The next day, early morning.

"Bang bang bang!"

The sound of knocking on the roof awakened Chiba from her sleep.

"Qianqiu, you have to remember that when making clothes out of animal skins, it's best to rub it with lime to remove the oil first, and then... remember, the seams here must be tight, not too loose, but not too tight..."

Then, Xue Nai's gentle voice came from a little distance to the left.

"Yeah! I see!"

Then, there was Qianqiu's earnest response, which was as crisp as a silver bell, which revived Qianye, and his drowsiness disappeared. He opened his eyes, and what caught his eyes was the light shining through the holes on the roof. The light seemed to be blocked by something, and that's where the knocking came from.

It's already morning!

Qianye sat up slowly, touched her stomach, seemed to feel some discomfort, smiled wryly at the corner of her mouth, but couldn't remember what happened yesterday, and there was a memory in her head that seemed to have disappeared. No matter how you think about it, it is blank.

He can recall the memory before this blank memory.

He only remembered that last night, after Qianqiu handed out the pineapple and asked them to eat it, the three of them all wanted to find an excuse to let Qianqiu eat these three pineapples. Secondly, I have to say that at that time they were really moved by Qianqiu. This girl was not only strong, intelligent, but also pure and kind-hearted. She must have felt very uncomfortable when she learned that they were going back to the village immediately, but she still felt sorry for her. They celebrate, they really appreciate and love this little girl, her talent is rare, but her innocence and kindness are even more precious, at the same time, they feel more guilty in their hearts, almost subconsciously, they want to put all the good things To her, make up for the guilt in my heart and hope that she can live a better life.

However, the three of them are not very good at talking, and when they met Qianqiu's big eyes, they didn't know what to say, what should be said to make Qianqiu eat pineapple, in the end, they panicked As a result, they all stared at the charred broth.

And he himself was the fastest, saying "I'll just eat this, Li, Qianqiu, eat it yourself!", then picked up the spoon and started eating.

The memory, from the period after the entrance of the food, started to be blank.

In other words, he couldn't remember the memory after the food was eaten.

Just one bite... That food can already be used as a weapon...

Qianye frowned, her slightly blue face was full of an "indescribable" expression.

I can't tell if it's bitterness, fear, or fear.

But he turned his head, and saw Qianqiu was sitting in Xue Nai's arms beside the bonfire, beside the tumbling broth, watching Xue Nai carefully sewing the wild boar skin and deer skin, the two pieces of leather had already dried in the sun After removing the oil, it looks like a leather garment, but Chiba's focus is on Xue Nai's unfamiliar sewing techniques, the bandages on the light-white jade fingers, and the dress on Qianqiu's body. How long are the clothes.

Yeah? Are you teaching Qianqiu how to sew clothes?

Chiba got out of bed and looked at the two with a slight smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Bang bang bang!"

At this time, the knocking sound above his head attracted his attention, Qianye looked up, and saw another gloomy light was covered, and then there was the sound of banging.

Is it Hirohiko?

Is this repairing the roof?

Chiba took two steps and left around the bed. The pots beside the bed had been taken away. In Chiba's eyes, it could be clearly seen that those scorched pots were neatly placed under the table. They don't look very beautiful, but after washing, they can still be used.

Just like the scorched water tank in the corner of the house, it is thanks to the water tank these days.

While walking, Chiba looked around the room which was only fifty square meters, and passed by Xue Nai and Qian Qiu who were concentrating on teaching and studying, with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

He didn't bother them, but walked out of the house silently.

The sky was still gloomy, and there was a chill in the morning wind, blowing past his face, and the slight chill made his head clearer.

Chiba glanced at Hirohiko who was busy on the roof, and called out, "Do you want me to help?"

Hearing Chiba's voice, Hirohiko paused the falling hammer slightly, looked back down, shook his head, and said, "No need, you can go about your business."


Hearing this, Chiba nodded, then walked back to the room, sat down in front of the ink-filled table, stretched out her left hand, picked up the pen, spread out one of the five or six scrolls placed on it, and began to write.

For a while, the sound of banging, silent writing, Xue Nai's patient explanation and the sound of iron needles piercing the leather were mixed in the dilapidated but still standing in the ruins of the hut, and the whole hut emanated With a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere, it has been spreading, and finally, it seems that the entire ruins surrounding the hut have become quiet and peaceful.


In the house, at noon.

"Are you full?"

Hirohiko put down the soup bowl, looked at the patched hole, and turned to ask Qianqiu, who was sitting opposite and chewing with puffy cheeks.

"woo woo woo woo!"

Hearing Hongyan's words, Qianqiu puffed her cheeks and nodded repeatedly, saying something in her mouth, but her mouth was full of meat and gravy, but she didn't know what she said.

"woo woo woo woo!"

At this time, a vague sound came from beside Hongyan, and Chiba was also puffing her cheeks, her mouth was full of meat and gravy, and she looked at Qianqiu with serious eyes, as if she was teaching Qianqiu a lesson, but she didn't know that he was teaching him a lesson. What.

"Both of you, swallow your food before talking!"

At this time, Xue Nai, who seemed to be unable to bear it any longer, let out a drink.

Immediately, Qianye and Qianqiu both lowered their heads at the same time and chewed vigorously.

"Eat well, let's go, we learned a lot today."

Seeing how the two were chewing fiercely, Hirohiko stood up, with the same poker face, and walked to the door as he spoke.

Seeing Hongyan's appearance, Qianqiu suddenly stood up and ran over. The meat is still chewing in the mouth.


Seeing Qianqiu running while chewing meat, Xue Nai seemed to want to yell again, but suddenly thought of something, and swallowed the words just as she started.

I saw that Hongyan stretched out a hand over there, and handed it to Qianqiu.

Qian Qiu blinked, and the speed of chewing immediately slowed down, as if he didn't know what this brother with a poker face who usually doesn't talk much meant.

However, after thinking about it for a while, she understood. She smiled with a "uh heh heh", she stretched out her hand, held his hand, and followed Hirohiko out the door.

And all this fell in the eyes of Qianye and Xue Nai, and they each smiled.


Outside, evening.

"Remember, you have to shake it like this, otherwise the angle will be off."

Hirohiko and Qianqiu walked all the way to the hut, Hirohiko was talking, while gesticulating the way his wrist and fingers turned.

And Qianqiu followed him step by step, staring carefully at the movements of Hongyan's wrist and fingers, memorizing them carefully, and raising his little hands to imitate them from time to time.

When they got to the door, Hirohiko asked, and Qianqiu nodded, expressing that he remembered.

At this time, Chiba, who had been sitting at the desk for a whole day, rolled up the last scroll, exhaled slightly, turned to look at Hirohiko and Qianqiu, and smiled slightly: "Let's eat."

"Sit down."

Xue Nai's voice came at the same time. At this moment, on the four stools with missing legs beside the campfire, there were already bowls of meaty broth, with wild vegetables and fungi floating in golden meat oil beside the bowls. edge floating.


Qian Qiu nodded heavily, his nose twitching, already salivating.


Hirohiko patted Qianqiu's head, and said in a rare soft voice.

And after the sound, Qianqiu rushed over extremely quickly, picked up the broth almost at the same time as Qianye who was near the water tower, sat down and drank it.

Afterwards, Hirohiko also sat down.

While watching Qianqiu's eating, Xue Nai sat down with a smile, and took a small sip of the broth.

The bonfire emitted warm yellow light, illuminating the hut, and also stretched the shadows of the four people.

"Qianye, you are robbing Qianqiu for"

Afterwards, Hirohiko's voice of blaming Chiba sounded.


After that, there was Xue Nai's helpless voice.

However, the only answer to them was the sound of chewing meat and drinking soup.

"Clack cluck!"

Then, there was a burst of laughter like silver bells.


In the house, after dinner.

Qianye looked at Qianqiu who was staring at her in the dark, touched her head unconsciously, looked at the six scrolls she was holding in her hand, and reminded again with some concern: "There are four scrolls in here. Scrolls are the basic ninjutsu of earth escape, wind escape, fire escape, and water escape. They add up to a lot. You must learn to use them in a reasonable combination. If any of the escape techniques cannot be used, it means that you do not have this attribute. , then you may be the chakra of the thunder attribute, we don’t know the ninjutsu of the thunder attribute, but I wrote how to change the nature of chakra in the fifth scroll, the basics of chakra’s nature change and form change, you can try it, You should be able to transform chakra into lightning, how to use it depends on your own understanding, remember what I told you?"

"Well! Qianqiu remembers that ninjutsu is the imaginative realization of Chakra, and the competition of ninjutsu is the competition of imagination."

Qian Qiu tightened the scroll in his arms, and said crisply.

"Well, the sixth scroll is the learning scroll of the shadow clone technique. You have to remember that the shadow clone is dangerous, so you must be cautious. Chakra should be used as much as possible." Qianye said again.


Qianqiu nodded again and again, her small mouth was lightly clenched.

"Finally, do you remember the authentic method of using the organ under the bed?"

Chiba glanced under the bed in the back, where he created a space with the earth escape technique, and with the help of Hirohiko, he dug a tunnel leading to a suitable place for hiding and escaping in the ruins, and set up a In the sealing mechanism, Hiroko imported the ninjutsu of fire escape and wind escape into the mechanism. As long as the Qianqiu seal is untied, anyone who enters rashly will be burned to ashes by Hiroko's combination of wind escape and fire escape ninjutsu.


Qianqiu nodded heavily.

"Remember, if the enemy doesn't notice that you have escaped, you don't need to use this mechanism. If someone chases you along the tunnel, you must make sure you run out of the tunnel before using the mechanism, you know?"

Chiba seemed a little worried, and reminded again.

"Well, Qianqiu will never forget."

Qian Qiu's face was full of seriousness.


Qianye nodded, thought about it carefully, and after confirming that there was nothing to explain, he sighed and said, "Have you really decided?"

"Well! It's decided, brother Qianye, you have to be careful."

Hearing Qianye's words, Qianqiu hesitated for a moment, but his eyes still turned firm, obviously his mind had been made up.

"Okay, then Qianqiu has to take care of himself, we will definitely come back to see you!"

Qianye patted Qianqiu's head again, turned around and stepped out of the door frame, towards Hirohiko and Yukina who were looking from outside the door.

Tonight is the day of parting, when they return to the village!

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