Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

651 Your Excellency (1/4)

Chapter 651 Your Excellency (14)

"Yes, I'm Anbe, Kazo, the direct lineage of the third Hokage. Your Excellency Chiba."

At this moment, in front of Qianye, stood a man wearing a raccoon mask, who spoke respectfully.

Your Mightiness?

As soon as this sentence came out, Chiba was immediately taken aback.

what happened? Your Excellency has added it, what is this for?

Obviously, Chiba was a little surprised. This is the second time he was surprised by a title. The first time was by Yuriko's younger brother Fujino Ren. That time it was purely because of Fujino Ren's friendly attitude, and this time , Chiba was even more surprised than last time.

After all, she was just a commoner last time. Although Yuriko was a powerful medical ninja, Chiba didn't smell the feeling of a ninja in Ren Fujino, she was completely a commoner. In a sense, it is not unusual for a young civilian to have a vision for a ninja and be friendly, and to be called "you". Although the life of a ninja is dangerous, especially during the war, but in this In the world of Naruto, ninja is a glorious profession. Moreover, in Konoha, ninjas generally exist as protectors of civilians. It is quite similar to the relationship between soldiers and civilians in previous lives, except that ninjas are more respectful than soldiers in previous lives. It's just people's longing. The soldiers of the previous life, for some reason, maybe the malicious operation of some sinister people, don't look as longing as this Naruto ninja.

However, as a protector, protecting these civilians regardless of life and death, it is not normal for civilians to call them respectful or look at them with longing eyes. Moreover, the ninja did not demand anything from the common people. These respects and longings were taken for granted.

But now, the elite of the ninja group in the village, Anbu, who even looks at the ninja with longing eyes, is so respectful to him, and even uses the word "Your Excellency" in his address...

The word "Your Excellency" is quite respected in this world. Compared with "adult", it is almost the same, just like the word "Dian" when Hinata Shinsuke called "Kushinai-den" back then, except " "Dian" is used by people of the same high status to respect each other, and "Your Excellency" has no status restrictions, but the respect in it is the same.

An elite among ninjas, Anbu whom countless ninjas yearn for, calling himself like this is not because Chiba has never seen the world, or is flattered, it is really impossible for him to happen to him.

He is Konoha's "son of a traitor", and he is only ten years old. It is probably unprecedented for an Anbu to call him "Your Excellency".

In a sense, this is almost an impossible thing to happen.

Chiba couldn't help being surprised!

"Uh... well, Master Three Hokage, do you have anything to do with me?"

After being stunned for a moment, Qianye asked, and after being surprised, a layer of worry rose in his heart.

Anbu, a direct descendant of the Third Hokage, is looking for me, probably the Third Hokage is looking for me. Could it be that the matter of celebrity treatment should still not let the Third Hokage hide me?

And now Kakashi and Hirohiko have started missions, and they are dangerous missions related to the front line.

Find me at this time...

Obviously, the three generations of Hokage have a high chance of finding their own missions, and now Chiba's training has just entered the right track, and everything is proceeding in an orderly manner, but it is impossible to achieve their goals in the short term. His plan was disrupted, even if there was a first mission, there would be a second mission, and if there was a second mission, there would be a third mission. Undoubtedly, he would not be able to complete his goal because of the mission.

Then, at this turning point, the success rate of changing the source of everything will drop a lot.

This is the world of Naruto, which has incredible power, and it is also centered on this power. If you want to change something, you must have enough power!

And the previous defense map mission is enough to prove that Chiba's strength is still insufficient in a war.

If it's enough, it won't be so embarrassing.

At this moment, amidst the worry, Qianye felt a little dignified.

Sure enough, things are not that simple, and changing my fate will never be that simple. Perhaps this is the hindrance of fate to my will.

If I don't change my mind, this blockage will probably get bigger and more frequent.

what to do?

"Please come with me to the third Hokage-sama, the third-generation Hokage-sama has a very important task for you."

He Zang in the raccoon mask said very politely.

This treatment is already respectful enough. Generally speaking, when Anbu sends a message to an ordinary ninja, basically no one will show up. It is just a notification. It is a little better, that is, to say what the third Hokage ordered without emotion. That is, it may mostly have an "order" tone.

Like this, it’s an invitation, and it’s a polite explanation from the future, but it’s a very high treatment. Only ninjas who have been recognized by Anbu can enjoy the treatment. As the elite of the village’s ninja group, they can be recognized by Anbu. It is still difficult for the third generation of Hokage to recognize it.

Sure enough, you are going to send me additional tasks?


Take a step, look at a step!

However, Qianye didn't feel any joy because of the special treatment of He Zang from Anbu. On the contrary, his heart was already heavy. However, there was no change on his face, he just said: "Then please lead the way." ?”


Hearing Qianye's affirmative answer, He Zang hurriedly nodded and said yes, this is already extremely high respect. After this sound, even Qianye, who was in a heavy heart, couldn't help but nod his head in response, otherwise he would be too rude to Anbu .

As expected of His Majesty Chiba, looking at his appearance, he seems to have guessed that the third Hokage-sama will send him an additional important task. Although he hid it well, there is already a certain look on his face.

Seeing is worth seeing, His Excellency Chiba's reaction fully bears the heavy responsibility of the Three Hokages.

And He Zang, who got Chiba's response and began to lead the way, couldn't help but have such a thought in his heart.


"Your Excellency Chiba, please come in."

Although the cabin is a bit far from the Hokage building, the speed of the two of them is not slow, because it is an important matter for the third generation of Hokage. On the way, He Zang also explained to Chiba that he needs to speed up. He Zang's polite attitude made Chiba quite difficult. The feeling of rejection, besides, he has no reason to refuse.

So they accelerated all the way, and they soon arrived at the Hokage Building. However, this time Anbu led the way, the two cheerful guards did not tease Chiba, but instead showed a look that was so true, which made Chiba a little depressed , quite confused, to be honest, he still likes the teasing of these two cheerful guards.

Really, very kind feeling.

But now, Chiba was standing in front of Hokage's office, and He Zang stepped aside, beckoning Chiba to come in.

Anbu also avoids?

Seeing this posture, Chiba was slightly taken aback, but didn't say much, and pushed open the door of Hokage's office.

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