
Chiba leaned down, put his hands on his knees, panted heavily, sweat rolled down his cheeks and arms, and fell into the mud all the way, in this piece of land with black human figures and black stains.

After getting used to it, the speed is also faster. Now I can finish the daily training in about nine hours. It is estimated that in another month, I will be able to enter eight hours.

After recovering her breath, Qianye straightened up slightly, looked at the darkened sky and a few faint stars, and frowned slightly.

It's just that I haven't reached the limit of my current body, and after doing these daily exercises, no matter how tired I am, I'm basically exhausted after a night's sleep, even if the sleep sometimes doesn't reach the standard sleep time of seven hours.

My body seems to have undergone earth-shaking changes in terms of resilience, at least the resilience of physical strength.

Is it necessary to add some training bases or training items?

Chiba lowered her head and clenched her fists. The feeling of soreness and weakness just now had faded a lot. At the same time, a thought came to her mind, thinking about whether to do more training.

No, still not! .

But in the end it was rejected. The current training rhythm is very good, and he can indeed feel that his body is much stronger than before. Moreover, he has finally adapted to this training rhythm. It is very likely that there will be another one-month adaptation period. At that time, due to the increase in training volume or training items, if there is any situation that affects the efficiency and arrangement, the gain will outweigh the loss, and it is completely unnecessary.

There is also 3000 base sword swing training...

Chiba took a deep breath, straightened up, then turned around, and walked towards the back door to get the ninja sword.


But when he pushed open the back door, he paused slightly and frowned.

It's strange, it's almost eight o'clock, how come Xue Nai and Nao haven't come back yet.

Looking at the dark and empty cabin, Chiba was puzzled, it was past dinner time, generally speaking, Yukina, Nao or Hirohiko would call him for dinner nearly two hours ago, It would never happen that he has been exercising until nearly eight o'clock in one breath, and now that Hirohiko is out on a mission, Xue Nai and Nao should be back.

Could it be that……

Is something wrong?

At this time, Qianye's brows were completely frowned, and he already felt that something was wrong.

Could it be that, because of my last proposal, Danzo did it secretly?


Probably not.

Danzo has no reason to do it. After all, Yukina is the direct family of the Hyuga family, and recently brought honors to the Hyuga family that are enough to attract the attention of the Hyuga family. It is absolutely impossible for Danzo to provoke the Hyuga family. Not many, but in terms of importance and influence, it is second only to the declining Senju clan, and even more noble and prominent than the Sarutobi family that gave birth to a Hokage and this Hokage is still in office. No matter how powerful Danzo is secretly , and absolutely did not dare to touch the Hyuga clan, at least dare not touch the Hyuga clan in Konoha Village.

If Hinata is offended, even the third Hokage will not be able to keep him.

Chiba shook her head, rejecting the idea.

This morning, after confirming the appointment of Watanabe Kenshin as the commander of the army, Chiba put forward a proposal, which is to increase the deputy commander of the defense force, reduce the workload of the commander, and allow him to have more time to think about the plan. , and the role of the deputy commander is mainly to help the commander with documents and intelligence, and to record the work behavior of the commander. He does not need to participate in the battle, but he needs to stay by the commander's side often, even when the commander is patrolling the defense. .

This deputy commander was Chiba's biggest counterattack against Danzo, and it was also a blow that severely stepped on Danzo's tail.

Because, as the deputy commander, Chiba recommended a direct descendant of the Hyuga clan to serve as the deputy commander.

That's right, under heavy protection, it can be said that Konoha's importance can be said to be in the top five of the Hyuga family's main family.

In this way, this position, which was originally an ordinary clerical position, has a lot to offer.

The most obvious difference from other civil positions is that once the deputy commander takes office, then the entire defense area will be covered with a layer of white-eyed vision. What kind of tricks did you do in the coverage of the blind eye's vision, and when the plan is implemented, because the enemy is going to be lured into the urn, the Hyuga clan's attention to defense is probably even more strict. During the implementation stage of the plan, it is impossible for Danzo to have As a result, it can be said that all actions of Danzo were blocked, and even his roots did not dare to approach the defense line at all during this period.

In this way, while the Hyuga clan can protect their own lineage, they can also protect Kenshin Watanabe, the commander of the army, and prevent Danzo from seizing defense power by any means. At the same time, it also prevents Watanabe Kenshin from having an accident, and the third Hokage has to find the possibility that he wants to become the commander of the army.

In this move, Chiba basically sealed Danzo.

At the same time, when Chiba was preparing this proposal, he also thought of many reasons. After all, the Hyuga Clan's clan lineage is so important that they should go to the defense force, which may face the enemy directly. The Hyuga Clan may respect Hokage. He chooses to agree to the village's position, but old-school hawks like Zhuanju Xiaochun, Mitomen Yan and even Danzo are definitely impossible to agree.

But he didn't expect that no one objected, and the matter was decided like that, which caught him by surprise.

He also prepared something like "This will show that the village attaches great importance to the Hyuga Clan, and it is also a compliment to Xue Nai's outstanding performance in the previous defense map mission. After all, the defense force is an important force in the village. Being able to serve as the deputy commander of this force can bring many honors that big families need and make their status more prominent. At the same time, they don't need the direct line of the Hyuga clan to participate in the battle, and Guaranteeing the safety of his family, and also allowing the defense forces to receive strong support from the Hyuga clan, it can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone..." and so on.

Of course, there is a third point, that is, Xue Nai's status in the Hyuga family is estimated to be raised again, which is also more beneficial to Xue Nai's safety.

For this proposal, Chiba even prepared a whole morning debate time to persuade Zhuanju Xiaochun, Mitomen Yan, and of course Danzo.

Didn't expect it to go so smoothly.

So, could it be that other villages are causing trouble again?

Thinking of this, Chiba's heart skipped a beat. After all, the place has broken through the defense line and sneaked into the territory of the Fire Kingdom. It is very possible to surprise Konoha, and it is also possible for Xue Nai to be taken away.


I must……

Thinking about it, Chiba grabbed the ninja sword, took a few hurried steps, and was about to open the front door.


And just when his hand touched the door panel, the front door suddenly opened by itself.

"Oh, Chiba, you're back!"

After the door opened, Xue Nai and Nao with big and small bags on their bodies came into his eyes.


Looking at the two of them, Chiba was obviously taken aback.

"Oh... I'm eating at Lin's house today, have you eaten yet? Why don't you light the lights..." Seeing Qianye's appearance, Xue Nai blinked.

"Did you go to Lin's house for dinner?"

Chiba opened her mouth in a daze.

"Well, I remember I left a note for you."

Xue Nai nodded, and while helping Nao to enter the door, Chiba hurriedly moved out of the way.


Hearing this, Qianye was stunned, her eyes turned around to make way, and landed on the small square table, where there seemed to be a note in the conspicuous place of the small pile of scrolls.


Immediately, Qianye breathed a sigh of relief.

It turned out to be like this, I was too anxious to train when I came back in the morning, and I ignored...

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