Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2733 severe

"Can there be a fake?"

Regarding the suspicion of this outsider Qianye, the expression on the face of the Immortal of the Six Paths, which was obviously disobedient, immediately cooled down, and he opened his mouth to say a word.

"It's come to this point, do I still need to fool you? Do you think I can talk nonsense about this kind of thing? Even if it is nonsense, I won't use such clumsy words, right?"

And in the next second, the sense of disobedience on his face disappeared, and the expression that looked like he was going to be furious after cooling down also turned into a smile, and at the same time, he said very calmly.


These two guys, one sings a good face, and the other sings a bad face...

I should have been fooled!

But at this time, compared to the shock after knowing the internal and external troubles, Qianye narrowed his eyes slightly at this time, and such a subtle thought flashed in his heart.

To be honest, the two of them, or the three consciousnesses, actually have the same goal.

They all want to save this world and prevent it from being destroyed. Needless to say, the Sage of the Six Paths and the will of the world, they are the natives here, and they must maintain the existence of this world. If the world dies, they will completely cease to exist. By saving the world, they are basically saving themselves.

Although Qianye said that as an outsider, he is still a mature outsider, and he still possesses the Nightmare Cosmic Fragments that are of a higher rank than this world. Although there is only a small part of the power left, there is only a small part of the power left , But what can be done, as long as the remaining power can do what, it can do what. It can be said that it is completely like a super cheat, and there is basically no threat to the destruction of the world or to him.

However, he himself is not in any danger, but there is no way for Kushina, Hirohiko, Yukina, Kakashi and others, even the dead Snow Eagle and the three idiots. There is no certainty that they can be saved.

Therefore, although he himself is safe, he still has many worries.

Therefore, he cannot destroy this world.

However, even if they are on the same path and their purpose is the same, they still cannot be regarded as the same way. After all, they are still afraid of each other, and their purpose is the same, but their positions are opposite after all.

Outsiders are the existences that destroy the world, and the will and spokesperson of the world are the existences that protect the world. This kind of opposition does not depend on their thoughts or behaviors, but is brought about by their identities. Even if outsiders exist, they still change The location of the fate line, at least in this Naruto world, is a kind of passivity, and the fate line is an absolute factor that determines whether the world will be destroyed or not, and the guardian of the world's will and spokesperson, passive is to be hostile to outsiders .

In other words, the two sides have their own hostile buffs, and meeting is a red name.

And since it is a red name, both sides can freely attack each other without any safe zone. And there is no safe area, and the two sides have been fighting each other before. At this time, no one will think that the other party is sincere. Even if it is open and honest, it must be mixed with various conspiracies and tricks. Get rid of the opponent, or get more benefits from yourself.

Yes, at this time, the reason why the two sides are talking openly and honestly, but at the same time asking each other seemingly endless questions, is that the two do not trust each other at all, but in the current situation, they also know that a relationship of trust must be established , Only then can we be truly open and honest, and seek the real way of survival for the existence of this world.

At this time, they are actually very contradictory in their hearts.

For the Will of the World and the Immortals of the Six Paths, there is no other way to save the world now. They can only rely on this outsider Chiba, and only this outsider Chiba has a chance of survival. Although he is unwilling to admit it, but now Their mentality is actually like those who have always believed that the outsider Chiba in front of them can perform miracles and save them in any battle. They firmly believe that the words of this outsider Chiba can really turn the crisis around.

On the other hand, they also have to think about it. They can firmly believe that this outsider Chiba can turn the crisis around, but they can't relax their vigilance, and they can't ignore the influence of outsiders. Uzumaki Kushina and those people will spare no effort to selflessly help their world, and this outsider Chiba's mind has long been out of Uzumaki Kushina and others, and if he does something more terrible than the destruction of the world, then , They are probably more painful than destruction and extinction.

After all, the destruction of every world is related to outsiders. As far as the will of the world knows, those devoured worlds are almost destroyed by outsiders. These are just a few examples and do not represent the general situation.

And because of this vigilance, they had no choice but to find out the outsider Qianye through all kinds of insinuations.

As for Qianye, the will of the world and the Immortal of the Six Paths in front of him are sincere and not fake, but some of the steps of the strategy are all true, but in the end they can completely deceive people. What they said may be the truth, but they are not necessarily open and honest. After a harmonious discussion, it may also be another kind of trap. The will of the world and the Immortals of the Six Paths see that they are too strong to be restrained. Come to a curve to save the country , let himself use his last chips to "save the world" for nothing, and then, after his chips were exhausted, he would stab him in the back.

Therefore, he must try.

However, the temptations of the two sides have had little effect. Both of them want to determine the trustworthiness of the other, but they both know each other very well, and among the things they know, one can repeatedly create unpredictable factors, almost The existence of being able to absolutely control one's personal behavior and prompt oneself to fail frequently, one is to attack one's mind first, using superb psychological warfare and strategy, successfully guessing one's absolute control, and through various psychological means, forcing oneself into the current situation This is the most special and difficult existence in a dilemma.

In the final analysis, both parties want to trust each other, but both sides are the type who can bluff people and fool people, and they bluff each other too much, like wolves howling too much, they can't trust each other, they just don't trust each other. There is no foundation of trust, and this foundation of trust cannot be established in the short term.

It can be said that resourcefulness and psychological control, which they rely on for success, have become the biggest obstacle between them to solve problems and achieve their goals at this time.


And because of this, Qianye hesitated after listening to the words of the will of the world and the Sage of the Six Paths. For the first time, she fell into long-term thinking.

dead end……

This is really a dead end.

Although I had such an idea from the beginning, but... I didn't expect it to be so difficult!

At this time, the Will of the World and the Immortals of the Six Paths were also a little bit about to cry, they were indeed telling the truth, but they also knew the concerns of this outsider Chiba, and they just wanted to solve this concern, so they couldn't just emphasize it , can only wait for this outsider Chiba to solve it by himself.

In other words, it was a matter of whether the world would be destroyed or not, but now they could only stare blankly, unable to say or do anything.

Now it’s about saying what’s wrong and what you’re doing.

The only thing to do is to stare and worry.

Therefore, at this time, the Will of the World and the Immortals of the Six Paths clenched their fists and remained silent, waiting for the final judgment of the outsider Chiba.


"So, the enemy we are about to face is Nobuhiko Uchiha or Obito prepared to set off the Fourth Ninja World War, and deal with Chiba's filthy reincarnation and gene products in the Fourth Ninja World War. ?"

At this time, on the other side, Hiroko turned his head, looked at the city wall standing beside him, looked at the giant trees with vine mummies, and said so.

Just now, the boy Chiba, who is the avatar of the slug fairy art, has explained to them the infinite monthly reading and the things they will face next.

According to the juvenile Chiba who is the avatar of the slug fairy art, this infinite moon reading is a technique to bind and absorb the living, and it does not apply to the dead. They are actually counted as the dead, so they will not be affected, and the current slug fairy The juvenile Qianye who is a clone of the art is not affected because of the supreme power of the eye of reincarnation.

Apart from them, there are actually quite a few unaffected people in this world, or the dead, who have a certain degree of supreme power, and these existences are what Uchiha Nobuhiko and Obito prepared in the It was used to deal with Chiba in the final battle of the Four Ninja World Wars.

Here, the juvenile Chiba who is the avatar of the slug fairy art also made it quite clear that these existences are because he over-developed the forbidden art of reincarnation, and this forbidden art was not developed by him alone, and he also entrusted It was developed together with other people, so this technique, which was only matured during the Fourth Ninja World War, matured ahead of schedule.

Moreover, because of the premature maturity of this technique, the Dirty Earth Reincarnation Legion, which originally appeared during the Fourth Ninja World War, appeared in advance, and because of the leak of his gene, a group of nondescript but extremely powerful soldiers were developed. clone.

That is, the bandage man named Hutie that Haneda Yiye, the avatar of the slug fairy art, met back then.

That's right, that tiger iron back then was actually a clone of Chiba Gene, and the maker was Orochimaru. After the Nine-Tails Rebellion, Orochimaru, who had long been lurking somewhere in Konoha Village, collected a large amount of his The blood obtained sufficient samples of cloned Chiba's genes, and through different experiments, from cultivating embryos to injecting Chiba's genes into living people, etc., a series of Chiba clones were produced, and Tiger Tie should be regarded as one of them The relatively unsuccessful varieties were arranged by Orochimaru in the Otokage Chunin Examination Team and entered Konoha. According to the young Chiba who is the avatar of the slug fairy art, these Chiba clones are basically irrational, and they have not obtained Chiba's transcendent power by visual inspection, but their strength should not be underestimated. Most of them have immortal bodies, and a few There is also a mature immortal human body. Chiba's genes are even stronger than intercolumn cells, and a mature immortal human body is above the shadow level no matter how bad it is, and some defective products also have quasi-S-level strength. That tiger iron Although it is a defective product, and was easily killed by Haneda Ichiyo, the clone of the slug fairy art, but its strength is also in the S column.

Among the cooperation content between Obito and Nobuhiko Uchiha, there should be a cooperation of mass-produced reincarnation eyes. When the Uchiha clan was massacred so many people, Danzo and Orochimaru took some, and Uchiha brought Soil should also have taken some, plus the Sharingan obtained by Uchiha Nobuhiko, basically, among these Chiba clones, there should be a member of the army who can equip a mass-produced reincarnation with supreme power. Eye.

In other words, what they have to face next is a large number of powerful ninjas who have been reincarnated from the dirt, and there are also one to half an army with mass-produced reincarnation eyes, who have immortal bodies or mature immortal bodies, which are basically irrational Chiba clone of .

It can be said that they are about to face an army capable of destroying a Dainin village.

Moreover, compared to the filthy reincarnation army in the memory of the young Chiba who is the avatar of the slug fairy art, the current filthy reincarnation army is probably even more terrifying and unknown, because of the intervention of Uchiha Nobuhiko, it is very likely that some original works It is not depicted in the book, but the strong men of each ninja village that actually exist in this world will all be reincarnated together, and there are even five shadows of each generation.

After all, Nobuhiko Uchiha has survived so many lives. If he really goes after the burial grounds of those strong men who are not depicted according to his memory, it is not difficult to obtain their cells or parts of their bodies, even if they are decayed. To become a white bone, with Orochimaru, there is also a way to create a part of the body through genes, so reincarnation in dirty soil is not a problem at all.

What's more, even if he doesn't have enough memory, he still has time to be imprisoned. The outsiders inside, the souls of those outsiders who have gone crazy can still easily retrieve their memories through the technique of the Six Paths. Some strong people who seem to be ancient now are not There is no way to find out.

That is to say, the current reincarnated army of dirty soil is no worse than those Qianye clones. After all, those ancient strong men who have experienced many battles were born in troubled times and experienced in troubled times. Not easy to deal with, the irrational Chiba clone may not be their opponent.

What they are facing now can also be said to be quite difficult and severe.

"Well... Listening to what you said, why do I feel that I am not Qianye anymore, I am also your Qianye."

Hearing this sentence, the young Chiba who was the avatar of the slug fairy art felt like crying without tears. Hearing Hirohiko's words, it felt like he was an outsider, and the real Chiba was their Chiba.

And as a clone, with the same memory and emotions as the main body, the feeling of being treated as an outsider is quite indescribable.


However, before he could complain, Xue Nai's deep voice suddenly sounded.


And just here, one foot, from the unspoiled giant forest outside Konoha Village...

Step on that clearing!

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