Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 646 What is needed is...

"One hundred and one, one hundred and two..."

Without a trace of laziness, he punched the newly erected wooden stake heavily, causing the stake to vibrate slightly, and layers of fine particles fell down.

"Chiba, Kakashi and I went fishing!"

At this time, Obito's voice came from behind.


Chiba, who frowned slightly, nodded, but didn't look back.

"Let's go!"

At this time, Kakashi slowly turned out from behind Obito who jumped out from the back door, carrying a fishing rod, bucket and bait, and walked directly to the grove, bypassing Chiba.

"Hey, Kakashi, you are so rude!"

Seeing Kakashi walking straight away, he didn't say hello to Chiba at all, and hurriedly chased after him, accusing him very unpleasantly, and by the way, also added his dissatisfaction with this guy since this morning.

"Qianye is training, you are being rude."

But, to his displeasure, Kakashi quickly responded in his nonchalant voice, refusing all of his words by the way.

"What are you talking about, Kakashi!"

Immediately, Obito shouted angrily with some jumping feet.

"Speak softly, it will disturb Chiba, it's very rude."

Obviously, Kakashi didn't pay attention to Obito's jumping anger, and poured oil on the fire very unceremoniously.

"What! Ka! Ka! Si!"

Obito was clearly furious.

"Hush! Be quiet!"

Kakashi said lazily without looking back.


This time, the rustic one was completely speechless.


At this time, the two had already stepped into the woods, and Kakashi's sigh was faintly heard, and even the "stupid" contained in this sigh was "clearly audible".

"Kakashi, let's compete! We must compete, let's fight! Let's fight!"

After this sigh, Obito finally couldn't hold it back, and roared loudly, and in this sound, Obito's fangs and claws were almost "close in sight".

"Yes, a competition, yes, a showdown..."

Kakashi's indifferent voice sounded again, seeming even more helpless.

"Ka! Ka! Si! I'm going to kill you!"

And after this sentence, Obito seemed to go completely berserk.


When the voice of the berserk roar fell, there was a faint sound of his face hitting a tree. It seemed that a tree in the forest trembled, startling and falling leaves.


Then, there was an angry scream with an earthen urn.



And at this time, Lin's helpless voice came from behind Chiba, and there was a complaint: "Really, Kakashi and Obito, can't they get along well?"

"Why, it feels like they have a good relationship."

At this time, Nao's voice sounded, seeming to comfort Lin.

"Well, it must be a good relationship to make this happen."

Then, Xue Nai's voice sounded.


Lin's voice was full of heartbreak.

"Chiba, let's go shopping."

But at this moment, Xue Nai's voice sounded again, it was a farewell voice to Chiba.


Chiba, who was suppressing some emotion at the corner of his mouth and looked a little stiff, nodded, and hit the wooden post again with a heavy fist.

"Then, let's go."

Hearing Chiba's response, Xue Nai inside the door simply greeted Nao and the helpless Lin, and the three girls crossed their arms and went out to the front door.


The sound of the door being closed sounded.

Are you all gone?

And hearing the closing sound of the front door, Qianye's stiff face eased slightly, and he smashed his fists on the stake without stopping.

Speaking of which, why did you say hello to me... There was no such rule before?

Chiba's brows seemed to wrinkle even tighter.


At this time, the back door seemed to be opened again, but Chiba didn't pay attention, just counted silently, already wasting a whole morning, in order to complete today's training plan, he can't waste a little bit of time now time.


Then, Hirohiko's voice sounded behind him.

No way?

Hearing Hirohiko's voice, Chiba frowned and his face became a little stiff.

Even Hirohiko accepted this new rule? Is this a courtesy to me, or is it deliberately trying to mess with me and disturb me?

The corner of Chiba's mouth twitched as the thought surfaced.

"I'm going to cut down trees, and I'm going to fix the bathroom today. I've seen your plan, so let's do it according to that."

Hirohiko opened his mouth and said,

He really came to say hello to me!

The corner of Chiba's mouth twitched, then nodded, "Oh".

The next thing is the soft footsteps, from the sound of footsteps, Chiba can imagine the scene of Hirohiko walking behind her.


Chiba hit the wooden post with a fist, but stopped, her fist stuck to the wooden post, she didn't take it back, and the second punch didn't continue to hurt.

"Wait a minute, Hirohiko!"

Suddenly, he turned his head to look at Hongyan, and stopped him.

"What's wrong?"

Hearing Chiba's call, Hirohiko, who had already walked some distance, turned around and said with a poker face.

"Get me some wood and make a stake."

Chiba maintained the posture of punching, and said.


Hirohiko nodded, and took a look at the three newly erected wooden stakes in Chiba, and the corner of the wall where there were no logs, and he understood it in his heart, so he agreed.

"Well, thanks."

Chiba said, and turned around, ready to continue physical training.

Hirohiko didn't respond, but took a look at Chiba's posture, frowned slightly, and a trace of doubt flashed, and walked towards the part of the woods where he had been chopping trees.

Strange, how do I feel, Chiba's footwork and standing posture are a bit strange, but they seem very familiar. It seems to have been seen somewhere, and it is a very familiar footwork. Where have you seen it?

Not only is it a very familiar footwork, it should still be on a very familiar person...

Who is it?

What kind of pace is it?

And as he walked, Hirohiko's brows became tighter and tighter, his doubts became stronger with each step, and his memories became more detailed, but it seemed that there was always something missing, and he never remembered it.

At the same time, Qianye at this time also fell into a doubt that he couldn't remember.

Uh... which punch is the next punch?

Looking at the hand attached to the stake, Chiba's face became bitter.


After thinking about it for a while, Chiba gave up trying to be serious, and planned to start over from Baibaxia. At the same time, the thought that was interrupted by Obito's greeting also started again.

Taijutsu training is too time-consuming. If this kind of training continues, then I may never be able to perfect the two self-created ninjutsu, and there is no way to configure a new prescription to treat Nao.

The total time spent on physical training is eight hours, which is basically a day, and tomorrow I will start research on drugs, that is to say, I will not be able to do anything other than physical training.

Now, what I need is not step-by-step training, but explosive training, training that can make me improve by leaps and bounds in a short period of time.

3000 base is not enough!

what i need now is...

5000 base training!

Moreover, the 5,000-base training must be completed within ten hours!

Only in this way...Only in this way, can you...

Thinking about it, Qianye bit his teeth slightly. The 5000 base is the limit of his body that he judges now, and it is also the best base to strengthen the body and improve the physical ability!

I can only put all my eggs in one basket. Instead of focusing on this and that, and finally fail to do both sides, it is better to do one side well first, and then do the others!

Moreover, if there is only physical training, even if you are exhausted after ten hours, you still have five hours to do drug research on that day...

Well, the training plan has changed!

Soon, Chiba made up his mind.

Then, the moment he made up his mind, his retracted hand stopped suddenly, and emerald green light burst out in his eyes.

this feeling...

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