Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 623 Analysis

Is it herbal medicine?


As expected of Tsunade, this configuration tends to be warm, but there are many herbal medicines that are cold but can stimulate appetite and gastrointestinal function. She also discovered that the disorder of Nao's gastrointestinal function can lead to malnutrition, which greatly affects Nao's body is healthy, and finally crushes Nao's body.

And there are many nourishing and warm herbs, and even some herbs that the human body can directly extract nutrition. Is it to supplement Nao's nutrition as much as possible?

There are also some drugs that increase resistance to some special diseases. Could it be that there is also a problem with Nao's immune system?

That's why there is this ingredient in the medicine you take every day.

Qianye buried his head in the pile of sealing technique scrolls on the dining table, spread half of the formula scrolls left by Hirohiko, and studied them carefully. A series of thoughts flashed through his mind, and he couldn't help but secretly startled .

Originally, he thought he had thoroughly grasped the three pieces of medical knowledge left by Tsunade, but now after seeing this formula, Chiba felt that he was just getting started, and that he was far behind Tsunade in terms of medicinal properties and pharmacology. In the formula of daily medication, nearly twenty kinds of herbs are listed, all of which are found in Konoha Village, and the medicinal properties of the herbs are different, and some are even completely opposite. However, Tsunade perfectly combined them Combining them together, he created a special drug that can be called a tonic, increase resistance, and promote gastrointestinal absorption and appetite, which is beyond his imagination.

For him now, it is good enough to be able to combine five kinds of herbs, not to mention twenty kinds, and the herbs in the village. Although Muye Village is very prosperous, the pharmacies in the village and even the ninjas in Muye Village specialize in medicine The storage place may not have the herbs of the entire Naruto world, there are still a lot of missing parts. It is also a very remarkable thing to be able to use these existing herbs to make such a special medicine, at least Chiba before seeing this formula , using Konoha's existing herbal medicine, it is estimated that it is difficult to prepare a single one to promote gastrointestinal absorption, and the gap is quite obvious.

As expected of the strongest medical ninja in Naruto...

Qianye couldn't help sighing. After taking a slight breath, he spread out the entire scroll, and his eyes fell on the formula of the "medicine for serious illness". Open it slowly.

Medicine for this serious illness...

Is Nao's situation really that bad? To use such a strong drug!

I was wrong……

The daily medicines are probably used to treat the damage caused by the medicines for this serious illness! These two recipes feel like...

Thinking about it, Qianye's lips were slightly tightened, her brows were tightly furrowed, she couldn't help but take a deep breath, and her face changed.

It's completely hanging for Nao's life!


Looking at the scroll, Qianye sighed, leaned lightly on the dining chair, closed her eyes, and frowned into the character "eight".

Even Tsunade can only hang his life. If I want to cure Nao, it is probably impossible, unless I am given five years or more, and I must focus on medical ninjutsu and medical skills wholeheartedly. , otherwise it would be difficult to reach the height of Tsunade. Combined with some rare medicines, there is hope for Nao's illness to be cured.

And from this formula, it can be seen that Nao's body is riddled with holes, and the chaotic chakra has caused irreversible damage to her body over the years. What I can do now, I am afraid It is to slowly recover the damage caused by chaotic chakra to her with medicine, and then to stabilize the cycle of her serious illness caused by the accumulation of chaotic chakra damage within a certain time interval...

In this way, eight years...no, ten years later, Nao's body can possibly return to the level of an ordinary person.

In other words, on the basis of these formulas, I want to improve the daily medicines to be more effective, nourish the body and increase immunity and resistance. as low as possible.

Theoretically speaking, this is not impossible. Although my current medical skills are not as good as Tsunade's, if I concentrate on studying this area and at the same time can thoroughly understand Nao's chakra confusion and physical condition, there is still hope.

It's just... hard, hard...

Thinking of this, Qianye slowly opened his eyes, let out a long breath, and blew a piece of paper on the table with a failed sealing technique rattling, almost flying up.

Now, the most important thing is to get the medical certificate of Tsunade who may be in the hospital. If not, I have to plan to let Nao go to the hospital for a thorough examination. I don’t know that Watanabe Hiroshi who still trusts me quite They won't allow me to use the hospital's equipment. There are some inspections that can't be checked without the equipment.

At the same time, I have to thoroughly understand the medicines for daily use and serious illnesses. The theory of these combination preparations is not as simple and easy to understand as the scroll of medical knowledge that Tsunade gave me.


Thinking about it, Qianye sat upright slowly, but slowly rolled up the recipe scroll, carefully put it in his arms, then found a blank piece of paper from the pile of scrolls beside him, picked up a pen, and frowned , Gently wrote up.

I still have to make a training plan for these days first, because of the "celebrity treatment", the third Hokage will definitely consider reducing my tasks, and even refrigerating me, so as to reduce the number of times I appear in the enemy's sight, and gradually let the enemy treat me. My attention is focused on the other Konoha ninjas who are a threat to them... I can't help but find a reason to participate in the Battle of Kanna Kunqiao, but I didn't ask myself not to do the mission, and the reason is still very good looking for.

Moreover, since the Kanna Bridge is the end of the war, all ninja villages have already made their best efforts, and the available manpower is limited. Otherwise, the task of blowing up the Kanna Bridge in the end will not be limited to Minato Squad Four. Personally, among the four, Namikaze Minato seems to have gone to support other regions, so he handed over the captain to Kakashi. It takes some brains to find a reason to participate, but it is not a big problem.

Now... the most important thing is to train yourself.


The whole morning was spent on gymnastics training. In the previous training, the highest base number for daily gymnastics training was 2000. This time, we must go to the limit. Let’s try to use 2500 as the benchmark.

However, if you calculate the time in this way, one morning may not be enough, so add half an afternoon to one morning...

By the way, join the training of swinging the sword, which is also based on 2500.


Hmm... Nao's treatment should be arranged in the early morning...


It takes a day to thoroughly understand Nao's situation...


Thinking about it, Qianye fell into thinking, constantly calculating the time, arranging everything reasonably, and then recording it on paper. Gradually, a training plan from 7:00 am to 10:00 pm slowly took shape. up.

And just as Chiba drew the last stroke, the door of the cabin was pushed open.

Hirohiko and Nao, carrying large and small bags, slowly appeared from behind the opened small wooden door.

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