Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 482 Arriving!


In the drizzle, the virgin forest ignited by the fire escape ninjutsu was burning, the flames were bright, black smoke slowly floated up, and there were crackling and popping sounds from time to time.

Such a powerful fire escape ninjutsu!

And behind the burning forest, Qianye's face reflected by the flames was cloudy and uncertain, wisps of white mist evaporated from his body.

The clothes that were wet by the light rain evaporated in an instant, and the wet virgin forests also burned in an instant. The temperature of these two balls of fire was unexpectedly so high! If hit head-on, I'm afraid it will burn to death in an instant!

The person who came here is definitely not simple, who can use such a powerful fire escape ninjutsu... Could it be that quasi-S rank ninja?


Chiba stepped on the branch with one foot, raised her body, paused for a while, and then stabilized her retreat. At the same time, she let go of Hirohiko and Xue Nai, and the two also stood still. The three stood on a branch above.

"Several people?"

Chiba asked.

"one person."

Xue Nai's words came from the bottom right of him. At this time, Xue Nai had one hand on the branch, and the other hand had already reached into the ninja tool bag behind his waist.

Chiba frowned, and glanced at Hongyan involuntarily from the corner of his eyes. In his eyes, Hongyan was holding the tree trunk with his left hand. In his eyes, Sangouyu's writing sharing eyes glowed bright red, but he was staring at the front. Slightly upper direction in the middle of the large burning virgin forest.

one person?

There is no doubt that it must be the quasi-S rank ninja! Unexpectedly, although I don't know which side he belongs to, Yun Yin or Yan Yin, but no matter which side he is, the commander who arranged him here is really far-sighted.

Qianye frowned slightly, his thoughts turned.

But just when this thought appeared, there was a muffled hum in the flame, followed by an anxious voice: "Quick back, Jianren is injured!"

This voice, Qianye could tell, was from Morino, and when he said these words, Qianye's expression changed.

Kento was injured? Is it serious?


Although Morino is by my side, I don't need to worry about their safety, but... don't get hurt too badly, I don't want to face the choice of abandoning you and continuing the mission, or giving up the mission and doing my best to rescue you!

"Get down!"

At this time, Morino Shinko uttered another sound, which sounded at the other end of the flame.

But before the sound fell, the burning flame suddenly split into two. Opening horizontally from the middle, it seems to be divided into two by some sharp weapon, separating the upper and lower sides!

Chiba's pupils shrank slightly, and his face changed again.

But this time, even Xue Nai and Hirohiko's expressions changed, and then their feet tilted, and the three of them leaned over in unison!

"Boom boom boom!"

After that, the sound of trees falling could not be heard, and a large piece of primitive giant wood that was almost as thick as three people's arms fell slowly, and the sound of falling was like thunder, rumbling. Along with the rumbling sound, smoke and dust rose up and diffused, forming a huge dust cloud, covering this area.

It seems that a ring of dust and smoke has been added to the periphery of the burning burning zone in the middle. At the same time, at the junction of the dust and the flame, the smoke and the scorching air scorched by the flame slowly evaporate.

Although it was drizzling, the land seemed to be dry under the shade.

Wind escape?

With a sound of "click", Qianye landed lightly, looking at the giant tree falling down in front of her back, as well as the smoke and dust and broken leaves splashing up, the neatly cut wooden stake was on the front and back of her side.

The speed was so fast that I almost didn't see it clearly, I only saw the flames being cut open, and then the trees fell down, and even all the original trees around were cut off by this ridiculously fast wind escape!

Whether it's range, speed or sharpness... This person's use of wind escape may be more terrifying than his fire escape!

In the billowing smoke and dust, Chiba had to cover her eyes with her hands, and hold her breath to cover her nose, so as not to be dazzled by the thick smoke and dust.

"Xue Nai, can you still see clearly?"

Emerald green light flickered in Qianye's eyes. Although he had the vision and hearing bonuses of Humen mode, but the smoke and dust filled the air, and the flames were crackling, but he couldn't see anything, and he couldn't hear the enemy's movements clearly.

Just now, he seemed to see a figure falling from the midair amidst the smoke and flames. Looking at the looming figure, it seemed that he was about to perform ninjutsu.

"It's ninjutsu!"

But when Chiba opened his mouth, Xue Nai, who also covered her eyes and nose, opened her mouth hastily. With the see-through ability of her white eyes, Xue Nai could see clearly regardless of whether there was an obstruction in front of her.

Hearing this, Qianye's reaction was also extremely fast, immediately pressing down with both hands, a wall of earth suddenly rose up, covering the front of the three of them.

Tudun, Tuliubi!

And then... plus...

Qianye's brows tightened, and the earth wall suddenly "clicked", from bottom to top, from the inside to the outside, it turned into a rock barrier!

The nature of soil properties changes, and the properties of rocks change!

And at the moment when the rock wall transformed, there was a "click", and a layer of cracks suddenly appeared at the root of the rock wall, the part that was in contact with the soil. rock wall!


A faint electric light flashed from the crack in the rock wall, and the next second, the electric light was about to stab.

Seeing this situation, the expressions of the three of them suddenly changed.

Thunder escape!

"Xue Nai!"

At this time, Hongyan let out a sound of anxiety, his body sank slightly, his hands were clasped together, and he sank under his stomach.

When the voice fell, Xue Nai had jumped up and stepped into his hands.

Afterwards, Hirohiko lifted his hands vigorously.


With the help of strength, Xue Nai soared into the sky, turned sideways at the same time, stretched out her hand, and grasped Hongyan's raised hands, and with force in her hands, with the force of the soaring sideways, Hongyan was pulled up.


But at this moment, the entire rock wall was broken by the lightning, cracked into rubble, and scattered into a pile. Three lightning flashed in a straight line, and the arcs ran wildly, buzzing.

In just half a second, Qianye behind the rock wall will be hit by the electric light, his skin will be scorched, his flesh will be torn apart, and his muscles will be pierced and broken!

However, at this moment, Qianye suddenly rose up in a half-squatting posture, and flew into the mid-air.


Dian Guang flew past Qianye's feet, where the ground shattered into ravines, three ravines were plowed out by Dian Guang!

In mid-air, Chiba's tightly constricted pupils slowly dilated, lowered her head slightly, and glanced at the steel wire and Kunai at her waist and abdomen.


Hirohiko tied me?

After thinking about it, Chiba's eyes rolled and looked back and up.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Hongyan Lingkong swinging his hands sideways on his upper back, tightly grasping the steel wire in his hand, and using Xue Nai's pulling force and the momentum of turning around in profile, he pulled Qianye up from the ground!

A strand of blood was splashing from his right index finger that was tightly clasped by the steel wire!

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