"Uncle Yile, ramen!" Chiba happily walked into Yile Ramen's shop, and sat in the seat he used to sit skillfully.

"Chiba..." The young Uncle Yile saw that it was Chiba, smiled, and said, "What are you eating today? I just developed the latest seafood ramen, and I still increase the pork bone and char siu ramen as always. Miso ramen?"

"Give me a copy!" Qianye said boldly, and then called back: "Hirohiko, Xue Nai, we are going to perform extraordinary today! Order whatever you want!"

As soon as the voice fell, two more children, a boy and a girl, walked into the store, formally Hirohiko and Xue Nai. The faces of the two children were full of seriousness, and they also had an expression of "working hard to eat to death".

"Enlarge tonkotsu ramen with char siu! Add seafood in it." Hirohiko put on a poker face very seriously, and called out such a string of words.

"I want to increase the tonkotsu char siu, seafood, and miso ramen, with less noodles, thank you, Uncle Yile." Obviously, Xue Nai is very smart, with less noodles, you can add more ingredients.

The young Uncle Yile was a little dazed when he was called out by the three children, he hesitated for a moment, and said, "You three... these are very expensive together."

"It's okay, Uncle Yile, just do it, someone will pay for it!" Chiba said, at this time Hirohiko and Xue Nai had already sat beside him in tacit understanding.

Someone pay the bill?

Yile was a little puzzled, and then another person walked into his shop, with white hair in the shape of a hedgehog, with a braid at the end, and a toad forehead guard with the word "oil" on his forehead, it was Zilaiya.

"This is not..." Ikle naturally knew Konoha Sannin.

"I will pay for what these three children want to eat." Zi Lai also said with a wry smile.

"Oh!" Yile suddenly realized, responded, and went back to make ramen.

And Ji Lai also found a seat to sit down, but couldn't stop the wry smile on the corner of his mouth, and looked at Chiba: This kid is so eloquent... In the end, he actually had to pay for their lunch and dinner.

And Hirohiko and Yukina also glanced at Chiba who was excitedly waiting for the ramen, with admiration shining in their eyes.

That rhetoric directly backed off what the middle-aged uncle said, and even raised his behavior of "throwing shoes at children" to "blasphemy against the will of the first, second and third Hokage", "simply It's Konoha's sinner!", "heinous bastard", "an idiot who is worse than a child, no, a child killer".

It was a day's food in a daze!


Hirohiko and Xue Nai were full of admiration.

As for Chiba, I actually don't know where I got so many arguments. In short, when I think of meat and ramen, my mind is full of inspiration, and I successfully raised the problem to a serious enough level. In the end, Zilai was also said. Really helpless and speechless, finally agreed to his conditions.

Invite them to eat for a day as an apology!

Jirai never thought that he was just trying to make a move. These three geniuses who were favored by the third generation of Hokage never expected that they lost two meals in the end.

However, after probing, Uchiha Hirohiko and Hyuga Yukina satisfied him very much, but this Taki Chiba...except for his eloquence which surprised him, the others disappointed him.

He couldn't figure out how Chiba was able to defeat Kakashi, with his reaction and vigilance... Could it be because of his lack of mission experience?

Jilai also stroked his chin with one hand, thinking about it.

As for the three of Chiba, their calves were swaying, waiting for the delicious Ichiraku ramen to come out of the oven. The three of them rarely communicate with each other, and they are all quiet. Hirohiko is the least talkative, followed by Xue Nai, and Chiba is normal , but this guy will fall into self-thinking from time to time, become taciturn, thoughtful,

Therefore, they were together, and Uzumaki Kushina often dubbed them the "gloomy trio".

"Okay, your extra tonkotsu ramen, seafood ramen, and miso ramen." Soon, the steaming ramen with an appetizing aroma was delivered.

"And yours, add tonkotsu ramen with char siu and seafood."

"Miso ramen, extra tonkotsu char siu and seafood."

The five bowls of noodles were neatly placed in front of the three of them, and the three of them couldn't wait to eat them, especially Chiba, who was devouring the ramen, as if eating slowly, the ramen would be robbed.

Suddenly, Qianye, who was devouring it, raised his head and said, "Uncle, let's have another large pork bone char siu ramen with seafood and seafood."

Le and dazed, he looked at the three big bowls of ramen in front of Qianye and said, "Qianye, can you still eat it?"

"No! It's not for me to eat." At this time, Qianye sucked in his mouth, swallowed the noodles, and said, "For this uncle."

Saying that, Chiba pointed to Jiraiya.

Ji Lai was also taken aback, but Yi Le took a look at him, then responded, and went to make ramen.

And Zilai also looked at Qianye with a wry smile: This kid...you can order casually without spending any money.

However, Jiraiya's wry smile turned into a smile when he saw how the three of Chiba were eating deliciously.

These three children will go to the battlefield when the war breaks out. In the future, they don't know if there will be such an opportunity to eat so happily.

Thinking of this, Jilai also felt heavy, and his smile gradually faded.

"Hi! Your large tonkotsu ramen with char siu and two servings of seafood!" A large bowl of ramen was placed in front of Jiraiya.

Smelling the fragrance, Ji Lai also has no appetite.

But seeing Yile crossing his chest and smiling at the three of Chiba who were eating delicious food, he picked up the chopsticks and put the uneatable char siu, seafood, etc. into the bowl of the three of Chiba, which made the three of them angry Everyone looked over.

"Eat." Zilai also squinted and smiled.

Laughing so wretchedly...

This was the first thought in Chiba's mind.

However, how could there be a bad omen in this smile?

This was Chiba's second thought.

"Let's eat..." After Jiraiya finished dividing, he picked up the chopsticks and started to eat the noodles.

Seeing that Jilai was also eating noodles, the three of Qianye were a little puzzled, and they all ate separately.

half an hour later...

Chiba, Hirohiko, Xue Nai, and Zilai, who looked distressed for his wallet, also walked out of the shop, listening to Uncle Yile: "Thank you for your patronage".

"Then, see you tonight." Saying that, Zilai was about to go to his home.

Then, after walking for a while, he found that there were three little tails following behind him, still discussing such things as: "You are so full, Hirohiko, Xue Nai, can you still eat tonight?" I guess I can't eat anymore." and so on to discuss whether I can eat or not for dinner.

There are even voices discussing "which restaurant in our village is delicious and expensive".

"I said... you guys..." Jilai also turned around slowly, and the three of Chiba also stopped behind them.

"Why?" Chiba asked.

"Why do you keep following me?" Zilai was also a little helpless.

"I'm afraid you'll renege on your debt."

"I'm afraid you'll renege on your debt!"

"I'm afraid you'll renege..."

Chiba, Hirohiko, and Yukina said back and forth.

Immediately, Jiraiya swished at the back of his head, and a drop of cold sweat dripped down.

These two brats and the girl! I don't intend to renege!

Ji Lai also frowned.

The three of Chiba looked at him with expressions of "I won't let you escape".

Finally, on this day, all three of them followed Jiraiya, but Jiraiya didn't use ninjutsu to escape.

In fact, he tried once, using the shadow clone to confuse the three people, and the main body escaped, but Xue Nai's eyes caught the clue, and he was entangled by the three again.

This time, he gave Qianye another nonsense, Zilai could only smile wryly. But he didn't mean to renege on his debts, so he just followed, and even Zilai kept walking, running, wandering around the village, testing the endurance of the three of them.

As for stamina, Zilai was also very satisfied with the three of them, but he had a new question.

This Taki Chiba...the performance is not outstanding. Compared with Uchiha Hirohiko and Hyuga Yukina, it seems that there is nothing outstanding...

A bit disappointed.

Then, more puzzled.

Why Chiba can beat Kakashi? From his point of view, it should be invincible!

As for dinner this day...

Jiraiya didn't want to mention this matter for a long time, and then he also discovered an important piece of information.

Kid Taki Chiba, when he eats barbecue, his stomach is like a bottomless pit!

Absolutely, you can't take him to eat barbecue again!

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