Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 561 Leave as soon as possible!

"Qianye, how is it, has Qianqiu returned to the house?"

After breaking through the ruined wall in the distance outside the hut, Xue Nai and Hirohiko crouched carefully, looked at Chiba in front, saw that he had not spoken, and finally couldn't help but speak.

"Wait a moment!"

But at this time, Qianye gently raised his hand to signal Xue Nai not to speak, and his posture on the broken wall was slightly elevated, revealing a pair of green eyes, carefully looking at the door of the house , looking at the little girl who has been waving.

"Not yet?"

At this time, Hirohiko seemed to be unable to help asking.

Qianye didn't reply, because the little girl was still waving, but at this moment his brows were already slightly wrinkled.

Qianqiu...in fact, I feel very reluctant!

Qianye pursed her lips slightly.

In fact, last night, when they were in a coma, Xue Nai and Hirohiko couldn't help explaining to Qianqiu that they were leaving, and thought of a lot of reasons to convince Qianqiu, and they even wondered if they could send Qianqiu away. I took it back, but I didn't expect that after they put forward such tentative words as "tomorrow, we may have to go back...", Qianqiu agreed immediately.

"Well, Qianqiu knows, it doesn't matter, Qianqiu has learned so many things, it's okay to be alone!"

These were her straightforward words at the time. After she finished speaking, she smiled a little, obviously to reassure them.

At that time, Xue Nai and Hirohiko were stunned. Originally, they thought that Qianqiu would be sad, and that this well-behaved little girl might even show a little temper, and unexpectedly cry for a while, but unexpectedly, Qianqiu It would actually make them feel at ease, and they agreed.

Even, afraid that they would be worried, he added the sentence "it's fine to be alone".

Of course, what Qianqiu meant was that she would not leave with them, she was determined to wait for her father here alone.

And hearing Qian Qiu's words, they really couldn't ask her to leave with them, or take her away forcibly.

However, they were actually relieved to get such a reply from Qianqiu. If Qianqiu refused to agree, they would be a little at a loss. They understand Qianqiu's mood, and they also understand that this is a pair who is only five years old and almost six years old. What a cruel thing for a little girl living in this loneliness and ruins.

And this afternoon, when Xue Nai explained this matter to herself while making a simple ninja bag, Chiba was actually relieved, and at the same time deeply felt that Qianqiu might have asked her if she wanted to go with her When they were together, they already knew that they would definitely part.

Because, she will not leave here, she has to wait for her father, and after all, they are only here to recuperate from their injuries, and it is impossible to accompany her for the rest of their lives.

This child... is already mentally prepared!

Thinking of this, Qianye couldn't help sighing in his heart, and at this moment, the little girl at the door seemed tired of waving her hand, and finally slowly put down her waving hand, hugged the scroll, looked around again, and then ran back out of the house.

Seeing this, Qianye said: "Qianqiu has gone back."

As he spoke, he took a few steps back and turned around.

"Qianye, can't you stay one more day?" At this time, Xue Nai frowned, but said: "Look, Qianqiu's house doesn't even have a door panel. What if we encounter enemies? If there is a door, At least it can block for a while, and buy Qianqiu some time to go down the secret path."

As soon as these words came out, Hirohiko frowned, thought for a moment, opened his mouth, and seemed to want to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything, and looked at Chiba silently.

Sensing the gazes of Hirohiko and Yukina, Chiba looked at the right hand that was still hanging on his chest. Although the left hand had recovered, the right hand was severely fractured after all. A hundred days of injury, although Chiba uses medical chakra every day to recover quickly, but on the bones, medical ninjutsu has very limited effects, and the right hand has not recovered yet, and I don’t know how many days it will take to recover.

To be honest, he also wanted to stay, and even thought about using "the right hand has not recovered" as an excuse to convince himself to stay.

However, his rationality told him, no! Absolutely not!

Now, it is absolutely impossible to stay here, and even staying here yesterday and today is already the limit, and it is even a little irrational.

"No, we can't forget the mission of the village because of Qianqiu. Now we have to go back. There may be infinite variables at a moment's delay. Moreover, we may not be able to reach the village smoothly when we set off now. We may encounter Yun Yin in the middle. And Yan Yin's intercepting force. Several days have passed, and the brigade's rampage should have subsided, and now Yan Yin and Yun Yin must have noticed that we took advantage of the chaos and escaped, and even the team that searched for our corpses should have reported back. After finding our corpse, Yun Yin will definitely search frantically to stop us... Yan Yin, um... Yan Yin may not be too active, no! Yan Yin will definitely be very active. Even if we leave now, I can't be sure if we can send back the defense map in a smooth and timely manner." Qianye frowned deeply, and said: "We left in a hurry, you are almost exhausted, and I am comatose, there will definitely be traces left, even if there is no solution. We can't keep the seal of the defense plan for a long time, it will hurt thousands of years."


Xue Nai took half a step forward, and seemed to have something to say, but was interrupted by Chiba.

"No, Qianqiu also told us not to worry, she is already prepared in her heart, she is a strong child, and she is also very smart, and the experience of living alone in the ruins that we did not come can also make Qianqiu live a good life. Going down, and we stay, will attract Yanyin and Yunyin's pursuers. In front of the defense map, they don't care whether Qianqiu is a cute and lovable little girl, she will only become Yunyin and Yunyin. Yan Yin threatened us to hand over the bargaining chip of the defense map. If we were not here, they would only treat Qian Qiu as an insignificant little girl. Moreover, I also told Qian Qiu that she must never use ninjutsu in front of others or fight with us. Anything related to the professor and our affairs, she also knows to keep it secret, Qianqiu will definitely live on, and when the war is over, we will come back to pick her up, even if it is forced, we will take her to the village .”

Chiba said resolutely, and while speaking, she had already walked between Hirohiko and Xue Nai, with a determination, she flew out, and the direction was exactly the direction to return to Konoha.

Looking at the back of Chiba who decided to leave, Xue Nai slightly bit her lower lip with her white teeth.

"Let's go, Chiba is right."

At this time, Hirohiko opened his mouth and said.

"I know..." Xue Nai nodded, Qianye's analysis was very clear and correct, at this time, she had to go back to the village, and she had to go back to the village as soon as possible: "But..."

"Okay, let's go, we'll come back when the war is over."

Hirohiko saw that Chiba had gone far ahead, left a sentence, and followed.


Xue Nai nodded, and took a last look at the broken wall, her eyes seemed to stretch away, she gritted her teeth, the chakra exploded under her feet, and followed Chiba and Hirohiko.

Qianqiu, live well and wait for us to pick you up!

During the flight, a thought popped up in the hearts of the three of them at the same time.

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