Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 543 Is there a better way?

"you mean……"

Hirohiko and Yukina asked together.

"It's actually very simple, and we also have time. This matter does not conflict with our purpose of returning to the village. Qianqiu's current situation is that he does not have the strength to protect himself and the skills to survive. First, he cannot protect himself, and second, he has no other way." Let yourself be full, as long as these two problems are solved, then even if Qianqiu stays here, there will be no problem." Qianye said.

As soon as Qianye said this, Hirohiko and Yukina frowned. After looking at each other, Hirohiko said, "Are you going to cultivate Qianqiu's ability to survive in the wild and teach her ninjutsu?"

"That's right! She is very smart, and she can learn it almost as soon as she learns it. Although our recovery time will not be too long, we should be able to let her master chakra. If time permits, we will teach her ninjutsu. If not , we will leave some common ninjutsu and let her rest by herself on weekdays. After she has the foundation of ninjutsu, she will learn some survival skills in the wild. According to the situation here, she can also prey on wild animals. She will never starve to death. Wait until the war When it's over, we'll come back to pick her up, and then, even if we forcibly take her away, it won't be a big problem." Chiba nodded and said.

"However, the village strictly prohibits teaching ninjutsu to people outside the village. Teaching ninjutsu to outsiders privately is a serious crime against the village regulations. If we bring Qianqiu to the village and become a member of the village, and get permission from Naruto, then Being able to teach her ninjutsu, survival skills in the wild is not a problem, but ninjutsu..."

Xue Nai frowned, expressing her disapproval.

The village has strict regulations that people outside the village cannot be taught ninjutsu privately. If you violate this regulation, you will be charged with a relatively serious crime. If the village knows about Qianye's decision, not only will Qianye face imprisonment, but he will even have to kill Qianqiu himself. In a sense, Qianqiu will also be harmed.

This is absolutely ill-advised.

"So, do you have a better way?"

Hearing Xue Nai's words, Qianye couldn't help sighing, and said helplessly.

Of course he knows that what Xue Nai said is correct. In terms of ninjutsu, any village is strictly controlled, not only the Muye Village family, but even Muye Village's punishment in this regard is relatively lenient.

In other villages, not only the parties involved and the instructees, but also those who are related to this incident and who do not report in time will all be punished, or even punished for the same crime, and all will be executed.

To teach ninjutsu to people outside the village, the loyalty of the person concerned is already questionable. Imprisonment like Konoha is already a chance for the person concerned. As for the person who is taught ninjutsu, it is to prove his loyalty.

However, after proving his loyalty, he was only saved from death, and the village will not reuse him. It is estimated that I will spend my whole life on some small tasks.

It can also be seen from here how tolerant Konoha's policy is.

As for the situation of Jiraiya teaching Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan, it is completely different from him. Jiraiya had already become famous at that time, and he was a disciple of the third generation of Hokage. No matter in terms of strength, prestige, or degree of trust, they are not the same.

Powerful people like Jiraiya, and even people like Konoha's Optimus in the future, naturally have some autonomy. In a sense, the village's shackles on him are much lighter, and Jiraiya itself is a A disciple of Sandai Hokage, it is impossible for Sandai Hokage to suspect that he is a traitor because of Sandai Hokage's trust in him. Jiraiya taught the judgment of Yahiko and the three of them. I am afraid that it will eventually pass to Sandai Hokage. It is recognized and permitted by Sandai Hokage. Perhaps Sandai Hokage It is to believe in the judgment of his disciples, and to believe that his disciples can handle it well, plus Nagato's reincarnation eye and the inference of the son of prophecy, the third Hokage may definitely not care about it.

And when World War II was about to end, this matter would be over.

However, if you really want to punish Jiraiya, with Jiraiya's prestige and achievements, even Hokage has to think twice. After all, given Jiraiya's prestige and achievements, this crime does not seem to be a big crime up.

If it is not handled properly, it may even cause turmoil, which is not conducive to the end of the war.

Because of emotion and reason, the three generations of Hokage will not punish Jiraiya.

But he is different, even if he is a seed, the third Hokage pays more attention to him now, he is still far inferior to Jiraiya, he will definitely eat this punishment.

Xue Nai's worry is not unreasonable.

However, teaching Qianqiu ninjutsu now is the best way he can think of to ensure that Tu returns to the village and change Qianqiu's current situation.

Other than that, there is no other way, unless they can just sit back and watch Qianqiu wait to die here.

The answer is obvious, they will not sit idly by Qianqiu.

As soon as Chiba's words came out, Xue Nai and Hirohiko fell into silence, you looked at me, I looked at you, and finally did not speak.

After a while, seeing that neither of them spoke, Chiba said: "Then, when we can eat, let's wake up Qianqiu and explain to her about learning ninjutsu and survival skills. It doesn't matter whether she answers or not. If you don’t agree, we must teach her what should be taught to her.”


Hearing this, Xue Nai and Hirohiko looked at each other again, sighed, and nodded silently.

Then, the three of them focused their gazes on the pork soup, and before they knew it, the smell of meat from all around entered their noses.


Unanimously, the stomachs of the three of them groaned.

"Why isn't it alright..."

Qianye looked at the meat in the pot, and said, with a hint of eagerness in his tone.

"Hmm...so slow..."

Xue Nai couldn't help but say a word.

"Why don't you try it first?"

Hirohiko said very seriously with a straight poker face.

The three of them haven't had a good meal for many days. During the rescue mission, they either fought continuously or ran away desperately. They basically used military food pills to satisfy their hunger. Although military food pills can relieve hunger, Like food, it can supplement physical strength and chakra, but after all, it is not as good as real food, and the taste and satiety cannot be replaced.

At this moment, the three of them were so hungry that they could feel their stomachs calling for the pork in the jar.

What's more, now there is still the smell of meat permeating the nostrils, which adds to the appetite.

As soon as Hirohiko said this, Chiba and Xue Nai looked at him almost at the same time, their eyes were burning, and in an instant, a chill rose from Hirohiko's back.

Then, a smile appeared on the corner of Chiba's mouth.

A meaningful smile.

At the same time, Xue Nai had already used the washed Kunai to fork a small piece of pork and handed it to him.

"Hey, Hirohiko, good idea, so I leave it to you."

Chiba said meaningfully.

And looking at the piece of meat that didn't look very familiar, Hongyan swallowed, and looked at the two men whose eyes were shining brightly, the corners of his mouth twitched.

This piece is obviously not familiar!

"Hey! What are you doing!"

And just as this thought flashed by, Hongyan's eyes widened suddenly, and in the reflection of his pupils, the unfamiliar piece of meat was slowly getting bigger...

"Hey! Hey! You!"


You wait for me!

It turns out that the couple are working together...wait for me!

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