Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 633: I've grown up a lot

In the morning, the cabin on the side of the village.

"Is everything all right?"

The faint smoke slowly dissipated outside the chimney. At the front door of the cabin, the handsome black-haired boy took out a paper-tied kunai and looked at it several times, as if he was sure that he couldn't see anything. He sighed. Tone, put away the kunai, then turned around and asked.


Soon, two voices came from the room at the same time. After the voices came, the long-haired girl in white clothes and white pupils came out of the room with a bit of embarrassment on her face. A little while later, a handsome boy with black hair followed her. out.

"Is Nao okay?"

Chiba looked at Hirohiko who came out, and asked, while frowning indistinctly.

How do you feel that Xue Nai's gaze just now deliberately turned away from me?

Could it be that she is still angry about what happened just now?

"It's okay, as long as she doesn't get woken up, she usually sleeps until it's time to eat, and..."

Hirohiko shook his head, indicating that there was no problem, but when he spoke the second half of the sentence, he couldn't help but look back at the cabin, smiled slightly, but did not continue.

And hearing Hirohiko's words, Chiba also smiled slightly, and her gaze also fell on the cabin.

In the cabin at this time, all sharp things have been wrapped in a layer of cotton cloth. When Xue Nai and Nao went out to buy clothes during the day yesterday, they bought a bunch of old thick cotton clothes, all of which were dismantled by Xue Nai The broken ones were placed on these sharp points, and even the stairs were covered with a soft cushion made by Xue Nai himself.

After more than a dozen experiments by Chiba and Hirohiko, with this cushion, rolling down the stairs will be fine, even if Nao stumbles because she is not familiar with the cabin, she will not be injured.

And for all of this, Xue Nai also stayed up very late yesterday, not going to bed much earlier than Hirohiko.

"Let's go, we're going to be late!"

At this moment, Xue Nai passed by in a hurry. When passing Qianye, she turned her head slightly, deliberately avoiding her sight, and even accelerated her pace from the time she passed Qianye.


Xue Nai is definitely mad at me!

Seeing this scene, Chiba's heart tightened immediately, and then he was at a loss.

what to do?

Seeing Xue Nai so angry for the first time, she didn't even want to talk to me, and the blush on her face...

It's over, Xue Nai is so angry that she turns red when she sees me!


But when Chiba was struggling and at a loss, Hirohiko patted him and passed by.

"Let's go, I'm going to be late!"

As they passed by, Hirohiko's words came one after another.

"oh oh!"

Hearing this, Chiba almost trembled, and with the terror of Kushina's fist, Chiba suppressed Xue Nai's anger almost instantly, and hurriedly followed.

Ever since, a group of three people, one in front and two behind, walked through the forest path in a little hurry, and stepped into the bustling street amidst the chirping of birds.

Then, the whole crowd seemed to quiet down again, lined up on both sides, and watched the three of them leave.

As for the rock statue of Hokage, in fact, he didn’t want to be far away from the bustling street. After walking out of the bustling area, the three of them only walked for 5 minutes before arriving at the high ground where the rock statue of Hokage was. Looking at the high ground at the top and the three Hokage rock statues, the faces of the three of them were not very good.

Embarrassment, horror, and unresolved doubts are intertwined.

What happened just now! Why did everyone quietly make way for us!

Why, that strange gaze is a bit penetrating!

Why, I feel like being watched like a famous monkey!

At this moment, the majesty of the rock statue could not wash away the uncontrollable thoughts in the hearts of the three of them.

After watching for a while, and roaring in their hearts, the intertwined expressions on the faces of the three slowly faded away.


All together, the three of them let out a breath, and let out the depressed cry in their hearts together.

"Are you gathering here?"

Hirohiko turned his head and looked at Chiba.

"The information says to gather at the Hokage Rock Statue."

Chiba shook her head.

Obviously, it meant to climb up the Hokage Rock Statue.

Teacher Kushina... Did you think of some strange training method again?

And hearing Chiba's words, Xue Nai and Hirohiko unconsciously came up with the idea that they didn't know how to complain about their teacher's "ingenious" training methods.

Although this highland is very high, for them now, although climbing is very troublesome, it is not difficult if there is no restriction on chakra. My teacher should also know that this kind of training is completely meaningless .

Moreover, given the sanctity of the Hokage rock statue in the village, it is impossible to set up some traps on the high ground wall and conduct various trainings during the climbing process...

"No matter what new type of training there is, we just have to do it."

As if knowing what the two teammates were thinking, Chiba sighed and said as if resigned to fate.

Regardless of whether it was a new type of training or not, if they didn't follow their teacher's instructions, the end would definitely be worse than the end of any new type of devil training.

"Well, only up."

Hearing Chiba's words, Xue Nai and Hirohiko both sighed resignedly, and then the three of them walked forward, gathering chakras on their hands and feet, and they were about to start climbing as they said.

"Wait a moment!"

But at this time, a soft drink stopped their movements.

Hearing this sound, the three of them looked towards the source of the sound in unison.

Not far away, at the base of the wall on the high ground, an ordinary-looking ninja was looking at them with some helplessness.

Chunin level?

Almost at the same time, such a thought popped up in their hearts.

"Are you Kushina's disciples?"

Seeing the three of them, the ordinary-looking ninja spoke again.

Um? How does he know?

The three were slightly taken aback, but immediately responded: "Yes!"

"Come here, there is a shortcut here."

The ordinary-looking ninja waved, then seemed to think of something, and added: "Your teacher Kushina asked me to wait for you here."

Arranged by Teacher Jiushina?

The three of them looked at each other without saying much. After nodding each other, they walked away thinking of ordinary ninjas.

And watching the three walk along the way, the ordinary-looking ninja couldn't help but smile.

Sure enough, he was Kushina's disciple, and he wanted to climb the Hokage Rock Statue without saying a word... just as bold as her.

No matter how powerful the three of them are rumored outside, from this point, it can be confirmed that they are Jiu Xinnai's disciples.


This is Qianye, she has grown up a lot, and she has grown a lot compared to when she came here for confinement three years ago.

While smiling, several thoughts flashed across his mind, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became more kind.

"Excuse me……"

At this time, the three of Qianye had already walked to his side.

However, he didn't let Qianye finish his words, but directly raised his two fingers, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and said softly: "This is not allowed in the first place, this is an exception, you must keep it secret, remember, right, left, left, right Left and right, walk in this order, and reverse the order every time you encounter a red mark in the corner."


Hearing this, the three of them were stunned for a moment, before they had time to ask further questions. When the ordinary-looking ninjas spoke, the earthy color at the base of the wall next to them slowly faded away, revealing a black square opening extending all the way to the depths.

This is……

Seeing this situation, the three of them were slightly surprised.

"go quickly!"

The ordinary-looking ninja looked around for a while, and said somewhat urgingly.

Obviously, it is not going to explain to them.

And the three of them didn't bother too much. Since it was arranged by their teacher, they definitely wouldn't suspect that there was any problem.


Responding out of politeness and gratitude, the three of Chiba entered the dark opening without hesitation.

And watching the three of them enter the opening, the number of seals in the hands of the ordinary-looking ninja changed, forming a seal.

After that, the black opening was covered by the earthy color spreading from above, as if it never existed.

Really... Jiu Xinnai already has disciples, time flies so fast.

Looking at the flawless camouflage, the ordinary-looking ninja thought with some emotion.

Moreover, he also taught "Konoha's Future"!

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