Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 505 Observation!

The two chakra tails stretched out slowly, and the two wooden figurines watched Chiba fall to the ground, but they were not in a hurry to attack.

Having practiced against Ye Yuebi for many years, she knows that now is not a good time to attack. To deal with this enemy who is very similar to her grandfather, she must be careful and careful, and pay attention to the environment around her at all times. .

He should not make useless attacks. Although the attack just now was swift and violent, under the protection of the tailed beast's coat, he should know that it will not be effective.

With his strange kick just now, he should know the defensive power of the tailed beast's coat to some extent.

Knowing that the effect is not great, but still going to attack, there must be some ulterior purpose. Maybe, at this time, they have already planted their backs and caught me by surprise!

Waking up in my heart, the two wooden figurines had serious faces, and their dark and clear eyes had already looked at this large open space.

This is……

Seeing this, the two wooden figurines frowned. Unknowingly, around her, there were many pits, large and small. Some of them were stepped on when she stepped back hastily, and some Taki Chiba stepped on it, and some of them appeared suddenly, and she didn't notice it at all.

At this time, the rain was pouring down, and the accumulated water in these large and small potholes was already half full.


He set up so many small pits in this area? And there is already so much water accumulated!

At this moment, the eyes of the two wooden figures lit up, and their hearts suddenly became clear.

Sure enough, he planted the foreshadowing while attacking. Water Dun needs to be in a place with water to exert its real power. He has set up so many holes and accumulated them into puddles. He must use the water in them to exert his power. Water escape ninjutsu.

This should be his ultimate goal!

After knowing the strength of my tailed beast coat, he still planted so many foreshadowings and prepared the water escape ninjutsu. I'm afraid he is very sure that this water escape ninjutsu can defeat me in the tailed beast coat state.

In the information passed back by Grandpa Bi, there was his attainment in water escape. He was a ninja who was very good at water escape three years ago. During this period of time, he may be more proficient, and he may have learned some A-level, or even S-level water escape ninjutsu is completely possible!

It is entirely possible for him to defeat me with his powerful water escape!

However, it is precisely because of the power of this water escape ninjutsu that it is necessary to accumulate enough water!

It must be so!

The two Yumu men narrowed their eyes, and the reflection of Chiba wiping the muddy water off his face was reflected in his pupils.

Absolutely not let the water accumulate, before that, we must defeat this Taki Chiba!

At this moment, Qianye breathed a little, his body sank slightly, his body creaked, and in an instant, the rocky skin covered his arms, legs, feet, chest and abdomen.

And at this moment, his eyes widened suddenly, and the pupils were already filled with the sudden flash of a pale red figure with chest out and fists clenched.

The two came from wooden figures in an instant, and a punch was already close in front of them.


In the splash of rain, the skin muffled.


A crack climbed up the crossed hands covered by the rock skin, and then, two, three, four... Countless cracks spread, and it seemed that it would shatter in the next second .

At the same time, traces of white air rose from the place where the fist wrapped in light red chakra collided with the crossed hands, and there was a "chi chi".


This tail beast coat is really hard to deal with!

Feeling the gradual warming, and finally a little hot rock skin, Chiba frowned, and the rock skin on his left hand suddenly cracked and shattered.

This is!

At this time, the eyes of the two wooden figures who jumped out of the fist flashed, but they saw that the rock skin on Qianye's left hand suddenly shattered, and two marks had formed in the flash of their eyes.

Can't let him seal!

Don't give him a chance!

A thought flashed in my mind, the two chakra tails behind the wooden man suddenly turned into palms, rushed out, grabbed Chiba's hands, and in an instant, they were already in front of Chiba's hands, and the rain hit Chakra's hands , chi chi sound, white gas transpiration.

If the grasp is firm this time, even with the protection of the rock skin, Chiba's hand will definitely be crushed.

But at this moment, Qianye kicked her feet and retreated abruptly, but her hands kept making seals.


In the next second, Chakra crossed his hands, almost brushing against Chiba's cross-blocking right hand, a burst of white air suddenly rose, and a charred mark was instantly wiped out on the rocky skin of Chiba's cracked right hand, and then With a "snap", the whole thing shattered, exposing the flesh of his arm.


And at this moment, four or five spherical flames shaped like house mice charged towards them with tail flames like rat tails, enveloping them in an arc shape, almost right in front of them!

Rat Tail Ball Jade!

Let's see how you run!

The two wooden figurines clenched their hands into fists, their eyes were full of killing intent, and they stared intently at Qianye.

At this moment, Qianye is retreating, and it is absolutely difficult to avoid it!

But after this thought, her face changed.

He has another trick!

In the reflection of her eyes, she couldn't see the slightest panic in Chiba, almost subconsciously, she came up with such an idea.


And at this moment, a cloud of white mist exploded from beside Qianye, and a hand suddenly stretched out from the white mist, pulling Qianye's arm violently.

Shadow clone!

"Bang bang bang!"

At this time, Qianye, who was pulled by the shadow clone, seemed to be pulled too fast by the shadow clone, he staggered and rolled out sideways.

Immediately, four or five pieces of rat-tailed ball jade wrapped in blue flames almost brushed against his clothes corners and collided together, exploding into a ball of blue flames, causing endless sneering and white gas.


As the mud and water exploded, the two wooden figures rushed out like arrows from the string, and struck in the direction where Chiba was staggering and rolling.

From what it looked like, it had been planned for a long time, almost when Qianyeying's avatar appeared, she had already left!


At this moment, Qianye was landing on the ground with his right hand, and in the splash of mud and water, he rolled half a circle and was about to turn over on the ground. When his rolling motion stopped, the attacks of the two wooden figures probably had already hit him.


But at this moment, the eyes of the two Yumu people suddenly widened, and they looked towards their left cheeks.

A drop of blood splashed into her perspective!


The first time I used it, the accuracy was a bit off!

If you are more proficient, I am afraid it is not an ordinary scratch!

Now it seems that during this period of time, I have been training with Kushina, and my cognition of the power of ninjutsu has deviated!

It's not that I don't have effective means of attack, but that I subconsciously care too much about Kushina's safety, so every time I use ninjutsu, I subconsciously hold back my hands and dare not pierce Kushina's tailed beast coat!

Chiba rolled onto the ground and squatted on the ground, her eyes reflected the horror on the faces of the two Yumu figures, as well as her slanted profile.

Also, on the side of her face is the slender rock cone that shot straight out from her ground-supporting hand!

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