Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 526 Celebrity Treatment

Celebrity treatment, focus on the target, in a sense it is the priority to kill the target, with Chiba's strength, there is still a big distance from Sannin and others, and it can't be compared with Minato, who is about to rise. Minato's Flying Thunder God Art , was so strong that it was almost incomprehensible in the three wars, and some villages even promulgated the clause that "when you encounter a golden flash, you can immediately give up the mission and escape without any punishment". It is conceivable how strong Minato is. Strong, how incomprehensible is Flying Thunder God.

Even the AB combination with Yun Yin has a faint advantage. The fourth generation of Raikage can be said to be completely defeated in terms of speed. In the end, Kirabi can only use the threat of mutual death to make Minato give up the attack. Although it is a tie, it can be seen that the combination of Minato and AB still has a considerable advantage in the battle.

Although Chiba, Sannin and Minato are both treated as celebrities and focus on the situation of the target, they are completely different from Sannin, who is worthy of the name, and Minato, who is incomprehensible. His own strength still has a lot of shortcomings.

Now, enjoying this kind of celebrity treatment, the degree of danger he encountered in the three wars has basically increased exponentially, and the fatality rate can be said to have increased exponentially.

The opponent Chiba might encounter now is because of his celebrity treatment, being intimidated by his reputation, causing him to lose the chain at a critical moment, resulting in annihilation of the entire army.

However, it will be difficult to meet a ninja who is powerful in itself and not afraid of his reputation. The battlefield of these three battles is coming to an end, and I am afraid that a decisive battle will be held. By then, each ninja village must be an elite As far as possible, the overall level of the enemy will inevitably be greatly improved.

Chiba doesn't believe that under the current situation, all the cards of the villages have been exhausted. For example, in the battlefields of Yunyin, Yanyin, and Konoha, Konoha has not invested the maximum combat power, and even Minato is still in the village. Although Orochimaru and Jiraiya have already entered the battlefield, they are more deterrent than fighting, and they are used to contain the S-rank ninjas of other ninja villages.

That is to say, at the moment of the decisive battle, if Chiba enters the battlefield, it is estimated that many "other ninja villages' hole card strength" will be the focus of attack, and the hole card strength of these other ninja villages includes Yun Yin's AB combination, Even the kage-level masters who went into the battlefield... Chiba has no confidence. Among the cards of other ninja villages, he can escape 100% of the cards, and he doesn't even dare to have the confidence to survive.


No matter which village spreads my story and makes the efforts of the three generations of Hokage to protect me go to waste, Qixin will be punished!

Chiba flew in the primeval forest, clenching his teeth. He didn't think celebrity treatment was any good. On the contrary, in order to change the fate of Kakashi, Obito and Lin, he had to be as unknown as possible, otherwise, even if he saved Kakashi and Obito were killed, and because of their own reasons, they attracted a large group of trump card fighters. That didn’t mean that Obito and Kakashi were harmed. over!

As for the person who made him a "war celebrity", he also has an idea in his mind.

The most likely one is Hidden Sand Village!

Followed by Yunyin Village!

Whether it was Chiyo's First Battle or Iwagakure's battle against Sagakure, Chiba was either Sagakure's opponent or Sagakure's ally, and in these two battles, one was to defeat an S-level ninja like Chiyo by tricks, the other It is to save the remnants of Sha Yin under the heavy siege of Yan Yin, any one thing is enough to make a name for himself.

Moreover, Sand Hidden Village also has enough reasons to spread his deeds.

Chiba never thought that Shayin Village and Muye Village formed an alliance, and even after Muye Village returned some young captives, Shayin Village would help Konoha wholeheartedly. If conditions permit, Shayin will probably not hesitate Stabbed Konoha in the back.

It's just that Sha Yin Village is weak now, and has to rely on the alliance with Konoha. Sand Yin also knows that the reason why Konoha returned those young captives was just forced by the situation.

But even if it has to rely on Konoha's alliance, it doesn't mean that Sand Hidden Village will quietly watch Konoha become strong, watch Konoha continue to give birth to powerful ninjas, and their strength continues to expand.

Although it is inconvenient to shoot directly, it can kill people with a knife!

Kill people with Yanyin and Yunyin's knives!

And this plan to kill with a knife, the person killed is undoubtedly the most dazzling Konoha genius, Chiba!

This method of borrowing a knife is to publicize Chiba's deeds, let Yunyin, Yanyin and even Wuyin know that Konoha has given birth to a dazzling genius, an inevitable strong in the future, let Yunyin, Yanyin and Wuyin know Wu Yin felt apprehensive, focused on paying attention, and killed them collectively.

Even, Qianye could guess who set up this plan to kill with a knife.

Sha Zhi Hai Lao Zang is indeed one of the two characters who supported Sha Yin. This plan to kill with a sword not only kills with a sword, but also hurts with a sword!

While weakening Konoha, I am also using my hand to weaken Yunyin, Yanyin and Wuyin. If people want to kill me, I will definitely resist. With my strength, I can also kill many ninjas in these three ninja villages. .

This is to hit the enemy's forces to me, and then use my hand to kill the enemies I can kill, thereby weakening other ninja villages.

Just a little publicity can weaken the four Ninja villages!

Sha Yin is sure to make money but not lose money!

Thinking of this, Qianye actually couldn't help sighing a little, although Hai Laozang's heart was to be punished, but Qianye didn't think he was despicable, on the contrary, this strategy was brilliant. There was still a bit of surprise in my heart.

Apart from Sand Yin, Chiba also knew that Yan Yin probably also knew his situation, but Yan Yin was different from Sand Yin, Sand Yin was unable to fight anymore and could only protect himself, so he used a borrowed knife to kill people.

But Yan Yin is different, they still have the power to fight. Konoha has a person like Taki Chiba, who can be used completely. If Yun Yin does not know the existence of Taki Chiba, but they know, then they have their own advantages. They can Be careful with Taki Chiba, and even take the initiative to avoid contact with Taki Chiba, but Yun Yin doesn't know, he will definitely suffer a big loss from Taki Chiba, and when the time comes, if they do something more, won't Yun Yin suffer Even worse, he could even get rid of this guy Taki Chiba.

Therefore, Chiba excluded Iwagakure.

As for Yunyin, although he fought Yeyuebi, Yeyuebi was dead, and all his entourage were also killed. The news could not be sent back to Yunyin, Yunyin probably didn't know.

Therefore, Chiba concluded that this was the work of Sand Yin, and it was the work of Sand Yin Ebizo.

Sigh, I have to be more careful, this mission must be completed as soon as possible, and then return to the village, no more missions will be accepted!

One is to concentrate on training, and the other is to reduce some sense of presence!

I hope that everything will go well in the future and reach the encirclement directly!

The state of the wooden figure should be about the same...


A series of thoughts flashed through Qianye's mind, and he stepped on the huge branch of the virgin forest and squatted slightly.

The next second, the chakra under his feet exploded suddenly, and the moment his body bounced up, he had already jumped over two or three horizontal branches and flew away.

At this moment, Qianye's complexion changed, and his eyes suddenly looked to the right.

A kunai shot out from the right side of his face impressively, and the detonating talisman at the end fluttered in the wind, making a crackling sound.

Almost slapped him in the face!


With a slight sound, the detonating talisman suddenly ignited!

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