Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2704 agreement

"It seems that you already know."

Although I couldn't see the expression under the hood of No. 14 clearly, the boy Chiba, who turned his head away after speaking, seemed to know everything, and said in his mouth.


And hearing this, seeing the expressionless appearance of the young Chiba who was the avatar of the slug fairy art, No. 14's heart lit up.

A wave of regret suddenly penetrated from the bottom of her heart, slowly occupying her heart.

She knew that she couldn't escape, since entering this secret room, her fate was already doomed.

At this time, she is already a fish on the chopping board. With her strength, it is impossible to break free from the shackles of the young Chiba, who is now a clone of the slug fairy art.

That is to say, the juvenile Chiba, who is the avatar of the slug fairy art, can actually do whatever he wants to her.

But now, what this slug fairy avatar young Chiba wants to do, the so-called agreement, she is very clear and clear.

If such an agreement is made and an agreement is made with such a person, then it is indeed possible to cause the current situation.

Namely, the accidental release of the children and the presence of two spirits in front of their well-preserved corpses.

That is, the person Taki Chiba contacted at the beginning was his own body.

His own body is also in this cage of Uchiha Nobuhiko. At that time, Taki Chiba entered this cage by some means. Although he did not meet these two souls, he should have met his own body. In other words, the original soul body, and then, made a certain agreement.

His own body may be responsible for finding a way to open the entrance from the inside and send the two souls to him.

It has to be said that compared to her original body, she is a split body after all. Even if she can inherit the memory and transcendental power of the original body, and even her understanding of the transcendental power is still higher than the original body, she is after all A split body, the main body can receive her information at any time, and even read her memory, except that because of the independence of the split body and the main body, the main body has no way to control her thoughts and behaviors, everything about her is actually under the supervision of the main body Below, at least the dominance is on the ontology.

It's just that her body seems to be in a special space, or it's a relationship that splits only after death. She, the split body, knows the dominance of her body over herself, but she doesn't I have felt the situation where the main body interfered with her.

Therefore, strictly speaking, his body has very little control over her.

This also led to her not receiving any information about the main body except after inheriting the memory of the main body in the first life.

That is to say, except that the main body can look through her memory, strictly speaking, the relationship between her split body and the main body is that the split body is much more free, while the main body is more restricted.

In a disguised form, the dominance was almost transferred to her split body.

After all, the body's control over her is really insufficient.

And it also led to her not knowing the agreement that the ontology had made with others.

Similarly, she now also knows what this agreement is.

"Are you still saying... to protect my mother?"

Regarding this, No. 14 almost gritted his teeth, and said bitterly.

Now that she knew about this agreement, she also knew what it meant.

This agreement between Taki Chiba and her own body is nothing more than to save her body from that space, in a real sense, and in this real sense, it is not to let her soul body return to the dead in this world The world, but the present world of living people.

Yes, that's right, this agreement is to revive my own body!

Compared with these two souls, the resurrection of her own body is much simpler, as long as she is brought here, the body can be pulled out of that space. After all, now strictly speaking, the main body, or Uchiha Seiko, no, it is Michiko who is still alive, his own existence, the existence that he uses number 14 as his name, is himself Michiko, that is, his own ontology exist.

Strictly speaking, my own body is not dead, as long as I pull out that space, and I am nearby, it only takes a very short time, before being kicked back to the world of the dead, my body can get into her body. Body, and then forcibly fuse her to complete the resurrection.

And this body itself fits her soul, and her soul is essentially the soul of the body, so there is no exclusion.

Everything is nothing more than the category of transcendent power.

This is also the horror of the power of transcendence. Some powers of transcendence may not be so powerful that they can completely shake the power system of this world. The transcendence of some immutable power in the world.

For example, the current boundary between life and death.

According to the rules of life and death in this world, his own body and even her are actually four people.

However, because of their transcendental power, the effects of soul splitting and reincarnation, they can be resurrected easily, even if their souls are split into two places. The world of the world is constantly reincarnated, and even the soul of the split body can be resurrected at any time.

Regardless of the price paid, this is beyond the boundaries of life and death in this world, that is, beyond the rules of life and death in this world.

This is the power of transcendence, and it is also terrifying.

And for her, if the soul body of the main body is really fused with her, then her own self will definitely not exist, and everything about her will become the nourishment of her main body. It will become a memory of the main body, perhaps, it will be forgotten at some point.

In other words, what this young Chiba, who is a clone of the slug fairy art, is going to do at this time is basically equivalent to killing himself as agreed with his own body.

"Number 15, I will always take care of you. Moreover, your fusion with the main body does not mean death, and your ego does not mean disappearing."

Regarding this, Chiba, the boy who was avatar of the Lulu Immortal Art, seemed to have a slight apology on his expressionless face, and said so.

However, that being said, the spiral corrugated eyes in his eyes did not stop at all, and the power of the mass-produced reincarnation eyes slowly overflowed.

All of a sudden, those teenagers and girls who had just left the prison of time and were staring blankly at the juvenile Chiba, who was the avatar of the slug fairy art, all took a step back and choked for breath.

"Forget it, after all, I was too careless and didn't realize it in advance."

Regarding the words of the young Chiba who was avatar of the slug fairy art, especially the trace of Chiba that flashed across his face, No. 14, who was originally resentful and resentful in his heart, disappeared inexplicably, and at the same time, his eyes were unconscious. He glanced behind him at the gap where the girl's body was, and then he let out a sigh.

"You can't tell number 15 that I'm gone, tell my body, and treat number 15 well. The only person I can trust is number 15."

Then, she spoke again.

Fortunately, No. 15 was knocked out.

But at this time, this last thought flashed through her mind.

If No. 15 is still awake now, he will definitely work hard for himself. At that time, under the hands of this slug fairy clone, I am afraid that No. 15 will really die.

I don't know when this slug fairy clone was. If it was an early clone, I don't have any memory of getting along with them. I'm afraid I won't be sympathetic when dealing with No. 15, and No. 15 will definitely die.

And even if the slug fairy avatar has the memory of getting along with them, judging by the appearance of this slug fairy avatar, I am afraid that it will not give up if it fails to achieve its goal. Even if number 15 does not die, it will still be seriously injured.

It's okay to be seriously injured. If No. 15 is betrayed again and sees himself killed by Chiba, I'm afraid that No. 15 will really go crazy.

As a companion who has been with me for so long and is loyal to me, on the 14th I still hope that I can live well on the 15th in the future.

If Fifteen was awake and suffering from this, she would not have wanted to be seen anyway.

This matter, after all, it is her fault that she chooses to believe in Qianye, and it is her fault to believe in Qianye almost blindly.

It's nothing more than killing herself, if this indirectly catches up with No. 15, then she will really feel uneasy.

"call out!"

And at this moment, in the black hole that was drawn into a hexagon, a pale golden flame-like light flashed away, flew directly out of the black hole, and penetrated into the center of No. 14's eyebrows.

In an instant, like water and milk melting together, like ice and snow melting, No. 14's consciousness quickly darkened.

Then, as if some larger consciousness took over, No. 14's consciousness completely sank into the darkness in just one moment.

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

"Just now... who is that?"

"Aunt Xue Nai? Or..."

And at this time, the boys and girls had reacted, and a series of words spit out from their mouths.


At the same time, two exclamations came from inside the black hole.

"Don't worry, this is an agreement between me and her, and now she has been resurrected."

In this regard, Chiba of Chiba, the teenager who was avatar of the slug fairy art, hurriedly opened his mouth and explained to the two close friends in the black hole, which is Uchiha Nobuhiko's time prison.


And hearing this sentence, the inside of the black hole was almost unanimous.

However, in this unanimous voice, there is already a bit of clarity between the words.

Obviously, when the words came out, the two had already understood something.

After all, they are the ones who have the most tacit understanding with Qianye, and they also know Qianye's existence best. Even if they haven't seen each other for more than ten years, they still guessed the meaning of Qianye's words in the first time.

Obviously, this is an agreement between Grandma Shengzi and Qianye, that is to say, without their knowledge, Grandma Shengzi has already contacted Qianye, and even the current situation is very likely to be caused by Qianye curated.

Now that I think about it, Shengzi's mother-in-law helped them without saying a word before, and they should have hardly realized it.

It's just that it doesn't matter now, since it's Chiba's plan, or in other words, Chiba is involved in this matter, then there's no need to think too much about it, and don't need to say much.

Chiba's position is their position.

Whatever Chiba does, they will do as they please.

"Well, specifically, I'll tell you later."

In this regard, it is obvious that the young Chiba, who is a clone of the slug fairy art, has a huge difference in attitude towards Hirohiko and Yukina.

At least, he is very, very patient with Hirohiko Xue Nai, and he is planning for things that other people are unwilling to mention more at this time. When the time comes, how will Hong Yan and Xue Nai ask, and how detailed the questions are? Answer truthfully and in detail.

It seems that soul splitting also has side effects.

And it's a side effect that can be big or small.

As expected, any power has two sides.

The current No. 14 obviously rejects his own body, and the reason should be mostly because the body has weak control over the split body.

Originally, the initiative should be completely controlled by the main body, but now it seems that there is no way to restrain the split body.

Perhaps this is also the reason why Michiko asked me to cooperate.

Of course, Nobuhiko Uchiha's time prison is one thing, she can also encourage Hirohiko to open the entrance, even, the entrance must be opened in front of No. 14, she also has the opportunity to get close to her split body.

However, there is no blessing of the power of reincarnation eyes and pupils, and the restraint and control of shadow secrets. Given that she can only stay in the world of the living for a few seconds, it is very likely that she will be avoided or avoided by the split body.

With No. 14's ability, it's not impossible to avoid his own body.

And if it fails once, then No. 14 will probably have to be fiercely vigilant about his own body.

Even, if it goes to the extreme, it is very possible to use the reincarnation of the dirty soil or something to imprison her in the reincarnation of the dirty soil reincarnation, and then use methods such as restraint to control her.

At that time, it will really be beyond redemption.

But at this time, a series of pictures of the split body countering the main body flashed through the mind of the young Chiba who was the avatar of the slug fairy art, that is, the picture of No. 14 countering the outsider Michiko.

Thinking about it, the young Chiba who was the avatar of the slug fairy technique almost shuddered.

In that kind of situation, I was imprisoned by myself, and it was very scary to imagine.

However, thanks to Michiko's sophistication, he just made good friends with Hirohiko and Yukina, and he was not blind, and he was not in a hurry to return to the world of the living, recover the split body, and bring back the split body, or in other words, resurrect, and take back the split body along the way.

However, in any case, everything is going well.

Whether it is unknown to the outsider, or to him.

"You guys, go out quickly, and then notify my main body to let him know that you have come out. To avoid being restrained by Uchiha Nobuhiko."

But thinking of this, Chiba, the boy who was avatar of the slug fairy art, turned his head, looked at the boys and girls, that is, the future Konoha Twelve Little Powers, and said so.

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