Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 432 Enough!

"it's over!"

"Well, I didn't hurt Lord Kushina at all today!"

"It's a pity! If Chiba's last Tulong gun is released a little faster, it will hurt Lord Kushina."

"At that time, it only took a short time to land in mid-air. It would be good to be able to form the seal, and it couldn't be faster. However, this child's seal is so fast, and it is still done with one hand."

"It's not that printing is fast, it's that printing is simplified."

"Simplify the knot seal? Just an eight-year-old child? With such a deep understanding of Chakra, can you change the existing ninjutsu knot seal?"

"It can be done. Ninjutsu, in the final analysis, is the change of the nature and form of Chakra. As long as you understand this aspect deeply enough, you can indeed simplify the seal. Like the water dragon bomb used by the second generation of Hokage, and The seals of the water dragon bombs we use are different. If we use water dragon bombs, we must make 44 seals, but the water dragon bombs of the second generation of Naruto, as I heard from the old predecessors, only need a few seals."

"Uh... You mean, Chiba did the same thing as the Second Hokage? The Second Hokage has created countless ninjutsu and forbidden techniques. It can be said that no one can match the understanding of Chakra. Chiba actually so smart?"

"This kid has been brilliant since the Chunin exam, and later completed several missions related to the fate of the village. The difficulty of each mission can be rated from A to S. Don't you think it's amazing?"

"However, the simplification of the seal is something that most ninjas will not be able to do in their lifetime. It is okay to say that one-handed seals, more practice will always result in results, but changing the existing ninjutsu seals? This kind of thing, I am afraid Only Kage and S-rank ninjas can do it."

"Chiba is a genius that is hard to come by in a thousand years. You see, Uchiha Hirohiko and Yukina-sama who are with him are both extremely outstanding geniuses. The Baguazhangrouquan who can break the coat of a tailed beast is only eight years old. You can open the Sharingan of Sangouyu, regardless of combat awareness, support ability, offensive ability, combat quality, etc., all of which come out once every ten years, but compared with Chiba, it is still slightly inferior."

"It's no wonder Master Kushina wants to use the power of the nine tails to train them. Their talents, ordinary professors, they may master by self-study, and the next step is non-stop actual combat, fighting against opponents far superior to themselves. We can absorb the nutrients they need in the battle, so that we can grow rapidly, no, this is the most suitable way for them to grow. Compared with them, we are mortals after all, and we can't develop their abilities only by instilling knowledge. potential."

"Don't say that, Master Kushina is also a genius. He has the strength to defeat the ninja in the ninja school, and he hasn't tried his best."

"Hey? Seriously, I heard that not only Master Kushina tried his best to train Chiba, but I also heard that Master Hokage of the third generation seems to be interested in Chiba..."

A well-disguised voice resounded in the forest, and all Anbu's eyes were on the three young girls who fell to the ground in a panic.


But as soon as this sentence came out, there was a cough from a certain height, apparently to interrupt the previous words.

"Be careful, this is to protect Master Kushina." A slightly old voice sounded amidst the coughing.

Immediately, all Anbu looked at each other in blank dismay, all were silent, focused on vigilance, not talking.

And at that height, Old Anbu looked at Chiba who fell to the ground.

Did the Third Hokage-sama also see the shadow of the Second Hokage in Chiba?

At this time, Qianye's green brilliance slowly dissipated, her whole body was almost lying on the ground, she couldn't move at all, she could only breathe heavily.

The condition of Hirohiko and Xue Nai on the side was not much better than Chiba. They were also injured and exhausted, so they could only lie on the ground panting.

However, fortunately, his body was covered with skin trauma, which did not affect the independent training in the afternoon and the duel training the next day. Physically, just take a break.

On the other hand, after Kushina closed the seal and the Nine-Tails Chakra dissipated, she didn't even shake, but looked a little tired.

However, there was obviously a hint of anxiety on her face. After looking at the sky, regardless of his fatigue, he hurried away: "I won't accompany you to eat today, you can solve it yourself."

With that said, Kushina hurried past and left the meeting place.

At the same time, the Anbu who were hiding in the dark also left.

And collapsed on the ground, watching Kushina leave, Chiba, Yukina and Hirohiko looked at each other in blank dismay.

The free lunch is gone!

This is a portrayal of Chiba's heart.

Teacher Kushina today, I'm so anxious.

This was what Xue Nai had in mind.

Teacher Jiushina, where are you going?

This is Hiroko's doubt.

The three of them watched Kushina leave all the way, without making a sound, quietly recovering their strength.

Half an hour later, the three managed to stand up and sat up.

"It's almost time to eat!" Qianye once again struggled with the things that the free lunch does not have, and then said.

To be honest, during the half-hour break, he really didn't think about anything else, only thinking about the disappearance of Kushina's free lunch.


Hirohiko and Xue Nai both responded.

Then, the three stood up and walked towards the village.

The destination is naturally Yile Ramen. After seeing Chiba's current food intake again, Yile finally made up his mind that the special super large amount of tonkotsu ramen must be cancelled.

Of course, Chiba didn't know these things anymore. He still thought that the special super large tonkotsu ramen was really a bargain. If converted into the same amount of super large tonkotsu ramen, the price would probably be one-third more expensive.

After walking out of Yile Ramen, the three broke up again and practiced separately.

But when Chiba walked to the cabin to prepare for the development of the new technique, he stopped, raised his head, and looked at the roof of his cabin, with Hirohiko's poker face reflected in his eyes.

Seeing that Chiba noticed him, Hirohiko jumped off the roof and landed in front of Chiba.

"Already found it?"

Hirohiko had already arrived without looking for him. Obviously, he had something to tell him. After thinking about it, it was only the question about intelligence that he asked him before.

However, Hongyan shook his head and said, "I didn't find out."

"Not found?" Chiba was taken aback.

"Well, I went to Hinata's house last night, but I was stopped by Master Shinsuke before I saw Xueying."

Stopped by Hinata Shinsuke?

Qianye was startled, and hurriedly said: "What's going on?"

Unexpectedly, Hirohiko also had doubts in his eyes, and said: "Master Shinsuke just said one sentence, and he opened his mouth to see off the guests."

It's enough to just say one sentence... and then open your mouth to see off the guests?

Qianye frowned tightly, a serious look flashed across his face.

And Hiroko also stared at Chiba, Hyuga Shinsuke has always been polite, he and Hyuga Yutaka have not practiced each other for a day or two, and he has also met Hinata Shinsuke, each time he is basically amiable, and even give some pointers.

It was the first time for him to directly refuse to let him enter the situation like now.

"It seems... this matter, the water is very deep."

Thoughts flashed in his mind, Chiba unconsciously looked in the direction of Hyuga's family and muttered to himself.

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