Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 362 Vulnerabilities

No... loopholes?

This analysis is logical, and the whole plan has perfectly improved the original effect of the Three Kingdoms containment.

The three kingdoms of earth, fire, and wind are restrained, and the three kingdoms of fire, thunder, and earth are restrained. In addition, the establishment of the three kingdoms of wind, earth, and thunder is restrained. All countries are restrained. In a short period of time, it is impossible for any country to make a big move!

This kid has actually thoroughly figured out Mr. Lu Jiu's plan to contain the Three Kingdoms! I'm afraid, Mr. Lu Jiu, who made the containment plan, if encountering such a situation, I'm afraid the best way is to do so...

Kenshin Watanabe, who was speechless, looked at Chiba, a series of thoughts passed through his mind, no doubt full of surprise.

Then, a strong disgust surged in his heart, and then, such a thought popped up in his heart.


No matter how good and reasonable what he said, he was just the son of a traitor, and the possibility that he had betrayed the village and planned for Shayin cannot be ruled out.

Here I want to find a loophole to fight back against him!

There are loopholes... There must be loopholes, there is no perfect plan in the world, and his plan has been placed before my eyes, and the reasoning in it has been explained.

Finding bugs is easy!

Kenshin Watanabe looked away from Chiba's body, and frowned tightly.

Haven't given up yet? Am I really that annoying?

Qianye shook her head indiscriminately, then sighed in her heart,

Of course his plan is not perfect, but it is perfect in a certain sense, at least under the current situation, it is the best and the longest plan!

Only by establishing the containment of the three kingdoms of wind, earth, and thunder can the current situation be stabilized and enough time won.

Even, with the addition of this layer of containment, sabotage activities became easier and easier to carry out! This kind of five-nation war is like the seven heroes fighting for hegemony in the previous life. Before the power to absolutely crush other countries, they can only use the technique of combining vertical and horizontal.

At this moment, apart from Qianye's helplessness towards Kenshin Watanabe, he also admired the wisdom of the ancestors.

And at this time, Sandai Hokage couldn't help nodding.

The containment of the three three countries completely involved the four major countries, and it was comprehensive, and even perfectly grasped the distrust between the enemy and the enemy.

Indeed, no country will fully trust other countries. Even since World War I and World War II, the trust between countries, between ninja villages and ninja villages has been very weak. For the benefit of their own villages, no country Will truly trust other countries, and for this benefit, betrayal is not uncommon.

Chiba is the land of land and thunder, and there is definitely no complete trust between Yan Yin and Yun Yin, and this incomplete trust can be easily broken. He took advantage of this incomplete trust.

Deliberately create a series of factors of distrust, destroy the minimum trust between them, and make it impossible to form an alliance...

This child, if there is no such prophecy, how wonderful it would be!

Three generations of Hokage felt emotional in his heart, after some explanations from Chiba, he had fully understood Chiba's intentions, and also deeply felt Chiba's specialness.

"Then, follow Chiba's..." Thinking, Third Hokage said, ready to follow Chiba's plan.

But this time, it was interrupted by Kenshin Watanabe: "My lord, please forgive me for being rude. I think there is something inappropriate or even suspicious about this matter."

Hearing this, Sandai Hokage frowned slightly, he was not angry, he recognized Watanabe Kenshin's talent, since Watanabe Kenshin said so, he must have his thoughts.

Afterwards, Sandai Hokage said, "Tell me about it."

Chiba glanced at Kenshin Watanabe, and sighed slightly in her heart.

This guy doesn't want to say, these young ninjas, don't they still have enough combat power now, aren't they enough to strengthen Shayin Village to the point where they can threaten Yanyin?

And just when he had this thought, Kenshin Watanabe glanced at him, showed a slight sneer, then straightened his face, and said: "I found a key leak, indeed, Taki Chiba The plan is very good, but the key is whether Shayin poses a threat to Yanyin, a threat that is enough to make Yanyin afraid. That is to say, will the combat power that Shayin can dispatch be increased to the extent that it can hurt Yanyin, I think these young ninjas are not enough to strengthen Sand Hidden to this extent. After all, they are still children, and they are indeed talented seedlings, but after all, their growth is limited now, and their combat effectiveness may not be able to be greatly improved. Strengthen the sand concealment."

Uh... this guy is too easy to guess!

Chiba twitched her lips, but she didn't expect to guess right.

The third Hokage heard the words, his face remained unchanged, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he did not speak.

And Watanabe Kenshin saw the expression of the third Hokage, and his face was slightly happy. He knew that the third Hokage was already thinking about this issue, that is to say, he was reminded by himself that he had already realized this problem, and this is indeed a problem. .

So, next, do it!

Watanabe Kenshin drew an imperceptible smile on the corner of his mouth, and then took a slight breath, as if organizing his words.

Chiba saw his expression from the corner of his eyes, and the corner of his mouth twitched again.

Let me guess again, this guy wants to flatter me first, and then he is talking about his combat power to make the third Hokage doubt me?

At this time, Watanabe Kenshin said: "Since Taki Chiba can formulate such a perfect plan, I also admire it very much. I am afraid that Mr. Shikahisa can be compared with him. I believe that he should also think about the boy ninja Regarding the issue of combat power, I wonder what his opinion is?"

With that said, Watanabe Kenshin threw the question to Chiba.

It's really easy to guess!

This means... I should have known about the combat power of the young ninjas of Sand Hidden, but I didn't bring it up. This is implying that the third Hokage, I have a problem, and I sent the ninjas of Sand Hidden back on purpose.

Reminiscent of his dislike for me just now, does this mean that I have betrayed the village...

Thinking of this, Chiba sighed and looked at Sandai Hokage.

And the third Hokage looked at him, but he didn't have any doubts on his face. The meaning of that look was to ask himself to explain something.

At this moment, Watanabe Kenshin's eyes also fell on Chiba.

I'd like to see what you can come up with! I want the adults of the third generation to know that it was a mistake not to drive you out and keep you in the village!

Because of your father, the village almost suffered a huge loss, even many people will die because of it, my parents, relatives, and friends may also die because of it!

His blood should not exist in the village!

Three generations of adults are too soft-hearted! You're left with the blood of a traitor, you brat!

"I said... Where did I say that I want these young ninjas to go to the battlefield?"

Noticing Watanabe Kenshin's gaze, Chiba turned his head away, his eyes fell on Watanabe Kenshin who gradually showed a little cold expression in his eyes, and said helplessly.

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