Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 648 Who Comes?

"Four thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine...five thousand!"

The last two came out of Chiba's mouth slowly and hard with two side kicks.


With a final side kick, Chiba's feet rested on the stake.


There was a cracking sound from the place where the foot touched the wooden post, and then a crack slowly crawled out.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

Then, two, three... Countless cracks spread out from the cracks, and with a "pop", the stake shattered and fell to the ground, scattered into a mass of broken wood.


Looking at the clump of broken wood, Qianye slowly lowered her foot, panting for breath, while wiping the sweat beads the size of a carob on her forehead.


Then, he spread his hands and fell to the ground.

"5000 base, it's really... still...need...to get used to... ah..."

Qianye's chest heaved rapidly, panting heavily, drops of sweat slipped from his forehead, arms, and feet, and dripped into the soil, forming black marks one by one. There seemed to be a faint white air rising from his body.

5,000 punches, 5,000 squats, 5,000 side kicks... These are his achievements in the past 5 hours.

From 11:30 to 4:30 in the afternoon, without stopping for a moment, I almost did these three exercises in one breath, a total of 15,000 times, Chiba himself couldn't believe it, and now he is still short of 5,000 push-ups and 3,000 With just one swing of the sword, a day of physical training is over.

My body really exceeded my expectations. Under such high-intensity and high-speed training, I didn't feel that my body was exhausted until now. Weight-bearing props, although I have already adapted to the weight-carrying props, the effect of the improvement has to be discounted.



With this physical strength, even if the injury mode is turned on all day, it will be fine.

It is already fully capable of loading the wounded door mode.

I originally thought that 5,000 punches and side kicks would cause me to get tired, and I even finished my squats...

The base number of 5,000 is higher than the total number of daily training in the original training...

Moreover, based on this calculation, after dinner, in about three hours, you may be able to finish the push-ups and swinging the sword.

In other words, today I can start improving Nao's medicine, what a surprise.

Looking at the darkened sky and the faintly visible brighter stars, Qianye slowly closed his eyes, although at this moment his whole body was sore and weak, his physical strength was exhausted, his breathing was rapid and the painful feeling of physical exhaustion It made him very unfamiliar, but there was still a gratified smile on the corner of his mouth.

In this afternoon's training, he not only detected the limit of his current body, but also confirmed that as long as there is a reasonable rest arrangement, the daily training of 5000 bases and the training of swinging swords of 3000 bases should be able to be done within nine hours It was over, one to two hours earlier than expected.

And now with the 5000 base training, the speed of punching and kicking has been accelerated a lot, which has also increased the training of muscles, and his physical strength will also go up to a new level because of such high-intensity and high-speed training every day.


By the end of the year, it should be possible!

Even, with current experience, that step can be done very quickly.

And at that time, Nao's medicine improvement should also have results. As for the new year, Kakashi will become a jonin. At that time, the outbreak of Kanna Kunqiao will be today and tomorrow.

The time I can improve is very limited, so don't spend energy on other things, focus on the perfection of Taijutsu and the last step of the two self-created ninjutsu. In terms of sealing techniques, if you have time, I will study them. The three basic sealing techniques also have a certain understanding of cracking the seal of the defense map. If I study thoroughly, it will also be of great benefit to my sealing technique, but after all It's not as big as the improvement of Taijutsu and Ninjutsu, so it's temporarily ranked third.

Panting for breath, Qianye finally finalized the training plan in her heart, and also determined the level she wanted to achieve before the battle of Kanna Kunqiao broke out.

"We're back!"

And at this moment, the sound of the front door opening and the sounds of the girls entering came at the same time.

"Hmph! Kakashi, I will definitely not lose to you next time!"

Almost at the same time, the figures of Kakashi and Obito loomed in the forest.


At the same time, there was the final sound of hammering nails in the bathroom, and Hirohiko seemed to have finished the work.

"it's over?"

After the knock, the door of the bathroom, which was modified into a small room made of neat wood, was slowly opened, and Hirohiko's sweaty face came into Chiba's eyes following the sound.


Chiba's voice was slightly panting.

"Don't try too hard."

Hirohiko picked up the tools on the ground, glanced at the four broken stakes, and said without any change in poker face.

Another one was erected.

And in his heart, such a thought popped up, and at the same time, he glanced at the corner of the wall adjacent to the back door, where there were dozens of stacked logs, all of which were used to make stakes for Chiba. of.

Next time, find some thick and thin ones. This kind of trunk is only the size of a bowl in Haikou, and it can't stand Chiba's toss at all.

I remember that the wooden piles before Chiba seemed to be thick and thin. There should be that kind of wood here.

And in this glance, another thought came to his mind.


Chiba breathed a sigh of relief, kept lying on the ground in a large font, tilted his head, and glanced at the bathroom that Hirohiko remodeled. Of course, because of the angle and light problems, he didn't see anything.

"Are you going to try it later?"

Hirohiko also looked back, and said back.

It seems that I am very confident!

A smile appeared on the corner of Chiba's mouth, and said, "Wait for a while, I'll try it."


Hirohiko nodded.

"Oh...Qianye, what's the matter with you? You're all fuming..."

At this time, Obito's voice, which was still somewhat muffled, sounded, and it was already very close.

"Obito, what happened to your nose?"

And almost at the same time, Qianye also opened his mouth and said, at this moment, in his eyes, there were reflections of Obito's red nose, and the faint red mark vertically spanning from his forehead to his chin.


After that, Kakashi behind Obito turned his head away and let out a chuckle.

"Qianye, you make fun of me too!"

Then, Obito almost jumped up, his face was full of anger, and his mouth was already roaring.


In response, Chiba's mouth twitched.

This is definitely Kakashi's fault!

However, Obito jumps back to jumping. When dealing with Chiba, after all, he can't rush up and attack without hesitation like he did with Kakashi, and he just stays at the stage of jumping and ruthless.

Kakashi and Obito always feel like weakened versions of Chiba and Snow Eagle.

At this time, Hirohiko with a poker face suddenly had a kind of enlightenment in his heart.

"So, let's say today is a bumper harvest, who will be in charge of the cooking?"

At the same time, Kakashi ignored Obito's teeth and claws, and raised the bucket of fish in his hand. There was a fluttering sound in it, and it seemed that the harvest was good.

After these words, the four of them looked at each other, Obito calmed down instantly, and raised his hands: "I PASS!"

"I made lunch today."

Hirohiko said he would not do it.

"My hands are shaking."

Chiba found a very realistic reason.

"You can't let me be the fishing chef. The division of labor is too unfair."

Kakashi also found a very reasonable reason.


Then, the four of them narrowed their eyes half-closed, and the atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

"Then let's do it."

But at this moment, when the atmosphere was about to change from quiet to tense, the back door was suddenly opened, and Lin and Xue Nai came out smiling, saying that these things should be left to them.

"Let me do it... No, please let me do it!"

Before the two girls finished their words, the four boys immediately turned serious, and quickly took over the cooking job.

Even Kakashi, Obito, and Hirohiko leaned forward at forty-five degrees, turning into a begging posture.

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