Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2693 Explanation

"what have you found?"

While everyone was focusing on the Nine-Tails seal on Uzumaki Naruto's stomach, Uchiha Seiko put away the shock in his heart about Xue Nai's speculation about Hinata's actions just now, took a slight breath, and said.

It was broken, the sudden silence that came at this time.

Obviously, Xue Nai must have discovered something now, otherwise she would not have found Naruto Uzumaki's Nine-Tails Seal directly, and judging by the state of this Nine-Tails Seal, it is obvious that nothing happened.

After all, there is no need to think about the clear and completely emerging seal pattern in front of you, and the already overflowing Nine-Tails Chakra. Just now Naruto Uzumaki fell into a coma. Something must have happened that caused the Nine-Tails Chakra to leak.

And because of the change of the seal, I don't know what happened to make the seal appear, what changes were leaked by the Nine-Tails Chakra, Naruto Uzumaki fainted.

This is a matter of course.

And since Xue Nai can hit the nail on the head, then there must be something discovered, that is, Naruto Uzumaki's coma, the seal change, and Chakra Kyuubi leaked the reason behind these obvious things, which may have been known to Xue Nai.

Moreover, it should be very certain.

"Xue Nai?"

In this regard, almost at the same time, Uchiha Hirohiko also spoke.

Obviously, Uchiha Hirohiko also noticed that this close friend should have discovered something.

Relatively speaking, among the three-person team, he should be the type who only knows about fighting and is not good at analysis. Whether it is Chiba or Xue Nai, they are far ahead of him in analysis, although now he doesn't know whether it is What made Uzumaki Naruto unconscious, but he believed that Xue Nai might have discovered the reason.

However, before he could say the next words, Xue Nai raised his hand to stop him, but seeing Xue Nai at this time, looking at the seal of the nine tails, he frowned, and his face was a little more suspicious.

"This... what is this? Why is there this thing on Naruto's stomach?"

And at this time, Choji Akimichi and Ino Yamanaka exclaimed almost at the same time. Compared with Sasuke Uchiha who showed a bit of understanding on his face, and Sasuke Uchiha who frowned but didn't have much doubt on his face, they seemed to understand the current situation , or in other words, Haruno Sakura who understands the seal on Naruto's stomach, and Nara Shikamaru who looks thoughtful, the two are obviously confused, and they don't understand why there is a seal on Naruto's stomach .

And what is this seal?

"Nine-Tails' Jinchuriki Seal..."

At this time, Uchiha Hirohiko, who was interrupted, blurted out when he heard the sudden exclamation.


Kushina-sensei's Nine-Tails was sealed into his son's body.

And the only ones who can seal Nine-Tails are Chiba and Minato-sensei.

Whether it's Chiba's seal or Minato-sensei's seal.

Naruto... should have been placed with high hopes!

But at this time, such a thought flashed through his mind.

"The seal of Nine-Tails Jinchuriki? What is Nine-Tails Jinchuriki?"

Hearing this sentence, almost subconsciously, the two asked again.

But this time, Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno, and Shikamaru Nara all looked over. Obviously, they were very interested in the term Kyuubi Jinchuriki, or they had never heard of it before. It was natural to be attracted.

At that time...

Could it be the Nine Tails?

Naruto is really... Kyuubi?

At this time, apart from being attracted to the attention, such a thought also appeared in the hearts of Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura.

To be honest, there has always been a rumor in the village that the Kyuubi who attacked Konoha back then was Naruto. And it is precisely because of this rumor that the attitude of the villagers towards Naruto is so bad, and they don't even allow their children to play with him.

Of course, they didn't believe it.

At least, in the same classroom, neither Uchiha Sasuke nor Haruno Sakura would believe such nonsense.

For Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto may be the only person in the whole village who is as lonely as him. In a sense, seeing Naruto's lonely appearance, the feeling of extreme loneliness in his heart will be relieved. He was very happy with such a person.

However, with his personality, he would never admit that he regarded Naruto Uzumaki as a partner a long time ago. Even, never admit it.

And after the formation of the seventh class, in the close relationship for a short period of time, he did not believe that Kyuubi is Naruto even more.

This guy is purely an idiot. Although he has many brilliant points, he is still an idiot in the end. If it is Kyuubi, then he has great doubts about how Kyuubi has survived until now.

As for Haruno Sakura, a long time ago, she did hear that Uzumaki Naruto was Kyuubi, which killed many rumors. However, although she was impatient with Uzumaki Naruto's liking, she went to school together. After the beginning, she decided that Naruto was just an ordinary idiot, and he was completely incomparable with Sasuke. Kyuubi or something, if Kyuubi is really such an idiot, I'm afraid, he would have died long ago.

Yes, for Haruno Sakura, the impression of Uzumaki Naruto, she and her sweetheart, that is, the idea of ​​the future husband are surprisingly consistent.

And after the establishment of the seventh class, she has already thrown Kyuubi to Java, especially after passing the test of Mr. Kakashi, although Naruto is unreliable, she has been her partner since then , so what if it's Nine Tails?

Naruto is still Naruto.

And this point became even more profound after the mission of the Land of Waves. At that time, she also really experienced the moment when Naruto showed the "monster power". I recall it clearly.

At that time, she began to think carefully about the rumor that she had long sniffed at. Then, she still sneered.

Because, at that time, she was more worried about the safety of Naruto and Sasuke, and there was no need to care about these minor details.

But now, whether it is Haruno Sakura or Uchiha Sasuke, seeing this seal and the Nine-Tails Chakra leaked on the seal, they can't help but think of this rumor again.

Obviously, Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura at this time regard the Nine Tails Seal as a seal to seal Naruto's power.

After all, Sasuke did not personally see Naruto before, but he also heard Haruno Sakura talk about how he and Naruto defeated Shiro in the end, and Haruno Sakura saw it with his own eyes. This is because the seal restricts Naruto Power, that is, the strength of Nine Tails, even keeps Nine Tails in human form.

Rumors of the Nine Tails...

Villagers' attitude towards Naruto...

this seal...

It's the first time I've heard of Injuriki's words...

And at this time, on the other side, one by one information is constantly being reorganized in Nara Shikamaru's head. At the same time, there are some conversations about Naruto between some parents who didn't care before, such as not to say more, Let's do it like this, although I'm a little sorry... and the like also surfaced together, blending with the news he got now.

Could it be that Naruto and Kyuubi really have a deep relationship, and this seal represents the relationship between Kyuubi and him.

Although I don't know what this seal is, but the rumors of Kyuubi should be high-level, no, it should be said that the third Hokage was ordered to release it.

Naruto's situation was caused by the Three Hokages.

But why?

Why did the three generations of Hokage let such rumors go?

This rumor is obviously abnormal.

If Naruto is really Kyuubi, then Kyuubi, who has caused such great harm to the village, will be imprisoned no matter what, how can he be released?

And if this item is excluded, Naruto is not Kyuubi, so why let the news that Naruto is Kyuubi.

At that time, the village should have just experienced the Nine Tails Rebellion and suffered heavy losses...


It sounds like the rumor that Naruto is Nine-Tails is more like a blindfold, or something that confuses people.

Considering that Naruto is Kyuubi, or if Naruto represents Kyuubi in a certain sense, or even possesses the power of Kyuubi, if its own existence can represent the existence of Kyuubi, then, first of all, the village is The one who has the means to control the power of Nine Tails may be this seal. Judging by Naruto's actions, it must not be the tyrannical Nine Tails.

And now, looking at this physical chakra, it should be the chakra of the nine tails, or the power of the nine tails, that is to say, the power of the nine tails can be extracted from Naruto's body, or Naruto is controllable The power of nine tails.

Then, the value of Naruto can be said to rise with the tide. Since Kyuubi was able to force the village into such a situation, even the Fourth Hokage was killed in battle, but in the end he was not able to kill it. Naruto, who now represents the power of the Nine Tails, is a controllable tailed beast for any ninja village!

The importance of Naruto is self-evident.

Therefore, Naruto should be protected, and it is best not to be known that he is the power of Nine Tails.

However, this kind of thinking, all Dainin villages should also have this kind of thinking. If they do the opposite, they will wantonly spread some unfounded information that Naruto is Kyuubi...

Yes, confuse people!

It's hard to tell!

After all, Naruto is in the base camp of the village, and without any certainty, any action against Naruto would be unwise for all forces!

This is protecting Naruto!

Then, in the next second, Nara Shikamaru suddenly realized, and solved the riddle of the rumor that Naruto was Kyuubi.


This is the third generation of Hokage to protect Naruto and the power of Nine Tails!

And this seal is the controller of the power of Nine Tails!

Then, after solving the mystery of Naruto's Nine-Tails rumor, Nara Shikamaru also quickly understood the function of this seal.

Although he still doesn't know what Renzhuli is, he has already sensed it vaguely.

Naruto is special.

And, everything in front of them may have touched the core secrets of the village.

"Nine-Tails Jinchuriki is the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki of the Tailed Beast."

At this time, Uchiha Hirohiko explained: "It is to seal the tailed beast in the human body, so that people have the power of the tailed beast. Xue Nai, I, and Chiba's teacher are the former Kyuubi's teacher." Jinchuriki, the current Naruto, is the current Kyuubi's Jinchuriki. Except for Konoha, the other four major ninja villages also have more or less the Jinchuriki of the Tailed Beast. Now the Nine Tailed Beasts No, it should be said that tailed beasts have been controlled and used by ninjas since a long time ago. And this seal should be a special seal that seals tailed beasts into the human body."

Nine-Tails' Jinchuriki... is to seal Nine-Tails inside the human body.

Now, Jinchuriki of Kyuubi is Naruto?

Hearing this sentence, everyone was stunned, only Nara Shikamaru was stunned. If this is the case, then everything he deduced can be connected.

"It shouldn't be wrong!"

At the same time, without allowing everyone to take a breath, as if she had finally finished thinking, Xue Nai took a deep breath, raised her head, and looked at the crowd, and when her gaze passed by Hirohiko, she paused slightly, as if opening her mouth I wanted to say something, but I finally swallowed it and finally turned it into such a sentence.

"Can't be wrong? What can't be wrong?"

At this time, everyone was still in the astonishment of Renzhuli, and when they heard this, they subconsciously said.

"Naruto is in a coma. It should be that some Nine-Tails Chakra was taken away, or because the power of the Tailed Beast in his body was taken away, which caused his coma. However, it seems that Nine-Tails should still be there. Don't worry too much in his body, it's just that the power has been taken away."

Regarding this, Xue Nai said affirmatively.

took away the power...

The power of the tailed beast was taken away?

And hearing these words, everyone also ignored Jinjuriki before, they were stunned for a moment, and then all their eyes were focused on Xue Nai in front of them.

"You mean... Uchiha Nobuhiko, took away the power of Nine Tails."

But this time, before everyone could say anything, Seiko Uchiha on the other side spoke.

But when everyone looked over subconsciously, they found that the face of Seiko Uchiha was already slightly pale at this time.

As if thinking of something extremely terrible.

Even this dead soul was terrified.

"That's right, Nobuhiko Uchiha took away the power of Nine Tails, and according to my inference, Nobuhiko Uchiha can not only take away Naruto's power of Nine Tails in this space, but the transcendent power on your body should be ... engraved in the soul."

And at this time, as if understanding the hidden meaning of Seiko Uchiha, Xue Nai turned around, looked at Seiko Uchiha, and said almost word by word.

Emphasize the affirmative meaning in your own words.


And hearing this, with a swipe, Seiko Uchiha's face turned pale.

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