Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 455 Headache

Qianye flew in the forest with a stern look on his face. This mission may be the most difficult mission he has ever received.

It doesn't mean how powerful the enemies will be. Chiba, who has fought against the S-rank ninja Yotsuki and Chiyo, has been training with the S-rank six-tailed Kushina in the past two years. Will not be swayed by a quasi-S rank ninja.

What really made him feel troublesome was the situation of the encirclement.

It can be said that the current encirclement is the main battlefield of Konoha, Yanyin and Yunyin. For Konoha, getting the defense map of the border of the Land of Earth can be used as a threat to make a big fuss, avoiding the joint attack of the Land of Earth and the Land of Thunder, and even further intensifying the situation of the Land of Earth Contradictions with the Kingdom of Thunder.

For Yunyin, getting the defense map can be used to break through Yanyin's defense, and secondly, he can also use the defense map as a transaction, asking Yanyin to attack Konoha with him to solve this serious problem. If there is a defense plan to make a deal, ask for an alliance, and let the land of land send a dignitary as a hostage, the feasibility of this alliance can be guaranteed, and when the time comes to deal with Konoha, it is a certainty.

At the same time, you can also use the deployment map to expand the results of the battle against Yanyin. It can be said that once the defense map falls into the Kingdom of Thunder, Yun Yin can gain absolute dominance, and this Three Kingdoms War is basically in the hands of the Kingdom of Thunder.

Both Konoha and Iwagakure will be subject to it, even if they do not win an absolute victory in the end, then the Land of Thunder will get the greatest results.

As for Yanyin, no matter whose defense map falls into the hands of them, it will be a huge disadvantage to Yanyin and their country of soil.

First of all, no matter who falls into their hands, they must focus on defense, especially those natural weaknesses. Even if they cannot be completely defended, they must send enough ninjas, and their active forces on the battlefield will have to be reduced. However, now they are fighting inextricably with the Kingdom of Thunder, evenly matched, and at the same time, they are restrained by Konoha with a considerable amount of troops.

After focusing on defense, these vital forces will inevitably decay, and the front line will inevitably retreat. At that time, this battle may be reduced to the kingdom of earth.

Even if you don't focus on defense, if one of Konoha and Yunyin surprises the mainland, then the situation will inevitably fall into a huge disadvantage. Even if Konoha and Yunyin don't have the energy to attack the mainland, they still have to guard against it. Must be bound and completely passive.

It can be said that the fate of the Land of Earth in this battle is tied to this defense map. Even if Yanyin is desperate, he will take back the defense map, no matter how much the price is, no matter how crazy the means are .

Alas... this is it!

Too much trouble!

Qianye sighed, and while flying, the emerald green brilliance in his eyes slowly lit up.

Now the forces of the three parties seem to be very simple. Yanyin and Yunyin each surround half of them, and Konoha's intelligence team is also trapped in it. They can only hide in XZ, mediate and wander, and they can't break free. It's almost like fish in a bowl. Can't escape the enemy.

However, under this simple situation, it is intricate and intertwined, and this restraint is even stronger and more difficult than the strategy of the Three Kingdoms restraint that Qianye set before.

This point can be seen just by looking at the Konoha intelligence team with a few people who can persist for so long when surrounded.

In the current situation, in fact, as long as Yanyin and Yunyin shrink the encirclement net, it is just like fishing in a net, with an absolute advantage in numbers, they are constantly reducing the scope of activities of the Konoha intelligence team, and finally they are forced to die. Then it is enough to wipe out the Konoha intelligence team with absolute numbers and strength, even after reducing the encirclement network, they can directly take the initiative to carry out the annihilation battle.

But...why, why didn't they take any action, instead they only encircled and didn't kill, and even the encirclement net was strictly controlled to a certain extent, and they didn't dare to go one step further.

Obviously, Yanyin did not allow Yunyin to get the defense map, and it was impossible for Yunyin to let Yanyin snatch it back. And neither of them wanted Konoha to escape.

Therefore, because of the common goal of "not wanting Konoha to escape", Yun Yin and Yan Yin are surrounded by half of you and half of me.

At the same time, the siege is based on a strange balance, because "Yan Yin and Yun Yin don't want the other party to get the defense map, and the defense map is very important and absolutely sensitive", so as long as there is any change in the half circle of the other party's encirclement, it will Arouse a huge reaction from the other party, which intensifies, or if you increase the number of troops, I will also increase the number of troops, and if you attack, I will also attack, or if you shrink the encirclement, I will also shrink the encirclement, and even when you shrink the encirclement, I will add some ambushes for you ...Wait, etc. Possibilities like this emerge endlessly, and the five major ninja villages have been fighting each other for nearly a hundred years, and there are many insidious tactics.

In this way, the result is hard to say, maybe Yunyin won, maybe Yanyin won, maybe Konoha slipped away while the two guys were shopping. It is also possible that Konoha's large army also participated, and the Three Kingdoms melee, this place became a whirlpool, constantly attracting the troops of the Three Kingdoms, and eventually all three lost!

Moreover, no matter Yunyin, Yanyin or Konoha have absolute confidence that they can win steadily after causing chaos and breaking the balance. After all, whoever gets the defense map, the other two will inevitably fall into a disadvantage. Even if Land of Earth takes back the defense map, the other two will lose a lot of ninjas in vain, greatly weakening their strength. For Konoha and Yunyin, this is not worthwhile.

Therefore, with the current balance, Konoha dare not send reinforcements, Yunyin must consider Yanyin and Konoha, and Yanyin must consider Yunyin and Konoha, how to avoid causing the three parties to overreact to each other.

In the end, under the constraints of the three parties, the only way is to surround Yunyin and Yanyin, not kill them, and wait for the opportunity. And closely monitor the other party and Konoha, and must not let the other party take advantage.

For Konoha, being surrounded, mediating, and waiting for rescuers, he escaped without letting them find out, and sent this important defense map back to the village.

The three parties contained each other, forming this peculiar situation of besieging but not killing.

However, this three-party restraint is very strong and very fragile. As long as there is a slight imbalance, all relationships will fall into an irreparable situation.

And they are undoubtedly this little imbalance!

Enough to shake this triangle relationship!

No wonder Shikahisa Nara asked me to go by name. I'm afraid he wouldn't be relieved of this matter if it were any one person. Even choosing me was actually a helpless move. In Nara Shikohisa's heart, there was nothing suitable. The person, who is barely suitable, may be me...

After all, this war may be able to end after the defense map is obtained. And the defense map is so sensitive.

However, Qianye himself has some ideas about the battle for the defense map of the Land of Earth this time.

"Have you come? Have you entered the alert range without knowing it?"

A flash of light came from the corner of Qianye's eyes, and she suddenly stepped on her foot, and after a pause, she fell off the branch.


At the same time, several bitterness came from all directions.


Qianye landed in a half-squat, with one hand on the ground, and the moment her hand touched the ground, four rock walls suddenly rose up, broke several branches, and then stopped.

Earth escape, the four-pillar prison technique!

And the next second...

"Boom boom boom!"

Several streams of fire and smoke exploded around the rock wall!

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