Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 639: Amazing


Grandpa Zang lifted the black cloth tremblingly, exhaled as if he was finally relieved under heavy pressure, the wrinkles on his face stretched out, in the sunlight, this wrinkled face seemed to be shining brightly.

At this moment, Grandpa Zang seemed to have completed the most important or satisfying thing in his life.

You can almost see the meaning of "It's worth dying now" from his trembling body and stretched wrinkles.

However, no one appreciates or sighs at the moment when Mr. Zang is full of brilliance. At this moment, the four people standing in front of him and in front of their cameras have already got together, and their eyes are on the hands of Chiba in the middle. .

Can it be washed out so quickly?

The camera in this Naruto world doesn't look advanced, but it is still different from the previous life after all, it can be directly washed out in the sun!

Chiba, whose face was slightly pale, held the newly developed photo with trembling hands, and at the same time as this thought came to her mind, she couldn't help swallowing with a "gudong".

At the same time, Hirohiko and Xue Nai, who were close to him, swallowed "gudong", and in their eyes, there was a reflection of a black photo that was slowly revealing its image.

"It's amazing, the photos taken can be washed out in the sun, only Grandpa Zang can do it."

And at this moment, Kushina who was also looking at the photo spoke.

However, after these words, what responded to her was Jing Jing, and the increasingly tense backs of her three disciples. Even, in this quiet, a tense atmosphere had already spread.

Are there ghosts?

Are there no ghosts?

It can be washed out under the sun, whether it is because of the crooked technology tree in the Naruto world, this is impossible from a scientific point of view, and it violates the imaging theory of photography... Although I don’t know about this aspect of knowledge , but in the previous life, when developing photos, there was a special room.

Just the way of developing the photos is already very suspicious.

It is not impossible to really take supernatural photos!

Besides, in the previous life, there was indeed such a saying that cameras, video cameras and the like would capture ghosts and the like.

Moreover, the Naruto world itself has a soul!

Looking at the photo with the black in his hand slowly receding and the image becoming clearer, Chiba swallowed again with a "gudong" and his heart tensed up.

To be honest, the current Qianye is not afraid of beatings and killings, bleeding and serious injuries. After experiencing the chaos of war and fighting, his heart is even very strong, but he still maintains a deep-rooted sense of reverence for ghosts and gods.

He was quite afraid of this kind of thing that he couldn't usually see.

Moreover, thinking about having such an invisible thing attached to his body or dangling around, Chiba couldn't help but feel the hairs on his back. This feeling is really bad.

On the other hand, Hirohiko and Xue Nai's complexions were not much better than Chiba's, even Xue Nai's body was still trembling slightly, and a pair of scallion white hands were already tightly hugging Chiba's arms.

On the other hand, Hirohiko grabbed Chiba's shoulder with one hand, and gently placed the other hand on his forehead. Looking at it like that, he probably would cover his eyes with his hand when he saw something he didn't want to see.

"Uh... It's impossible to think about it, ghosts or something, it's broad daylight now."

Seeing his disciples like this, Kushina's mouth was slightly bitter, and he leaned closer and said with a wry smile.

Am I exaggerating?

Although there is such a legend about Grandpa Zang, Mr. Jiraiya also said that he was frightened by the supernatural photos of Grandpa Zang, and finally found someone else to take a new class photo.

But Minato has never encountered such a thing, obviously this is just Mr. Jiraiya's bragging.

It can only be... bragging!

In response to the overly nervous reaction of the three disciples, Kushina was helpless and wondered if she should not have said it. She originally said it as an anecdote or legend, but seeing the appearance of the three disciples, she suddenly felt ashamed. There is a feeling of "Isn't this Mr. Jiraiya's bragging, this matter is really not nonsense, it may be true?"

So, she leaned forward and looked at the photo.

At this moment, the darkness has completely faded away, and the image will be clear just a little bit.


The four of them swallowed together, their eyes narrowed slightly, and their eyes were all focused on the photo.


The tense expressions on the faces of the four people froze instantly, their bodies stiffened instantly, their faces were covered with a layer of blue, and there were several lines of black lines of different lengths pulled down on their foreheads.


how... how... how...

Qianye's hands trembled violently, and she pushed the photo forward almost subconsciously, her head was tilted back a little, the corners of her mouth were twitching, her eyes were already wide open, and the eyeballs in them were trembling violently.

ghost... ghost...

Xue Nai's snow-white pupils also moved and trembled, her hands tightened suddenly, and her whole body was almost attached to Chiba's body.

I don't see anything... I don't see anything...

Hirohiko had already covered his eyes with his hand, muttering in his heart, the other hand was already deeply embedded in Chiba's shoulder.

This, this, this... Absolutely, absolutely... No, no, impossible...

At this moment, Jiu Xinnai's face was no more hurt than his disciple's, and his teeth were almost chattering.

It's old since I came... The teacher's bragging, how...how could it be...really...really?

At this moment, in Qianye's trembling hands, the image of the group photo has been fully revealed.

And above this photo, there is clearly a red-haired beauty with a short body behind her, with her right hand on the right shoulder of a beautiful girl in snow clothes, and her left hand on the left shoulder of a boy in blue clothes, hugging the girl in snow clothes and the girl in blue The blue-clothed boy and the snow-clothed boy in the middle are holding each other in their arms.

The red-haired beauty squinted her eyes and grinned, full of warmth, while the three boys and girls looked a little stiff, especially on their faces. To average.

However, just looking at these words is actually quite normal.

However, this photo is clearly out of order because...

Behind the snow-clothed girl and the blue-clothed boy, there are clearly wisps of lavender smoke slowly drifting into the edge of the photo, like some kind of silk thread, and when the silk thread floats out of the edge of the photo where it seems...

There is also a purple hand that is a little darker than the silk thread, as if twisting the silk thread!

Make the whole photo look as if there is a person looking down at the four people in the photo with his head down!


At this time, the terrified Kushina suddenly raised his head and shouted tremblingly.


And this sound, a somewhat hoarse cry, seemed to interrupt the intoxicated Grandpa Tibetan, and even seemed to give him a big blow. All froze.

Then, with a "click", he let go of his hand, and the crutch fell with a sound.

And his stretched wrinkles seemed to be tightly wrinkled together again. He opened and closed his mouth, but he couldn't say a word.

With a face full of lovelessness...

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