Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 351 Unraveling

Chiba sat down slowly, looked at Hirohiko who had finished the narration, took a breath, patted Hirohiko's shoulder with one hand, and said: "You did a good job, they are ninjas, they know what they are doing , so sacrificed, they will not regret it."

After knowing the cause and effect, this sentence came out of Chiba's mouth naturally.

At this time, Obito stood up slowly, seemed a little absent-minded, and said absently: "I'm going out to get some air..."

Lin, on the other hand, looked at Obito walking by, and watched him leave worriedly.

Kakashi was also silent.

He has experienced countless missions, his mission experience is richer than anyone here, and he has seen more deaths and injuries than anyone here.

However, at the beginning, when he became the captain for the first time, although he didn't behave like Hirohiko in the face of the casualties of other members of the team, his mood at that time may not be much better than Hongyan's mood now.

This is a level that must be experienced. Killing the enemy can be taken for granted, or you can get used to it. However, the partner who fought side by side with him just now died in front of him. Konoha does not have a ninja who will get used to this kind of death.

It’s just that it’s all about becoming more acceptable, or burying this grief and remorse deep in my heart, trying not to touch it as much as possible.

As for Hongyan, it was just the first time he saw his companion die in front of him, and he would be able to calm down after a while.

In the face of everyone's comfort, Hirohiko remained silent, but the previous excitement and loss have gradually faded away, perhaps because after pouring out everything, the sadness and regrets stuck in his heart also spit out together, maybe it was the shoulder With the reassuring temperature on the hand on his chest, his heart began to calm down slowly.

Seeing Hirohiko's expression, Chiba also felt relieved, he knew that Hiroko had calmed down, and the expression on his face was slowly returning to the state of a poker face.

Even, Chiba had an illusion that at this moment those emotions that made Hirohiko almost lose control were slowly being buried.

At the same time, Chiba frowned slightly, and Hirohiko's narration echoed in his mind.

Hiroko's mission this time is actually a very simple mission to deliver medicines, and in this Naruto world, medicines and the like can be stored in special scrolls similar to spiritism. Hiroko's mission is just to transport these scrolls Just to the front line.

During this period of time, Hong Yan has also accepted countless such delivery tasks, so it can be said that he is familiar with the road.

But this time, Hirohiko was the captain as always, and his teammates were Shirakawa Izumi, Mizutani Rin, Lin and Mito Muko. Moreover, this is not the first time they have teamed up. In the past several missions, they have teamed up together.

They are already familiar with each other, and because they are similar in age and tacitly defeated several small ambushes, they already have deep feelings for each other.

After accepting the mission and gathering, they set off with Hirohiko as the captain. Everything is going smooth.

Originally, I thought that this was just a very common task, but I didn't expect that something unexpected happened.

After leaving the village, they drove for about half a day. They found a wounded ninja in a clearing in the woods. When they saw the forehead that represented Konoha, Shirakawa Izumi and Mizutani Rin Turn around to save people.

But Yahiko felt that something was wrong, but when he realized it, Shirakawa Izumi and Mizutani Rin had already arrived at the dying Konoha ninja, and they were bending down, ready to check the dying Konoha ninja's injuries .

At this moment, under the dying Konoha ninja, the flame of the detonation talisman suddenly ignited, and in an instant, a fireball rose up, engulfing Bai Chuanquan and Mizutani Rin in an instant.

Just as the fireball exploded, many unknown ninjas suddenly sprang out from around the clearing in the forest.

At this moment, not only Hongyan, but also Muzi and Lin already understood that this was a trap. And after those unknown ninjas sprang out, they launched a fierce attack, and they didn't even have time to be surprised.

In the end, after a fierce battle, they broke through the siege. Hongyan was injured in many places, but fortunately they were all flesh wounds, not the root cause. Muzi was seriously injured because he was covering Lin and Hongyan. As for Lin, as a medical doctor The ninja was well protected by Hirohiko and Muzi, and was not injured.

As for Bai Chuanquan and Shui Gulin, they were killed on the spot.

And the group of unknown ninjas did not pursue deeply, and after breaking through, the three of them were safe soon. However, the task of delivering the medicine was terminated. Lin and Hirohiko rushed back to the village, sent Muzi to the hospital, and informed the Third Hokage of the situation.

After that, Hongyan and Lin stayed in the hospital, waiting for Muzi's diagnosis.

Later, I met Obito who heard that Chiba had returned and went to the hospital to visit.

At that time, Hyuga Yutaka and Nozawa Souta also rushed over after hearing the news, and under Hyuga Yutaka's persuasion, Lin came to Chiba with Hirohiko who looked disappointed.

Next, is the scene that happened.

"Go and see Muzi."

At this time, Chiba suddenly spoke.

In fact, this matter was not Hirohiko's fault, Bai Chuanquan and Mizugu Lin were too anxious to save people.

Of course, Bai Chuanquan and Shui Gulin were not wrong, seeing their companions who were injured and dying, it would be a problem not to rescue them.

However, it was too reckless.

I believe Mito Muko will not blame Hirohiko, and Mito Muko's consolation is probably more useful than the consolation of everyone present here.


Looking at Hirohiko who turned his face sideways and looked at him, Chiba smiled slightly.

Seeing Chiba's smile, Hirohiko nodded slightly, took a deep breath, stood up, and walked out of the ward.

"I'll go with you." After Hirohiko passed by, Lin also followed closely. The moment she went out, she seemed to think of something and looked at Kakashi.

Catching Lin's gaze, Kakashi nodded and said, "Don't worry, I'll take a look at Obito."

After hearing Kakashi's words, Lin nodded and left the ward. When she left, she said, "Thank you, Kakashi."

Next, only Kakashi and Chiba were left in the ward, but this time they did not fall silent.

Kakashi stood up from the bed and said, "I'll go and see Obito."

"Well, let's go!" Chiba nodded at him.

"Are you okay?" Kakashi frowned slightly, he vaguely felt that something was wrong with Chiba.

"It's okay, but I'm still a little worried about Hirohiko." Chiba forced a smile.

"Don't worry, Yahiko will be fine." Kakashi said.

"En." Qianye replied, sounding a little absent-minded.

However, Kakashi didn't say much, just said: "Then I'll go." Then he left the ward straight away.

After he left, Qianye's intact left hand was slowly clenched.


Then, in the quiet room, there was a muffled sound of a hand hammering on the bed.


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