Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 390 Paradise?

Here is... where?

Qianye slowly opened her eyes, frowning slightly.

At this time, he maintained the appearance of throwing himself on the ground, with his face on the ground, but the ground was not dirt, but a ground like a mirror. When he looked down, he could clearly see the reflection of his side face.

Obviously, he was not in the woods.

At the same time, Qianye felt that the pain in his body seemed to have disappeared, and the burning pain of scorching skin and flesh disappeared.

my injury?

Qianye bent and stretched her hands, propped her body up, knelt on the ground, and looked down.

But I saw that the wounds on my body had been healed at some point, and even the tattered clothes that had been bombed had recovered completely without any traces, as if they were new.

Stretching out his hand to touch the injured part of his body, Qianye was convinced that he was not injured at all, and his body did not even feel tired, as if the previous battle was just a dream.

But at this time, under his body, at the place where his hands were supporting just now, two circles of ripples slowly rippled away, as if his hands were propped up on the surface of the water, creating circles of ripples. However, this mirror-like ground does not have any touch of water.

After confirming that he was fine, Qianye stood up with a frown, and as he stood up, ripples appeared on the ground, turning and rippling, and drifting far away.

Looking around, Chiba found that he was now in a square passageway. Apart from the mirror-like ground, the walls on both sides above his head were full of jagged pipes, extending to the end of his eyes.

It was quiet all around.

"anyone there?"

Qianye couldn't help opening her mouth and shouted.

The strange place, the strange environment, and the strange layout made Qianye quite uneasy.

I remember that I was attacked from behind, and the sword pierced my chest. I should have died in all likelihood.

Could it be that this is the world after death?

In the original work, there is indeed a world of bliss after death, and even the reincarnation of the dirty land is to pull the human soul into the sacrifice from the pure land of bliss, and add spells to control it.

Thinking of this, Qianye's face was a little stiff, and then he shook his head, throwing the thought away.

Anyway, let's take a walk along this passage first, even if it is the world of bliss, we have to come to the end.

Such a thought came to Qianye's mind, and then he walked slowly.


And when he took the first step, there were ripples scattered around where he landed, and there was even the sound of his feet stepping on the water, but Qianye felt as if he was walking on flat ground, walking on some kind of solid road.

Speaking of it, this place seems a bit like Konoha's confinement room!

Qianye walked all the way, trying not to let himself care about the sound of his feet stepping on the water and the ripples under his feet, and his eyes looked around. Behind him, there was no way out, it was a sealed gate.

In front of him, there is an extension of the pipeline, extending into a darkness, and now Qianye is heading towards that darkness.

The criss-crossing pipes on the walls and ceiling on both sides made Chiba sound like the confinement room that Konoha built on the second-generation Hokage rock statue.

The confinement doors in the confinement room are embedded in this vertical and horizontal pipe wall.

Could it be that...my Huangquan Road is just walking through confinement rooms...Isn't it?

Chiba murmured in his heart.

However, after Kakashi died in the battle with Payne, he met his father Konoha Baiya in Elysium, and Konoha Baiya was trapped by a fire because of his heart knot, and he was reluctant leave.

He didn't leave until he got Kakashi's affirmation.

Maybe, that pile of fire is the Huangquan Road of Konoha Baiya Hatake and Mu Shuomao, and it also represents the heart knot of the previous life. If you figure it out and walk through it, you will be able to lead to the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss.

So, my Huangquan Road is like this confinement room?

Thinking of this, Chiba's mouth twitched.

Why is my knot in the confinement room?

But after this idea came out, Qianye's face was a little sad, unconsciously, his hands were tightly clenched, and his teeth were also clenched tightly.

Damn it!

Too hasty, too hasty planning! Not only did they fail to save Guan Ye and the others, they even risked their own lives!

It was not easy to meet so many people, and finally to have good friends, friends like relatives!

The second life, after all, ended like this?

Although the world of Naruto is a world full of dangers, and the third ninja war is also a war with a high fatality rate, but...

This is the end?

It's over with no sense of reality?


With a lot of thoughts in his heart, Qianye stepped out with a heavy step, and stepped on the ground, causing ripples in all directions.

This is?

Qianye stopped and raised her head involuntarily.

At this moment, in front of him, in the darkness, a metal door was tightly closed. In the darkness, there was a color that might be dark gold or dark copper. With a huge figure, Chiba stood below like an ant.

And in the middle of the two thick door panels of this door, a note with "seal" written in black and white was pasted on the closure.

This is... a sealing technique?

Chiba froze for a moment.

On my road to the underworld, there is still a door closed by sealing technique, is this my heart knot? Can't open the door?

Chiba frowned, then denied.


I was wrong, this is not my Huangquan Road,


A sealed space in his body!

Qianye can also be regarded as intensively studying the sealing technique, the word "seal", Qianye can clearly see the sealing techniques that make up it, this is a sealing technique that is infinitely more complicated than the Yin seal.

Why? Why is there a sealed space in my body!

And this sealing technique...

Qianye frowned, but he realized something in his heart.

This is definitely not the way to hell, he is not dead now, and his current body is not physical, this body should be his spiritual body!

This sealed space is like the space in Naruto's body that seals Nine Tails!

It's just that behind Naruto's door is Nine Tails.

And behind his door, I don't know what it is.

How is this going?

Qianye took a step back slowly, looking at the huge door, her heart seemed to be blocked by something, and she panicked.

Even, from the deepest bottom of my heart, a feeling of emptiness floated up.

Along with the sense of emptiness, an inexplicable sense of expectation also surged up.

Inside the door... what is there, what is important to him!

At this moment, the feeling of emptiness and anticipation was overshadowed, and this thought filled Chiba's mind.

Like a ghost, Qianye took a few steps quickly, and with the sound of "dada" water, he stuck himself against the door.

There's something... there must be something in it...

At this time, Qianye, as if losing her mind, pressed tightly against the door, with her ears, tightly against the door.

Just then...

There were some voices coming from inside the door, intermittently...


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