Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 618 Kakashi, hurry up!

This should be Xue Nai's bedroom.

Kakashi left the dining table, stopped before the stairs on the other side of the dining table, gently floated up the handrail of the stairs, and looked up at the closed door at the end of the stairs.

It turned out to be Chiba's bedroom...

Thinking of this, Kakashi narrowed his eyes slightly, and seemed to smile again. In his mind, it suddenly appeared that Xue Nai lived in a sunny and warm bedroom openly, and Chiba lived in a dark corner curled up under the blanket and shivering. Compare screens.

How does it feel like doves are occupying the magpie's nest...

However, maybe living with Chiba, the princess of the Hinata family, couldn't be happier...

I remember, what Lin said, Xue Nai seems to be very interested in Chiba.

Now I don't know what kind of mood those guys in the Hinata family who once pursued Xue Nai felt. The dream lover in their hearts lived in the house of the traitor's son they hated the most, and they lived in peace. They even passed the years with warmth and harmony, and it feels like their faces have been green in the past few years.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared under Kakashi's mask.

Speaking of which, at that time...

Suddenly, Kakashi remembered the day when Xue Nai was taken away.

Yeah? It was at that time that Xue Nai fell in love with this guy. It must have been. At that time, I still remember that Hyuga Yutaka was so angry that he wanted to kill Chiba. Later, I heard that it was Chiba who saved Yukina. People like Master Shinsuke also came to the scene in person, and invited Chiba at any time. Going to the Hyuga family, the third Hokage-sama also went.


Maybe, Master Shinsuke had a deep impression on Chiba at that time, maybe, now that Xue Nai lives in Chiba's house, it may not be Master Shinsuke's approval.

That is to say, maybe, Master Shinsuke intends to marry Chiba into Hinata's family... It's not necessarily true that Lin's suspicion is true.

I have never heard of the situation that the princess of the Hyuga family lives in someone else's house.

Thinking about it, Kakashi suddenly burst out laughing.

I don't know that the guys from the Hyuga family see this guy who they detested and despise who took away their dream lover every day, appearing in their sight every day, and he also gets the attention of Chiba from Shinsuke-sama, whom they love and respect like a god. Appearance, what kind of expression will it be.

Speaking of which, Xue Ying's attitude towards Chiba has changed a lot. At the beginning, he was still full of murderous intent, although the two of them were still at odds now, but it was obvious that Xue Ying's attitude towards Qianye had changed drastically.

What happened between them?

However, Xue Ying regards Xue Nai as her own sister and loves her... No, it's doting, and she always feels that she and Chiba are like gunpowder and fuse. If this marriage really happens, Hyuga's house will be very lively.

Kakashi was thinking very gossip in his heart, then Kakashi shook his head, turned around, pushed open the back door under the stairs, the sun shone in, and his eyes suddenly brightened, he couldn't help squinting his eyes.

After he got used to the sunlight, what was reflected in his eyes were the three neatly arranged wooden stakes that had been dented in the middle, and the pile of split but with This stake has the same dented firewood.

In the past three years, physical skills should not have been given up.

Kakashi raised a smile slightly, his eyes stopped staying, and he looked to the right, looking at the bathroom that was already tightly fitted like a small room derived from a log cabin.

Uh... This bathroom has changed a lot.

Kakashi narrowed his eyes slightly. He remembered that day, he was fishing late, and while he was eating in Chiba, he had to take a shower for some reason. In the heavy snow, he took the most impressive bath in his life.

Is it because Xue Nai came...

Thinking about the bathing situation at that time, Kakashi walked out while sweating on the back of his head, and walked into the woods behind the three wooden stakes, while frowning slightly.

Why does this forest feel so sparse?

Kakashi walked all the way, stepped over the wooden pile, walked along a path that was trampled out, and walked inside with ease.

He is quite familiar with this place, because when he was fishing, he walked from here. After passing through the woods, there is a small river, and there are still a lot of fish there.


However, he hadn't walked very far. After only a few dozen steps, he stopped, his eyes widened slightly, and he was quite surprised.

At this moment, in front of him, there is also an open space, a circular open space with fallen trees piled up on the edge, and it is also an open space that did not exist before.

What surprised him even more, and even surprised him, was the potholes in the middle of the open space, the marks on the surrounding trees that were either pierced or dented, and...

There were puddles of blood in the potholes on the ground!

It doesn't look like there's a fight...

Seeing this, Kakashi walked up subconsciously. After checking the traces, he concluded that it was not caused by fighting.

But in a second, a drop of cold sweat slowly flowed from his forehead.

This is the trace left by Chiba during training!

What kind of training did he have?

How much blood did he shed to make this place feel like a battlefield?

This is no longer training, but life and death!

Wisps of astonishment slowly emerged from Kakashi's eyes, and a doubtful thought popped up in his heart.

Needless to say, Chiba's talent, the degree of hard work even seems to be desperate, why? Why would he improve his strength so crazily?

Now he...does he really need to train so hard?

Or, does he have some secrets that I don't know that require such crazy and desperate training?

Kakashi squatted down, stroked a pool of blood that had turned black on the ground, and frowned.


But at this time, before he could think about it, a call came from the cabin.

"Kakashi, where did you go! It's about to start! Come on!"

After this call, Obito's shout came later.

That rascal……

After understanding Obito's shout, Kakashi closed his eyes and sighed, retracted his hand touching the blood, and stood up.

Now is not the time to think about these, let's go first.

Thinking about it, Kakashi got up, left the woods, then walked into the cabin through the back door, walked through the dining table, opened the front door of the cabin, and saw a bright light.

"Come on, come on, grab that side!"

Obito held the bamboo pole tied with the banner in one hand, pointed to the bamboo pole on the ground on the other side, and said loudly.

The others, on the other hand, adjusted their positions with a sense of haste on their faces.

Do you really want to do this? I feel so ashamed...

Kakashi paused for a moment, looked at the red banner and the bamboo pole, half-closed his eyes, and a huge drop of cold sweat slowly dripped from the back of his head.

"Hurry up! What are you doing! Chiba is coming!"

Obito saw that he didn't understand, and immediately became anxious, feeling a little jumping.


Seeing Obito anxious, he lowered his head and let out a long sigh.

Then...he raised his head, ran out quickly, bypassed everyone who was adjusting their positions, and pulled out the bamboo pole on the other side.

But when he looked at the earnest and anxious faces of Obito and Lin, his companions bathed in the sun, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


At this moment, a foot stepped out from the woods they targeted, and a figure walked into the sunlight.

"Congratulations on being discharged from the hospital, Chiba!"

In the next second, the shouts of blessings from the boys and girls resounded in the remote corner of the village!

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