Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 605 Pull yourself together!

Stick to your goals and don't... give up?

Chiba slowly took a breath, and with a "click", closed the drawn ninja sword again.

Then, he slowly raised his head, his reddish eyes flashed with firmness and determination.


This is a world, a real Naruto world, a reality, no matter what, everything cannot be as you wish.

I want to fight alongside Shiga.

However, the reality is that it is impossible for the two of us to fight side by side. Shiga, who is Iwakakushi's spy, and Ryumi, who died because of me, this is the inevitability of the bond between us. It can be said that this is the two of us. Between the inevitable fate.

It is simply a helpless thing that cannot be changed!

However, there is one more thing now, even if I can't change it, I still have to leverage that fate, and the turning point of this fate is coming, I don't have time to lament about this matter.

Whether Shiga betrayed me, almost assassinated me, or he made a choice!

Now is not the time to think about these things!

I have my goal. Isn't everything I have done in the past three years just for this goal?

Next, every minute, every second, I have to prepare for this turning point, change this turning point, and lead it to the destiny I want. This is the only thing I need to think about and practice for it. !



At this moment, the incomparable situation in Qianye's heart, the gloom and pain that Shiga Taketake left in his heart is slowly fading away, and an unwavering thought is occupying his heart.

Ever since he woke up, Shiga's voice of resentment at the end has been echoing in Chiba's mind, the resentment and pain of the chest pain pierced by the friend's sword entrenched in his heart, as well as the depression and sadness of the ending that he can't change after thinking about it. Panic.

Before Obito arrived, he was already on the verge of death. During this day and night, what he thought most was "What would happen if I knew Shiga's identity?"

However, the answer will eventually evolve into the current situation. At most, because he knows Shiga's identity, he can take precautions so that he won't be pierced through his chest.

He thought about countless possibilities, thought about countless plans, it can be said that he racked his brains, but no matter what assumptions he made, he couldn't change the current ending.

Because Ryumi is the spy of Yan Yin, the key to the Kushina incident, and also the key bargaining chip for him to rescue Kushina from Danzo.

Without Ryumi, he would definitely not be able to convince Sandai Hokage, Mitomon Yan and Zhuanju Koharu, and he would not be able to completely block Danzo's mouth.

Lumi is what he must catch.

It must also be handed over to the village.

However, when a spy got into the hands of the village, he couldn't save Liumi without revealing his identity.

This is a very dangerous thing, and it is an impossible and suicidal thing to succeed.

It is impossible for him now to betray Konoha, Kushina, Hirohiko, Yukina, Kakashi, Obito, Rin, Kai, Ebisu, Shiranui Genma... There are too many ties here, it is impossible for him to Leaving Konoha.

In the end, Ryumi will still die, Shiga will still be full of hatred, fall into darkness, and will still deliberately kill him.

He and his fate cannot be changed.

It was also because of this that he felt powerless and gloomy, and even had a strong fear in his heart.

If this reality, the reality of this Hokage world, is really as cruel as the previous life, and the fate is really the same as his and Shiga's, it cannot be changed...

Then, Kushina... Even Obito and Rin will leave him, and he will lose more people.

He is afraid of failure, afraid of losing, and with these fears, his confidence is constantly losing.

Even, he started to cringe.

But now, after seeing this suicide note and seeing this sword, Qianye felt a sense of warmth and peace of mind.

It was as if the one-armed, strong guy who disliked geniuses was silently supporting himself behind his back.

The gloom caused by Shiga seemed to dissipate slowly.

The fear caused by Shiga's fate also seemed to dissipate.

At this moment, his heart became firm again.

Now, he can only change by doing it. Only by thinking of all the problems that may occur when he changes his destiny, and making a preventive or contingency plan, can he increase the probability of success to 100% as much as possible. Reach your goals!

Save all these sorrows and pains until you change your destiny, and then feel sorry for yourself!

A series of thoughts and ideas in Qianye's mind finally turned into such a determination to sweep away the previous haze.

Thinking of this, Chiba put down the ninja sword Kento left him, silently picked up the scroll of Queshan's cultivation method, and prepared to study it.

Jianren wrote very detailed, I believe you can learn it soon, and this bird flash, at a critical time, can even become a winning trump card.

Moreover, compared to the big movement of strange power, the sparrow's flash can be said to be silent, and sometimes, it can also have miraculous effects.

Add it!

I have almost learned medical ninjutsu, and I can use it freely in actual combat. I have also learned almost all the medical ninjutsu left by Tsunade. This part can be deleted in future training programs.

In terms of sealing technique, if you have time, study it. If you don’t have time, forget it. Unlocking the sealing technique of Yanyin has made my understanding of sealing technique stronger, and it can save a lot of time here.

It can be used to practice Que Shan.

In terms of the development of new techniques, this Thousand Needles Hell also gave me a few good improvement methods, which should be perfected to perfection in a short period of time.

As for the water escape ninjutsu, its progress is already faster than that of Thousand Needles Hell, and it should be perfected in a short time.

And the gymnastics training that has been put down for a long time, it seems that I should make up for it!

Thinking about it, Qianye shook her bandaged hand, narrowed her eyes slightly, and then, her eyes fell on the scroll in her hand, and began to study it.

While I am in the hospital now, I have to understand Que Shan thoroughly. After all, this is the first time I have come into contact with swordsmanship, and it is also the first time I can have a systematic understanding of swordsmanship.

Such a thought came to his mind.

"Chiba! Pull yourself together!"

But just when this idea came to his mind, there was a burst of shouts from boys and girls outside the window.

Those guys...

Hearing this shout, Qianye was taken aback, and couldn't help but climbed out of bed, walked to the window, and when he looked down.

But at the gate of the hospital, Obito, Rin, Kai, Ebisu, and Hong were putting their hands around their mouths, making a trumpet shape, and facing the window.

Apparently it was they who yelled.

And Shiranui Genma and Asma are biting Senben and toothpicks, looking at him with one hand in their pockets with a slight smile.

At the end of them, Kakashi covered his face with one hand, with a "shameful" look, but in the corner of his eyes, the reflection was also the window where he was, judging by the slightly lowered corners of his eyes, it is estimated that Under the mask is the same smile as Genma and Asma.

Absolutely want to change fate!

Looking at them, Qianye's fists were slightly clenched, and then she quickly returned to the hospital bed.

But... they look, really a bit embarrassing... it's better not to show up.

"Ah, came out and went back."

At this time, Shiranui Genma opened his mouth and keenly caught Chiba's voice flashing back.


On the back of Obito's head, drops of cold sweat slowly emerged.

At this moment, four complaining eyes were fixed on the back of his head.

"I lost my life..."

Kakashi turned his head even further, covering his face even tighter.

At the same time, Asma also made the same action as him.

"You guys, this is a hospital, be quiet!"

At this time, a familiar roar came from the hospital.

Immediately, everyone in Obito Kakashi shrugged their shoulders, their faces turned pale with shock, and cold sweat came out densely from the back of their heads almost at the same time.

"Oops! It's Teacher Kushina, run away!"

Someone screamed in pain, and the eight of them scattered like birds and beasts, and fled across the road.

"Obito, it's you again!"

And the next second, a crimson figure flashed out after a certain boy with goggles.

"Why, it's me again!"

Afterwards, the voice of the boy in goggles who wanted to cry without tears resounded in the nearby streets.

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