Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2718 know and understand and end

"In the past, I felt that they all needed my protection, because they were not outsiders, had no power to transcend, and did not know all the information, and almost all of them faced the fate of death, because, in the future, without them So I must protect them with all my life, and I must not let them take risks. Everything should be resisted by me, because they have given me the foundation to live well in this life, no, if I want to live well in this life The most fundamental thing to survive is them. But, in the end, I have nothing to protect, but they have been protecting me and fulfilling my wishes."

Seeing Nobuhiko Uchiha whose expression changed from calm to sullen, from sullen to silent, and finally a bit astonished in the silence, Chiba's eyes were slightly confused, and he spoke again in a murmur.

However, Nobuhiko Uchiha was not given a chance to react and speak, as if venting out all the depression in one brain, talking on his own.

Yes, once, Chiba thought that he was protecting Kushina, Hirohiko, Yukina, and other close and cherished people, and he was always thinking about protecting them, but in the end, it was They protected him.

It's just that he thought he was protecting them.

In a sense, he has always imposed his will on them, and even in the end he failed because he paid too much attention to the idea of ​​"protecting them and resurrecting them" and ignored Xue Nai's feelings for him.

It can be said that before, he was always thinking about himself and that he didn't want to lose them, but he didn't care about their feelings for him and their unwillingness to lose him.

He only thought about sacrificing himself to win everyone's survival in the end, but he never thought that Kushina, Hirohiko, and Yukina's feelings for him could sacrifice everyone else, even at the expense of making the village weak situation, against their deep love for their village.

In other words, Kushina, Hirohiko, and Yukina had already put themselves above the village, and he didn't even consider such deep and strong feelings. In a sense, all his actions, although they were They are good, they are sincerely paying for them, even if they sacrifice their lives, it is touching and sincere, but selfish.

It was this selfishness without any malice that led to his final failure.

As for Kushina, Hirohiko, and Xue Nai, they not only expressed their feelings for him in the end, but also left him with what he needed most.

Hirohiko's eyes, Xue Nai's blood, Kushina's nine-tailed power, and even Hyuga Yutaka, the annoying guy who killed him from the beginning and died for him in the end, also left behind the most in him. The part with power, his white eyes.

It can be said that in addition to the warmth given to Qianye on weekdays, they also left for Qianye what he needed most.

In other words, to realize his long-cherished wish, the most needed thing.

The power to realize his long-cherished wish.

That is to say, Qianye's reincarnation eye in the left eye socket and the reincarnation eye in the right eye socket. At this moment, Chiba has truly become a perfect body.

The will of the world, or the fate that is really afraid, even created Uchiha Nobuhiko, an extraordinary perfect body that should not have been created, which specializes in harvesting and hunting outsiders.

"It has always been that they are protecting me and supporting me, not me protecting them."

In the end, after a series of thoughts and memories flashed through his mind, the voice in Qianye's mouth became a little hazy, so he concluded.


And hearing this sentence, inexplicably, the anger caused by the deep sting of self-esteem and the humiliation and humiliation flowing out of those stings seemed to be extinguished at this moment. After a while, Uchi Hasinhiko let out a long breath.


Am I losing here?

At this time, in his heart, he just sighed.

Perhaps, in this life, he appeared in a powerful posture, completely superior to the outsiders, and even, in many lifetimes, he was in the posture of an absolute strong, above the immature outsiders.

However, in the first few lives, he, who had not yet understood power and had not fully developed his own abilities, was basically under the shadow of outsiders. At that time, he also had allies by his side. , also have partners.

There are even comrades-in-arms whose descendants follow by their side, paving the way for him to hunt and kill outsiders.

It's just that that branch has been exterminated under the power of an outsider.

Even, there was that first friend, who had protected him when he was the weakest in the first life, an outsider friend whom he relied on deeply.

At this moment, the companions who came along the way, the scene after scene, is passing by one by one in his never-fading memory.

At that time, he was very weak, and he was trembling when facing outsiders, just like Taki Chiba of Night of the Nine Tails when facing himself.

However, at that time, although he was not strong, there was a group of partners who lived and died by his side. Every time, he was able to hunt and kill outsiders, and each of his partners made great contributions.

And precisely because of the great contribution, his partner has long since died, not even a single descendant left behind.


When will you no longer need a partner?

Have you given up looking for a partner?

I only want to use the simplest interests and deterrence to find so-called allies, no, it should be said that they are pawns?

And as those familiar faces, deeply buried in the bottom of my heart, and evoked by Taki Chiba's words flashed by, Uchiha Nobuhiko fell into deep contemplation.

At this moment, he seemed to have realized something, understood something, and recalled something beautiful. Although he was in deep thought, a slight smile could not be restrained from the corner of his mouth.



But this scene, in Qianye's eyes, made Qianye startled.

Seeing Uchiha Nobuhiko's smile, Chiba was stunned.

Suddenly, like a flash of inspiration, a strong intuition suddenly surged in Qianye's heart.

He still doesn't know this Uchiha Nobuhiko well enough.


At this time, Uchiha Nobuhiko, who suddenly fell into deep thought, murmured.


What's the meaning?

He... did he remember something?

At the same time, Chiba's brows were slightly frowned, completely unable to understand Uchiha Nobuhiko's reaction.

However, after this, Nobuhiko Uchiha didn't speak any more, and Chiba didn't ask for a while, and the two of them kept standing still and shoulders, and fell silent.

"Is that...was that time? I'm scared, so I don't come here any longer looking for partners?"

After a while, Nobuhiko Uchiha woke up like a dream, and said softly.


But at this time, Qianye, who was slightly startled when he heard this, suddenly understood in his heart.

Obviously, Uchiha Nobuhiko thought of his partner because of what he said about his partner just now.

And it should be a partner from a long time ago.

This guy, does he have... a partner?

Like Hirohiko, Yukina and Kushina?

Then, at this moment, Qianye looked at the young man whose face in the right eye of reincarnation gradually disappeared and remained unchanged when he first saw him, this young man who had fought with him for more than ten years, and even killed all his cherished partners with his own hands , suddenly in my heart.

This guy……

Is it possible that it resembles me?

And the previous life... me.

Then, almost subconsciously, such a thought popped into his mind.

At this moment, the dimmed eyes in front of me, although the pupils are the lines of the eyes of reincarnation, even if they are controlled, they can still feel the destructive pupil power in the eyes, but at this moment Ye's seriousness, the bleak look in that eye, the faint sense of alienation, the slight fear, and the slight despair, are so similar to the eyes I saw in the mirror in my previous life.

It's just that the sense of alienation, fear, and despair in my own eyes back then was all the more obvious due to the lack of power.


It was also because of his fear that he alienated the entire ninja world, but in the end he was controlled by me who healed his soul in Konoha Village.


Back then, because of the failure of interpersonal relationships, I was always afraid of giving my heart, afraid of making friends, and unwilling to make friends.

As for him, he has lost too much, life and death again and again. Thinking about it, when he was not as strong as he is now, when he faced the outsiders who seemed terrifying to him at the time, there should be many like-minded people around him, even people like him. Like Xue Nai and Hirohiko, a partner who can give everything, even life and strength.

And these partners should have paid their lives for him, or used their lives to kill outsiders.

And this time when he lost his best friend again and again, he gradually began to be afraid, afraid of losing, afraid of making friends, and afraid of giving sincerely, so as not to reap double pain and fear.

Without hope, there is no disappointment.

If he doesn't make friends, doesn't call for friends, he doesn't have to bear the pain of his friends dying before his eyes.

Really are……

Exactly the same!

But at this moment, Qianye completely understood.

If I hadn't experienced the nightmare reincarnation, maybe I would be like him.


It should be said that I have never lost my feelings and know the preciousness of my feelings. I, who died and traveled in the previous life, did not experience the cruelty and pain of reincarnation in nightmares, and directly traveled to the ninja world. With such power, perhaps I will only become the second Nobuhiko Uchiha.

Uchiha Nobuhiko who hates everything.

At the same time, Chiba also really understood her opponent.

In the past ten years, he can feel Uchiha Nobuhiko's disgust and even hatred for the natives of this world.

Although it is acting, standing at a higher level of power, in addition to performing tricks well, he actually has more leeway, so some things can be seen more clearly, and from what he knows about Uchiha Nobuhiko’s behavior Among them, what he felt was an image of curling up in the dark, watching with cold eyes, and even hating and loathing the world.

To be honest, at the beginning, he wished he could not understand that as a reborn person, Uchiha Nobuhiko should also have the experience of defeating the strong with the weak and defeating the strong outsiders with the weak. He should be very clear about the benefits of mastering the general trend.

One person can't do it, but a group of people can do it.

For outsiders who are not mature, although it is easy to stand at the top of the ninja world, there is no such thing as a situation where one person can match a ninja world, and even one person can match a ninja village.

Only mature outsiders, such as the current self, can ignore all forces in the ninja world.

And even if one person is against a ninja village, Uchiha Nobuhiko only needs to unite a few ninja villages to get rid of the outsiders. After all, the outsiders before him all only believed in their own strength and believed that they were the only ones. The protagonist's personal faction, even if he forms a clique, can't completely win people's hearts. Uniting ninja forces is not a problem for Nobuhiko Uchiha at all.

Moreover, as the guardian of this world, who was chosen and created by the will of the world to guard the world and its destiny, Uchiha Nobuhiko should like this world even more. Although he may not like the major forces currently fighting, he does not As for hatred and loathing, this is the standard for the choice of the will of the world.

Guardians don't like the world they guard.

Isn't that the destroyer who destroys the world?

But now, he finally understood.

At the beginning, Uchiha Nobuhiko should be the kind of existence that fits the setting of the guardian, but in time, he failed.

In other words, the will of the world has failed.

The person it chose, through time and cruel experience, finally moved in the direction of the destroyer, not the direction of the guardian.

The person it chose was not as strong as it imagined, and could take on the great task of guardian.

Chiba can even imagine that, even without him as an outsider, Nobuhiko Uchiha would destroy this world.

In other words, this world is already heading towards destruction.

"Now, you can end me."

And at this time, Nobuhiko Uchiha, who seemed to want to understand something, slowly became brighter in his eyes, and said.

"And you?"

Hearing this at first, Qianye was slightly taken aback, then frowned, but spoke in surprise.

"Aren't you doing this now?"

Regarding this, Uchiha Nobuhiko seemed to have untied some knot in his heart, suddenly smiled slightly, and said.

And his eyes were looking at Qianye's hand on his shoulder.

In his samsara vision, he could clearly see that nine special chakras were being pulled out of his body and poured into Taki Chiba's hands.

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