Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 615 Weird Atmosphere

it's wired……

Too strange!

Qianye walked on the most prosperous road in the village, which was also his way back to the cabin, his brows were slightly frowned, and every time he took a step, he would say "strange" in his heart, and even his walking posture was a bit stiff.

what happened?

What's going on?

Qianye's lips were slightly pursed, outlining a slightly stiff arc, which made him look a bit embarrassed.

In fact, it's no wonder that Qianye has an embarrassed look. At this moment, the bustling road he is walking on...

All quiet!

Yes, the originally bustling and prosperous street was silent at this moment. It wasn't that there were no customers and merchants, and it wasn't that the shops were closed. On the contrary, it was still almost crowded.

However, there is no bustling noise in the past, only a piece of quietness that can be heard when a needle falls.

What's going on today? Could it be that because of the war, the village has fallen into some kind of unrest?


No matter how you put it, it’s impossible. If you fall into some kind of unstable situation, you should either express depression or the feeling that riots are about to break out...

But the current situation, although quiet, but...

Thinking about it, Qianye took a step forward, and took a step from the human walls on both sides, and the pedestrians on both sides who saw Qianye walking back and forth, gave way one after another, stared at Qianye, and followed his walk all the way. moving.

This situation...

Chiba frowned slightly, and suddenly felt goosebumps on her back, which was really embarrassing.

He just left the Hokage building, and after walking for a while, he got used to entering the busiest part of the village, which is also his usual route back to the cabin, but unexpectedly, when he stepped into this bustling commercial street, the original human voice The bustling street became quiet all of a sudden, from the bustle of people to the audible sound of falling needles, which almost made him feel like the air was stagnant.

At the same time, after quieting down, the crowd that originally occupied the middle of the street suddenly dispersed towards the two sides, as if to make way for him, and everyone's eyes were fixed on him, as if See what no one has ever seen before.

Originally, Chiba planned to find an inconspicuous street and leave slowly. This is usually his first choice when he returns home, but now, unexpectedly, the crowd directly gave way to him, which Chiba did not expect In time, he had no choice but to walk on this road. After all, both sides of the street were crowded with people who gave way, and he couldn't find the unremarkable road except the one in the middle.

And this is not the most strange and embarrassing thing for Qianye, what makes him feel the most strange and embarrassing is the eyes of the crowd.

Yes, gaze.

In the eyes of the crowd, Qianye did not find the slightest disgust or contempt. Since he crossed over, he basically walked on the road. As long as there were people, there would be disgust and contempt. " scolded.

Until recently, that is, before the mission, Chiba was walking on the road, and there were questions such as "Master Shinsuke didn't care, let Master Xue Nai live with such a dirty son of a traitor for so long?", "Yeah , How could Master Shinsuke allow it? This is the son of that traitor, how can he rest assured that his daughter lives in his house?", "Oh... Could it be that Master Shinsuke still cares about the friendship with that traitor? That made Xue Nai My lord... No way, could it be that Master Shinsuke meant to let Master Xue Nai and this son of a traitor..." "What nonsense are you talking about? Make a clean break with that traitor. In the past ten years, I haven’t seen Mr. Shinsuke have any contact with this traitor’s son, don’t talk nonsense!”, “Even if this is not the case, the Hyuga family doesn’t care about it. How can such a noble family be with the traitor’s son? Together..." and other comments against him.

But this time, not only was there no discussion, but there was also no disgust or contempt. In fact, there was an inexplicable feeling of "looking at strangers" in everyone's eyes.

To be honest, besides embarrassment, Qianye is also somewhat confused and depressed.

I can't remember what I did to make the villagers cancel their disgust and contempt and all their "disgusting sons of traitors" comments.

How do you feel, their... view of me has changed a lot?

Qianye couldn't help but quicken his pace a lot, and his original plan to buy some ingredients to go back was completely forgotten, and now he didn't want to stay on this street for even a second longer.

Firstly, the attitude of the villagers was a bit abnormal, which made him feel uncomfortable. To put it in a word might not be appropriate to describe it. Without the usual loathing and disgusting gazes, Qianye felt uncomfortable now. Moreover, the villagers looked at him The look in his eyes gave him a feeling like "they are looking at some kind of "cherished monkey"...". This feeling of being surrounded by people really made him very uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

Secondly, the quiet atmosphere seemed even weirder among the crowd watching, which made him get goosebumps all over his body, making these gazes even more uncomfortable.

No matter what happens, get out of here first!

The sooner the better!

Thinking about it, Qianye's footsteps are getting faster and faster. First, he walked quickly and then slowly trotted. Fortunately, the commercial street is not too long. on the trail.

"Ah...he ran away..."

And the crowd whose eyes were following him all the time saw him turning into the woods after turning into the trail, and someone who didn't know said such a sentence in a daze, as if expressing it subconsciously.

"Well...run away."

Then, another sentence with the same tone as the previous sentence appeared from the crowd.

"Why are you running?"

Later, such a question appeared in the crowd, but it sounded so absent-minded that the question was very plain.

"Who knows? Why run..."

And then, there was a very absent-minded response.

Yes, why did he run away? He didn’t seem to have heard of us treating him like that before. He just ignored us, which made us a little annoyed and aggrieved. Why did we run away this time? We definitely didn’t mean anything ah.

At the same time, in everyone's mind, an idea popped up unconsciously.

grown up! Chiba.

At this time, among the crowd, the tall and strong boss who wrote the signboard of Konoha Mantou was standing with his chest folded, his eyes stretched all the way along the forest, and such a thought came to his mind.

It's just that I seldom come here to buy steamed buns. Is it because my craftsmanship has regressed?

Thinking of this, the owner of the steamed bun shop glanced at the extra-large Konoha steamed buns with meat filling specially made for Chiba in the shop, with a blank expression on his face.

"I have Miss Xue Nai taking care of me, how can I buy steamed buns from you." At this time, although the boss didn't show any strange expression, and even had a serious face like a steel plate from the beginning to the end, the man from the steamed bun shop But the proprietress seemed to have seen through his mind, and couldn't help but said.

Yeah? Because you have a girlfriend?

Hearing his wife's words, the owner of the steamed bun shop still folded his hands on his chest, with a serious expression like a steel plate, and turned his eyes back to the forest, where the figure had been completely invisible for a long time, and remained silent.

However, there was a flash of light in his eyes, like a cross star suddenly shining and spreading out.

Well done, Chiba!

And the proprietress beside him couldn't help sighing and shaking her head when she saw her husband's appearance.

He really likes Qianye, maybe, ten years ago, I shouldn't object to him adopting Qianye...

Thinking about it, the proprietress looked at the direction where Chiba was leaving, and sighed silently.

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