Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2711 Inform

Calm down.

Be patient.

This is also just right, to buy time and wait for the pupil power to recover.

The longer Taki Chiba thinks about it, the better it is for me.

Because at this time Chiba was immersed in thinking, the time to organize the language and the anxiety derived from the curiosity about "knowing everything" that Taki Chiba said, Uchiha Nobuhiko calmed down his restless heart.

After all, it doesn't feel good to be controlled by others. Although he is much calmer now because of the peace of mind before, it doesn't mean that he can face life and death calmly. , became obsession.

The peace of mind just now, and the irritability now, in a short period of time, Nobuhiko Uchiha just recalled his obsession with eternal life.

And under anxiety, more or less will appear impatient.

However, Nobuhiko Uchiha was able to remain calm after all, and even, contrary to his impatience, the current situation is actually beneficial to him, and there is really no need for him to be anxious.

"Let's put it this way, what do you think it means for us outsiders to know everything?"

And at this time, it seemed that the language had finally been organized, and Baipao Qianye spoke.

"The outsider knows everything?"

Obviously, he didn't expect Chiba to start from here, Uchiha Nobuhiko was slightly startled, and subconsciously expressed doubts in his mouth.


Although it has been said that outsiders know everything.

However, the outsider knows everything, what knows everything?

But at this time, he felt a little stunned.

To be honest, Taki Chiba didn’t say anything, he hasn’t noticed it yet, all along, as long as outsiders exist in the world, there will always be the prophecy about the destruction of the world by a person who should not exist who knows everything, and he has always been able to Hearing it can even be used as one of the conditions for judging whether there are outsiders in the later stage.

And it has always been said that outsiders know everything, as if they are omniscient and omnipotent, but in fact, these outsiders who know everything are often killed by their own surprise, and they do not have the feeling of knowing everything .

As time passed, he didn't care anymore.

However, this prophecy came from the mouth of the Great Toad Immortal. He has been reincarnated for so many lives, and he has never seen that the prediction of the Great Toad Immortal is inaccurate.

Even, in a sense, it was precisely because of the prophecy of Immortal Toad that these outsiders would destroy the world, so he worked so hard to hunt and kill those outsiders.

It's just that he really didn't feel this knowing everything.

Gradually, it became a label that didn't deserve the name and was completely ignored by him.

But now, when Taki Chiba mentioned it, he didn't know what to say for a while.

"Do you think it's no big deal to know everything?"

In response to this, the corner of Baipao Qianye's mouth hung a slight smile again, and said so.

"That's right, I don't think it's a big deal for outsiders to know everything. I've even ignored it."

Seeing the smile on Chiba's mouth in white robe, Nobuhiko Uchiha frowned and said frankly.

Is this laughing at yourself?

what does he mean?

And in his mind, such a thought flashed across.

He was calm at this moment, and it could be seen that Taki Chiba's smile should be a self-deprecating smile. At this moment, Taki Chiba seemed to be in a bad mood.

How do you feel, this guy has no fighting spirit?

At this time, even if you are pretending, you have to pretend that you have the chance to win.

What's with this negative look?

Then, he discovered something keenly.

"That's because everything we outsiders know begins with the death of the Fourth Hokage. From then on, we know everything. Before that, it can only be said that it is based on everything after the death of the Fourth Hokage , to infer."

To this, Baipao Qianye said lightly.

"Night of the Nine Tails... just started...?"

At this time, Nobuhiko Uchiha was slightly startled when he heard this sentence, and blurted out this sound in his mouth.

Although these words came out of his mouth, his tone was full of hesitation and uncertainty.

The night of the Nine Tails has just begun...

So, that is, now...

Is that when outsiders really know everything?

But at this time, his heart gradually began to turn upside down. Even the expression of looking at Taki Chiba has slowly begun to change.

According to the words, that is to say, he is only now beginning to truly face the outsider who knows everything, who seems to be omniscient and omnipotent.


It should be said that the Taki Chiba he is facing now really knows everything.

Originally, what he ignored and thought to be insignificant to know everything, at this moment, he truly became the power of outsiders.

And if the outsider really knows everything, then he will completely lose the intelligence advantage, and even, because of the forward-looking nature of knowing everything, it is very possible that not only does he not have the intelligence advantage, but it is even more likely that he is Taki Chiba who is in front of every step. As expected.

That is to say, it is very possible that the current situation is within Taki Chiba's calculations.

And if it's all within Taki Chiba's calculations, his previous dispelling of the illusion may be wishful thinking.

To be honest, his heart almost skipped a beat.

Uchiha Nobuhiko still weighed the weight of Taki Chiba's words very clearly.

"Yes, in fact, all outsiders know everything about this world since the night of the Nine Tails. From then on, outsiders can be said to know everything and should not exist."

In this regard, Baipao Chiba said affirmatively, when any fluke psychology in Uchiha Nobuhiko's mind arises, his fluke psychology will be eliminated.

"You mean... you know..."

Hearing this, Uchiha Nobuhiko's face finally showed a bit of paleness.

"Yes, there will be big problems in the Chunin exam, and someone will attack, and even Otogakure from Orochimaru and Sagage led by the Fourth Kazekage will form an alliance to attack together, including the night of the Kyuubi, someone will take advantage of it. I want to snatch Nine-Tails while my teacher is giving birth, I know it all."

Regarding this, Baipao Qianye did not wait for him to finish speaking, and spoke directly.

"Then, you decided to fight three years later because you know everything that will happen. Tell me, what's going on? I'm all ears."

But when he heard this sentence, Uchiha Nobuhiko did not follow the question, but asked like this.

Obviously, he could see that Taki Chiba said this to elicit key information about the reason for the decisive battle three years later, so he simply stopped thinking about it and asked directly.

"That's right, I decided to fight in three years, because after three years, all these fates will end. Whether it is your fate as a reborn person or my fate as an outsider, everything will end after that day."

In this regard, Qianye did not talk nonsense, and said directly.


Hearing this, Nobuhiko Uchiha didn't think about it, and asked directly. Obviously, what Taki Chiba said now was just a piece of money, and the real key has not been said yet. At this time, he only needs to ask. .

What to ask.

Moreover, his heart is also urging himself to ask.

To be honest, his heart has been occupied by curiosity at this moment, and what urges him to ask is not the so-called procrastination before, but Nobuhiko Uchiha's genuine curiosity in wanting to know these things at this moment.

No matter how many lives he has been reborn, he is a native of this world after all, and it is impossible to know the future.

But now, the outsider in front of him can be said to know the past, present and future. He has studied the past a lot, and he has studied it relatively thoroughly. He doesn't care. Now, things are like this. There is no other choice but to accept.

However, the future, the future is different. If he can escape from birth this time, then, knowing the future and standing on the same intelligence line as the outsider Taki Chiba, then there are too many things he can do, and he can earn money. There are too many advantages to take.


It should be said that knowing the future is necessary to stand on the same starting line as the outsider Taki Chiba.

But now, this Taki Chiba seemed to feel that he had the chance to win, and the conversation was in full swing, and he didn't seem to have any worries about dying from talking too much, so, out of emotion and reason, he would continue to ask like this.

"Because, after three years, the Fourth Ninja World War will be launched. For the Fourth Ninja World War, the biggest hidden danger in the entire Ninja World will be eliminated. The Ninja World will usher in long-term or even eternal peace .”

Regarding this, Baipao Qianye also seemed to be really interested in talking, without any concealment, she just said it outright.

"Hidden danger?"

Hearing this, Uchiha Nobuhiko accurately pointed out the key to this sentence.

"Yes, you should have seen this person, Uchiha Madara."

To this, Baipao Qianye's answer was still straightforward, with a bit of knowing everything, and there was endless meaning in it.

"Uchiha Madara... isn't he dead?"

Hearing this, Uchiha Nobuhiko also asked quite cooperatively.

"Yes, it seems to you that he is already dead, and at this point in time, Uchiha Madara's body is indeed dead, but his will is not dead yet, or in other words, the will that bewitched him is not dead yet. And it has continued to this day, speaking of which, you are familiar with his continuation."

In this regard, Baipao Qianye said so.

"The will to bewitch him is still continuing... What do you mean? I am also familiar with it. Does the continuation of the will refer to someone?"

Hearing this, Nobuhiko Uchiha asked almost subconsciously. At this time, he basically didn't think about it anymore, as long as he had doubts or was unclear, he would ask.

"It refers to a certain person. You know this person very well. It is the leader of the Akatsuki organization behind the scenes, Uchiha Obito, and even the Tendou Yahiko you are seeing now, no, it should be Nagato, his reincarnation eyes , is actually the eyes of Uchiha Madara. Uchiha Madara, after the battle with the first generation of Naruto, used the Uchiha family's writing sharing eye forbidden technique Izanagi to reverse the result of his death. Then, Transplanted the Hashirama cells captured in the battle, and hid in the bottom world for more than ten years. Later, in his later years, he awakened the eyes of reincarnation, and designed Uchiha Obito to fall into darkness in the third Ninja World War, becoming his And his purpose is to have Uchiha Obito finally resurrect him with reincarnation and implement the Moon Eye plan. Three years after the end of the Zhongnin Exam, the Akatsuki organization will start collecting tailed beasts and implement Uchiha Madara’s moon Eye Project..."

But this time, after hearing Uchiha Nobuhiko's culture, Chiba told Uchiha Nobuhiko everything concise and clear.

In addition to the above-mentioned conspiracy about Uchiha Madara, all the context of the Fourth Ninja World War, including Jue, was confessed to Uchiha Nobuhiko.

"Unexpectedly...on top of the Sage of the Six Paths, there is...a Otsutsuki Kaguya, who is also the mother of the Sage of the Six Paths, and on the moon, there is actually another Otsutsuki's bloodline..."

And when Chiba finished speaking, Nobuhiko Uchiha was already dumbfounded.

To be honest, at first, he thought that after living so many lives, he already knew the world very well, and he knew everything that happened, or that no one had more knowledge of the past than him.

However, now it seems that he is really looking at the sky from the bottom of a well, how insignificant he is.

He even thinks that the Sage of the Six Paths is a legend, but Taki Chiba in front of him knows the Sage of the Six Paths, his mother and younger brother, and even the current Otsuki Kaguya is the Sage of the Six Paths. The blood of the mother, as well as the younger brother of the Sage of the Six Paths, Otsuki Yuromo is known on the moon.

It can be said that the name of the Datongmu family has refreshed his various cognitions.

Not to mention that this family was involved, the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan also had a posthumous child, who pretended to be Uchiha Madara's will, and even caused Otsutsuki Kaguya's resurrection, leading to the final battle.

At this time, he suddenly felt terrible, the terrible fate, and if these are the future, if the previous ones are the past, then, at the beginning, he already thought that Senjuzhuma and Uchiha Madara, who were fixed points, were just fate. The matter of a chess piece almost made him tremble.

For a while, he could only mutter to himself like this, his head was buzzing under the impact of complicated information, and he could hardly think.

"Wait...wait a minute! There is no conflict with you! Fate has no conflict with you! Why are you fighting against fate! You are in Konoha, and Konoha is the final winner. You can...you can sit and wait for that day You have no reason to fight against fate! Why do you try to stop it? If these are the established fates, that is, the unchangeable future you said... Then, you were on the right side from the beginning, Kyuubi During the chaos, you don't have to participate at all! I can't defy fate, if you stand still..."

However, soon, this sentence of astonishment came out of his mouth.

Suddenly, Nobuhiko Uchiha had a flash of inspiration in his mind, connecting many things together.

"You mean, I didn't have to participate in the Nine-Tails Rebellion, or in other words, I didn't have to go to the front line... right?"

Regarding this, although Uchiha Nobuhiko still had some confusion between his words, Chiba still understood what he meant.

"That's right! You don't have to fight against fate!"

Hearing this, Uchiha Nobuhiko said affirmatively.


And hearing this sentence, Baipao Qianye took a deep breath, was silent for a long time, and then said:

"I don't want her to die!"

"It doesn't matter, I..."

"I just don't want her to die."

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