Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 318 Counterattack and Timing!

In the bloody river in the wilderness, amidst the piles of corpses, a pillar of soil suddenly rose up to a height of two meters!

On the soil pillar, Qingtu squatted on the ground, trying to stabilize the balance broken by the sudden rise.

And his pupils were full of disbelief, as he looked at the young man with his hands on the ground a few meters away from the soil pillar.

Could it be that this kid...

At the same time, those Iwagakure ninjas who were still dazed because most of the rock wall collapsed with Chiba's punch, saw the suddenly raised earth pillar and Chiba's hand that continued to seal.

What a joke! This kid, do you mean he wants to imitate Mr. Qingtu?

This is absolutely impossible!

The ninjutsu used by Mr. Qingtu's Earth Dun Sanlian is not a secret technique, as long as he has learned the change of the chakra nature of the earth attribute, he can learn it. Although the last ninjutsu, the mountain soil technique, is a relatively advanced ninjutsu, it is not difficult to learn ninjutsu in Yanyin Village.

After all, the people in Yanyin Village have a unique talent for the earth escape technique, and most of them have the earth attribute. Although the original version of the mountain and earth technique is difficult, this ninjutsu has undergone many improvements from generation to generation. The Yanyin version of the technique of mountain soil is only C-level in difficulty.

However, ninjutsu is easy to learn, but it is not so easy to cooperate, mainly because of the speed of seal formation, timing and the need for ninja-level chakra.

Now this Konoha brat, the speed of seal formation... well, it seems to be a little faster than Mr. Qingtu.

Cough, but only one condition is met. The timing requires observation and experience.

And this one is also the bottleneck that restricts Yan Yin to learn this powerful combo, and the extremely accurate judgment, just now, as long as the second rock hand is half a beat slower, Chiba may fly out, and finally Lost the chance to catch Chiba. Three consecutive can not be achieved.

Or if the first Rock Fist appears half a second late, Chiba may rush forward

Furthermore, the amount of chakra, no matter how you look at it, it is impossible for such an eight-year-old child to have a level of chakra at the ninja level.

In other words, there are still two conditions left, and this child is absolutely impossible to meet.

The Yan Yins shook their heads, this Konoha brat is simply asking for humiliation! No, kill yourself!

Qianye's eyeballs rolled. Although he was making a seal, he was still paying attention to his surroundings. Almost in a blink of an eye, the second seal was successful, and the moment he pressed his hands on the ground.

Earth escape, rock fist art!

Really are!

Qing Tu, who saw it in Qianye Action, stared slightly, unable to hide his surprise, but at this moment, he calmed down.

It's useless to think too much, see the trick!

At this moment, an earth fist condensed from the slope of the pillar behind him, and punched him fiercely.


Although it was invisible to the naked eye, Qingtu knew that there was an attack coming from behind with just a slight sound of piercing through the air based on his rich experience.

Immediately leaping forward, his figure flashed forward quickly, but it looked like he was going straight to Qianye.


The earth fist fell into the air and hit the ground, the violent earth pillar trembled, and the earth powder flew.

too naive!

Suddenly, a smile appeared on Qingtu's face, Fang dodged the earth fist attack behind him, and within a second of running out, Qingtu suddenly stopped his pace, and moved sideways to his right almost without stopping.

Attacking from behind seems to be the best choice, but in fact, this is nothing more than a trap. The real purpose is to make rock fist attacks in front of me while I dodge forward!

At that time, I jumped forward, and the attack came from the front again. With this superposition, no matter how fast the reaction was, I couldn't react! Undoubtedly!

However, this is my trick!

Yanquan's two-stage combo was so harsh on the timing that it almost reached the level of prediction!

That's right, it is to predict the opponent's reaction and the direction of dodge!

Because the soil pillar or rock pillar generated by the earthquake nucleus is actually such a place, the enemy will escape from this range with a slight movement, and the rock fist generated from the stone pillar will basically not be able to attack the enemy who has escaped from the range.

Therefore, at the moment when the enemy is stabilizing his figure, he must use the technique of rock fist to launch the first rock fist attack, and then almost at the same time, the second rock fist will be formed to make up for the omission attack.

This interval will not show you the timing of the enemy's actions at all, so you need to predict!

Too obvious, your actions, Konoha brat!

A smile flashed across Qingtu's eyes.

Innocent brat! Lord Qingtu really hit his confidence mercilessly!

Although the moment of Qingtu's turning point was short, the Yanyin outside the field were all elite masters, and they were able to react. They laughed in their hearts immediately. In their view, using other people's unique tricks to deal with the parties involved is not looking for abuse. what.

Can a beginner be compared with the person who created this trick?

It's impossible!


However, whether it was Qingtu or Yanyin, the smiles in their eyes froze in the next second, and then turned into horror!

At this moment, on the right side of Qingtu, an earthen hand suddenly stretched out from under the earthen pillar, and quickly grabbed Qingtu. On the earth arm of that first earth hand.


Suddenly a mouthful of blood was coughed out from his mouth.

It was exactly the same as how he dealt with Qianye just now!

Was predicted?

Unexpectedly... was predicted!

Yanyin were also dumbfounded.

At this time, Qianye lifted his hands from the ground and continued to make seals, but his eyes were half-closed.

Did I overestimate this Qingtu?

How can any idiot go straight in this situation? You don't need to think about it, from the attack from behind, the situation at that time, the first reaction of the attacked party must be to run forward. I know this, and the attacked party must also know it.

Knowing that I have a backhand, the attacked party still rushes forward foolishly, isn't this as stupid as bumping into a fist!

As long as it is not an idiot, the final dodge direction of the attacked party is either left or right.

And look at the area of ​​the soil pillar, you can basically reach or even get out of it by running forward, that is to say, the distance of one step, and according to your previous fighting style, you are used to pushing with your right foot and stepping with your left foot, that is to say , If you want to change direction, you can only step on the soil pillar with one step, that is, the left foot lands on the ground, that is, this turning point, you must use your left foot to turn, and turn with your left foot... There is no doubt that it is a right turn!

It must be going to the right...

Don't even think about it, okay?

Under the strengthened eyesight of the wounded door mode, Qianye could clearly see Qingtu's expression just now, and she couldn't help complaining in her heart at the moment, feeling that she had overestimated Qingmu.

At this moment, the pressed Qingtu gritted his teeth slightly.

Underestimate this brat!

After that, he glanced at Chiba, his face changed slightly.

This is indeed the seal of the art of mountains and soils! hateful! This little devil's seal is so fast, it's almost over! Must break free from this rock hand!



Qingtu looked down, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

This kid, the earth escape technique is not exquisite enough! Have you not grasped the change in the nature of the transformation of soil into stone?

What is used is still earthy!

Now...it's easy!

Qingtu snorted softly, and then a layer of stone skin climbed up to cover his original skin.

Earth escape, the art of rock hardening!

this is?

Qianye keenly noticed the changes in Qingtu, and the knot seal on her hand paused slightly.

Aoki, who was covered in stone skin, let out a loud cry, as if he was struggling a bit, and immediately the rock hand that was pressing on him cracked a crack.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

And as Qing Tu continued to struggle hard, cracks crawled all over the soil hand, and almost instantly, the soil hand shattered completely with a "bang".


Qingtu glanced out of the corner of his eyes, and found that Qianye seemed to be surprised by his behavior, paused with his hands, and couldn't help a smile from the corner of his mouth.

The technique of Rock Fist...of course it must be made of rocks, otherwise, it would be too easy to break free! And at this moment, he was stunned!

Thinking about it, he had already stepped on the soil pillar vigorously, and the soil powder he stepped on was flying, and the whole person rushed towards Qianye like an arrow from the string. The straight-line distance between the two was only a few meters away. In front of Qianye, a punch swept across, and went straight to the cheek of Qianye who was squatting halfway.

At this time, Qianye, who paused in his hand, had already completed the seal, bent his upper body, and pressed it down with both hands!

What's the point of using ninjutsu in this situation! I have already crossed the range of the Mountain and Earth Technique!

"Ka Ka Ka!"

In a flash of thought, layers of rocks climbed up his clenched right hand, stacking his right hand into a fist as big as a pot.

And at this moment, Chiba was already within his attack range!

With a punch, with the momentum of a slanting impact, it hit Qianye fiercely.

And Chiba's head was already at the edge of his fist.

die! Brat!

Prediction is wonderful, but...in terms of ninjutsu, you are still a little behind!

A trace of solemn killing intent flashed in Aoki's eyes, and then, the next second, his face became stiff again.

His rock fist... brushed against Chiba's scalp!

At the very moment, Qianye fell to the ground and escaped the blow by a hair's breadth.

Afterwards, when the punch swept across, Qianye clenched his fist with his right hand, and exerted strength with his left hand on the ground.

With an uppercut, with the momentum of standing up, it slammed into Aoki's chest and abdomen fiercely.

Injury mode, the monster power explodes at full strength! fly!

Qingtu only felt a dull pain in his chest and abdomen, and a mouthful of blood spewed out immediately.

This is impossible! Isn't it the art of mountains and soil?

As the thought flashed, he only felt the scene in front of him change rapidly, and in an instant, he was already several meters above the sky!

At this moment, Qianye restrained her punching dragon posture, leaned over to the ground, and made a starting motion, then disappeared in place in a flash.

A circle of dust slowly spread away.

Shadow Dance Leaf!

The next moment, Qianye's figure flashed in front of Qingtu's eyes, and the two faced each other, staring wide-eyed.

Then, in the next second, a smile appeared on the corner of Qianye's mouth, while a trace of bitterness flashed across Qingtu's face.

Next, Qingtu felt himself being hugged by a hoop, and then spun rapidly.

Imitation, table lotus!

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