is it raining

A drop of water splashed on Qianye's face, he slowly opened his eyes, and what caught his eyes was the dense branches, leaves and tree cover, as well as the dim space.

Is it dawn so soon?

Qianye sat up slowly, the biological clock in his body told himself that it was already early morning, years of punctual and rigorous exercise made his biological clock accurate, and even he could feel the current time, it was about half past seven .

That's when he usually wakes up.

Slightly taking a breath, Chiba looked around, but nothing changed, the wire detonator traps around her were not touched, and the alarm mechanism set up at the wire detonator avoidance point was not triggered either.

This primeval forest is as quiet as time stands still.

It seems that I have encountered two difficult commanders. Under such circumstances, seeing the long-awaited opportunity is in front of me, I can still be so patient. Even, it can restrain troops who are also under heavy pressure.

There is no sound at all around. This does not mean that their tracking team is far away from us. On the contrary, they should be very close to us, hiding around us, just waiting for us to meet with the intelligence team, and then rush out to catch them all.

The reason why there is no sound, even if the injury door mode is turned on, and there is enhanced vision and hearing, there is no sound, because these people are first-class masters lurking, and they are very patient, calm and not anxious.

Really... have a hand!

After thinking about it, Qianye also had to admire these two commanders. They could restrain their subordinates in such a situation and make them calm and calm. Either the subordinates were very convinced of them and absolutely trusted every decision they made. And absolutely follow through. Or, it is that they have extremely high means to control their subordinates, and their subordinates dare not and do not want to have any disobedience and negligence against their absolute.

Both of these are actually extremely difficult to do. If it were Chiba, Chiba himself could be sure that he would definitely not be able to do it to their level, otherwise the Third Hokage would not have made Hirohiko and Yukina to carry it out with him this task.

Because only Hirohiko and Xue Nai will trust him unconditionally. If you are someone else, you will inevitably have doubts about his approach. task.

This is also Chiba's shortcoming. He is a qualified decision maker and planner, but he is not an absolutely convincing commander.

One reason is that he has been alone for a long time, lacks communication skills, and absolutely does not have the affinity of a leader. He is more like a taciturn and gloomy guy who is silently planning something behind his back. This solitary life gave him a great power of understanding, but it also deprived him of his ability to communicate. And this communicative ability, sometimes after being deprived, is not so easy to recover.

After all, communication skills also need to be exercised.

Secondly, although he has enough overall view and awareness of the overall situation, whether it is squad tactics or war strategy, his behavior habits tend to be an implementer, a practitioner, a soldier who goes to the front line to fight, rather than a coordinating overall situation. A commander who can unite everyone at a critical moment is also limited by his communication skills. When problems occur in the team, such as internal strife and differences of opinion, he may not be able to effectively control the situation. For a commander, this is fatal.

Therefore, Chiba still admires the two commanders Yun Yin and Yan Yin.

It's just that I admire them, they are difficult to deal with, and it also makes Chiba a little headache.


Strictly speaking, hesitation.

So, in the current situation, should we delay for a few more days to see their situation, or should we let the plan start today, trigger signals, and start to converge?

Emerald green light shone in Chiba's eyes, and in his eyes, the reflections of Hirohiko and Xue Nai were lying on the ground with their backs to him, sleeping soundly.

At the same time, his right hand stretched out habitually, wisps of water vapor spun and gathered in his palm, gradually forming a small vortex, and then, it shattered with a "boo", and tiny water blades flew out in all directions. , hit his chest and arm, and got wet. The water blade was too small and not very powerful.

And all of this, Qianye didn't seem to care, the small vortex shattered, he would condense again, everything seemed to be an unconscious behavior.

This is also a new thinking habit that Chiba has developed in the past two years. In the past two years, in order to save time and do more other exercises, he gradually combined the practice of the new water escape technique with thinking. Practice in order to become more proficient, constantly find out the imperfections of the new technique from the process of proficiency, and then improve.

There is no benefit in procrastinating.

Thinking about it, Qianye sighed, and the small whirlpool in his hand shattered again with a "boo".

The commanders of Yun Yin and Yan Yin, with their abilities, should have sensed my intentions. I am afraid that they will use their commander charms to calm down these tracking teams before they converge.

If you delay, the expected effect may not be achieved.

Even, the delay may have affected the mood of the intelligence team, and this moment of joy and excitement can easily cause negative emotions to explode, causing the intelligence team to think, "Why hasn't the rescue team come yet? Is something wrong? There is no way for the village to rescue us, and there is no way to get this defense plan.” The hopelessness of the situation will not be worth the loss, and even lead to the failure of the plan.

The will of ninjas is indeed tenacious, but after all, they are human beings, not machines, and have emotions. As long as they are human, as long as they have emotions, they will definitely have the mentality of collapse and despair.

And people in this state of mind can do anything, such as madness, suicide, and so on.

If the intelligence team is in that mood, it's really screwed.


Thinking about it, Chiba sighed.

It seems that it won't work anymore, and delaying is definitely not going to work.

In other words, after the rendezvous, we will face a team of calm and cautious Yunyin and Yanyin ninjas three times our number, and among them, there are quasi-S rank ninjas...

Will there still be a bloody battle anyway?

Chiba frowned slightly, looking at Hirohiko and Yukina.

No matter how you calculate, how you play tricks, you still can't escape the bloody battle. Now that all the foreshadowing has been laid, can it have the corresponding effect? ​​I can only say that it is up to people to plan things, but heaven to make things happen?

After all, there is only one or two room for me to arrange, and there is no absolutely perfect way to arrange, even, I can only simply arrange some foreshadowing...

Variables, too many!

Now, it is even more dangerous to make another bad move!

I shouldn't have delayed!

The confluence signal was supposed to be issued yesterday. Yesterday's tracking team was still a little impatient, but when I delayed, their commanders noticed me and calmed them down!

Those tracking teams, under Xue Nai's supercilious eyes, had been discovered long ago, Chiba and the others just kept their faces.

Besides, without Xue Nai's white eyes, Qianye could have guessed that such a good opportunity, how could Yunyin and Yanyin just let them in and surround them on the surface.

Under Xue Nai's eyes, judging from their marching behavior, these tracking teams are still very eager, and they often run too fast, shortening the distance between the two sides to a dangerous tracking distance.

Undoubtedly, Qianye chose to delay for a day to make them more impatient, and the abacus of increasing the odds of winning the battle that could not be avoided was in vain, and it even had the opposite effect.

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