Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 497 Waiting...

Next, the second quasi-S ninja will almost come to intercept me!

Qianye flew in the primeval forest, silently stuffing a military ration pill into his mouth, replenishing his physical strength and chakra, and getting ready.

It has been nearly twenty minutes since he left the battle site of Yunyin and Yanyin, and it will not take long to reach the edge of the encirclement, which is the south direction, the junction of the encirclement of Yunyin and Yanyin.

I don't know what happened to Hirohiko and the others...

Qianye frowned slightly, compared to himself, he was more worried about the situation on the other side.

Hirohiko is also really, actually used illusion in order to make Shiga put down the information scroll.

Thinking of Hongyan's side, Chiba couldn't help flashing the scene when Hongyan and the others left in his mind. After trapping Yun Yin, Qianye had been paying close attention to Hongyan's situation. At that time, from his perspective, he could clearly see Seeing that Hirohiko opened Sharingan, he glanced directly at Shiga Taketake. At the same time, Shiga Takeake's body stiffened imperceptibly. They ran into the forest together.

Obviously, it was Hirohiko who used illusion to psychologically darken Shiga Taketake, otherwise how could he convince Shiga Takeake so quickly.

Moreover, the deployment map was left there.

Otherwise, it may only take a few words to let Shiga Taketake leave, and ask Shiga Taketake to discard the defense map at the designated location. This explanation cannot be explained clearly in one or two sentences.

As for the location of the defense map and the speed at which they left at that time, it can be concluded that they placed the defense map within three seconds after they entered the primeval forest. No time to explain either.

Therefore, this defense map was left by Shiga Taketake without knowing the plan.

For such an important thing as the defense map, Shiga Taketake would definitely not stay just because Hirohiko said to stay, the only possibility could only be a glance at that time, when Hirohiko cast an illusion.

In other words, the psychological hint of "discarding the defense map" was given to Shiga Takeyue through the illusion eye.

It is also possible that some information was conveyed by using the illusion eye.

Chiba doesn't have Sharingan, so I don't know if Illusion Eyes can do these things, but, from the original animation, when Itachi confronted Kureni Yuhi Illusion, he once let Kureni Yuhi see him being entangled by Kuren Yuri Illusion Chiba thinks that the magic eye may be able to confuse some images, and maybe Hirohiko used Sharingan to transmit the plan to Shiga with an image at that moment.

Of course, the images may be few and far between, but with Shiga's ability, it's not hard to connect.

The Illusion Eye is a visual illusion, and it is possible to confuse the opponent with some images, but Hirohiko uses it to explain the plan, not to confuse.

Of course, all of this is Chiba's personal imagination, he doesn't know what Hirohiko has done.

Although I asked him to leave Shiga with the defense map at all costs, and he had to stay in a very short period of time, and he had to stay before that Yun Yin's body came chasing him, so as not to be seen by him, At that time, it will be an oolong.

But I didn't expect that he used the illusion eye directly... I hope I don't have conflicts with Shiga.

The corner of Chiba's mouth twitched. Although the matter was accomplished, he never thought that Hirohiko would use such a method to actively use illusions on his companions. This would really cause a lot of conflict.

While worrying, Qianye's mind flashed, as if he had thought of something, his face changed suddenly, and with a "boom", he bumped his head on the branch, and his whole body threw himself on the branch of the virgin forest.


He let out a muffled cough, as if the flash of inspiration was too sudden, and the thought after the flash was too surprising. He actually didn't explode when he took off from the chakra. The speed of his body decreased, his body was slightly lower, and his whole body was hit. on the front branches.

However, at this moment, there was no pain on his face, only horror!

Wait a minute, I overlooked an important issue. Itachi can transmit dynamic images to confuse the enemy. First, he is a genius in illusion. Second, he opened the kaleidoscope Sharingan, and his pupil power greatly increased.

Sharingan like Sasuke can only be confused by simple images, such as the terrifying Susano, the changing image of Sharingan Goyu, and the like. Although Sasuke also opened a kaleidoscope, but he lacks illusion talent, so he can only do this. Although he is also very powerful, he is still far behind Itachi.

But if Hirohiko really uses the image of the illusion eye to carry out the planned transmission, then that is to say, Hirohiko's Sharingan is almost comparable to Itachi's eyes, but it may not have a kaleidoscope, so it may not be as effective as Itachi in some aspects. However, if he can really perform such magic eye use...

Hirohiko, is he an illusion genius?

And the pupil power of his Sharingan is also quite powerful, far stronger than ordinary Sharingan, almost the class with the strongest pupil power under the Sharingan of Kaleidoscope?

In the past two years, we have also trained separately. Could it be that Hongyan's illusion is very strong? And Sharingan may also be biased towards illusion?

Fuck... Are you kidding me!

Then if he opened the kaleidoscope, wouldn't he be another Zhishui, or a weasel?

Anyway, this is a real Naruto world, which is somewhat different from the original book, but this is too outrageous...

Qianye raised his brows, while being shocked and amazed, his heart was cast with a shadow for some reason.

An ominous premonition rose in his heart, but was quickly suppressed by him.


Now is not the time to think about this, the task has not been completed, and when it is completed, you must ask Hirohiko carefully!

Thinking about it, Qianye got up, took a slight breath, the chakra burst out under his feet, and he flew out, continuing on his way.

And not long after he continued walking, the dim environment in front of him suddenly brightened up, raindrops hit his face, and his feet were empty, and suddenly fell down.


Qianye landed in a half-squat, slowing down the force of falling in mid-air, and landed steadily.

At the same time, he was once again exposed to the torrential rain!

This is?

Chiba raised her head suddenly, and her whole body stood up reflexively, her hand had already touched the ninja bag behind her.

Then, the gaze settled.


After seeing the front clearly, Qianye frowned slightly, and his face turned serious.

At this moment, in front of him, Shi Shiran stood a short and fat man, and behind this short and fat man stood three Yanyin ninjas who had already squatted slightly into a fighting posture. Ye could also feel a strong killing intent.

These four people are by no means ordinary ninjas, they should be the elite of Yan Yin, especially the short and fat ninja at the front...

This should be Yanyin's quasi-S-rank ninja!

Qianye narrowed her eyes slightly, her whole body tensed slightly.


At this time, the short and fat man who had been waiting for Chiba on the necessary road smiled and spoke.

However, at this moment, Qianye seemed to have noticed something, but his eyes suddenly turned to look at his upper right.


In the blink of an eye, a muffled sound suddenly sounded.

Where Chiba's original line of sight was located, the rain flower burst and splashed, and it seemed to explode out of thin air, stirring up a cloud of muddy rain flower, and the waterfall scattered!

Mutation, steep!

(Recommend a Naruto fanfiction, Hokage Holy Grail System, which seems to be able to summon girls.)

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