Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 494 Is this enough?

"that's it?"

The dense and huge virgin forest kept receding, Shiga Taketake turned his head to look at Kento on Hirohiko's back, and the slightly black-stained white bandage wrapped around his body, and said.

Hearing Shiga Taketake's words, Hirohiko nodded, and curled up his raised index and middle fingers. Then, he put down his right hand and focused on running forward.

"Yes, that's enough. It will take some time for Jianren's injury."

Hirohiko opened his mouth.

that's it? A healthy person can get serious burns! If it wasn't for the quick response of the real number teacher, Jianren would be burnt now!

Such a serious burn, is it enough to wrap it with a bandage like that?

Although Hirohiko said so, Shiga Takeyue still had doubts in his heart, after they rushed into this primeval forest just now, they only walked for a short time before they stopped.

Jianren’s injury was too severe, with scorched and rolled flesh in several places all over his body, and even the side of the burn was full of blisters, which was shocking. If it is not treated, it may cause various symptoms such as high fever. If it takes longer, it may be gone forever surgery!

It was also Xue Nai who discovered this situation, and asked to stop at that time, then took out the bandage with some black stains, and carefully wrapped it up for Jianren.

Xue Nai's bandaging technique is very skillful and very good. After a while, Jianren became a half mummy, and almost half of his body was covered by this bandage.

Burns and burns are very difficult to treat, and special medicine or ointment is needed. Seeing that after the dressing, Xue Nai asked Hirohiko to carry it on his back, as if he was about to leave. At that time, he was a little unsure, so he asked "Is it okay not to apply the medicine?"

Neither Hirohiko nor Xue Nai said much, they just shook their heads.

After walking for a while, he was a little worried again, so he had the conversation just now.

"Don't worry, this is what Qianye specially ordered us, and he also gave us the bandages. I'm afraid there is some mystery! During this period, Qianye has also made great progress in medical skills."

Yukina seemed to sense Shiga Taketake's uneasiness, and said.

Hearing Xue Nai's words, Shiga Taketake frowned.

Since it was Chiba's order, and judging by Hirohiko and Yukina's appearance, Chiba should be very confident that Kento will be cured, at least it will not make Kento's condition worse, here, you should be relieved.

Thinking about it, Shiga Wuyue frowned slightly, looked at his teacher on the right shoulder with dull eyes, frowned again, and said: "Teacher Zhenshu's illusion, isn't it solved yet?"

When Xue Nai was bandaging Kento, Shiga Taketake also asked this question. Hirohiko said "it's not time yet", and at that time, Kento had finished bandaging, and he was patronizing the treatment of Kento who was not sure. The way is over, this topic is over.

After all, are they escaping, or do they have to hurry up, and both Hirohiko and Xue Nai acted under Chiba's instructions, and with Chiba's meticulousness, it is impossible to ignore his teacher, so they didn't ask again .

But now, he still couldn't help asking, their condition is not very good now, Jianren is injured and comatose, and he still needs someone to take care of him during the battle, that is to say, in the real battle, only two people can concentrate on fighting , there is another person who must look after Jianren.

Even now, my teacher is still in the illusion, and he has lost his fighting power. It is estimated that he will have to take care of him alone by then.

In real battles, the number of people they can fight is actually only one and a half. Even Kento and his teacher will be used by the enemy to restrain them.

This is an extremely unfavorable situation!

But at this time, if their teacher can unlock the illusion, then there are three of them with available combat power.

Moreover, among the three of them, one is the famous Jonin in the village, the other is the young genius of the Uchiha clan who has opened the Sangodama Sharingan, and the remaining one is the extraordinary little princess of the Hyuga clan.

With this kind of fighting power, he is also sure to break through the defense line of the encirclement, so that he can threaten the Yunyin and Yanyin in the encirclement.

"Not yet!"

And when he asked again, the answer he received was still the same five words, but these five words were not said by Hirohiko, but by Xue Nai.

"When will it be?"

Shiga Taketake frowned.

How did Qianye arrange this, and what did she think? Don't you know the situation of the five of us?

In this case, not to mention encountering quasi-S-rank ninjas, a team of elites will probably keep us stuck in place for a long time!

I'm not sure that I can break through the siege in this situation!

Shiga Takeyue felt bitter in his heart, he knew that Qianye would not give him an unsolvable mess, and there must be his thoughts in it, but now he couldn't figure out what he was going to do at all!

Can't this kid be more upright?

Some plans do have to be hidden from teammates in order to create realistic effects, and their success rate will increase.

But, you are hiding it from me, what are you doing?

And just when Shiga Takeyue was suffering in his heart, Xue Nai's words came again, saying: "If we unlock Teacher Morino's illusion now, what do you think Teacher Morino will do?"

As soon as these words came out, Shihe Wuyue was taken aback.

True number teacher, what will you do?

At this moment, he seemed to understand something.

And Xue Nai's voice came again: "I'm afraid, the teacher will desperately save Chiba, and then leave us here."

Save Chiba?

Shiga Takeyue's face darkened, he understood everything.

This is Qianye, a teacher who knows the real number. He will definitely not let him take risks as a child, no matter how strong and powerful Qianye is... In the eyes of the teacher, they are all the same. They are the hope of the village's future. Entrust the existence of the village.

Yes, the teacher will definitely go to rescue Chiba, and he will definitely not come back! He will risk his life to let Qianye escape, and leave that ninja of Yun Yin in place!

Yes, if Teacher Zhenshu would definitely do this!

Even, if he doesn't get the illusion, he probably won't leave there at all, he will just let us go and stay by himself!

A thought popped up in Shiga Takeyue's mind, and just as the thought passed by, his expression changed horribly.

No way!

Qianye knew this, could it be that... Teacher Zhenshu's illusion was also arranged by him?

Deliberately let Hirohiko attack with illusion first?

He knew that Yun Yin would definitely dodge like this, and he also guessed that Teacher Zhenshu would definitely launch a rear attack at that time?


If so, is Chiba still human?

However, it is theoretically possible. If it is operated properly and with a bit of luck... or after countless speculations, perfecting the plan, and setting up many backup players according to possible situations, it can ensure that the success rate of the plan is infinitely close to 100%.

Chiba... Is this really the arrangement?

Shiga Takeyue was in shock and doubt.

And at this moment, Xue Nai suddenly warned.



Almost as soon as Xue Nai's words fell, the three of them stopped at the same time, stepped on the thick branches, and stopped their flying steps.

Afterwards, the three of them looked forward in unison, at the slightly dark forest ahead, at the burly figure on the forest, with faces...

A dignified!

"Next, everything will be handed over to you."

Hirohiko opened his mouth, but his eyes didn't move.

However, Shiga Takeyue knew that his words...

It's for myself!

Next, he will assume the position of Chiba!

Captain of the escape squad!

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