, and it's just that this world accommodates outsiders. There are some completion mechanisms for the exception.

Yes, from the standpoint of number 14, although I know that Nobuhiko Uchiha is specialized in dealing with outsiders, but perhaps because of her special experience, in her opinion, the existence of outsiders in this world is actually quite tolerant , at least as long as outsiders do not interfere with the course of history, nothing will happen.

Just like she didn't do anything at the beginning, she was able to die in the end.

From the current point of view, this Taki Chiba is obviously a restless master, the kind of person who needs to adjust more history. Of course, No. 14 does not object. After knowing Taki Chiba's experience, she somehow , is very supportive.

However, this world is not completely devoid of countermeasures for outsiders, and Nobuhiko Uchiha is undoubtedly the countermeasure. In the concept of No. 14, Uchiha Nobuhiko is not so much about hunting outsiders as it is about neutralizing outsiders. It is more appropriate to prevent their destructive behavior.

In other words, under the current situation, this confrontation between Uchiha Nobuhiko and Heipao Chiba is nothing more than an act of neutralization, and there is nothing wrong with such a result.

There is absolutely nothing unclear.

I always feel that just now, Chiba's thoughts seem to have changed.

what did he find

In the end, all thoughts turned into such a thought.

Vaguely, she seemed to notice something strange.

"Then, next..."

After watching No. 14 and No. 15 leave, Baipao Qianye frowned slightly, and looked at the damaged city wall full of smoke and dust.

Then, the next second, he also disappeared in place.

Then, about a few minutes later, his figure appeared on the slightly intact city wall.

As far as the eye can see, at this moment, smoke and dust are everywhere, and amidst the sound of crackling, the remaining half of the wooden figure is shattered in the bursts of smoke and dust.

At this moment, the two gourd-like round pits where the original main entrance of Muye Village had completely changed the terrain in front of Muye Village.

At least the original road out of the village has been completely destroyed by two round pits, and the road can no longer be seen at the end of the field of vision.

And in the center of the smaller of the two gourd-like round pits, lay two corpses.

One, Nobuhiko Uchiha, at the moment the whole person showed a gray and defeated color, a big hole was broken in the chest, and it was almost broken in two at the chest position.

And the other body was scorched black, as if it had been burnt into coke from the inside out, no doubt, it was its own split body that used the Death Gate in the Eight Doors Dunjia.

"Hey... I didn't expect that Uchiha Nobuhiko also had a soul split."

Seeing this scene, Qianye in white robe standing on the city wall couldn't help but sighed.

The Uchiha Nobuhiko in the line of sight is naturally impossible to be the real Uchiha Nobuhiko. If Uchiha Nobuhiko escaped without death, then it is naturally the real Uchiha Nobuhiko, and if he finally dies here, it is naturally not Uchiha Nobuhiko, or It is impossible to say that Uchiha Nobuhiko has completely died.

Moreover, Uchiha Nobuhiko also possesses the technique of spiritualization, and has a certain degree of communication with his supreme power, that is, the eye of reincarnation, and can also split the soul body, and has sufficient conditions to create a split body.

Furthermore, through the connection of the supreme power, he also knew that the reincarnation eye of the right eye was not on the corpse.

The pupil technique just now, and even the Tianshi Zhenxing, I am afraid, were not used by the orthodox reincarnation right eye.

Rather, the supreme power of the mass-produced type, that is, the masterpiece of the mass-produced reincarnation eye mounted on that corpse.

In the beginning, there was only one meteorite, which was caused by Uchiha Nobuhiko for excessive damage, but now it seems that the counterfeit Samsara Eye couldn't use the full version of Tianshi Zhenxing.

"Zi Chi!"

And thinking of this, Qianye in the white robe had a slight helpless bitterness on his face, then, he raised his hand, and gently took off his left eye, at the same time, white air came out from the other hand, A spell composed of tadpole characters spread out in the white-smelling hand, occupying the entire palm, and then a wooden tube slowly grew out of it.

With a bang, the cover of the wooden tube almost popped up automatically, and the crystal water light diffused gently. Afterwards, Qianye in white robe gently poured the wooden tube into the other hand, and along the way, poured it into the wooden tube again. what was put in.

Afterwards, he gently pressed the thing poured out of the wooden tube into the hollow left eye socket. After a little blood oozes out, the inlaid medical chakra light flashes lightly, following this A light green floated in the air from the departing hand.

"Fortunately, I made this preparation."

And as the hand pressing on the left eye socket left, the left eye of Baipao Qianye was slightly closed, but there was a bit of a situation on his face.

Afterwards, his left eye slowly opened, and in his left eye at this moment, there was a corrugated and spiral eye.

Reincarnation eye!

It seems that his reincarnation left eye was not on his body, but passed to him through some way.

"Chi Chi Chi!"

And at this moment, in the other hand, the wooden pipe in the palm closed again at some point, and slowly sank into the palm, and disappeared into the palm in a series of white air.

What also disappeared is the tadpole Wenshu style in the palm.


At the beginning, if I hadn't spent such a little time researching on time and space, the battle situation would have been different.

It won't be forced by Uchiha Nobuhiko's split body to use the dead door.

And at this time, the supreme power of the eye of reincarnation slowly rises from the left eye, slowly flows into his consciousness, and slowly merges with another force like milk and milk, the heart of Baipao Qianye can't help but There was some annoyance.

After all, this time he went to a split body, more or less because of his lack of preparation. Too little time is spent on space-time ninjutsu.

Otherwise, with his advantage of viewing time and space from top to bottom, even if he has no talent, it is impossible to just pass a wooden pipe as simple as that.

However, whatever.

Consumed a split body, and then used the pupil technique like Tianyan Zhenxing.

According to the calculation of the total pupil power, Uchiha Nobuhiko's mass-produced reincarnation eyes should have been used up.

It is also impossible to supplement.

Next, there is nothing tricky about each other.

Then, the annoyance in his heart was quickly suppressed, and such a thought appeared in Baipao Qianye's heart.

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