Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2736 one of the solutions

"I know your doubts, but I can't tell you now. I haven't confirmed some things, but what I know is that since the current situation is like this, then he must have expected it. , there must be a solution to the perfect world outside.”

Facing Sage of the Six Paths' somewhat dazed reaction, Chiba did not answer his question directly, but said so.

"What's the meaning?"

Regarding this, the Sage of the Six Paths spoke with some vigilance.

"It means that I can't solve the solution to the perfect world outside. I have to ask the real master."

And hearing this sentence, Qianye didn't talk nonsense, and said directly.

Between the words, there was already a lack of cautiousness and vigilance just now, and there was a kind of impoliteness that seemed to be after all the grudges were gone.

Judging from his tone, there seems to be no room for negotiation on this matter.

What's the meaning?

The outside world, he still can't solve it?

Could it be that after becoming perfect, is it really impossible to resist that world?

But upon hearing these words, the Will of the World and the Immortals of the Six Paths didn't think about anything bad, but they jumped out of such an idea at the first moment.

"So, what about the inner world? What about the collapse of the fate line?"

Then, thinking of the Sage of the Six Paths here, he said so.

At this moment, the two of them suddenly understood why the outsider Qianye wanted to ask whether it was intentional for him to help the past.

This is going to be another gamble.

After all, this outsider Qianye did not fully believe them, or in other words, it was impossible for him to give in under the conditions he proposed.

Today, he is bound to revive those he lost partners, but after all, he does not want the world to be destroyed, and he will help to find a way together, and it is absolutely necessary to ensure the survival of the world. continuation of the goal.

In other words, the reason why they are able to be open and honest now, and because of the foundation of trust at the beginning, has developed to the current side-by-side fight, there is a major premise.

And this major premise is to resurrect Uzumaki Kushina, Uchiha Hirohiko, and Hinata Yukina now, and if possible, there will be resurrections such as Hyuga Yutaka.

That is to say, if these people are not resurrected, then the outsider Qianye is still their opposite. As long as they agree to the legal resurrection of these people, then the outsider Qianye will spare no effort to stand on the same side with them , to protect the world.

And if there is no way for these people to be resurrected legally, then he can only take these people out of this world. Whether this world exists or not has nothing to do with him.

However, this is precisely what the Sages of the Six Paths and the Will of the World are worried about. This major premise is precisely what the Sages of the Six Paths and the Will of the World have tried to avoid before. The iron rule of life and death, opening a small back door or something, is not a big deal, the core fragment of the universe in the hands of this outsider Chiba can be repaired with a simple manipulation. The bad rules that have been drawn up, and even without using the core fragments of the universe, using higher authority, the will of the world can make up for this problem.

After all, there are only a few people, and whether it is Kushina Uzumaki, Hirohiko Uchiha or Yukina Hyuga, they are all creations of this world. In the final analysis, the rules of life and death in this world already have the iron element of resurrection. Then, when the time comes, just use it from another angle like infinite reincarnation.

Resurrection or not is actually not a big question.

It is not a big problem to sacrifice one's life to be resurrected perfectly like reincarnation is born.

The real question is what kind of impact the resurrection of these people will have on the evolution of the world. This is what the will of the world and the Sages of the Six Paths are worried about.

Without this level of consideration, they would still be quite happy to agree to the request of this outsider Chiba.

After all, in the final analysis, the destruction of the world affects them far more than this outsider.

As for the impact of the resurrection of these people on this world, in the final analysis, it is because Kushina Uzumaki is a key figure in the fate line, and also a role that connects the past and the future. Her death is the fate line after the fourth Ninja World War The key to the peaceful era, if she is resurrected, it is another matter if she really leaves this world with this outsider Qianye. Her leaving this world is not much different from dying.

But can she really leave with peace of mind?

Here is her son, Naruto Uzumaki, who she can die for without hesitation, and who is full of guilt for being unable to raise.

This left the world and saw her son suffering so much, could she really sit still and not help her son?

To be honest, the Will of the World and the Sage of the Six Paths didn't think she would be able to sit still.

And as long as she couldn't sit still, could this outsider Qianye really be so ruthless that her teacher would be on pins and needles and not let her return to this world?

Even, wouldn't it be because he loved his teacher so much that he softened his heart for a while, so that he personally interfered?

Moreover, the other two people who must be resurrected, whether it is Uchiha Hirohiko, or Hyuga Yukina, especially Hyuga Yukina, the strength of the two has also reached the level that makes the fate line tilt. Let's make a fuss, plus these two guys, how can they stop it?

At any rate, the will of the world has been using human emotions to create unpredictable factors against outsiders for hundreds of thousands of years. He understands these key points better than anyone else.

Therefore, the two of them knew that they could not agree to the condition of the outsider Qianye, and because they could not agree to the condition of the outsider Qianye, they told everything, and made it clear, at the beginning, and even Now, they are all playing games with this outsider Chiba.

They don't doubt that this outsider Chiba will keep his promise, but what they are worried about is the few people resurrected by this outsider, they may not necessarily keep their promise.

It is also because of this, because these resurrected people will become existences that destroy the fate line, so the words of the outsider Chiba are also a gamble. This outsider Chiba wants them to help the past like before. Like him, he took another gamble, and this time, the gamble was that the outsider Qianye could control the resurrected people, so that there would be no soft-heartedness that would eventually interfere with the fate line.

And if this bet wins, then this outsider Qianye will completely stand on their side and protect this world at all costs.

And if you lose the bet, then without the outside world, this world will naturally collapse.

In other words, if you win, the world has a great possibility to avoid destruction, and if you lose, it will be destroyed as usual.

But now, this outsider Chiba said, basically, he only has two options, betting or not betting.

If you don't gamble, maybe the world will be destroyed as usual.


In the end, the game has been lost.

And the words have already reached this point, everything is very simple, even if Uzumaki Kushina is in their hands, it can be regarded as an absolute means of negotiating with this outsider Chiba, and it can also suppress this outsider Chiba.

However, his ultimate goal is not to use Uzumaki Kushina to make this outsider Chiba feel aggrieved, or to embarrass this outsider Chiba with some personal affair, but to make use of this outsider Chiba. In the case of Ye, save the world and protect the world.

Now, this outsider Chiba has given conditions and promised, and this promise is also extremely credible.

He has no way to refuse, after all, the initiative in this matter is in the hands of this outsider Qianye, even if he insists that these people cannot be resurrected, and this outsider Qianye must help, it will not help.

None of the three of them are fools or fools, and they all know that this outsider Qianye has actually made a concession, and this concession, that is, leaving this world, is quite sincere and can actually keep this The concession of the world is enough to show his sincerity.

And at this time, it was time for him to give in.

His concession was to allow the outsider Qianye to revive the three of them, that is, legally revive them.

After the resurrection, these three people are still protected by this world, not rejected, as if they had never died.

"Okay! But I can't give you the soul of Uzumaki Kushina right now. When you meet the righteous master and confirm that you can deal with that world, I will personally deliver it to you and resurrect Uzumaki Kushina with my own hands. Nai, Uchiha Hirohiko, and Hinata Yukina, even if you still want to take away some people, as long as it doesn't affect the fate line, I can resurrect you with my own hands."

And thinking of this, the will of the world is quite straightforward, and the Immortal of the Six Paths, who had a sense of disobedience, said simply.


For such a straightforward answer from the will of the world, Qianye immediately showed a happy smile, determined in his heart, and also a straightforward acceptance.

It's still the most comfortable to talk to smart people!

And the whole time, his heart was filled with emotion.

He is very satisfied with the concession of the will of the world and the Sage of the Six Paths, and what makes him even more happy. The will of the world and the Sage of the Six Paths in front of him are really standing on his side, or in other words, the two sides are really standing on a unified front.

He can finally have no worries.

As for returning Jiu Xinna after seeing the real master, if he stood on the standpoint of the will of the world and the Sage of the Six Paths, he would do the same.

After all, they are still enemies in another position, but because of the common enemy, they have to unite at this time.

However, in the future, they should not be in a hostile position.

If the world survived, at that time, the fate line must have completed the evolution, the world has become a perfect world, and there will be no conflicts between them.

At that time, it will be this moment and that moment, and this position of jointly protecting the world will continue.

After all, when the evolution of the fate line is completed, he will eventually bring everyone back. Moreover, becoming a perfect world and solving the problem of engulfment by the external world does not mean that the world will be absolutely safe.

Of course, even if you don't come back, you won't have any hostile relationship with this world anymore.

After all, compared to other outsiders, his purpose of coming to this world, at least, his purpose, is just to "make friends".

It's not about controlling the world or destroying the world.

"Then, the problem of the external world will be discussed later, how to solve the problem of fate line?"

At this time, the will of the world was not polite, and asked directly.

"Well, regarding the internal problem of the fate line, my solution is very simple. The current collapse of the fate line is nothing more than the main body of the evolution of the fate line in this world, that is, human beings. memory, and the chain reaction caused by this memory.

To solve this problem is also quite simple.

First of all, I will use the complete hypnosis of Infinity Moon Reading to continuously eliminate the memory of Nobuhiko Uchiha and me from everyone in the whole world. As for the souls that still exist in this world, I will also seal them. They perform soul-level amnestics, which you can do too, can't you? After processing all the memories of the living, these soul bodies, for the Sage of the Six Paths who has no restrictions in the world of the dead, that is, the spokesperson, deleting some memories is not a problem at all. "

In this regard, Chiba said so.

At this point, the real openness has begun.


In this regard, the sense of disobedience on the face of the Immortal of the Six Paths disappeared instantly, and then nodded.

Indeed, in the case of the soul body, under the premise of protecting the world, deleting the memories of Uchiha Nobuhiko and Taki Chiba is not a big problem.

Deleting memory is also the best way now. There are too many people in the ninja world who know the existence of outsiders, and knowing about outsiders will itself cause the tilt and change of the fate line.

This is indeed an effective method.

"So, what about the process that is now broken?"

After nodding, the Sage of the Six Paths asked again.

This memory deletion is to solve one problem, and there is a chain reaction problem of the second problem. That is, the problem of the key fate node of the Konoha collapse plan in the now broken Chunin exam.

"It's also very simple. I will use this core fragment of the universe to forcibly control the time rules, and let the time go back to before the Chunin exam started. It is not difficult to restore the original fate line with some advantage of the destiny will."

To this, Chiba said.

That's right, since this node has collapsed, the only way is to go back in time, back to before the node started.

Deleting the memory is equivalent to straightening the tilt of the fate line.

Then, before returning to the beginning of the node, it is to proceed again according to the unslanted fate line.

This time, without the inclination of the fate line, the interference of outsiders, and the attention of the will of the world, it is impossible for the fate line to collapse.

Basically, that is to say, go back and start over.

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